Basically, you ain't gonna like it unless it's better than KQ6 which it wouldn't be even if Jane or Roberta were writing the plot.
Being better than KQ6 is easy. King Graham could just be standing in the open farting constantly while Cedric circles him and shouts "A poiiiiiiisonous gas" and it still would be better and more memorable than anything in KQ6 (apart from the maze of the minotaur, that was pretty cool)
Being better than KQ6 is easy. King Graham could just be standing in the open farting constantly while Cedric circles him and shouts "A poiiiiiiisonous gas" and it still would be better and more memorable than anything in KQ6 (apart from the maze of the minotaur, that was pretty cool)
Yes and no. Yes I am trolling Anakin but No that is actually my opinion.
I really think KQ6 is the worst in the whole series. Even worse than KQ3 & KQ8.
Could go either way, but I say why not? Let TT have a go at it. If it sucks it sucks. It won't make the quality of the other games diminish any.
To be fair this is a series of games (and practically a genre of games) that needs to be introduced to people these days. Back in the day people didn't even know about them a lot....... I always had to hip my friends to adventure games, cuz they were just glued to their consoles (i was too, but I was lucky enough to have access to pretty much every system or computer, through one family member or another). To exaggerate: No one had computers back then. It was rare for a long time.
Everyone I've ever shown these "quest" games to at least has some vague recollection of them. I get into introducing people to them and hyping them up. So the tradition will continue, regardless of whether or not this new/reboot/episodes or whatever is good or garbage.
Oh, and I can respect someone's opinion to hate KQ6 more than every other one, but damn man! That game was the reason I built my first very own PC. Love it!
I'm sure that Mask of Eternity has it's fans, but also I'm also positive that any of those fans that have spent any amount of time discussing King's Quest on the Internet are aware that most of the fan base did not appreciate it.
I did change that setting, though simply because it allows for the singling out of users for their opinion. I'm personally not crazy about the ability to display who voted for what on any of these polls, but with the current forum settings, that option remains selectable.
No need for the conspiracy theories, we're a game company, not the CIA. I assure you, we do try to be as transparent for you guys as possible, in as many aspects as possible.
The current votes are:
Excited - 24
Cautiously optimistic - 18
Unsure - 12
Pessimistic - 6
Upset - 1
It would have looked like a conspiracy of the number six, if the Upset have been lower.
I did change that setting, though simply because it allows for the singling out of users for their opinion. I'm personally not crazy about the ability to display who voted for what on any of these polls, but with the current forum settings, that option remains selectable.
I don't think that's fair at all. The system in which you can openly state your opinion in these message boxes while attaching it to a user account is also a means by which a person can state an opinion and then be singled out for it. All the same, in forums in which people build distinct identities that are tied to an individual "user name"(as opposed to systems like 2channel), in which discussions float in the aether without being attached to specific verified user accounts.
It's an aspect of the type of forum we have here, and I think that the legitimate use of existing forum software options shouldn't be messed with. It's possible that someone could say something that they think in a forum post box and get attacked and singled out for it, but forum moderators don't go around deleting posts with opinions attached to them. I believe that it's your job to act when someone takes advantage of the freedoms that allow us to do things that are wrong, not to take those freedoms away. I'm not saying you intentionally did anything malicious by any stretch of the imagination, but I think the logic here is faulty and without merit. I also think that a private poll compromises the poll's integrity, and opens it to potential exploitation.
And, as a side note, I'm the most likely to get singled out here, due to my literally being singled out in the poll results.
I also think that a private poll compromises the poll's integrity, and opens it to potential exploitation.
I'm not sure I trust the poll result anymore. Alan could very well have made it private just so a crap ton of TTG employees could pile in on the "Excited" option and noone could dispute it.
I know as a fact that he didn't(the results honestly have not changed much since he switched the status of the poll), but the principle of the matter is that it wasn't inherently wrong or harmful.
I dunno, I agree with the TTG guy. I'd rather not have random nutters from either extreme of the KQ/TTG love-hate spectrum PMing me over my voting choice.
I dunno, I agree with the TTG guy. I'd rather not have random nutters from either extreme of the KQ/TTG love-hate spectrum PMing me over my voting choice.
Nobody is PMing anyone about polls.
But I don't care anyways I never look who voted for what in these polls anyways. But now this one post by Rather is making sense. I was just wondering what funny thing Alan did because he did not post here before Rathers comment.
Nobody is PMing anyone about polls.
But I don't care anyways I never look who voted for what in these polls anyways. But now this one post by Rather is making sense. I was just wondering what funny thing Alan did because he did not post here before Rathers comment.
