Telltale uses their own engine. You can assume that the engine is finished.
The work on the episodes is ongoing. The main concept is finished of course, while the exact dialog script for episodes 4 and 5 is probably still in limbo. Voiceover work is probably ongoing for episode 3 or something but finished for episode 2 and so on. That's how it works. The "basics" are all there, rest assured.
Telltale has so far released SEVEN Seasons that had 4-6 monthly episodes (3 Seasons Sam & Max, Back to the Future, Tales of Monkey Island, Wallace & Gromit, Strong Bad) in six years, and if an episode HAPPENED to be late, it was a matter of 6 to 10 days tops (and this was only a few Season finale episodes, where a particular effort had to be squeezed in). They haven't ever failed the basic concept "monthly release" once episode 1 of a given Season was out. No episode ever took even close to two months. They're on the clock now and they know what they're doing.
I see the problem, I really do - I admit I wasn't a fan of the episodic concept to begin with. The fun is to participate in the discussion while you wait for the next episode to arrive, give reviews and feedback to the designers - and those might even immediately influence the way the next episode is done. More than once, they worked community reactions, suggestions or memes into their episodes.
I can only say that you haven't paid for nothing here and that people keep working hard for this money. They will arrive at a 10-hour interactive story eventually, that's quite something to look forward to. Even if perhaps one episode might run a week late, Telltale has never failed to deliver ALL pre-paid episodes once they announced a full Season and I don't think they'll start failing now all of a sudden.
maybe with flash yes but you can be sure there'll be another person asking the same thing soon
and to flash we don't mean to jump on you with an axe to grind, it's just for me at least possibly vainamoinen
we see the same threads/same questions over and over again and regardless of what ttg do the same thing happens for each new game they bring out..
maybe the fault lies with ttg not making the info clear, as the adverts only have so much room in them and the important stuff is either crammed in by way of really small print..or missed and later posted seperately but other game companies do the same thing and probably have to do the same explaning ?
I'll be honest, in the first couple days of Ep 1 delay I read alot of the forums, and I totally took some info the wrong way but this thread has straightened it out for me. I honestly thought that some games didn't make it to completion like Wallace n Gromit and/or others. And I could never ask the question in such a way that I'd get the answer I needed. Thanks guys.
I purchased this games yesterday and finished it for 5hours. Darn. Can't wait for the 2nd ep. Can someone alert me when the ep2 will be release? [snip] Thanks!
I purchased this games yesterday and finished it for 5hours. Darn. Can't wait for the 2nd ep. Can someone alert me when the ep2 will be release? Thanks!
Best not to put private E-Mails up on forums mate - that's how you make your computer cry.
You'll get an E-Mail from Telltale when the next episode is released letting you know it's available to download.
So no one knows the exact date of the release for 2? I thought these were already done. Hurry up already , I need my zombie fix. Seriously though if anyone knows when the release for the 2nd one will be let me know I have already purchased all of them , thinking they were done.
So no one knows the exact date of the release for 2? I thought these were already done. Hurry up already , I need my zombie fix. Seriously though if anyone knows when the release for the 2nd one will be let me know I have already purchased all of them , thinking they were done.
and there we have yet another person who doesn't read the fine print...
So no one knows the exact date of the release for 2? I thought these were already done. Hurry up already , I need my zombie fix. Seriously though if anyone knows when the release for the 2nd one will be let me know I have already purchased all of them , thinking they were done.
1.) Yes, no one (in fact, NO ONE) already knows the exact release day for episode 2.
2.) If the episodes WERE already done, Telltale would release them immediately and move on to the next Season!
I hope that was a bit more helpful. Watch the blog regularly for more info, because that is usually the first official source for release dates. But the release dates will only emerge mere days from the release, mind you.
why is it so hard for people to use google/ the search function/ or just look through the post they have just commented in ?! heck even looked at the sticky threads..
seeing as a mod made the guessing game they must know, and he has it out to june 6 more than a month by the way so much for monthly must be june 6 or why bother making it that way?
Actually we don't know anything about the release dates. We find out when you guys do.
Telltale isn't like a major Devs. They don't street date their products they give you a time frame..and usually it's with in the month that they say it's going to be released. Their have been times where their games haven't been released and have been released in Dec. Instead of Nov.
Won't happen - and does not deserve its own thread to begin with. There are people here who didn't get concrete release days for six years and seven games, and you don't hear them complaining the slightest bit. Seriously, a man of your age should have a bit more patience.
10 weeks? Where did anyone say 10 weeks? Not 10, not 9, not 8, not 7 and proooobably not even 6. Just assume July 7th and voila, you've got your fixed release date that will be met.
I would love to your trades person pay me now, and i wont tell you anything about when i might actually do the work, we you refuse to tell any info sounds more and more like the company is in troible and might not even get anther one out
flash the monthly release is an educated guess and is what ttg aim to do for each episode. as has been said already but you seem to have forgot or not understood..
go back through this topic and read our answers to your original question....
flash the monthly release is an educated guess and is what ttg aim to do for each episode. as has been said already but you seem to have forgot or not understood..
go back through this topic and read our answers to your original question....
