So who actually died? minor spoilers.
So I was thinking that I never actually died during the game and I thought surviving was very straight forward (still amazing game) and i never really had any trouble fighting of zombies, or the one puzzle getting to the motel room. But out of you players, who died and where? And please do describe how they nom'd on you.
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It was reasonable considering later on in encountering
What obviously doesn't make sense is he seems to know this very early in the game without any actual experience in the matter, and later on appears to forget it. The later occurrence could be forgiven due to
EDIT: As to the original question, I never died. Hammered the wrong key once but managed to correct it in time.
Yeah, I only meant the character, not the player. I would happily be chopping my way through any of Lee's relatives in the game even if they were alive, as long as it's somehow advantageous.
One rule I dearly remembered from Zombieland: Always double tap! Triple tap! Quadritap! Just make sure it's dead!
nice one !
i don't think its optional because i stopped hitting her when i thought she was dead and she jumped up and killed me
there is an achievement for the first time u die
This was the first zombie that managed to grab Lee, and he'd known of their existence for all of five minutes. I assumed the continued blows were more out of fear than any calculated plan to destroy the brain. Every bone in his body must have been screaming at the sheer wrongness of this creature.
Well she did hand u the hammer in the first place.
btw, it only takes 3 hits to KO her. The 4th is for itchy trigger fingers. so she got nothing in her face, yet Lee did not keep the hammer.
u can watch it in my "silent treatment" video
what i mean by silent is, lee says nothing when given the option to.
I only recorded the dialog parts, also did failed combats so u get to see how he fails.
btw, I was watching someone play this live & he did die here & there, that's what got me into the game.
The first time, I didn't have the screwdriver yet, and I was trying to see whether I could run past the walker on the left side to another location where we might find a weapon. I lingered too long looking for a hotspot and got eaten.
Then later, when I had the weapon, I was expecting a cutscene for the actual attack and failed to aim/focus in time!
I see no achievement for the first time you die.
I basically hit her twice with the hammer, and thought she was making the final twitch, and she ended up eating my face... My facial expression was probably pricelss(considering that was my first TWD experience) but there's no way of confirming that now.
the pc steam version is only chapter completion
i heard the console versions have the died cheev/trophy added...
i never died on my first play through but i did miss on saving clem by being too slow on the toilet dweller...:(
I never died myself. I've missed that QTE where you
As to the post I quoted, I think the reason he kept hacking away early on is that he was pretty freaked out by it. I mean, he was entirely surprised by this, remember. If it was me, I'd keep it up no matter how dead it looked if I was taken by surprise like that. He didn't have any time to think about it like he did
First games show way of the Jew claw! American great nation with hammer! Is very good american device! I bring back to my town of Kusek! Good way also to silence the a woman!
don't mean to be rude but what the actual f@#! are you saying ?!
like do you mean:
i've played the walking dead zombie game and i enjoyed it.
but the rest is gibberish to me...
it's name is kinda giving it away
yes i got that too...
lol seriously ?
i hear someone tried a warning shot