I'm not sure why there is any discontent view. When the fan sites (AGDInteractive Studio, Infamous Adventures, Phoenix Online, etc...) decided to remake old games (not just Sierra games), everyone was thrilled and supportive for something to be recreated. Now we have a company with talented people developing games we thought were finally going to be termed. I personally can't wait to see what comes out of this company.
The point of these posts should be to comment on what we'd like to see so TTG can deliver. If there's a new style added to the series, then I welcome it because anything is better than nothing! I wonder if those posting hate are seriously those people that fell in love with adventure type games and not the ones only interested in FPS. I enjoy both and don't complain. Kings Quest 1 was my first adventure game and probably the sole reason why I'm more interested in the plot of a game than just the cool weapons and graphics.
Of course this is my opinion and everyone is entitled to their own as long as they're not just playing devils advocate to watch everyone tear each other apart. Those folks should take up a new hobby and leave these comments for those actually interested in what's coming.
Keep up the good work TTG! Don't get sloppy on the complexities of the games, they are what keeps the player involved!
The point of these posts should be to comment on what we'd like to see so TTG can deliver. If there's a new style added to the series, then I welcome it because anything is better than nothing!
King's Quest IX, the:
-Massively-multiplayer archery deathmatch shooter.
-Grade school spelling tutor with Satanic overtones
-Interactive Geriatric fantasy porno with an overcomplicated interface that makes the program difficult to close
-Biblical game that denounces satanic fantasy
Or, of course, worst of all:
-Sequel in the vein of Mask of Eternity
Somewhere, there is an idea for the future of King's Quest that you would not enjoy, and that would make you wish the franchise had just stayed dead.
I wonder if those posting hate are seriously those people that fell in love with adventure type games and not the ones only interested in FPS.
Keep up the good work TTG! Don't get sloppy on the complexities of the games, they are what keeps the player involved!
What good work? They haven't done anything for this project yet.
So anyone who has any apprehension about a KQ by Telltale is automatically a hater and an FPS-lover? Why would we even be here for either of those reasons?
I did change that setting, though simply because it allows for the singling out of users for their opinion. I'm personally not crazy about the ability to display who voted for what on any of these polls, but with the current forum settings, that option remains selectable.
No need for the conspiracy theories, we're a game company, not the CIA. I assure you, we do try to be as transparent for you guys as possible, in as many aspects as possible.
It shows a big warning right at the top before you vote on such a poll, if you don't want people to know your opinion, you don't vote.
Well you shouldn't be expressing it here, as it could cause others to potentially harass you over it in PMs or something. You better remove all expressions of a viewpoint that could be different from someone else's from your posts, because any public expression of these things is a potential threat.
On one hand, the poll would be useless even if it required typing in social security number. 100 users won't make any difference.
On the other hand, Rather Dashing consciously chose to make the poll public and everyone who votes gets a fair warning that his or her name will be shown to others. Messing around with it smells fishy to me, even though I'm not at all invested in the topic at hand.
Besides, I believe there may have been public polls here about CMI vs "Ron's MI3" but noone PM-harassed anyone about their choice then either, and that argument got really heated on more than one occasion.
-Massively-multiplayer archery deathmatch shooter.
-Grade school spelling tutor with Satanic overtones
-Interactive Geriatric fantasy porno with an overcomplicated interface that makes the program difficult to close
-Biblical game that denounces satanic fantasy
Or, of course, worst of all:
-Sequel in the vein of Mask of Eternity
Somewhere, there is an idea for the future of King's Quest that you would not enjoy, and that would make you wish the franchise had just stayed dead.
What good work? They haven't done anything for this project yet.
We get it, you don't want to see TT develop a KQ game. We get that you want KQ to stay dead--Glad you admitted it! You're gonna keep pounding that drum until a cancellation announcement for this game comes.
What I think is "Wow", personally, is the gross misuse of power to arbitrarily change something that was doing nobody any harm and to directly circumvent a conscious choice on the parts of the poll's creator(myself) and all those who chose to vote on a poll that was clearly marked as "Public". This is something that has never been done by any moderator or community manager before or since, goes against all precedent on the matter, and is based on a completely false assumption that not only has no logical backing, but is actually an active insult to the community at large.
What I think is "Wow", personally, is the gross misuse of power to arbitrarily change something that was doing nobody any harm and to directly circumvent a conscious choice on the parts of the poll's creator(myself) and all those who chose to vote on a poll that was clearly marked as "Public". This is something that has never been done by any moderator or community manager before or since, goes against all precedent on the matter, and is based on a completely false assumption that not only has no logical backing, but is actually an active insult to the community at large.
What I think is "Wow", personally, is the gross misuse of power to arbitrarily change something that was doing nobody any harm and to directly circumvent a conscious choice on the parts of the poll's creator(myself) and all those who chose to vote on a poll that was clearly marked as "Public". This is something that has never been done by any moderator or community manager before or since, goes against all precedent on the matter, and is based on a completely false assumption that not only has no logical backing, but is actually an active insult to the community at large.
