The best genre for this would actually be a proper survival horror, but nobody does those. A good survival horror is really just an adventure game with action elements to it. The series lends itself greatly to gameplay, with(for example) "Actually SHOOT[ing] ZOMBIES. " being a dangerous action that draws zombies closer. This could work very well with gameplay, with guns having benefits like attacking at range and being easier to use than melee weapons, but emitting sound(and sound could be used as a major puzzle element). If Telltale is going to actually try to make games again, there is plenty to work with in terms of making a proper survival horror game.
The best genre for this would actually be a proper survival horror, but nobody does those. A good survival horror is really just an adventure game with action elements to it. The series lends itself greatly to gameplay, with(for example) "Actually SHOOT[ing] ZOMBIES. " being a dangerous action that draws zombies closer. This could work very well with gameplay, with guns having benefits like attacking at range and being easier to use than melee weapons, but emitting sound(and sound could be used as a major puzzle element). If Telltale is going to actually try to make games again, there is plenty to work with in terms of making a proper survival horror game.
RD, What you describe sounds a bit like Deadstate- the upcoming RPG from Double Bear.
Dead State is a compelling, high-tension RPG set at the beginning of the zombie apocalypse - a deadly illness is rampaging through the world, turning those infected into the walking dead. As society is beginning to fall apart, the player must organize a scant handful of allies, working on fortifying a shelter, scouting for food and supplies, making uncertain alliances with others, and attempting to hold together a group as humanity teeters on the brink of extinction. And although the zombies lurk as an ever present threat, the biggest obstacle to the player may just be other humans with the same goal: survival at any cost.
That is Walking Dead in a nutshell, maybe minus some of the more interpersonal drama.
I expect this to be like a Silent Hill game. It should be free roaming and no re-spawning enemies as ammo and good weapons will be few and far between. Also I think the story should be character driven, with the ability to play as many people in order to progress the story. Maybe rescue and escort missions and such. Also unique character abilities like climbing and fitting into crawl spaces.
I would prefer that they kept the shooting to cut scenes.
Walking Dead the comic has always been more about the characters and less about the zombies.
81 issues in and we know nothing about the zombies, they are just the threat in the background and the means for causing tension and strife. Shooting them is usually the last resort as the sound draws in others. They are slow and can be easily avoided in small numbers, but lethal as a group.
The biggest thing that I wonder if Telltale has the balls to follow the comic. One of the things about the comic is that NO character is safe and every character has had some horrific injury or has been killed off. There are some pretty shocking deaths in the comic.
I would also like to see Telltale make the game in Black and White like the comic.
Keeping it an adventure game with slight action sequences would be my preference. I don't want a Dead Rising game.
Walking Dead the comic has always been more about the characters and less about the zombies.
Agree. Maybe actually shooting ingame but only as last resort due to the "attracted by sound issues".. So you'd be forced to only use your gun when all else fails.
As for it being in black & white... I don't know, with comics it look good, but I've never been too fond of B&W games... It just looks weird, like Game Boy weird.. Maybe using a darker color scheme instead?
As for it being in black & white... I don't know, with comics it look good, but I've never been too fond of B&W games... It just looks weird, like Game Boy weird.. Maybe using a darker color scheme instead?
This makes me wonder if telltale added the automota table in Poker Night just to see if people would be fine with the black and white.
Agree. Maybe actually shooting ingame but only as last resort due to the "attracted by sound issues".. So you'd be forced to only use your gun when all else fails.
As for it being in black & white... I don't know, with comics it look good, but I've never been too fond of B&W games... It just looks weird, like Game Boy weird.. Maybe using a darker color scheme instead?
They need to do something as the current game engine make the games look far too cartoony to work for The Walking Dead.
I'm really stunned by the user-interface and the number of ways you could die, because of that I MIGHT buy it, though I still want more info. I hope they imply this in some of their newer games that it would fit for.
It's possible, maybe even probable, but I'm not sure that would be the best fit for The Walking Dead. TWD would actually be far more suited to a more traditional adventure game than JP. You're locked in a room with zombies outside and you need to solve a puzzle to get away. You're at camp, not a zombie around for miles... there are puzzles to solve and problems to work out! Zombies are slow and simple (in TWD universe at any rate) and that's not really the best QTE fodder.
I hope TWD retains a more traditional Adventure game mold and finds another way to handle the action. And the choice to shoot your gun or not should not be taken lightly.
I think a zombie survival ADVENTURE game is a brave idea. It could be fantastic if done right. Anyone how's read 'The Walking Dead' would know that shooting zombies is a stupid idea. You might as well be ringing a dinner bell.
