What i'd like to see in Season 2!



  • edited April 2007
    i hope we get better 3d....the graphics in this season blows.
  • edited April 2007
    Why would Sam and Max need raytracing, bloom and whatever other graphic effect is in this week?
    Especially when it means people on PCs lower down on the power spectrum can't play the game because they're still using the same equipment they got last week instead of tomorrow's graphics cards.

    That said, I think the graphics the game has now do the job very nicely.
  • edited April 2007
    Just IMHO, but for me the style fits just very well in the theme of S&M.

    Graphics are just a part of the whole "picture", so i think the balance is really given. ( I'm also sure that TTG will enhance/refine the graphics here and there slightly for the good of the "whole picture")

    Ok 5:4 for Season 2 would be cool, but thats just a bite( for me at least )
  • edited April 2007
    fhqwhgads wrote: »
    For fun: go to www.delorean.com and do a part search for 18851985

    I don't want to order it because microsoft said that that site didn't have security. Did anyone order that part?
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2007
    fhqwhgads wrote: »
    (For fun: go to www.delorean.com and do a part search for 18851985) :eek:


    I guess if you are Delorean, you have to be able to make fun of yourself.
  • edited April 2007
    Since telltale are having a break from pumpin out eps, I wonder if they will start working on backgrounds and such for season 2. That way, they can expand the enivornment.

    Or does this "hiatus" means that episode 3 of Bone will come out?
  • edited April 2007
    Emily wrote: »

    I guess if you are Delorean, you have to be able to make fun of yourself.

    If one does a bit more searching, one can get a few bonus gems
    "hover car conversion kit" anyone? ;)

  • edited April 2007
    Badwolf wrote: »
    Why would Sam and Max need raytracing, bloom and whatever other graphic effect is in this week?
    Especially when it means people on PCs lower down on the power spectrum can't play the game because they're still using the same equipment they got last week instead of tomorrow's graphics cards.

    That said, I think the graphics the game has now do the job very nicely.

    ok, not saying raytracing or whatever technical 3d stuff,
    i guess i meant better effort in textures or art direction
    the big textures kinda annoys me.

    i remember the first scene of epsidoe one with the bulletholes on the wall and thinking what crappy 3d.

    sam and max hit the road looked a whole lot better for me. the backgrounds were unique and inspiring. The backgrounds for season 1 didnt inspire.
    hit the road also had better facial expressions..

    same case for monkey island 2d games and 3d games
  • edited April 2007
    well, monkey island 3 - curse of monkey island had 3d acceleration which made it look ultra-cool! ;)

    From the updated cd:

    Issues after Enabling 3D Acceleration Mode
    If you are in 3D acceleration mode, you’ve been spending
    too much time chasing Le Chuck, and you’ve done something
    no one else can do because the 3D acceleration button
    doesn’t work. So stop, already!
  • edited April 2007
    maklenard wrote: »
    ok, not saying raytracing or whatever technical 3d stuff,
    i guess i meant better effort in textures or art direction
    the big textures kinda annoys me.

    i remember the first scene of epsidoe one with the bulletholes on the wall and thinking what crappy 3d.

    sam and max hit the road looked a whole lot better for me. the backgrounds were unique and inspiring. The backgrounds for season 1 didnt inspire.
    hit the road also had better facial expressions..

    same case for monkey island 2d games and 3d games
    After reading your post, i guess you are just to nostalgic.

    2d/graphics/painting/ hand drawn animation(pixelfight) != 3d/graphics animation, that's a whole other world.

    Give them much much more money, and they can hire more staff...to do more stuff.

    Just to mention, thats the first Season, do you all right the first time? Are you perfect?

    btw in which resolution do you playing?

    Not a offending post, just ..yick yack... my own yick yack.

    Edit X; But yeah i should admit, that some other adventures from some companies had some weird style(not even the right word for it) in 3d, as example, the (canceled) max in freelance police looked odd.
  • edited April 2007
    schuubars wrote: »
    After reading your post, i guess you are just to nostalgic.

    2d/graphics/painting/ hand drawn animation(pixelfight) != 3d/graphics animation, that's a whole other world.

    Give them much much more money, and they can hire more staff...to do more stuff.

    Just to mention, thats the first Season, do you all right the first time? Are you perfect?

    btw in which resolution do you playing?

    Not a offending post, just ..yick yack... my own yick yack.

    Edit X; But yeah i should admit, that some other adventures from some companies had some weird style(not even the right word for it) in 3d, as example, the (canceled) max in freelance police looked odd.

    i was playing 1024x768

    money.. i hope they made loads out of this one..
    but if they had to choose between hiring artists over scriptwriters... ill go with the writers. I buy this game for the fun dialogue visuals were secondary.
  • edited April 2007
    I'm telling you, having Sam and Max go back in time to 1980 to stop the season's villain from taking out Steve Purcell and, as a result, destroying reality would be totally awesome.
  • edited April 2007
    I don't want to order it because microsoft said that that site didn't have security. Did anyone order that part?

