Free episode not available before Febuary



  • edited December 2010
    Hey if it doesn't work, then it's okay! I can wait for my free episode. I still have the Strong Bad, Wallace and Gromit AND Monkey Island series to plow through! :)

    I'm just wondering why this email was sent out. Was it a glitch? I wanted to buy the season but didn't manage to get enough money to pay for the preorder, so I'm waiting for a bit.
  • edited December 2010
    Maybe they wanted to release it as a Christmas present and something went wrong?
  • edited December 2010
    Maybe they wanted to release it as a Christmas present and something went wrong?

    Who knows. I'll probably buy the season next week just to play, I would do it right now if TFMI wasn't holding my interest.
  • edited December 2010
    I would buy the season if it wasn't so expensive, makes me wish you could buy the individual episodes
  • edited December 2010
    bpc908 wrote: »
    I would buy the season if it wasn't so expensive, makes me wish you could buy the individual episodes

    The discount on "it's about time" says 8.95. It sucks that that isnt the individual price to buy.
  • edited December 2010
    I'm one of the free people and I got an e-mail to download it. But, I can't play it cuz it won't let me activate it :(
  • edited December 2010
    Dang it Telltale I own the first episode, Let me redeem it
  • edited December 2010
    I'm one of the free people and I got an e-mail to download it. But, I can't play it cuz it won't let me activate it :(

    Same here. So, along with the announcement of the inability to play the free episode until February, they decide to kick us in the nuts one more time by giving us all of the game's inaccessible files. There is no reason to do this except tempt the freebies to pay up. The blatant and overt asshattery toward potential buyers in favor of those who have already paid, along with the underhanded attempts at reeling me in to buy the game or its episodes before I have any idea if I like the gameplay, is just making me not want to give Telltale my money at any point.

    I'm not looking for a response from forum members. Just throwing it out there for any corporate folks who may be reading these posts and looking for feedback to their marketing strategy. This would be my first TTG purchase, but this experience has made me dislike the company before I even played any of its games.
  • edited December 2010
    I just got the mail with the link for the free episode, but don't dare try it.

    I have actually preordered from gamersgate, but thevday after I placed my order, they pushed the date backbti January b

    Screwed on both count.

    Oh yeah, and I got the 'Now available' mail four times. Just to rub it in.
  • edited December 2010
    I got the email too, thought they might've changed their mind & activated my free episode :( Alas it still didn't work
  • edited December 2010
    Did they send another email out? Odd. I never got it (maybe they hate me for dumping the download links).

    EDIT: Yeah, it still isn't authorizing.
  • edited December 2010
    Kalysm wrote: »
    This would be my first TTG purchase, but this experience has made me dislike the company before I even played any of its games.

    Let me jump in here before some fan boy attacks you. I know how you feel about telltale's marketing strategy (I've had similar experiences) but I'm going to throw out my experience with this company before (back when Emily worked there).

    I bought the original Strong Bad games (only 3 of them) on the Wii and got the rest for the PC (I did buy Battle of the Bands twice, iirc). When the final game was announced as being available for people who only bought the complete season (and if you wanted to buy it individually, you would have to pay 20-40 bucks), I was heartbroken. I wrote an email to telltale stating that I have half the season on the Wii (I believe I also took a picture for proof) and would really really like the last episode.

    About an hour later, I got an email back containing a code that gave me the full season for 8 dollars (the price of a single episode).

    In summery, Telltale has horrible marketing strategies but understands this and is completely willing to make up for their mistakes, it just takes about a day or so.
  • edited December 2010
    I don't understand why i received an email with a download link if it doesn't work for me until February. That makes me more upset than the waiting. Nice xmas gift from Telltale: giving hope for those who where waiting for their free episode (which was offered within the registration without mentioning that it is useless until February) just to annoy those with a download link wich doesnt work after installing.
    It feels like a kick in my balls.
  • edited December 2010
    Same here. I got existed when I got the email to download my free first episode of Back to the future. I downloaded and installed the game. when I start the game (game luncher), I am asked to key in my telltale username and password but when I do so and click "connect" nothing happens.

    I am also puzzled that they would send us the link to download the actual game (not available when I check my purchased on my profile on the and not allow us to play it. hopefully they will correct this soon.

    I am one who is waiting on trying out the first episode before buying the season.
  • edited December 2010
    The discount on "it's about time" says 8.95. It sucks that that isnt the individual price to buy.
    Actually, that is the individual episode price. You'll notice 5x that is more expensive than $25,-? not?
    So why 'the season is so expensive?'