This should be more about surviving in truly extreme conditions, and how different people deal with this situation. It's more about the human survivors than the zombies. There are already a ton of games that allow you to shoot zombies. I love this for being different. I am also looking forward to "Code 3" on XBLA.
I think a zombie survival ADVENTURE game is a brave idea. It could be fantastic if done right.
Maybe "a la Resident Evil" but with more brains and less muscle .
Anyway, the episodic format suits the license quite well, as you could have an episode of complete isolation-survival and another one where you have to deal with the other survivors and their personal issues, and so on.
Maybe "a la Resident Evil" but with more brains and less muscle .
You're thinking too much of later Resident Evil games, which more or less dropped the Survival Horror genre to become third-person shooters. Survival Horror games ARE adventures, or at least an offshoot of them, and it's the perfect genre for The Walking Dead.
You're thinking too much of later Resident Evil games
Actually I was referring to the first ones, that although scarier, the puzzles were way too easy for an adventure gamer.. Hence the more brains, less muscles: elaborate puzzles that are not simply "get key" and reducing shooting and stuff...
One of the things I love about the original Resident Evil* is that it is basically an adventure game interspersed with combat (bad action for an action game but great action for an adventure game). The puzzles aren't mind boggling but they are serviceable, some are even quite good.
*Well, if we want to get technical I never player the original RE but rather the GameCube REmake, but same deal.
Personally, I will be thrilled if I can actually play a zombie themed game. I absolutely suck at shooters, so I never get to play zombie games. It's about time somebody made a game for the shooting challenged.
Well for one thing I mentioned in my timeline thread. If we are replaying past bits from the comics, I would love a fire emblemesque thing where the people can die, and you have to keep the game going. Of course we still have no clue wether or not we are replaying the comic, or a whole new story.
Actually I was referring to the first ones, that although scarier, the puzzles were way too easy for an adventure gamer.. Hence the more brains, less muscles: elaborate puzzles that are not simply "get key" and reducing shooting and stuff...
I don't see the Walking Dead as a world of "elaborate puzzles," either, though. I do see the Walking Dead as a world of elaborate situations and complicated characters with their own motives, but I don't imagine anyone in that world -- in the game or comic or tv show -- wandering around the inside and outside of a house trying to gather information and items necessary to unlock a 6 stage vault door, or something. I don't expect the challenge and interest of a Walking Dead game to come from nothing but riddles and locks.
That said, to answer the question of this thread: Yes.
I don't see the Walking Dead as a world of "elaborate puzzles," either, though. I do see the Walking Dead as a world of elaborate situations and complicated characters with their own motives, but I don't imagine anyone in that world -- in the game or comic or tv show -- wandering around the inside and outside of a house trying to gather information and items necessary to unlock a 6 stage vault door, or something. I don't expect the challenge and interest of a Walking Dead game to come from nothing but riddles and locks.
I don't see the Walking Dead as a world of "elaborate puzzles," either, though. I do see the Walking Dead as a world of elaborate situations and complicated characters with their own motives, but I don't imagine anyone in that world -- in the game or comic or tv show -- wandering around the inside and outside of a house trying to gather information and items necessary to unlock a 6 stage vault door, or something. I don't expect the challenge and interest of a Walking Dead game to come from nothing but riddles and locks.
Is that really the case? I mean, looking through my issues right now, I see them having to fix a generator, and a big murder mystery in the middle of the prison arc(murder mysteries being a popular adventure trope). Granted, these don't "play out" quite like adventure game puzzles, but in many cases you have to conform your property to fit the genre as much as you have to conform the genre to conform to the property. The Mario RPGs are a great example, in which they are able to create a great traditional Japanese RPG experience while still retaining the Mario feel through world movement and timed reactions for dodges/counterattacks.
The Walking Dead's action is very slow-burn. We have a lot of interpersonal relationships, problems that take some time to solve, and basically a lot of things that lull the reader into almost a sense of safety between action setpieces. This is the flow of the comic, really, in a nutshell. It seems to me that adventure puzzles would be the perfect thing to use to emulate this pace, their effectiveness in this regard increased by the fact that the end user will end up thinking about the puzzle and(if the story and set pieces are set right) forget the zombies or(as is often the case) those people in the next room who may not actually be all that trustworthy.
searching and fixing things would make for some good puzzles... and the action I can see them making like they did with Jurassic Park... at least that is what I imagine they will do.
Yeah, I can see Rick having to solve disputes between survivors, setting up barricades and traps, getting generators working and that sort of thing. This could totally work. I hope that you can die in the game though - I think a Walking Dead game needs that kind of tension.
