LOL nice one, still got me prawn exactly 4 weeks apart though unlike here were my point was it fine to wait for epps but here it could be anywere from a month to a month and a half, tv and comics all come out at set intervals, here a rough guess, Just have to wait for it to show up and hope it kind of on time
Actually, the comics for TWD don't really come out on any kind of set schedule either. I've seen them release 1 week apart, 3 weeks apart and almost 6 weeks apart. I have confidence that the series will be pretty well in-order as TWD has a rabid fan base.
Now that being said, I just hope that there will be multiple seasons as, so far, TTG seems to have a pretty good feel for what TWD is all about (and I hope that continuing episodes keep it up!)
You were going for a "mere" four weeks between episodes. This has happened a few times in my days!
(For your reference:
Strong Bad episode 4 November 17th/ episode 5 December 15th;
Sam & Max Season 2, episode 4 March 14th/ episode 5 April 11th;
Sam & Max Season 3, episode 3 June 22nd, episode 4 July 20th.
There are more examples for S&M Season 1, but as there were Gametap pre-releases back then, I'm not sure what would count as the official "release date")
yeah id ignore the wiki if i were you and just wait for an official announcement by TTG, as they havent said anything so god knows were whoever put that up on the wiki is supposedly getting there info from ^^
Oh seriously, not AGAIN. Some witless joker with too much time on his hands is putting these into the wikipedia, completely bogus and stupid dates. And whoever does this is doing it on purpose, because that crap was already deleted yesterday. See page 7 of this thread for more than enough detail.
/edit: So, 309 voters. Maybe we'll get the next guessing thread to 400.
Since TWD game is a fairly in-depth game, I wonder if the release schedule will most closely reflect what the Back to the Future release schedule was like?
Episode 1: Feb 15
(+ 6 weeks)
Episode 2: March 29
(+ <1 week)
Episode 3: May 3
(+ ~5 weeks)
Episode 4: June 7
(+ >4 weeks)
Episode 5: July 26
If so, it seems the average falls exactly at 4 weeks (and I mean exactly, to the day - although two of the releases took 6 and 5 weeks which were offset by 1 being only a week in production.)
This being my first TTG game, would all of you TTG veterans say this is a realistic expectation pretty much what we should expect for TWD?
Honestly, I am seriously crossing my fingers that we don't have to wait six weeks for "Episode 2: Starved for Help" - that would put the release date at May 6th/7th. :eek:
All right, let's talk about the BTTF release dates a bit.
First of all, which platform are these BTTF release dates you're quoting from precisely? Because I can remember the first episode December 22nd PC release day from that game very well, so it's not PC/Mac... ahhh, seems to be PS3. Now, as both Sony as well as Microsoft have a game authorization process of rather indeterminable length (let alone their plans for European release), guessing those dates is something we have scarcely attempted. It is a good sign however that the first episode released almost simultaneous on PC /PS3 US/Xbox US.
But be advised that we are only guessing the PC/Mac release date in this thread for a reason... we are guessing things Telltale actually has control over.
The actual BTTF PC version started out with a pre-announced two month X-mas break between first and second episode. The release plan was clearly shown in the very first trailer:
They kept this schedule exactly, but as you can see, they left a bit of wiggle room for the last episode by not giving a month for it. They took a bit of extra time for that last episode to schedule voice acting with Michael J. Fox so he actually was in the last episode. It was well worth the wait!
i truly wish that they would release that on the xbox, although i hear its not fantastic i still would love to play it, back on topic, kind of, doesnt any game released on xbox live have to be submitted a week before intended release date? and as you pointed out we had a similar (missed out by one day) release date, so fingers crossed (for xbox only) the game should be released a day after the pc/mac version? or am i jumping to conclusions and having a bout of wishful thinking?
I don't know that much about Xbox or PS3 authorization processes, but I do know that a timely submission doesn't mean that the build is actually accepted by those companies. If it isn't, a time-eating game of ping pong between Sony/Microsoft and Telltale might occur. An unforeseeable change this, change that, redo this, make that different.
Now, as both Sony as well as Microsoft have a game authorization process of rather indeterminable length (let alone their plans for European release), guessing those dates is something we have scarcely attempted. It is a good sign however that the first episode released almost simultaneous on PC /PS3 US/Xbox US.
But be advised that we are only guessing the PC/Mac release date in this thread for a reason... we are guessing things Telltale actually has control over.
Yes, it was the PS3 version that I was referencing (as I haven't had a quality, up-to-date "gaming computer" since the original Wolfenstein came out... LOL ) ... sad, I know. I am all about mobile and console gaming.
I think with the hype and rabid following surrounding TWD, we should have less delay problems... or at least I hope.
You are right that it bodes well they were released so near each other.
