Well, I was more interested at first even reading all the debates on the forum, but now I mostly lurk on it... Even the team seems vanished...
I'm sure I'll be entertained when it will come out, but I'm not sure that the most "casual" gamers will even remember that there's a second episode coming out if you don't recall them about it...
I think the problem is remembering everything from the first game. If I had to wait two months between episodes of tv shows, I'm not sure how successful they'd be.
It has just made me play ep1 more times. I just tend to check online to see if its out then when it isn't I try to forget I'm waiting for it. (Difficult I know) I have found lots of interesting z games due to my need of a z game fix.
sc4recrow - I wonder if we will get a "Previously on The Walking Dead"
Previously on The Walking Dead - You have butter fingers with a shotgun cartridge, you shoot a man in the head then ask if he is alive, you trip, you trip over again, you slip on some blood you have just looked at, you drink some questionable water,you trip over again. ok im gonna stop here it could take ages
Nope, was hooked since Lee, and Clem were discussing what Hershel's barn smelled like. The 2 month wait has made me want it even more, and I can't wait to see Lee struggle to survive in the undead world with Clem. How far can you push a person before they turn into a cornered animal? Will Carly still not know how to use battaries? Will Lee's past be revealed? Can Duck really drive a tractor?! All these and answered and more on the next action packed Walking Dead.
The way people are overreacting to the delay is baffling. It's just a month. Telltale's skipped a month before, and yet people are acting like this is the next Duke Nukem Forever.
To be honest, the wave of newcomers who neither know nor care about how Telltale works that this game is bringing in is killing me. Good thing Fables and King's Quest should be more nichey.
Has the 2 months wait for the 2nd episode turned you off?
Yes it has... tbh. Following the end of the first episode I was really jazzed about playing this series. Now I can hardly remember what happened or which choices I made -- and I played through the game twice.
It is really disappointing for a gaming company to establish an episodic format and then fail to live up to their established timeline for that content's delivery.
I think the problem is remembering everything from the first game. If I had to wait two months between episodes of tv shows, I'm not sure how successful they'd be.
I also agree with sc4recrow. It's not the wait, it's the dissolving narrative continuity.
A two month wait was never the problem in previous games. The first two Sam & Max seasons, Wallace & Gromit, Back to the Future ALL had a two-month gap between the first and second episodes. What the heck, so it was two months, whatever. The only thing you really had to remember from the previous episode was the grand picture, the rudimentary storyline.
The Walking Dead game is different. It is also about details, about the small choices, about things you maybe accidentally said or did in certain situations. It is hard enough remembering those when one month has passed, but two full months? How should I still know if that first save slot has the game in which I was a bit too liberal with the swear words around Clementine, in which I somehow managed to not lie to Hershel, in which I told Kenny a bit too much about myself, in which I happened to miss a battery? I think episode 2 might feel a bit too much as if you're thrown into "some" story instead of "your" story because you naturally forget all the small things. That is even more true for real fans who have three (or more! ) save slots with different approaches.
I can understand that TWD is a new type of game that poses new challenges to designers and programmers, so I wholeheartedly understand the delay (yet not the lack of communication). From what we've heard from the developers in the past, the release intervals of episodes are constantly discussed at TTG, and of course they desire a "perfect" interval between episodes, a balance between speed and quality.
For Sam & Max I say: seven weeks, not really a problem. For the Walking Dead, I would indeed say: five weeks is a bit too long. The long term Telltale fans have eventually embraced the episodic concept, no doubt about that. But here the ones who wait for the Season to finish before they start playing are at a definite immersion advantage. That DOES threaten the episodic concept.
I also agree with sc4recrow. It's not the wait, it's the dissolving narrative continuity.
A two month wait was never the problem in previous games. The first two Sam & Max seasons, Wallace & Gromit, Back to the Future ALL had a two-month gap between the first and second episodes. What the heck, so it was two months, whatever. The only thing you really had to remember from the previous episode was the grand picture, the rudimentary storyline.
The Walking Dead game is different. It is also about details, about the small choices, about things you maybe accidentally said or did in certain situations. It is hard enough remembering those when one month has passed, but two full months? How should I still know if that first save slot has the game in which I was a bit too liberal with the swear words around Clementine, in which I somehow managed to not lie to Hershel, in which I told Kenny a bit too much about myself, in which I happened to miss a battery? I think episode 2 might feel a bit too much as if you're thrown into "some" story instead of "your" story because you naturally forget all the small things. That is even more true for real fans who have three (or more! ) save slots with different approaches.
I can understand that TWD is a new type of game that poses new challenges to designers and programmers, so I wholeheartedly understand the delay (yet not the lack of communication). From what we've heard from the developers in the past, the release intervals of episodes are constantly discussed at TTG, and of course they desire a "perfect" interval between episodes, a balance between speed and quality.
