Bug reports - episode 2
When the dead guy reanimates and attacks Katjaa, Lee's head disappeared and his legs went through the truck. Also it was a fight scene but it wouldn't let me do anything and I died. I don't know if it's going to happen again but I dashboarded and I'll give it another shot.
EDIT: When I replayed it, it worked perfectly fine. Other bugs were a couple instances of characters cutting off mid-sentence through out the episode. Other than that it was fantastic and a bit longer than Episode 1. Took me about 2 hours & 45 minutes while Episode 1 took just under 2 hours for me. Very good and has an even higher replayability. Also this isn't a complaint thread. I love the episode. Just pointing out some flaws.
Bugs so far on Xbox
-Occasional cut-off of dialogue mid-sentence.
-Lee's head disappearing and his legs going though the truck when the reanimated teacher attacks Kat.
-Lilly's invisible gun.
-Constant lag/freezing during final end scene. Especially when you peak out from the stall and Denny is holding a gun to your face. It froze and got me killed.
-How to help fix the lag...
1. Try clearing your system cache and it should help speed up your system. Not really a fix, but it should help a bit.
2. If you don't know how to clear your system cache:
I played both episodes after doing this and there was almost no lag. (Thanks Squeezeit
-Longer than normal black screens.
-Sound was off during the scene when Clem was kicking the soccer ball against the barrel. The ball would hit the barrel then 2 seconds before/later it would make the noise. Also the same thing happened when Mark was helping Larry with the fence.
-Lag during the "Previously on TWD..." and "Next time on TWD..." cut scenes.
-Cut scene skipping.
-Choppy audio.
-Music resetting during the final cut scene.
-Some achievements are not being counted. It says I have 8 out of 16 with 100 GS but when I select the game it says 16 out of 16 unlocked with 100 GS. If this happened to you, recover your profile and play through Episode 2 again.
-Recover or download your profile by...
1. Sign out of your profile.
2. Select "Download Profile".
3. Enter the Windows Live ID associated with your Xbox LIVE GT.
4. Select the storage device for your profile (for example, Hard Drive).
This does work as I replayed the episode and it unlocked the achievements for me.
-Game freezes while loading the Statistics screen. Still pause-able but doesn't load.
-Force to move forward when Brenda is holding Katjaa.
-When Kenny is in the barn it says in the subtitles something to the affect of {motions toward barn}
Bugs so far on PC and PS3
-Graphical problem on Game Load screen.
-Choices in Episode 1 affecting opposite of what they're supposed to in Episode 2.
-Typo: "You convinced Clementine to take to (should be the) hoodie..."
-Statistics at the end are replaced by name placeholders and are all at 50%.
-After completeing Episode 2, the options to view stats and rewind are gone for Episode 1, rewind option is gone in Episode 2, it says Coming Soon instead of continue for Episode 2, and it says Coming Soon at the Download Content section for Episode 2.
-After quitting TWD, Episode 2 becomes available again but the saved game reverts back to Episode 1. Episode 2 loses it's Stats option and when you play Episode 2 again it starts at the scene where they're walking and find the car.
(See spiritofcat's comment on Page 4 for pictures of all the stuff mentioned above.)
-Freezes/Crashing when entering the house after discovering what was in the barn's back room.
-Doug is alive in Episode 2 even after not being saved in Episode 1.
-When exiting the game it sends you back to the very beginning of Episode 1.
-Saved files were deleted once downloading Episode 2.
-TWD thinks you're unregistered. And the only way to exit is through Taskmanager.
-Once your 3rd game is started, it deletes everything.
Please specify which platform you are on! Thanks!
Thanks to everybody who contributed a bug or who helped us out!
I will add more bugs to the OP as they come along.
When the dead guy reanimates and attacks Katjaa, Lee's head disappeared and his legs went through the truck. Also it was a fight scene but it wouldn't let me do anything and I died. I don't know if it's going to happen again but I dashboarded and I'll give it another shot.
EDIT: When I replayed it, it worked perfectly fine. Other bugs were a couple instances of characters cutting off mid-sentence through out the episode. Other than that it was fantastic and a bit longer than Episode 1. Took me about 2 hours & 45 minutes while Episode 1 took just under 2 hours for me. Very good and has an even higher replayability. Also this isn't a complaint thread. I love the episode. Just pointing out some flaws.
Bugs so far on Xbox
-Occasional cut-off of dialogue mid-sentence.
-Lee's head disappearing and his legs going though the truck when the reanimated teacher attacks Kat.
-Lilly's invisible gun.
-Constant lag/freezing during final end scene. Especially when you peak out from the stall and Denny is holding a gun to your face. It froze and got me killed.
-How to help fix the lag...
1. Try clearing your system cache and it should help speed up your system. Not really a fix, but it should help a bit.
2. If you don't know how to clear your system cache:
I played both episodes after doing this and there was almost no lag. (Thanks Squeezeit

-Longer than normal black screens.
-Sound was off during the scene when Clem was kicking the soccer ball against the barrel. The ball would hit the barrel then 2 seconds before/later it would make the noise. Also the same thing happened when Mark was helping Larry with the fence.