    Sounds like another messup in mails. I believe they also sended such mails out when 304 (it was?) was released to people who didn't even had it, instead of the people who had.

    And yes, it's kind of a low-blow, but the person who says we know nothing about economics, the most likely reason they did this is to get more pre-order sales. Which makes you knowing nothing about economics from reading your post. Wheter it works, and the short term gain doesn't mean long term loss is another matter entirely obviously...
  • edited December 2010
    Just did the free episode purchase! Can't WAIT!
  • edited December 2010
    Have you tried using the seriel in your game account to activate the free game?
  • edited December 2010
    Wow, telltale is really trying to piss off people. First I NEVER recieve a email telling me about the Febuary thing, and find out in release day, they shafted people. Now I come to find out I have not 1, not 2, but 3 emails telling me the game is out and to download it. Which of course doesnt work. What a kick in the nuts indeed, they must not want people to buy their products.

    Telltale, some free advice, when you achieve success and establish a good reputation with people, dont get arrogant and think you can pull underhanded marketing scams like this, all it does is alienate customers and destroy what rapport you establish with people.
  • edited December 2010
    Wow, just visited Telltale Games homepage: "YOUR EPISODE WILL BE READY IN FEBURARY."

    Well guess what Telltale, I downloaded and installed it already. I was able to activate it through a friend's account. And you know what? It wasn't very good, I didn't like it. So I uninstalled it and that's that.

    Just saved myself two months of waiting.

    +1 win to the Ninjas
  • edited December 2010
    Ninja wrote: »
    Wow, just visited Telltale Games homepage: "YOUR EPISODE WILL BE READY IN FEBURARY."

    Well guess what Telltale, I downloaded and installed it already. I was able to activate it through a friend's account. And you know what? It wasn't very good, I didn't like it. So I uninstalled it and that's that.

    Just saved myself two months of waiting.

    +1 win to the Ninjas

    So I take it you'll be leaving the forum now? I mean if you're not interested in the product, don't like the game and have no intention of purchasing it you don't really have a reason to stick around here eh?
  • edited December 2010
    Ninja wrote: »
    Wow, just visited Telltale Games homepage: "YOUR EPISODE WILL BE READY IN FEBURARY."

    Well guess what Telltale, I downloaded and installed it already. I was able to activate it through a friend's account. And you know what? It wasn't very good, I didn't like it. So I uninstalled it and that's that.

    Just saved myself two months of waiting.

    +1 win to the Ninjas

    Yeah, the general consensus around here is that it's a bit shit. Certainly not up to Telltales usual standards and is getting a bit of a kicking. I'm glad, a bit of Karma for pulling a fast one on their customers that got them to where they are.
  • edited December 2010
    stemot wrote: »
    Yeah, the general consensus around here is that it's a bit shit. Certainly not up to Telltales usual standards and is getting a bit of a kicking. I'm glad, a bit of Karma for pulling a fast one on their customers that got them to where they are.

    Yeah, it's sad really, because I was expecting the Back to the Future game to be fantastic (given what was done to S&M Season 3) but whatever. I really wasn't looking forward to this game in the first place, but when they announced the free episode, I was excited. Too bad it wasn't very good.
  • edited December 2010
    Ninja wrote: »
    I was expecting the Back to the Future game to be fantastic...I really wasn't looking forward to this game in the first place

    I'm confused.
  • edited December 2010
    Ash735 wrote: »
    So I take it you'll be leaving the forum now? I mean if you're not interested in the product, don't like the game and have no intention of purchasing it you don't really have a reason to stick around here eh?

    Typical fanboy response. You people realize if your dream of getting rid of anyone who isn't a fanboy succeeds, Telltale fails right? No company can ever exist solely on fanboy support.

    I too went that route the previous poster did, and guess what? It isn't pirating, everyone who has a serial number is a legal owner of the game, people just don't have to honor Telltale telling people not to play until February. However I liked the game, its buggy but it was fun, however after all this BS, I will not buy it until its under 10$.

    Just to kick Telltale back for such a grinch sales tactic. After having played the game, I would have happily shelled out full price for the series if you'd let everyone have the Episode instead of Springing the Febuary crap. Your loss Telltale not ours.