...the usual suspects:cool:
staying on topic, I'm going to reserve both anticipation and a slight amount of doubt. I think it's cool that King's Quest is still loved enough to get a new one. I sorta doubt that it will live up to a lot of people's expectations (which are all over the map, frankly)
What I think is "Wow", personally, is the gross misuse of power to arbitrarily change something that was doing nobody any harm and to directly circumvent a conscious choice on the parts of the poll's creator(myself) and all those who chose to vote on a poll that was clearly marked as "Public". This is something that has never been done by any moderator or community manager before or since, goes against all precedent on the matter, and is based on a completely false assumption that not only has no logical backing, but is actually an active insult to the community at large.
Let's lock all threads and forums in fear that someone might disagree with someone else or possibly express a different or unpopular opinion.
In fact, let's just delete the entire forum to preemptively prevent any problems that could possibly propagate amongst the predominantly pragmatic people perusing these posts.
Let's lock all threads and forums in fear that someone might disagree with someone else or possibly express a different or unpopular opinion.
In fact, let's just delete the entire forum to preemptively prevent any problems that could possibly propagate amongst the predominantly pragmatic people perusing these posts.
It wasn't about the expression of a different opinion, but rather that I've heard from some users that they've been sent harassing and threatening messages over their disagreeing with poll votes in the past. That's all.
Seriously, all I was doing was trying to make an interesting poll more inviting to vote on for some that may not want to if it's public. It could have been a poll about what your favorite color was and I would have done the same.
I apologize if anyone has misconstrued my decision as anything malicious, but I swear to you, it was anything but that.
What's the difference between a public poll (which has been stated to be such) and a regular ol' forum post though? I have received malicious pm's because of posts I have made on this forum as well. By your logic we should just take away everyone's ID and go the way of anonymous.
It wasn't about the expression of a different opinion, but rather that I've heard from some users that they've been sent harassing and threatening messages over their disagreeing with poll votes in the past. That's all.
Seriously, all I was doing was trying to make an interesting poll more inviting to vote on for some that may not want to if it's public. It could have been a poll about what your favorite color was and I would have done the same.
It doesn't matter. A poll about your favorite color that allows for a person to post their favorite color has the same damn effect; someone who vehemently hates people who like the color blue will harass others who post in a thread about the color blue and how much they like it. We do not preemptively close threads that are about opinions, we do not delete posts that contain opinions, we do not delete social groups that are openly posted in our profiles that might express opinions, and if we weren't completely abusing moderator powers we wouldn't make public polls about opinions private. If someone is abused and harassed, that's a bad thing. We don't want that. But I doubt it's a problem that can't be dealt with on a case-by-case basis, just like any form of harassment. Just because some people make posts that are directly trolling other users with posts that are derogatory to their viewpoints, without adding to the discussion and instead being rude and dismissive of the validity of other's viewpoints, we don't SHUT OFF THE FORUM. We deal with those individual cases using moderators, who make sure that the freedoms that we are given to express ourselves openly are not abused.
What's the difference between a public poll (which has been stated to be such) and a regular ol' forum post though? I have received malicious pm's because of posts I have made on this forum as well. By your logic we should just take away everyone's ID and go the way of anonymous.
Was it a snap decision? Yes. Was it potentially the wrong decision? Yes. Did I have the community's best interest at heart? Absolutely.
I really DO apologize personally for any fear/doubt/etc. My removal of the public poll may have caused. I did it as a quick reaction to reports of some uncouth responses to poll results in the past and that's all. We all make mistakes, and it's clear this is one of those times that I've made one.
Being better than KQ6 is easy. King Graham could just be standing in the open farting constantly while Cedric circles him and shouts "A poiiiiiiisonous gas" and it still would be better and more memorable than anything in KQ6 (apart from the maze of the minotaur, that was pretty cool)
Dude, what the hell?
Are you just trolling or what?
Yes and no. Yes I am trolling Anakin but No that is actually my opinion.
I really think KQ6 is the worst in the whole series. Even worse than KQ3 & KQ8.
Lol @der_ketzer.
To be fair this is a series of games (and practically a genre of games) that needs to be introduced to people these days. Back in the day people didn't even know about them a lot....... I always had to hip my friends to adventure games, cuz they were just glued to their consoles (i was too, but I was lucky enough to have access to pretty much every system or computer, through one family member or another). To exaggerate: No one had computers back then. It was rare for a long time.
Everyone I've ever shown these "quest" games to at least has some vague recollection of them. I get into introducing people to them and hyping them up. So the tradition will continue, regardless of whether or not this new/reboot/episodes or whatever is good or garbage.