    I ordered stuff from DeLoreans store one time, no problem =) Used Visa to pay, shipped to Europe, Norway.

    DeLorean keychain, t-shirt and a watch ^^ I love DeLorean, I'm going to buy one when I get rich, until then I just have the keychain, but that's cool as well =p
  • edited May 2007
    About season 2... what I would like to see is variety in the setting. The office has to be there all the time. The main street including Bosco's and Sybil's are fun but I think they will get old with season 2. I'm sure the two characters can make an appearance in a different sort of way. Kinda like how Jimmy pops up. When half the game takes place in the same setting as before, I don't think it would be good thing for another season.
    I loved season 1, but if next season still involved getting items for Bosco to solve part of the puzzles its gonna get repetitive. By that I mean going to the same store and dealing with an insane price in the same manner as before. Those things worked real well in season 1. I'm just worried about it getting repetitive in season 2.
    As to features:
    -An inventory where items can be combined
    -Surprise us by having Max "controllable" at one point. By that I mean you tell where to go, but not having him solve things the way anyone would expect (i.e. using the gun on an object is taken literally with Max beating someone with it).
    -As mentioned before, have earlier actions affect the outcome of things. But what would be cool is having our progress in an episode make something else appear in another. For example, melting the polar ice caps in ep4 could have a background effect on ep6 whereas those who have not done so will not see it. Same goes for people who didn't buy ep4. This can boost sales too.
    All in all, I do have faith in Telltale and I am sure they'll be able to mix it up just right. Which is why I'll be buying season 2 when its available.
  • edited May 2007
    yes to flint paper!!! YAY FLINT!
    yes to inventory being a little better with using items on eachother (we got a tiny bit of that in the mole the mob and the meatball but only one puzzle)
    oh, and as has been mentioned before.. a look at function seperate from get.

    Other than that, keep up the good work guys! I really enjoyed series one (the text part in episode 5 I think was my fave)
  • edited May 2007
    yes to flint paper!!! YAY FLINT!
    Which reminds me, it would have been interesting to see Flint
  • edited May 2007
    More tacky tourist traps!
  • edited May 2007
    Badwolf wrote: »
    Which reminds me, it would have been interesting to see Flint

  • edited May 2007
    Would love to see a much more interactive minigame base. I loved the infocom style text based advent, I have so many ideas for little games and things that could be added or done differently. A "hogan's alley" (look it up kids) type game that would be called rats alley..and you shoot the rats or aliens and such. Also a sam and max pinball game would be nice.. maybe teleport max into a ball in the machine and have sam play with his life MUAHAHHAA. Also a nice streetfighter type max vs Lincoln or other characters would be nice. ( I think back on the space quest stoogefighter memories)
    How about a sam & max casino (sorry mr lowe) and when you win any game more than 3 times in a row max takes off his clothes and goes on a run around the place.. making it a winning streak.(yes I know he has no clothes that was the joke) Also heard a reference to the word ballistic, so many puns around that word could have been made.
    I also miss the good ole sierra adventure pointers, I want a hand or finger, with max it would be mouth. Would also love to see at least one episode where max is in control.. yes I know of the irony in the statement and that it might cause some warp in the space time continuum to have control over such a chaotic creature but... :P
    I agree with a sort of map instead of just pick where you want to go in text.
    Nice hint at the monkey island insults in the reality 2.0 I would love to see a nice full boar insult duel.. it never gets old.
    Would love to be able to punch stuff or shoot stuff and watch it have an effect. Shoot the light, it shatters, punch the donut box, max goes to town on it... etc.
    A change up of items in places visited more often.. IE boscos, your place sybils.. hers does change but I notice not much goes on in the other places that would make me keep looking at it in the next season :P
    Would love to see some of the original characters put into the game like mentioned above as well.
    I know there is more but I cant think! As im writing from my work and dont have the text with all my input in it :P I have a bunch of input for the wii port if one exists XD

    Anyway sorry for the book!
    Old codger out~
    Piece from my collection XD
  • edited May 2007
    Six Words: More Hot Dog-On-Banjo Action!

    also, a higher wide screen resolution. all my 1600x1200 characters look crisp like dollar bills, but chubby like a beached whale after a buffet of baby kangaroos.
  • edited May 2007
    It's sort of already been done by the cartoon ("The Tell Tale Tail"), but I'd love to see Sam & Max's take on Gothic horror. Lovecraft, Stoker, M.R. James...oh the possibilities.