-Lag during the "Previously on TWD..." and "Next time on TWD..." cut scenes.
-Cut scene skipping.
-Choppy audio.
-Music resetting during the final cut scene.
-Some achievements are not being counted. It says I have 8 out of 16 with 100 GS but when I select the game it says 16 out of 16 unlocked with 100 GS. If this happened to you, recover your profile and play through Episode 2 again.
-Recover or download your profile by...
1. Sign out of your profile.
2. Select "Download Profile".
3. Enter the Windows Live ID associated with your Xbox LIVE GT.
4. Select the storage device for your profile (for example, Hard Drive).
This does work as I replayed the episode and it unlocked the achievements for me.
-Game freezes while loading the Statistics screen. Still pause-able but doesn't load.
-Force to move forward when Brenda is holding Katjaa.
-When Kenny is in the barn it says in the subtitles something to the affect of {motions toward barn}
Bugs so far on PC and PS3
-Graphical problem on Game Load screen.
-Choices in Episode 1 affecting opposite of what they're supposed to in Episode 2.
-Typo: "You convinced Clementine to take to (should be the) hoodie..."
-Statistics at the end are replaced by name placeholders and are all at 50%.
-After completeing Episode 2, the options to view stats and rewind are gone for Episode 1, rewind option is gone in Episode 2, it says Coming Soon instead of continue for Episode 2, and it says Coming Soon at the Download Content section for Episode 2.
-After quitting TWD, Episode 2 becomes available again but the saved game reverts back to Episode 1. Episode 2 loses it's Stats option and when you play Episode 2 again it starts at the scene where they're walking and find the car.
(See spiritofcat's comment on Page 4 for pictures of all the stuff mentioned above.)
-Freezes/Crashing when entering the house after discovering what was in the barn's back room.
-Doug is alive in Episode 2 even after not being saved in Episode 1.
-When exiting the game it sends you back to the very beginning of Episode 1.
-Saved files were deleted once downloading Episode 2.
-TWD thinks you're unregistered. And the only way to exit is through Taskmanager.
-Once your 3rd game is started, it deletes everything.
Please specify which platform you are on! Thanks!
Thanks to everybody who contributed a bug or who helped us out!
I will add more bugs to the OP as they come along.

This discussion has been closed.
I DID like "holy bugginess" though.
yup, it froze at the part were i had to grab the gun in the barn, so add that to the fact you had to be quick in the first place with no warning, lees brains went squish
If anyone from the Telltale development is reading this could you please patch this and ensure this kind of garbage doesn't happen on further releases? The final dramatic scene was made not so dramatic due to music resetting and lots of framerate issues.
Aside from that I loved it but if this is what the episodes are going to be like from now on I'm calling it quits.
I know there have been similar threads about issues regarding episode 2, I just wanted to contribute something else I couldn't find a thread for.
Just finished the game (amazing by the way) but among issues like the game temporarily freezing during cut scenes, I've noticed that some achievements that were unlocked during the course of the game have been removed from my profile. These are "complete chapter 1-3 of episode 2" achievements.
I don't particularly like the thought of playing through again because I would like to play through just once considering the concept behind the game.
Anyway, just wondering if anyone else is having this issue.
Cheers guys!
EDIT: Just a heads up for those wondering, this post was an interdependent thread but was merged with the current one for relevance. Thanks.
U have to wait until they update it and then you will able to see them.
When it gets updated you will be able to see them.
You will not have to play the game again to count.
The problem is known and reported @ MS
Good to know that its known about and is being sorted, thanks for the info
I am sorry!
U need to recover your GT and replay the game
Must say that this is the fault of MS not TTG.
More info here: http://www.xbox360achievements.org/forum/showthread.php?t=376565
Still, I dont mind too much, its not a big issue compared to other issues people are having. As long as Microsoft is aware and is actually working to fix it, im happy with that.
Edit: Ill create a quick summary for those who are also having the issue:
Here's a summary for those having the issue today:
If you are having this issue, recover your profile from Microsoft. This can be done like so:
Once that is done, if your lost points have not been restored, you will have to play through again.
Microsoft is aware of the issue and is working to fix it.
Again, thanks for looking into that for us Aexra! If you have any more news, please let us know
That is it, they pop up but since they have not updated it yet they do not count. Cause it will register it as offline.
I'm looking into the other reported issues now. We do have a title update in the works for an unrelated USB device issue and may be able to roll fixes into that, but I don't have any further details at the moment.
So you can confirm that Microsoft has fixed the issue? Thats awesome, will play through again now.
While I have the chance I want to say thanks for the update and great work on episode 2, really enjoyed every second of it
If you played between the game's launch, which was around Midnight PST last night, and shortly after Noon today and earned achievements during that time, they would need to be re-earned after doing a profile recovery. Anybody playing the game now won't run into that issue.
Sorry again; I know it's a hassle.
I cannot find anyway to get past Brenda on the stairs. I've searched every inch of the screen and I have no chance to interact with her or anything in the room. She speaks once as soon as I enter the room- I start moving forward little by little to no response and no chance for interaction. Finally she speaks again and I cannot interact with her during this brief statement, as soon as she stops talking she shoots and kills me.
Is this a glitch?