For Sam & Max I say: seven weeks, not really a problem. For the Walking Dead, I would indeed say: five weeks is a bit too long. The long term Telltale fans have eventually embraced the episodic concept, no doubt about that. But here the ones who wait for the Season to finish before they start playing are at a definite immersion advantage. That DOES threaten the episodic concept.
It's going to be pretty difficult to remember the little things, I remember Kenny making note to a dialoge option I forgot I chose in the same episode! God knows how I will remember with a 2 month gap.
Yeah in away it did ill still gonna play it but its the last time i pre order anything from tt till they learn to give solid release dates i expect to get what i ordered on time not excuses liek days before the supposed release dates i expected monthly i expect to have my product on time if i went to lowes to order a door and the saleman tells me 2 weeks then i come in at the supposed date and he said it was pushed back another 2 weeks better bet id be ticked off and problably wouldnt special order another door from them again.
Turned me off no, but i think the fires that burn for interest in game dies down a bit, i mean look how sloppy a job updating people the makers of the walking dead facebook game have been , they lost their peak release date
the wait is long and it sucks and like vaino i have 3 slots with different play throughs on
luckily i know what my choices are
slot 1 gut reaction, do what i'd do, shaun, carly, pro kenny, missed clem once
slot 2 mostly good choices,not drinking water, duck, doug, pro kenny, save clem
slot 3 pure asshole do not trust carly and save her, pro larry be a bit harsh with clem,
If I'm honest.. YES. a little, but I know as soon as the new episode smacks us all in the face I will be neck deep in fanboy giddiness.
But like Iced points out.. its NOT that long of a wait.. Many games stores start taking preorders for games and the developers end up pushing the date back half a year..
Yeah and it's turned me off Telltale mostly. Won't stop me buying Episode 2 as soon as it gets out though, I will be excited then. My hype has gone down a lot for this series of games though.
Yes and no. I think I've decided to wait until the whole thing comes out now and then read the reviews before deciding if I am going to buy. I appreciate a company taking extra time to make sure a game is good BUT if they say an episode will come out each month I expect that to be the case.
I have been completely turned off to episodic games and don't play to buy any games sold in such a format again until they are complete. I'm not saying they won't get my money just that they won't get it right away as I am sure they would prefer (assuming the whole is a good game and worth the purchase).
The worst part is the lack of communication. My respect for telltale has waned a bit.
Oh, and since this is a game about choices and consequences of those choices, long delays make me forget the choices I made. True, you may get a week between tv episodes, but that's just a week. This is a large part of why I'm just going to wait until all the episodes are out for sale. Now, if I find out they do an amazing recap functionality that recaps YOUR choices at the beginning of each new episode I might break down. It's a good game so far, I just like to have my story be a little more cohesive without massive two month gaps.
Is it me or is this game racist? Let me explain why i ask this question be4 people jump all over me. 1st thing is 1st the start of the game.... Black guy in the back of a cop car handcuffed and convicted of murder ....you're the only black char in the game and does not everyone seem to fight with you a lot, are you not the person that all the problems are leaded around? the only food that Lee(black guy) seems to pick up and eat are power bars even tho you see canned food items in the store....
Would be nice if you did get a "previously on the walking dead" that ties in to your own choices.
Interestingly, Jake has answered to some "questions" in the appropriate thread yesterday and I think he also answered this question implicitly. On the topic of starting the game with episode 2, he answers
The game will open with a "previously on!" which shows a predetermined set of choices.
I strongly believe that the "previously on" thing also appears if you're continuing from a save slot. It would naturally only show the central choices from episode 1, not all the details we were talking about earlier.
Fist I get half crap console centric controls with no customization
Then I get lied to about the release schedule
I don't car if Jesus himself tells me the next Telltale game is the best thing since cheesy bread, I will not give them another nickel of my money. Its just not OK to take my money and then not deliver on your obligation...period. Companies can screw around all they want, they may make a little cash now, but the total lack of customer focus is driving people to indie games.
You can say "have patience" and everything else all you want, just ask yourself how many other companies you would let take your money and then not deliver the product?
I been reading this board for sometime but never joined but after I saw this topic made me want to give you my input on this topic.
I am not turned off by the delay. I have waited before for other games so this is not the first time this happened to me.
I for one can't wait for episode 2 since I want to see how things turn out but since I played Back to the Future and Jurassic Park I am used to waiting for the 2nd part of the game. I know people don't like to have the game broken up with episode games but I grew on me and making me want to play the next episode even more.
Great work guys I been really happy with your games and will still get the 2nd to 5th episodes when they come out
Fist I get half crap console centric controls with no customization
Then I get lied to about the release schedule
I don't car if Jesus himself tells me the next Telltale game is the best thing since cheesy bread, I will not give them another nickel of my money. Its just not OK to take my money and then not deliver on your obligation...period. Companies can screw around all they want, they may make a little cash now, but the total lack of customer focus is driving people to indie games.
