References to the Comics & TV series (massive spoilers)



  • edited April 2012
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    Awww. You done ruin my breakthrough:(
    Awww.. I sowwy :(

    Gman5852 wrote: »
    This here is true
    now matter how you die. You are a zombie. Everyone is infected, everyone can turn. You stub your toe and die that way, you zombie.
    Yeah. LOL
  • edited April 2012
    I have yet to read the entire series yet, but am in issue 20+ I think. Anyway, what they discovered was
    what turns people into zombies is a virus that everyone is currently infected with. If you die for ANY reason, you become a zombie, not from the bite of one. Zombie bites kill, but it's the virus that turns you, not the actual bite.

    That's right. A zombie bite
    seems to have some toxic effect. example: If a zombie bites someone's hand and the hand is cut off quickly, the zombie poison isn't able to spread and the person will survive.
  • edited April 2012
    bubbledncr wrote: »
    Wait....zombies have bowel movements? This never occurred to me..

    Well they do eat.. ;-)

    Actually, I don't think they're be bowel "movements" per se, as the bowel probably rots and collapses, so it probably just dribbles out...

    Do the walkers in TWD actually eat? Or just chomp? I know in certain zombie films they are established to "eat" on pure instinct alone, as is proven when they are offered flesh after they have had their stomach parts removed..

    Who knows? But I reckon their bowel deposits might be a bit.. ick!:p
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