References to the Comics & TV series (massive spoilers)
So, I have noticed that there must be several connections between the game and the TV series. This whole thread hinges on my assumption that this is attached to the TV series and not the comic book? I have to admit that I never read the comic so I don't know how accurate the TV show is to the comic. Please post any other hints to the TV series that have seen that I didn't cover here.
This one is obvious, he of course will later on be at the same farm when the crew from the TV series shows up. The only complaint I had of the game was that they didn't really show how isolated the farm is from the rest of the world. It seemed like Lee just wandered onto the farm. *shrug*
So with Glen taking off the help his friends in Atlanta, this is the setup for how he ends up meeting up with Rick. Since Rick runs across Glen when he is stuck in the tank in Atlanta.
I think it is pretty awesome how they are doing these little setups. It really helps to make the video game feel like a part of the rest of The Walking Dead world!
Anybody know when episode 2 will be coming out?
So, I have noticed that there must be several connections between the game and the TV series. This whole thread hinges on my assumption that this is attached to the TV series and not the comic book? I have to admit that I never read the comic so I don't know how accurate the TV show is to the comic. Please post any other hints to the TV series that have seen that I didn't cover here.
This one is obvious, he of course will later on be at the same farm when the crew from the TV series shows up. The only complaint I had of the game was that they didn't really show how isolated the farm is from the rest of the world. It seemed like Lee just wandered onto the farm. *shrug*
So with Glen taking off the help his friends in Atlanta, this is the setup for how he ends up meeting up with Rick. Since Rick runs across Glen when he is stuck in the tank in Atlanta.
I think it is pretty awesome how they are doing these little setups. It really helps to make the video game feel like a part of the rest of The Walking Dead world!
Anybody know when episode 2 will be coming out?
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Rick meets Glenn the same way in the comic. The TV show doesn't follow the comic very closely though. Shane is killed before they even meet Hershel for example. Also, Sophia is still alive in the comics as I recall.
Edit: Let's not forget Lilly. Remember her? She was with the people who attacked the prison. She may even be the one that shot Lori and the baby.
The reason that it doesn't seem isolated is because it really isn't in the comics. The way the farm is portrayed in the game, is the way the farm looks in the comics, and the fact that the farm isn't isolated nor fortified shows in the comics, asa group of strangers come across it and visit the farm.
She is.
Which means she's also the one who killed The Governor so...yay for her.
Man, there are a lot of spoilers in this thread.
Except he didn't just wander onto the farm. He was driven there. By the farmer's son. So... that's pretty airtight.
Incredibly amazing!! First time I have seen that!!!
I don't think Hershel is a preacher in the comic. Can't remember, though. I'll have to dig out the books from my secret, super-duper air tight protective zombie proof containers.
That said, I've just barely started reading the comics but I noticed an incongruity between the game and the comic. In the comic Hershel states that his son Shaun had been bitten before they had constructed the fence around the farm. He then died two days later before turning.
Yet in the game Shaun is reinforcing the already built fence and is killed on the spot by two walkers.
It's also a little odd at how advanced the decay is on the zombies at the beginning of the game. I know it's not explicitly stated but it seems that incident on the highway was at the very beginning of their rise and yet they're already portrayed as having decayed quite a bit.
Well the "fence" isn't really built until it's in its fully constructed state.
I agree with you about the decay but a great deal of it may be a result of the color choices made by Telltale. In the comics, the first record of true decay I recall was seeing naked zombies(due to their clothes having rotted off).
Decay is relative too. Ever see how living people look after those survival TV shows? Where someone gets lost in the desert for a few days and they appear dead. Imagine if they actually were dead and in the desert for several days. Though humid, the South feels very much like the desert. A dead body always appears very rotten very quickly here. I'm not sure if that's always the case but it certainly is here.
And when a zombie feeds on your face and shits your digested body parts on you, you become a little ugly yourself
Wait....zombies have bowel movements? This never occurred to me..
Nice one for ruining it (y)
While that may be it still doesn't answer Hershel's account of Shaun having survived for two days after being bitten. There's also the slightly iffy thing of Hershel running around with a shotgun given his non-violent stance but that can probably be explained.
didn't you read the "spoilers" tag lol anyways HA HA HA HA YOU GOT SPOILED IN A THREAD WITH SPOILERS
This was a thread about the game and the tv series. That was a spoiler for the comic. One which I really wish I hadn't seen either.
Could be. But was Thomas a weepy wuss? I remember him as a cool guy on the outside, and fucked up on the inside of course.
EDIT: Look at
Trivia says: He is mentioned in The Walking Dead Video Game by the officer in Episode 1: A New Day. It is also revealed that he was arrested for murdering his wife.
I love these kinds of details in games like this, of course those people that have only seen the TV series may not pick up on them. I hope there are more to come
a sad day indeed
Sorry I spoiled it for you, but that comic has been out for a long time now. I didn't realize
Huh. I'll see what I can do.
/edit: Better now?
No, and that defo includes the Telltale guys.
Seriously though, if we're lucky, it will be around the end of May, if not, beginning of June. Just add four to six weeks counting from April 24th.
Don't you dare getting ideas for the game!!
Now remember the beginning of the comics with Rick on the seen fighting that terrorist or whatever? Do you think.... THEY WENT TO AID RICK?
They did call for a medical personal, and Rick was shot...
Edit: In fact, Rick drove his squad car until it ran out of gas, and then rode a horse before he ever reached Atlanta. So, no, he was nowhere near there when he was shot.
but does it ever say where Rick was shot? We really don't know where he was or why. It could have been for him for all we know.
I believe the police cars were responding to the erupting zombie-pocolypse, only they thought it was nothing more than a riot at the time.
Rick was a policeman in Cynthiana, Kentucky (as evidenced by the writing on his squad car in issue #1) This is outside of Lexington, KY and approximately 380 miles north of Atlanta, GA up Interstate 75.
So, I'm sorry, but it couldn't have been Rick.
The radio call at the beginning of the game said, "Be advised, medical personnel are en-route to Hartsfield." Just so you know
Could someone expain/spoil this for someone not familiar with the comic book universe? What is the nature of the virus exactly, how do you become a zombie? I thought you had to get bitten by a zombie to turn into one, just dying in ANY (non head damaging) way turn you into a zombie eventually?
Awww. You done ruin my breakthrough:(
This here is true