You can say "have patience" and everything else all you want, just ask yourself how many other companies you would let take your money and then not deliver the product?
Valve's delays are worse. The worst delay for Telltale has been around 2 months. You're acting this like a Duke Nukem Forever delay.
No, but it has now given me a reason not to trust telltale with my money on episodic releases anymore. I understand they are waiting for xbox approval, or something. But that's a problem for xbox users, not us. It shouldn't delay the release date a whole month! Quite honestly, it's way better to play tell tale games in quick succession while you are immersed. I just beat Tales of Monkey Island (Threshwood > Lee) hoping it would stave off my hunger for TWD. It helped, but now I am back to being angry with no zombies to take it out on. I honestly can't believe this second episode is not out yet. When my friends ask me how the game is, I'm forced to tell them "I don't know, 3 months after it's come out and they've only release 1/5 of the game."
Part of why I tend to buy episode by episode. I may spend 5 more bucks in the long run but I've got the rest of my money for other things...
But as for the question? Nah. I have other things keeping me busy and I'm still eager to see what happens. As long as it doesn't come out buggy and / or not living up to the decisions that I am trying to lead Lee down, then I'll enjoy it and wait for Ep. 3!
been reading this forum for some time now. since before ep 1. i like most would prefer not to wait any longer for ep 2 but this isnt the first time i imagine for anybody that a game was delayed. back to the future, JP all had delays and the walking dead isnt the only to advertise monthly releases and not come through. WHEN ep2 is released, we will see I hope huge improvements and see why the game was delayed. it quite possibly could be that they are implementing many features and things that fans and people here wanted in ep 1.
I think he specified Black guy to people who didn't remember lees name and is saying "LEE GRAB SOME CANNED FOOD YOU IDJIT!" Maybe Lee's not aware he's wearing Threepwood Pants
Firstly, no, because although I don't like this genre too much, I really enjoy this game and cant wait for the sequel.
On the flip side, yes, because I feel it's good to strike while the iron is hot. Finishing the first episode, I was really buzzed for the 2nd episode. Its been a short while now and feel that it would have been nice to have a 2nd episode delivered soon after the first.
Of course, I understand the strains of developing a game on a tight time-frame and so don't fully expect anything just yet. But I feel that when you undertake a project based on episodic content, the developer has a responsibility to release on a frequent basis much like a comic book.
I feel its human nature that when someone has completed a story that has a lead to a sequel (maybe a cliffhanger) that they would like to see the see how the story plays out soon after.
Again, this is something that people are aware wont happen with games such as halo, metal gear and fable (I.E big games) etc. With episodic content I feel that people have a different standard.
The month extra delay (from what I have heard), I dont personally believe is too bad but to come back to the original point, releases should be frequent.
I also believe where episodic content is concerned, there's a simple fact, you have a grace period after a release. The longer it takes for the next game to arrive, the fewer people will be as hyped.
I will buy the next episode but would have preferred a release earlier.
Edit: I should have mentioned that this isn't a harsh criticism but rather my input on the topic. I loved the game, great work TT
I'm sure I'll be entertained when it will come out, but I'm not sure that the most "casual" gamers will even remember that there's a second episode coming out if you don't recall them about it...
But maybe I'm wrong.
(welcome back, Tex!) :rolleyes:
sc4recrow - I wonder if we will get a "Previously on The Walking Dead"
BTW programmers alerady stated that there will be a "previously on TWD:TG" feature at the beginning!
To be honest, the wave of newcomers who neither know nor care about how Telltale works that this game is bringing in is killing me. Good thing Fables and King's Quest should be more nichey.
Yes it has... tbh. Following the end of the first episode I was really jazzed about playing this series. Now I can hardly remember what happened or which choices I made -- and I played through the game twice.
It is really disappointing for a gaming company to establish an episodic format and then fail to live up to their established timeline for that content's delivery.
Consider me jaded
+1 This....
Frustrating. Yes.
But i am a die hard zombie fanatic and will wait for as long as necessary.
A two month wait was never the problem in previous games. The first two Sam & Max seasons, Wallace & Gromit, Back to the Future ALL had a two-month gap between the first and second episodes. What the heck, so it was two months, whatever. The only thing you really had to remember from the previous episode was the grand picture, the rudimentary storyline.
The Walking Dead game is different. It is also about details, about the small choices, about things you maybe accidentally said or did in certain situations. It is hard enough remembering those when one month has passed, but two full months? How should I still know if that first save slot has the game in which I was a bit too liberal with the swear words around Clementine, in which I somehow managed to not lie to Hershel, in which I told Kenny a bit too much about myself, in which I happened to miss a battery? I think episode 2 might feel a bit too much as if you're thrown into "some" story instead of "your" story because you naturally forget all the small things. That is even more true for real fans who have three (or more!