    Whoever approved of doing this should be fired, its going to cost you alot of sales for the immediate future.
  • edited December 2010
    stemot wrote: »
    Yeah, the general consensus around here is that it's a bit shit. Certainly not up to Telltales usual standards and is getting a bit of a kicking. I'm glad, a bit of Karma for pulling a fast one on their customers that got them to where they are.
    All opinion. I as well as many others loved it. Ign gave it an 8.5 too.
    Most customers don't even visit the forums, as they are happily playing the game.
    Oh and telltale must had a good reason to release the free episode in february.
  • edited December 2010
    this is all too funky. i feel sorry for the people who have to wait that random month.

    i just got it from steam for $22.49.
  • edited December 2010
    I know there's already a thread about the delay, and I've read it all, but it's hard to keep track of the numbers. I personally think it's been a very bad move, but I'd like to know what the general consensus is (if there's any).
  • edited December 2010
    Merged the poll into this thread- we don't need two identical discussions
  • edited December 2010
    Poll is a good addition nevertheless.
  • edited December 2010
    jp-30 wrote: »
    Merged the poll into this thread- we don't need two identical discussions

    Thanks :)
  • edited December 2010
    The poll is interesting, even with Fanboys rushing to Telltales defense, its still split down the middle.
  • edited December 2010
    LordRiker wrote: »
    Typical fanboy response. You people realize if your dream of getting rid of anyone who isn't a fanboy succeeds, Telltale fails right? No company can ever exist solely on fanboy support.

    Not really a fanboy response, I mean, the guy admitted he doesn't like the game, has no interest in buying the game, his response would have been the same in Feb so he wasn't going to buy the Series anyway. So what reason is there for him to stay on forums for the game?

    I mean, I don't like WOW, so you don't see me on their forums saying how much I hate the game and how bad it is and especially going on about how much of a Poison Activision is to the gaming industry. Why, because that seems like a waste of time and I know the makers of WOW and Activision don't give a flying crap about what some guy on a forum thinks.

    I mean, I agree with you, this was a bit of a dick move to those waiting for the Free Game, but yeah, call me a fanboy, as I've enjoyed Sam & Max Season 2, Tales of Monkey Island and Sam & Max Season 3 a whole damn lot and have been around on these forums long before the BTTF fans (oh god I'm sounding like Rather Dashing) swanned in claiming this company is crap and that BTTF is their first real attempt at a game and their one chance of success in the gaming industry, etc, etc.

    Besides, I have complained about BTTF, you guys who would have been waiting until Feb for the Free Episode might have been better off as this release seemed rushed with many spelling errors in the text and just the episode itself being quite too much on the easy side and a bit short and one of my personal complaints being the return of the lower quality speech files which we haven't seen since the early Monkey Island episodes.

    However through all of this, I still don't like your tone of looking down on people who disagree with you by automatically calling them "fanboys", There are a lot of fanboys here, we don't always agree on everything Telltale does (Why the hell no Season 3 Case File and where the hell is the Season 3 Soundtrack???) and we do give constructive advice but most of us also have faith, so far the first episode of BTTF may seem like a rushed easy flash, but from previous experience, the first episodes are usually not the best a TellTale season has to offer, that usually comes in around the 3rd and 4th episodes to the Finale.
  • edited December 2010
    To me "the episode is free geez" is not fanboyism. People who actually preordered the game want no freeloaders to play their game for free, which is kind of selfish. They did get 80% off of store, Puzzle Agent and private forums access so it makes (or it WOULD make, now that free episode doesn't apply to the most of people who did not preorder) it fair and even, I think.
  • edited December 2010
    Ash735 wrote: »
    Not really a fanboy response, I mean, the guy admitted he doesn't like the game, has no interest in buying the game, his response would have been the same in Feb so he wasn't going to buy the Series anyway. So what reason is there for him to stay on forums for the game?

    I mean, I don't like WOW, so you don't see me on their forums saying how much I hate the game and how bad it is and especially going on about how much of a Poison Activision is to the gaming industry. Why, because that seems like a waste of time and I know the makers of WOW and Activision don't give a flying crap about what some guy on a forum thinks.

    I mean, I agree with you, this was a bit of a dick move to those waiting for the Free Game, but yeah, call me a fanboy, as I've enjoyed Sam & Max Season 2, Tales of Monkey Island and Sam & Max Season 3 a whole damn lot and have been around on these forums long before the BTTF fans (oh god I'm sounding like Rather Dashing) swanned in claiming this company is crap and that BTTF is their first real attempt at a game and their one chance of success in the gaming industry, etc, etc.

    Besides, I have complained about BTTF, you guys who would have been waiting until Feb for the Free Episode might have been better off as this release seemed rushed with many spelling errors in the text and just the episode itself being quite too much on the easy side and a bit short and one of my personal complaints being the return of the lower quality speech files which we haven't seen since the early Monkey Island episodes.

