Things to do while you wait for the Walking Dead Episodes

{If mods can Edit threads as well as titles they can later include other series we're waiting for and move this to a general topic but for now i'm Sticking to Walking Dead}
So your Waiting for TWDG Episode 2 and beyond.
But what can you do in the Meantime to kill time?
Heres some ideas from me and hopefully you will contribute too.
1. Play Mass effect 3 realize your waiting for EC come back to TWDG realize your waiting for Episode 2 Repeat.
2. Play a TWDG Save where Lee Never answers anyone {except when forced to choose between night and day and such}
3. Create a Mockup of the Motel {and Pharmacy if your apt} In The Sims 3. Create a Family of Clementine, Lee, Larry, Lilly, Kenny, Duck, Kaatja, Carley, And Dough {seriously every time i type doug it pops up Dough so im sticking with it} and set A.I. to full freedom and observe them making diaries of their activities noting when Larry and Lee have a gay wedding or when Doug accidentally sets the kitchen on fire.
4. Write your own personal Diary of the outbreak with an original character, or your own self.
5. Draw some Fan Art.
6. Play Minecraft and build a replica of The Motel or well just play Minecraft
7.Write a TWDG song.
So your Waiting for TWDG Episode 2 and beyond.
But what can you do in the Meantime to kill time?
Heres some ideas from me and hopefully you will contribute too.
1. Play Mass effect 3 realize your waiting for EC come back to TWDG realize your waiting for Episode 2 Repeat.
2. Play a TWDG Save where Lee Never answers anyone {except when forced to choose between night and day and such}
3. Create a Mockup of the Motel {and Pharmacy if your apt} In The Sims 3. Create a Family of Clementine, Lee, Larry, Lilly, Kenny, Duck, Kaatja, Carley, And Dough {seriously every time i type doug it pops up Dough so im sticking with it} and set A.I. to full freedom and observe them making diaries of their activities noting when Larry and Lee have a gay wedding or when Doug accidentally sets the kitchen on fire.
4. Write your own personal Diary of the outbreak with an original character, or your own self.
5. Draw some Fan Art.
6. Play Minecraft and build a replica of The Motel or well just play Minecraft
7.Write a TWDG song.
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Mines will be "Who's the bitten one now sucka!?"....luckily I still have time to work on it :P
This is very true.
My epic one liner will be "it's just been revoked."
I know it doesn't apply to the situation, but, you know, Lethal Weapon.
{ how does Play TTG's other games whose pc cant handle it and only have a 360 cause i've already replayed both seasons of Sam and Max}
1) Reading volumes 1-4 of The Walking Dead compilations
2) Playing Wadjet Eye Games' The Blackwell Deception
3) Playing the Special Edition of Monkey Island 2 and listening to the commentaries
You mean... when it happens.
Well said Scnew Well said
maybe i should buy them when i got some disposeable income next month
and watch it all the way through :P
Awesome survival zombie apocalypse game
ah yes, i bought project zombiod last year, just before the big release, *sighs*
The reviews aren't very favourable, but then Alpha Protocol got average scores and is one of the best action RPGs to come out in years. Word is hardcore GoT fans won't be disappointed, especially by the story.
I Want an Alpha Protocol 2 With either Sis being of Legal age or getting to be Sis's Big Brother either way as long as I can hang out with the cool mute girl and protect her i'm cool
Will the Game of Thrones RPG be full of Incest?
Thanks erbody!
Whats really challenging is playing a The Doctor Playthrough {pacifist run I did it 9 times before finally doing a kill em all playthrough}
The game believes youll kill everyone anyway {just check the triad mission cutscene after you leave it shows them all covered in blood even if you only used tranqs
The one where you're assigned to assassinate a few Triads? You can't complete an assassination mission without killing. Overall a lot of people can be spared though, including bosses.
I completed the assassination Mission using only Tranqs and non lethal takedowns :cool:
Also other things to do while waiting.
Take up knitting
Learn Esperanto
develop the perfect Curry
I noticed on Alpha Protocol there are several missions you don't even have to do to unlock the final mission for an area. It's cool you can use only tranqs and takedowns. I just use a silenced pistol instead, leaving a wake of death lol
I'm Considering doing a Lord Punchington playthrough of Deus Ex Civilians, Cops, Hobos, GOTTA PUNCH EM ALL
deus ex HR pacifist on hardest diffculty = epic win
Yeah i guess you could participate in the plot as well i just meant punching people. in Hengsha i loved punching out random civilians who were rude to me and hiding their bodies in backrooms
i found it easy on the whole to do the hardest mode available with a non lethal playthrough, cos you can pretty much stealth it i also did the foxiest cheevo at the same time.
so that one playthrough got me 150 g on my xbox
i think the news building with funny ai woman was a bit hard and the waiting for the lift bit where you can use the turret and the soda machines to block out the guards to do for the foxiest of the hounds (MGS ref) and i avoided hacking
And Today in Hengsha News a series of Refrigerator thefts has baffled authorities
lol nice one
dunno if you noticed but using the tranq gun gets through all armor ? even the HEAVY lol
I love using invisbility when Zhao sends her goons after me and sneaking right into the elevator and took off.
that bit i litterally ran my ass off to get past them as was limited by energy got to the door/wall behind them to decloak and recharge lol
but i did use the gas nade/mine to knock em out as they entered funny how they say watch out mine then they fall down
This is coming out next month....looks awesome.
Anybody else getting it?
some of these types of games can be fun but i think they get repetative quickly so may wait till it's cheap..