No just have the shits your advertising, it states 5 monthly epps not 5 educated guess releses
Just find it hard to belive you adervertise one thing to suck ppl in then have no idea of when it might realy happen
No just have the shits your advertising, it states 5 monthly epps not 5 educated guess releses
Just find it hard to belive you adervertise one thing to suck ppl in then have no idea of when it might realy happen
No one sucked you in Mate - you bought it as you saw it.
As people have said numerous times before, it's monthly, but as for the specific date, it usually doesn't get announced until at most a day or so before, if at all.
After the next episode, you're going to have another 3 sets of long waits for the next episodes - best you get used to how it works now and save yourself some stress - it won't change, this is how TTG have always operated, and a bit of light digging around the forums would have shown you that before you put down your money.
fanbois? maybe so but most of us here have the common sence to check information at it's source or have bought a ttg game before so we know what ttg do, how they work and we also know we get our money's worth 'most of the time' maybe the exception being jurrasic park (which i haven't played) but i hear it's not the best of ttg's games..
The work on the episodes is ongoing. The main concept is finished of course, while the exact dialog script for episodes 4 and 5 is probably still in limbo. Voiceover work is probably ongoing for episode 3 or something but finished for episode 2 and so on. That's how it works. The "basics" are all there, rest assured.
Telltale has so far released SEVEN Seasons that had 4-6 monthly episodes (3 Seasons Sam & Max, Back to the Future, Tales of Monkey Island, Wallace & Gromit, Strong Bad) in six years, and if an episode HAPPENED to be late, it was a matter of 6 to 10 days tops (and this was only a few Season finale episodes, where a particular effort had to be squeezed in). They haven't ever failed the basic concept "monthly release" once episode 1 of a given Season was out. No episode ever took even close to two months. They're on the clock now and they know what they're doing.
Can we have this discussion end now?
I can only say that you haven't paid for nothing here and that people keep working hard for this money. They will arrive at a 10-hour interactive story eventually, that's quite something to look forward to. Even if perhaps one episode might run a week late, Telltale has never failed to deliver ALL pre-paid episodes once they announced a full Season and I don't think they'll start failing now all of a sudden.
maybe with flash yes but you can be sure there'll be another person asking the same thing soon
and to flash we don't mean to jump on you with an axe to grind, it's just for me at least possibly vainamoinen
we see the same threads/same questions over and over again and regardless of what ttg do the same thing happens for each new game they bring out..
maybe the fault lies with ttg not making the info clear, as the adverts only have so much room in them and the important stuff is either crammed in by way of really small print..or missed and later posted seperately but other game companies do the same thing and probably have to do the same explaning ?
glad we helped you !
some people have been pissed and complained about the game too and they got some hostile reception
which path have you chosen good guy/ bad guy or moraley grey area (in the middle)?
/edit: 138 voters. OMG.
I wish there had been more episodes of "W&G" - I love that game.........
Best not to put private E-Mails up on forums mate - that's how you make your computer cry.
You'll get an E-Mail from Telltale when the next episode is released letting you know it's available to download.
I was guessing this weekend.....
and there we have yet another person who doesn't read the fine print...
1.) Yes, no one (in fact, NO ONE) already knows the exact release day for episode 2.
2.) If the episodes WERE already done, Telltale would release them immediately and move on to the next Season!
I hope that was a bit more helpful. Watch the blog regularly for more info, because that is usually the first official source for release dates. But the release dates will only emerge mere days from the release, mind you.
Awesome, thanks
People can people can Dream
i voted for this tuesday
why is it so hard for people to use google/ the search function/ or just look through the post they have just commented in ?! heck even looked at the sticky threads..
ps your welcome for the sarcasm
Its not on the poll, but I'm guessing no sooner than June 12th.
You're losing this game!!
Actually we don't know anything about the release dates. We find out when you guys do.
Telltale isn't like a major Devs. They don't street date their products they give you a time frame..and usually it's with in the month that they say it's going to be released. Their have been times where their games haven't been released and have been released in Dec. Instead of Nov.
Could be worse...could be Valve Time.
go back through this topic and read our answers to your original question....
No just have the shits your advertising, it states 5 monthly epps not 5 educated guess releses
Just find it hard to belive you adervertise one thing to suck ppl in then have no idea of when it might realy happen
No one sucked you in Mate - you bought it as you saw it.
As people have said numerous times before, it's monthly, but as for the specific date, it usually doesn't get announced until at most a day or so before, if at all.
After the next episode, you're going to have another 3 sets of long waits for the next episodes - best you get used to how it works now and save yourself some stress - it won't change, this is how TTG have always operated, and a bit of light digging around the forums would have shown you that before you put down your money.
i feel like we're going in circles here...