    However through all of this, I still don't like your tone of looking down on people who disagree with you by automatically calling them "fanboys", There are a lot of fanboys here, we don't always agree on everything Telltale does (Why the hell no Season 3 Case File and where the hell is the Season 3 Soundtrack???) and we do give constructive advice but most of us also have faith, so far the first episode of BTTF may seem like a rushed easy flash, but from previous experience, the first episodes are usually not the best a TellTale season has to offer, that usually comes in around the 3rd and 4th episodes to the Finale.

    I think there is some confusion here. I only consider people fanboys if they blindly support Telltale and more over look down on people who didnt preorder and act like they deserve to be in some exclusive Telltale club and anyone not in it, deserves to be treated like second class citizens. Perhaps I was mistaken about your intentions, as you do seem to be a fan but a realist as well. Fanboyism is just not good for anyone, doesnt help anything and isannoying to boot, hence the anger.

    I can respect a different opinion so long as its backed up by sound reasoning and "the your getting it for free, you dont have a right to complain about anything and should shut up and wait till Febuary" isnt good reasoning.
  • edited December 2010
    Personally, I don't see all the fuss. Chances are, they will release it in February AHEAD of the release of the second episode giving plenty of time to decide if you're in for the full season. Just because they didn't give it to you the same time as people that actually paid for it, doesn't made them shady/backhanded/etc. I'm sorry if you feel slighted by it, but I'm also surprised at the sense of entitlement considering you haven't shelled out a cent for it and they are still offering it for free. Granted, it's not the same time as those who paid for it, but it's far from them having lied or being shady. Right from the start, there was no time line laid out for when it would come out, so if it's offered for free at all they were true to their word. So seriously, what's all the fuss?
  • edited December 2010
    jweir wrote: »
    Personally, I don't see all the fuss. Chances are, they will release it in February AHEAD of the release of the second episode giving plenty of time to decide if you're in for the full season. Just because they didn't give it to you the same time as people that actually paid for it, doesn't made them shady/backhanded/etc. I'm sorry if you feel slighted by it, but I'm also surprised at the sense of entitlement considering you haven't shelled out a cent for it and they are still offering it for free. Granted, it's not the same time as those who paid for it, but it's far from them having lied or being shady. Right from the start, there was no time line laid out for when it would come out, so if it's offered for free at all they were true to their word. So seriously, what's all the fuss?

    The fuss is this wasnt stated at the time of the promotion, i dont know what world your living in, but in the Real world making a deal, or running a promotion then later on (and in alot of cases not even informing people ahead of time) altering or otherwise adding in stipulations is looked on as underhanded and shady.

    I feel sorry for people that see no problem with things like this, it means they are sheep and bend over and take it from companies. Free or not free, its just good business to put all the information in up front, not altering things mere days before release and keeping it very low key.

    This would not be a problem if at the time, they said using this promotion would give you the episode in February.
  • edited December 2010
    LordRiker wrote: »
    The fuss is this wasnt stated at the time of the promotion, i dont know what world your living in, but in the Real world making a deal, or running a promotion then later on (and in alot of cases not even informing people ahead of time) altering or otherwise adding in stipulations is looked on as underhanded and shady.

    I feel sorry for people that see no problem with things like this, it means they are sheep and bend over and take it from companies. Free or not free, its just good business to put all the information in up front, not altering things mere days before release and keeping it very low key.

    This would not be a problem if at the time, they said using this promotion would give you the episode in February.

    For starters, they never said from the start when you would be getting the episode, you merely assumed (and you know what they say about assuming) it would come out the same time as those who paid for it. Secondly, they didn't change or alter anything as it was most likely their intent to do this from the start, they just merely announced their timing of it so you didn't question why you couldn't get the game if they had said nothing at all. You did a lot of assuming, and they've added no stipulations. Show me anything that claimed the free episode would come out at the same time as those who had paid for it and you'll have a leg to stand on.
  • edited December 2010
    Okay it most likely WAS NOT their first intention. If that was true than they would inform everyone beforehand.
  • edited December 2010
    Falanca wrote: »
    Okay it most likely WAS NOT their first intention. If that was true than they would inform everyone beforehand.

    How could they do that when the full release schedule was not figured out? I know for a fact that we didn't know episode 2 wouldn't be out til February at the point when the episode was first offered for free. Just like they don't know release dates until the game is done, they didn't even know when the second one would be done to say you could get the first game for free right in front of it.
  • edited December 2010
    Basically, they could tell the free episode was going to be released at the same time with the second episode. Like, "you'll have to wait, by the way".
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