What i'd like to see in Season 2!



  • jmmjmm
    edited May 2007
    The Faberge Egg Collection guy :D.

    If TT adds Flint's and Stinky's and removes the Sybil+New Job *joke*(completely) and Bosco+Crazy item for a few eps... I'm done.

    Oh, and no more Superball/bounce puzzles.

    At Bosco's:
    Max: I gotta go to the bathroom.
    Superball: I'm sorry sir, I can't let you pass. Orders.
    Sam: Sic'em little buddy.
    hmmm since Superball and the mole weren't blissified/maxified that means...prismatology isn't dead. Maybe Superball could be a door-to-door prismatology evangelist :D

  • edited May 2007
    I also agree that Bosco and Sybil are overused. I just posted somewhere else about it, but it's in a thread that's gone a bit off-topic. They're great characters and I don't want to see them go completely, but having them pop up in some different locations, doing less orthodox things and not necessarily being there every episode might be a bit of relief from what was becoming a little monotonous towards the end of Season 1.

    And I'd also like to see more Violent Max! In fact, I just agree with everything Maratanos says :) He should have more violent moments and less waxing-eloquent-about-his-weird-habits moments. I don't really think he should be portrayed as crazy, as such... it's hard to define, but I think he's always in control of his violence - he just REALLY loves it!

    Edit: Oops, it wasn't Maratanos that said the second bit. Well... I agree with everyone OnCallDoc agrees with!
  • edited May 2007
    I'll add my vote for more locations and items. Not just because things got a bit repetitive, but also because even when the puzzles got difficult, all I had to do was walk around trying to use everything with everything, and it wouldn't take me long to figure it out, even if I didn't know the solution.

    Okay, hopefully that made some sense. :p

    Item combination would also be a very welcome addition to go with those extra items.

    I don't care much about more NPCs, but it's obvious obvious that Bosco and Sybil were getting tired by the end of the season. The second season REALLY needs more recurring characters, and even better if they're returning characters from the comics, if there isn't a copyright problem anyway.

    Jimmy stays, though. I wanna torture him more. :D

    Speaking of "torture", if you're gonna make Max more violent, I'd rather you guys didn't try anything too explicit. S&M was always more about implied violence. The original comics didn't have any blood, and they were UNDERGROUND comics. Just because there was something oozing from the robot's severed head in the hrt opening, doesn't mean the boys have to go hardcore on everyone's @ss.

    Oh, and please keep the politically incorrect humor coming. 'Cause more than anything else, that's what makes Sam and Max for me.
  • edited May 2007
    Kefky wrote: »
    Speaking of "torture", if you're gonna make Max more violent, I'd rather you guys didn't try anything too explicit. S&M was always more about implied violence.

    Yes, I agree, it's much more funny when it's not explicit. Also, when I referred to Max being more violent, I didn't mean he should necessarily be doing many more violent things; sometimes it's just about the nature of the comments he makes in response to Sam's
  • edited May 2007
    I doubt we will ever see blood or gore. That's not TellTale or Sam & Max's style. Well, it's Max's style... But he does that stuff off camera. ;)
  • edited May 2007
    sam and max in a hostel parody.. I can see it now
  • edited June 2007
    TT could put the game serveral years or months later after season 1. That way they could easily explain a new set of recurring characters and a change in the neighbourhood. Sam and Max could reference why they left to fill in the gaps (in a funny way of course).
  • edited June 2007
    How about small playable opening sequences. Like in James Bond when it begins with a previous mission of his. Sam and Max could start with the player having to end their last case.

    I think flash backs could would also be funny, like in family guy. Just something random that happens when you click on certain things.
  • edited June 2007
    Im not sure if this has already been mentioned but what about Sam and Max obtaining super powers. That would make for some funny take off's of superheroes.

    It would be cool to see Max buy new body fur which would turn out to be like that venom suit in spiderman.
  • edited June 2007
    I think what someone said about the Sci Fi convention was a great idea. I would love to see Sam and Max comment on some rip off of R2D2 and C-3PO. I could imagine C-3PO hitting R2 on the head to make him shut up and Sam saying " i wish it were that easy" refering to how to stop Max from constantly chatting away.
  • booboo
    edited June 2007
  • edited June 2007
    jmm wrote: »
    hmmm since Superball and the mole weren't blissified/maxified that means...prismatology isn't dead. Maybe Superball could be a door-to-door prismatology evangelist :D


    Aw, man. Can you imagine Sball at your door preaching? Jehovah's witnesses are hard enough to make leave. Sball would be a nightmare.
  • edited June 2007
    As much as I like Superball, if he appeared at my door ranting and raving I'm afraid I would have to knock him out and put him somewhere else. ;)
  • edited June 2007
    Superball wouldn't be a good Je-Hugh-va's Witness. His primary skill is keeping doors shut, not knocking on and opening them.
  • edited June 2007
    I wouldn't mind seeing Superball again.. pretty funny character
  • edited June 2007
    I wouldn't mind seeing him again either, just not at my door. :)
  • edited June 2007
    Bring back Hugh Bliss, he was somehow fun. ;) Oh and the Term "Adventure" would fit the game much more if we would be able to combine items in Season 2, please think about it.
  • edited June 2007
    Stoney wrote: »
    Oh and the Term "Adventure" would fit the game much more if we would be able to combine items in Season 2, please think about it.

    Not gonna get into an argument of semantics, but I'd say the term adventure has more to do with... nevermind :D

    I really do think that it'd be a hilarious episode idea to travel to the
    Home Planet of Hugh Blisses
  • edited June 2007
    I'm already about as blissed up as I can handle. :/
  • edited June 2007
    LuigiHann wrote: »
    Not gonna get into an argument of semantics, but I'd say the term adventure has more to do with... nevermind :D

    Well i get your idea. :)

    Its just that i´m used to those Oldschool Adventures we all loved (S&M Hit the Road, Monkey Island, Indiana Jones, Dott etc etc.). All those games had pretty tough riddles to solve, and all included the combining of Objects with eachother. Item Combining would make the game harder which would suit the more advanced players. Hey, how about an Easy and Hard Mode like in Monkey Island 2? That way anyone would be satisfied.
  • edited June 2007
    Stoney wrote: »
    Well i get your idea. :)

    Its just that i´m used to those Oldschool Adventures we all loved (S&M Hit the Road, Monkey Island, Indiana Jones, Dott etc etc.). All those games had pretty tough riddles to solve, and all included the combining of Objects with eachother.

    To me old school adventure games are the text adventure games like Zork. While it did have tough puzzles, there was no more combining of objects than the Sam and Max game series has. So, I guess it's really a matter of perspective. :)
  • edited June 2007
    I'd like to see them:

    In the neighborhood:
    -The bathroom in boscos convenience store
    -The diner across the street from boscos convenience store
    -Lefty's store
    -The rest of boscos convenience store

    Around the world:
    -The north or south pole
    -The caribbean's

    Other places:
    -Inside a whale, because Sam and Max were eaten while they were on vacation, on aboat in the middle of the pacific ocean
    -In a hospital, because Max eat something he wasn't supposed to eat and Sam, disguised as a surgeon has to save Max from iminente death
    -A wedding, because Sam got drunk and put himself in a odd situation, marring another dog, so Max has to find a way to end the wedding
    -A prison, because Sam and Max went undercover to catch a guard who has been smuggling contraband with the other guards and the prisoners
    -A high school, because Sam and Max never finished the 12th grade
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