Oh, and I can respect someone's opinion to hate KQ6 more than every other one, but damn man! That game was the reason I built my first very own PC. Love it!
I'm sure that Mask of Eternity has it's fans, but also I'm also positive that any of those fans that have spent any amount of time discussing King's Quest on the Internet are aware that most of the fan base did not appreciate it.
No need for the conspiracy theories, we're a game company, not the CIA. I assure you, we do try to be as transparent for you guys as possible, in as many aspects as possible.
Excited - 24
Cautiously optimistic - 18
Unsure - 12
Pessimistic - 6
Upset - 1
It would have looked like a conspiracy of the number six, if the Upset have been lower.
It's an aspect of the type of forum we have here, and I think that the legitimate use of existing forum software options shouldn't be messed with. It's possible that someone could say something that they think in a forum post box and get attacked and singled out for it, but forum moderators don't go around deleting posts with opinions attached to them. I believe that it's your job to act when someone takes advantage of the freedoms that allow us to do things that are wrong, not to take those freedoms away. I'm not saying you intentionally did anything malicious by any stretch of the imagination, but I think the logic here is faulty and without merit. I also think that a private poll compromises the poll's integrity, and opens it to potential exploitation.
And, as a side note, I'm the most likely to get singled out here, due to my literally being singled out in the poll results.
I'm not sure I trust the poll result anymore. Alan could very well have made it private just so a crap ton of TTG employees could pile in on the "Excited" option and noone could dispute it.
Change it back, Alan. Please.
Nobody is PMing anyone about polls.
But I don't care anyways I never look who voted for what in these polls anyways. But now this one post by Rather is making sense. I was just wondering what funny thing Alan did because he did not post here before Rathers comment.
Take down TT at all costs! KQ must die!
The point of these posts should be to comment on what we'd like to see so TTG can deliver. If there's a new style added to the series, then I welcome it because anything is better than nothing! I wonder if those posting hate are seriously those people that fell in love with adventure type games and not the ones only interested in FPS. I enjoy both and don't complain. Kings Quest 1 was my first adventure game and probably the sole reason why I'm more interested in the plot of a game than just the cool weapons and graphics.
Of course this is my opinion and everyone is entitled to their own as long as they're not just playing devils advocate to watch everyone tear each other apart. Those folks should take up a new hobby and leave these comments for those actually interested in what's coming.
Keep up the good work TTG! Don't get sloppy on the complexities of the games, they are what keeps the player involved!
-Massively-multiplayer archery deathmatch shooter.
-Grade school spelling tutor with Satanic overtones
-Interactive Geriatric fantasy porno with an overcomplicated interface that makes the program difficult to close
-Biblical game that denounces satanic fantasy
Or, of course, worst of all:
-Sequel in the vein of Mask of Eternity
Somewhere, there is an idea for the future of King's Quest that you would not enjoy, and that would make you wish the franchise had just stayed dead.
What good work? They haven't done anything for this project yet.
I would buy that
It shows a big warning right at the top before you vote on such a poll, if you don't want people to know your opinion, you don't vote.
Well, that's my opinion. Sorry if you disagree.
On one hand, the poll would be useless even if it required typing in social security number. 100 users won't make any difference.
On the other hand, Rather Dashing consciously chose to make the poll public and everyone who votes gets a fair warning that his or her name will be shown to others. Messing around with it smells fishy to me, even though I'm not at all invested in the topic at hand.
How is this any different?
We get it, you don't want to see TT develop a KQ game. We get that you want KQ to stay dead--Glad you admitted it! You're gonna keep pounding that drum until a cancellation announcement for this game comes.
I completely agree.
staying on topic, I'm going to reserve both anticipation and a slight amount of doubt. I think it's cool that King's Quest is still loved enough to get a new one. I sorta doubt that it will live up to a lot of people's expectations (which are all over the map, frankly)
In fact, let's just delete the entire forum to preemptively prevent any problems that could possibly propagate amongst the predominantly pragmatic people perusing these posts.
Gee, you're such a great Community Manager.
It wasn't about the expression of a different opinion, but rather that I've heard from some users that they've been sent harassing and threatening messages over their disagreeing with poll votes in the past. That's all.
Seriously, all I was doing was trying to make an interesting poll more inviting to vote on for some that may not want to if it's public. It could have been a poll about what your favorite color was and I would have done the same.
I apologize if anyone has misconstrued my decision as anything malicious, but I swear to you, it was anything but that.
Was it a snap decision? Yes. Was it potentially the wrong decision? Yes. Did I have the community's best interest at heart? Absolutely.
I really DO apologize personally for any fear/doubt/etc. My removal of the public poll may have caused. I did it as a quick reaction to reports of some uncouth responses to poll results in the past and that's all. We all make mistakes, and it's clear this is one of those times that I've made one.