I predict telltale will release this is as late as possible...can't remember any early month releases off the top of my head.....I think the 29th is a safe bet. I noticed there are June dates? I could have swore I read they were releasing each episode back to back months until it was all released. I always just take the last date in a month and then only get unhappy if it isn't out by then. I find like Valve its easy to just not get your hopes up....LOL
I predict telltale will release this is as late as possible...can't remember any early month releases off the top of my head.....I think the 29th is a safe bet. I noticed there are June dates? I could have swore I read they were releasing each episode back to back months until it was all released. I always just take the last date in a month and then only get unhappy if it isn't out by then. I find like Valve its easy to just not get your hopes up....LOL
They just announced today episode comes out in June:(
Actually, the comics for TWD don't really come out on any kind of set schedule either. I've seen them release 1 week apart, 3 weeks apart and almost 6 weeks apart. I have confidence that the series will be pretty well in-order as TWD has a rabid fan base.
Now that being said, I just hope that there will be multiple seasons as, so far, TTG seems to have a pretty good feel for what TWD is all about (and I hope that continuing episodes keep it up!)
*bangs on door*
You guys ARE going to have it done in a week, right? Right?!
...wiff sprinkles?
...and extra love heaped on?
You were going for a "mere" four weeks between episodes. This has happened a few times in my days!
(For your reference:
Strong Bad episode 4 November 17th/ episode 5 December 15th;
Sam & Max Season 2, episode 4 March 14th/ episode 5 April 11th;
Sam & Max Season 3, episode 3 June 22nd, episode 4 July 20th.
There are more examples for S&M Season 1, but as there were Gametap pre-releases back then, I'm not sure what would count as the official "release date")
Release date(s) Episode 1:
I]*snip* there are no dates[/I
which i hope is wrong cause there is a 3 month gap between episode 2 and 3
/edit: So, 309 voters. Maybe we'll get the next guessing thread to 400.
Episode 1: Feb 15
(+ 6 weeks)
Episode 2: March 29
(+ <1 week)
Episode 3: May 3
(+ ~5 weeks)
Episode 4: June 7
(+ >4 weeks)
Episode 5: July 26
If so, it seems the average falls exactly at 4 weeks (and I mean exactly, to the day - although two of the releases took 6 and 5 weeks which were offset by 1 being only a week in production.)
This being my first TTG game, would all of you TTG veterans say this is a realistic expectation pretty much what we should expect for TWD?
Honestly, I am seriously crossing my fingers that we don't have to wait six weeks for "Episode 2: Starved for Help" - that would put the release date at May 6th/7th. :eek:
First of all, which platform are these BTTF release dates you're quoting from precisely? Because I can remember the first episode December 22nd PC release day from that game very well, so it's not PC/Mac... ahhh, seems to be PS3. Now, as both Sony as well as Microsoft have a game authorization process of rather indeterminable length (let alone their plans for European release), guessing those dates is something we have scarcely attempted. It is a good sign however that the first episode released almost simultaneous on PC /PS3 US/Xbox US.
But be advised that we are only guessing the PC/Mac release date in this thread for a reason... we are guessing things Telltale actually has control over.
The actual BTTF PC version started out with a pre-announced two month X-mas break between first and second episode. The release plan was clearly shown in the very first trailer:
They kept this schedule exactly, but as you can see, they left a bit of wiggle room for the last episode by not giving a month for it. They took a bit of extra time for that last episode to schedule voice acting with Michael J. Fox so he actually was in the last episode. It was well worth the wait!
I hope you're right though.
Yes, it was the PS3 version that I was referencing (as I haven't had a quality, up-to-date "gaming computer" since the original Wolfenstein came out... LOL
I think with the hype and rabid following surrounding TWD, we should have less delay problems... or at least I hope.
You are right that it bodes well they were released so near each other.
Thanks for the insight.
(Now the waiting REALLY begins.
(But pretty deserted once episode 2 is out. It will be silently unstuck a few days after we actually have a release date)
Actually, this one's all me. :P
Not if Vainamoinen, Closer of Threads™ gets to it first! Bwahahahaha
I'm seriously considering designing that shirt.
We already know a birthday present for him.
Indeed Stand Tall Stand Proud and Stand by your Pony. Every day that passes is another day that 100 % guarantees your closer to a release date.
What?! Are you sure that you have born in Spain? Or are you trolling?
Of course we have running water, toilet, tv, PC, even consoles and Iphones. Amazing, uh?
My neighbors have water, tv, toilets too. Thanks for asking.
Unless Telltle themselves said it, don't believe it.
From Youtube Telltale's account:
Yes, June!
I've lost the guessing game... me and a bunch of people.
On the bright side, congratulations on a million sales! Is this Telltale's all-time best-seller now?
I'm starting to forget my decisions now, I think that in June my memory will be wasted... I hope the episode will start with a recap trailer.
At this rate this would deserve a second season.
That is the plan!
Previously on "The Walking Dead"...
Smart move then, but is there a reason for a June release now?
You are my heroes...
They just announced today episode comes out in June:(