    (No, I haven't been reading House of Leaves all day when I haven't been playing Episode 6. Why do you ask?)
  • edited May 2007
    Max would have so much fun with the Necronomicon!
  • MelMel
    edited May 2007
    It doesn't matter to me where they go or what they decide to do because I will very likely have fun no matter what. :)
  • edited May 2007
    ShaggE wrote: »
    Max would have so much fun with the Necronomicon!

    How cool would it be if Max was introduced to Cthulhu :)
  • edited May 2007
    They should go to an underground city like in the game, "The day the world broke"
  • edited May 2007
    i want to see an episode where enviromentalists try to take over the world, and plant grass on the streets, put trees everywhere, put windmills everywhere, stuff corn in the exaust pipes of cars, etc....

    and have sam and max in the middle of a war between bosco and sybil, and you have to work for both of them without the other side knowing, that would be fun-ny, with a battle line in the middle of the street, etc...
  • edited May 2007
    My ideas for season 2

    1. Sam and Max infiltrate an illegal street raceing gang. Seeing the desoto pimped out would be cool.

    2. Or they could infiltrate a biker gang. That would be cool, you could have Ben from full throttle as a temporary character or just references to the Full Throttle game.

    3. Sam and Max could be assigned as spies and Boscoe could supply them with gadgets, aka shoty products. The desoto could be pimped out with gadgets.
  • edited May 2007
    Or how about Sam and Max take on the world of proffesional wrestling. They could be a tag team and the episode could involve several fights.
  • edited May 2007
    Hey Sam and Max could go out for revenge after someone trashes their car.
  • edited May 2007
    Perhaps Sam and Max should run into their old enemy from Hit the Road, Conroy Bumpus. Maybe they could replicate that thing from Mars Attacks when Aliens invade Earth and the only thing that kills them is Country Music.
  • edited May 2007
    What about if another pair of freelance police moved into Sam and Max's neighbourhood. This would spark rivallry and throughout the season the pairs could be sqauring off against eachother in order to solve each case.
  • jmmjmm
    edited May 2007
    A DeSoto inventory item.

    If you want to quickly go to another location, clicking on the icon makes Sam say (something in the lines of) "Let's go little buddy". And then Max replies the same reply that you get when clicking on the DeSoto ("Where are we going Sam?")

    Of course, if you want the old way, just walk to the DeSoto.
  • edited May 2007
    ^ Or you can use it to crash into things.
  • edited May 2007
    How about making Sam & Max interchangeable (ala DOTT). They could have a shared inventory, but making Sam use an item gives a different result than making Max use the same item. It could increase the puzzle possibilities as well as generate twice the hilarious dialog!
  • edited May 2007
    What season 2 needs :

    • Flint Paper. That goes without saying.
    • A bit longer episodes.
    • Jared Emerson-Johnson and all the great people at BASD.
    • Telltale's talent :)
    • A different "neighbourhood" area. The hallway of the building of S&M office, would be great. But please do not have Sybil and Bosco pop up in every episode, they've been overused in Season 1.
    • I like the way the story starts "small" and then takes ridiculously big proportions in Season 1.
  • edited May 2007
    What about:

    Honey, I shrunk the freelance police!

  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2007
    fhqwhgads wrote: »
    What about:

    Honey, I shrunk the freelance police!


    That already kinda happened in episode 5!
  • edited May 2007
    Marzhin wrote: »
    • A different "neighbourhood" area. The hallway of the building of S&M office, would be great. But please do not have Sybil and Bosco pop up in every episode, they've been overused in Season 1.
    You've got a bunch of good suggestions, but I really like this one. I do think it will feel a little stale if we use Bosco and Sybil for the main recurring characters in Season 2.

    Flint Paper and someone else* would be good.

    That doesn't mean Bosco and Sybil can't have spot appearances, though.

    *Maybe an old lady?
  • edited May 2007
    more senseless violence! more "Why... won't... you... die!" and "I really want to turn this guy inside out." + "Oh, that gives me an idea!" :)
  • edited May 2007
    Maratanos wrote: »
    You've got a bunch of good suggestions, but I really like this one. I do think it will feel a little stale if we use Bosco and Sybil for the main recurring characters in Season 2.

    Flint Paper and someone else* would be good.

    That doesn't mean Bosco and Sybil can't have spot appearances, though.

    *Maybe an old lady?

    I agree 100%. I really like the characters but they'll feel way too overused if they are used in the same way as season 1. This would be especially true if they follow the same format of: case + Bosco item and crazy price + random Sybil encounter. The formula worked real well in season 1 but it may even kill season 2 by being way too repetitive.
    more senseless violence! more "Why... won't... you... die!" and "I really want to turn this guy inside out." + "Oh, that gives me an idea!"

    I agree with that too. A more violent Max is welcome in every way.
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