Yeah, I can see Rick having to solve disputes between survivors, setting up barricades and traps, getting generators working and that sort of thing. This could totally work. I hope that you can die in the game though - I think a Walking Dead game needs that kind of tension.
Considering the fact that it was confirmed a while ago that we wont even be following the adventures of Rick....
RD, What you describe sounds a bit like Deadstate- the upcoming RPG from Double Bear.
Not sure if you're an RPG type, but this game caught my interest.
That is Walking Dead in a nutshell, maybe minus some of the more interpersonal drama.
oh boy
Walking Dead the comic has always been more about the characters and less about the zombies.
81 issues in and we know nothing about the zombies, they are just the threat in the background and the means for causing tension and strife. Shooting them is usually the last resort as the sound draws in others. They are slow and can be easily avoided in small numbers, but lethal as a group.
The biggest thing that I wonder if Telltale has the balls to follow the comic. One of the things about the comic is that NO character is safe and every character has had some horrific injury or has been killed off. There are some pretty shocking deaths in the comic.
I would also like to see Telltale make the game in Black and White like the comic.
Keeping it an adventure game with slight action sequences would be my preference. I don't want a Dead Rising game.
Agree. Maybe actually shooting ingame but only as last resort due to the "attracted by sound issues".. So you'd be forced to only use your gun when all else fails.
As for it being in black & white... I don't know, with comics it look good, but I've never been too fond of B&W games... It just looks weird, like Game Boy weird.. Maybe using a darker color scheme instead?
This makes me wonder if telltale added the automota table in Poker Night just to see if people would be fine with the black and white.
They need to do something as the current game engine make the games look far too cartoony to work for The Walking Dead.
What about JP, that's on the telltale tool.
I'm really stunned by the user-interface and the number of ways you could die, because of that I MIGHT buy it, though I still want more info. I hope they imply this in some of their newer games that it would fit for.
It's possible, maybe even probable, but I'm not sure that would be the best fit for The Walking Dead. TWD would actually be far more suited to a more traditional adventure game than JP. You're locked in a room with zombies outside and you need to solve a puzzle to get away. You're at camp, not a zombie around for miles... there are puzzles to solve and problems to work out! Zombies are slow and simple (in TWD universe at any rate) and that's not really the best QTE fodder.
I hope TWD retains a more traditional Adventure game mold and finds another way to handle the action. And the choice to shoot your gun or not should not be taken lightly.
This should be more about surviving in truly extreme conditions, and how different people deal with this situation. It's more about the human survivors than the zombies. There are already a ton of games that allow you to shoot zombies. I love this for being different. I am also looking forward to "Code 3" on XBLA.
Maybe "a la Resident Evil" but with more brains and less muscle
Anyway, the episodic format suits the license quite well, as you could have an episode of complete isolation-survival and another one where you have to deal with the other survivors and their personal issues, and so on.
Actually I was referring to the first ones, that although scarier, the puzzles were way too easy for an adventure gamer.. Hence the more brains, less muscles: elaborate puzzles that are not simply "get key" and reducing shooting and stuff...
*Well, if we want to get technical I never player the original RE but rather the GameCube REmake, but same deal.
I don't see the Walking Dead as a world of "elaborate puzzles," either, though. I do see the Walking Dead as a world of elaborate situations and complicated characters with their own motives, but I don't imagine anyone in that world -- in the game or comic or tv show -- wandering around the inside and outside of a house trying to gather information and items necessary to unlock a 6 stage vault door, or something. I don't expect the challenge and interest of a Walking Dead game to come from nothing but riddles and locks.
That said, to answer the question of this thread: Yes.
"I can't use a skeleton arm with that"
More like "I can't use a zombie arm with that".
The Walking Dead's action is very slow-burn. We have a lot of interpersonal relationships, problems that take some time to solve, and basically a lot of things that lull the reader into almost a sense of safety between action setpieces. This is the flow of the comic, really, in a nutshell. It seems to me that adventure puzzles would be the perfect thing to use to emulate this pace, their effectiveness in this regard increased by the fact that the end user will end up thinking about the puzzle and(if the story and set pieces are set right) forget the zombies or(as is often the case) those people in the next room who may not actually be all that trustworthy.
Considering the fact that it was confirmed a while ago that we wont even be following the adventures of Rick....
And PLEASE license the CryEngine3 for this, I want extreme gore and realism!
Holy Jiminy Batman! The Bat-Sarcasm Dectector is going of the charts!
Im actually praying he is being sarcastic.