I can understand that TWD is a new type of game that poses new challenges to designers and programmers, so I wholeheartedly understand the delay (yet not the lack of communication). From what we've heard from the developers in the past, the release intervals of episodes are constantly discussed at TTG, and of course they desire a "perfect" interval between episodes, a balance between speed and quality.
For Sam & Max I say: seven weeks, not really a problem. For the Walking Dead, I would indeed say: five weeks is a bit too long. The long term Telltale fans have eventually embraced the episodic concept, no doubt about that. But here the ones who wait for the Season to finish before they start playing are at a definite immersion advantage. That DOES threaten the episodic concept.
simply red
It's going to be pretty difficult to remember the little things, I remember Kenny making note to a dialoge option I forgot I chose in the same episode! God knows how I will remember with a 2 month gap.
luckily i know what my choices are
slot 1 gut reaction, do what i'd do, shaun, carly, pro kenny, missed clem once
slot 2 mostly good choices,not drinking water, duck, doug, pro kenny, save clem
slot 3 pure asshole do not trust carly and save her, pro larry be a bit harsh with clem,
But like Iced points out.. its NOT that long of a wait.. Many games stores start taking preorders for games and the developers end up pushing the date back half a year..
Nope. Still looking forward to Episode 2.
I have been completely turned off to episodic games and don't play to buy any games sold in such a format again until they are complete. I'm not saying they won't get my money just that they won't get it right away as I am sure they would prefer (assuming the whole is a good game and worth the purchase).
The worst part is the lack of communication. My respect for telltale has waned a bit.
Oh, and since this is a game about choices and consequences of those choices, long delays make me forget the choices I made. True, you may get a week between tv episodes, but that's just a week. This is a large part of why I'm just going to wait until all the episodes are out for sale. Now, if I find out they do an amazing recap functionality that recaps YOUR choices at the beginning of each new episode I might break down. It's a good game so far, I just like to have my story be a little more cohesive without massive two month gaps.
Interestingly, Jake has answered to some "questions" in the appropriate thread yesterday and I think he also answered this question implicitly. On the topic of starting the game with episode 2, he answers
I strongly believe that the "previously on" thing also appears if you're continuing from a save slot. It would naturally only show the central choices from episode 1, not all the details we were talking about earlier.
Fist I get half crap console centric controls with no customization
Then I get lied to about the release schedule
I don't car if Jesus himself tells me the next Telltale game is the best thing since cheesy bread, I will not give them another nickel of my money. Its just not OK to take my money and then not deliver on your obligation...period. Companies can screw around all they want, they may make a little cash now, but the total lack of customer focus is driving people to indie games.
You can say "have patience" and everything else all you want, just ask yourself how many other companies you would let take your money and then not deliver the product?
I am not turned off by the delay. I have waited before for other games so this is not the first time this happened to me.
I for one can't wait for episode 2 since I want to see how things turn out but since I played Back to the Future and Jurassic Park I am used to waiting for the 2nd part of the game. I know people don't like to have the game broken up with episode games but I grew on me and making me want to play the next episode even more.
Great work guys I been really happy with your games and will still get the 2nd to 5th episodes when they come out
...when was that exactly? The worst delay I have experienced for Telltale was one month...
But as for the question? Nah. I have other things keeping me busy and I'm still eager to see what happens. As long as it doesn't come out buggy and / or not living up to the decisions that I am trying to lead Lee down, then I'll enjoy it and wait for Ep. 3!
Wait...why is eating energy bars racist? I need that explained.
(And besides, Lee doesn't eat them.)
Firstly, no, because although I don't like this genre too much, I really enjoy this game and cant wait for the sequel.
On the flip side, yes, because I feel it's good to strike while the iron is hot. Finishing the first episode, I was really buzzed for the 2nd episode. Its been a short while now and feel that it would have been nice to have a 2nd episode delivered soon after the first.
Of course, I understand the strains of developing a game on a tight time-frame and so don't fully expect anything just yet. But I feel that when you undertake a project based on episodic content, the developer has a responsibility to release on a frequent basis much like a comic book.
I feel its human nature that when someone has completed a story that has a lead to a sequel (maybe a cliffhanger) that they would like to see the see how the story plays out soon after.
Again, this is something that people are aware wont happen with games such as halo, metal gear and fable (I.E big games) etc. With episodic content I feel that people have a different standard.
The month extra delay (from what I have heard), I dont personally believe is too bad but to come back to the original point, releases should be frequent.
I also believe where episodic content is concerned, there's a simple fact, you have a grace period after a release. The longer it takes for the next game to arrive, the fewer people will be as hyped.
I will buy the next episode but would have preferred a release earlier.
Edit: I should have mentioned that this isn't a harsh criticism but rather my input on the topic. I loved the game, great work TT