Question for the devs - regarding gameplay
Hey TTG dudes 
I heard that Walking Dead will be point and click. Does this mean it will be like Jurassic Park (*see link below) where it's sort of like a movie where you interact with pressing buttons or are we, as Lee, gonna be able to walk around by ourselves? It seems to me that you don't have that many choices in JP. So is WD gameplay more tapping buttons and all is 'pre-animated', or do we have the possibility to move left/right/duck/jump etc. as we please?

I heard that Walking Dead will be point and click. Does this mean it will be like Jurassic Park (*see link below) where it's sort of like a movie where you interact with pressing buttons or are we, as Lee, gonna be able to walk around by ourselves? It seems to me that you don't have that many choices in JP. So is WD gameplay more tapping buttons and all is 'pre-animated', or do we have the possibility to move left/right/duck/jump etc. as we please?
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Gameplay-wise, it's definitely a lot closer to Jurassic Park than Sam and Max. There are QTEs for combat, less focus on puzzles and exploration than a conventional adventure game, more straightforward conversations as opposed to huge dialogue trees, etc.
At the same time, though, it's nowhere near as restrictive as JP was. There's an actual character you control, you can actually walk around an area and explore it...Hell, when you select an object a little menu comes up telling what actions you can do with it (Look, Use, Talk, etc.)
So to sum it all up, it's somewhere between a traditional adventure game and the "interactive movie" approach that Jurassic Park tried and failed at.
(P.S.: Jurassic Park wasn't a point-and-click adventure game.)
But i make it take you to the half way point so (6Min 17sec in)
I think I may have to get this game.
Really? Looks a lot better than Jurassic Park in my opinion.
Looks very atmospheric and intense. I really like that idea.
Game looks great though release it now! I want!! I want!!! Lol
As always regarding the gameplay footage I saw they need to work on animations and maybe add some details and better textures here and there, but the atmosphere is nice and the interaction does look like it gives me a feeling of immersion and "doing something". Also glad to see that the interface in action-scenes dont detract from the happenings on screen like the QTEs often did in JPTG and are more "direct".
But I wonder if I will ever forgive them screwing up on my favourite movie Jurassic Park.
R.I.P. Telltale.
I think this could be their masterpiece.
Same here.
Also something I noticed. "She will remember that" popped up when Lee said "I think someone else killed her". As if Clumbentime was just taught something... maybe now she finds it ok to kill the zombies?
Masterpiece? No. But this does seem to be a step in the right direction. It definitely looks better than Jurassic Park (then again, you'd have a hard time making it worse than Jurassic Park).
I mean, I miss Telltale doing traditional adventure games more than anybody, but I try to keep an open mind. As long as the game itself is well-done, the genre doesn't matter too much.
That said, The Walking Dead doesn't seem worth getting at launch. Maybe when the next Steam sale comes around, though.
Thank you.
Who wrote the first episode?
It'll be available on both Steam and the Telltale Store. Along with PSN, XBLA, and the App Store.
Video's down. Guess telltale didn't want that shown.
If it makes you feel any better, I loved what was leaked and if the game is more of that, you got yourself a win in my book.
I second this. That leak actually opened me up to the game more than any official information released so far.
I guess there really is no such thing as bad publicity.
My god the comments were horrible.
That they were. I mean, to be fair, the game does seem to have plenty of flaws, but most of the comments were just going "WHY CAN'T I SHOOT THINGS ADVENTURE GAMES SUCK HUEHUEHUEHUEHUE."
I hope that's a lesson to Telltale about the problem with going casual, though. Those are the people they're trying to sell adventure games to.
Not to mention the racist comments about Lee and laughing on how he stumbled about. The freaking zombie apocalypse just happened, that's a pretty good excuse to not have proper balance.
I'll give a bit of a description.
Lee walked around, and anything selectable, within a certain range of the mouse had a little circle around it, meaning it was selectable. Clicking on stuff opened up a little circle of selections, mainly interact and observation.
Later on, Lee fights a zombie which was done in both QTE and through selecting stuff quickly(only one thing was selectable though at a time). Then, Lee talked with Clementine, and at one point he had 3 choices with about 2 seconds to pick, after which, she kidna paused, said something and "She will remember that" appeared at the top right.
That was about it, and telltale, if you don't want this stuff talked about, feel free to delete this.
Google Chrome version is fantastic, you can switch it on and off pretty quickly.
First of all his name is not lee. his name is fumbles... It was always fumbles...
Actually i think it was hilarious how Fumbles kept stumbling about. Maybe Fumbles clumsiness was a bit to exaggarated in the leaked footage though.
Clumsiness scenes:
Picks up keys
drop keys right next to zombie mouth YUM DELICIOUS
Picks up shotgun shell
drops shotgun shell immedeatly
Shoots zombie
Falls over dead zombies corpse
Sees a big pool of blood on the floor and comments it
slips and fall pool of blood on the floor
1 minute later sees zombie
slip and fall on blood again AND this time hitting his head!
But thats totally fine by me theres a lot of clumsy people IRL (im one of them!) so why not in a game for once? ^^
Anywho im really looking forward to this game and Fumbles clumsiness is not going to stop me from buying it!
I did the pre-order (with that awesome "Almost Everything" bundle included) yesterday - but I have to say, I absolutely love the in game graphics - reminds me of "Borderlands" or "XIII" from what I've watched today - that cel shaded look has always appealed to me.
Very, very excited to give this a play - keep the same art style for "Fables" and I'll be just as happy!
If one of those things happened, let alone both.
And while Lee does seem a little...goofy, it does make sense since he's panicked, and panicked people usually don't act completely logical. I don't mind, though. It's nice to have some comic relief (intentional or otherwise).