Bug reports - episode 2



  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited June 2012
    I am getting a report from one player in a German forum where the game ALWAYS crashes when he tries to enter the farm house (dinner call) - (Steam version).

    Anyone else with that problem? All the standard things, from re-download to re-install, were already done.
  • edited June 2012
    I am getting a report from one player in a German forum where the game ALWAYS crashes when he tries to enter the farm house (dinner call) - (Steam version).

    Anyone else with that problem? All the standard things, from re-download to re-install, were already done.

    System specs, please.
  • edited June 2012
    Probably mentioned already, but all my save games were gone once i installed episode 2.
    Even while my save files are still in the correct folder...

    So i had to start with random choices... rather annoying because now i get Doug instead of Carley... sigh...
  • edited June 2012
    I made my own rage page here:

    that's all the bugs I could find, that had happened to me, in the first 5 min in episode 2.
  • edited July 2012
    I have exactly the same problem :(
    Steam version, episode 2... Black Screen!

    Yesterday i played ep2: everything allright. Today: That annoying black screen.

    Here is a video about my problem: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfqstdVkEp8
    Yes, in German.
    Right. Having a lot of trouble getting Episode Two running on PC.

    Originally, I had finished Episode One through the Telltale Games client, but decided I'd pick up Episode Two through Steam. So, downloaded it, got it running, noticed it was reading my other savegame fine, clicked over to Episode Two, hit Play...then black screen. No loading screen. Just black. The game wasn't frozen, as Windows wasn't picking up on the program as not responding, and I could even bring up the Steam overlay no problem. This happened every time I tried loading up Episode Two. Wondering whether it was just the Steam version not working right, I played through the last chapter of Episode One through it, and found no issues.

    So, I thought to see whether the Telltale Games client would have a better time. Downloaded Episode Two through that, and it all installed fine. Went to load up my save, and at the savegame select screen, clicked Play...and it didn't work. Neither would any of the other buttons. They'd highlight as I moved my cursor over them, but clicking did nothing. So, I closed the game and started it up again. Worked up until the start menu, asking me to click any button. I'd do that, the screen would dim and then return as it was. Clicking again would start the Connecting process...and after a moment, everything would freeze. Every time. I then tried the Steam version again, and it now also freezes at this screen. Every time.

    Anyone else having these issues? I'm suspecting I have multiple technical issues compounding each other. :/

    My specs are as follows:

    OS - Windows Vista Service Pack 2 32-bit
    CPU: Intel Core 2 Quad @ 2.66GH/z
    GFX: ATi Radeon HD 6950
    RAM: 4GB
  • edited July 2012
    Xbox 360 Bug:

    While talking to Kenny while he is sitting by the pregnant cow, it says in the subtitle something along the lines of {motions towards barn].

    Otherwise, great job TellTale :D
  • edited July 2012
    To the Ripper, I play through Steam. So the new telltale game installer isnt neccessary. Theres nothing i can do, NO REWIND BUTTON! It just begins from the end when they discover the car. And sometimes it says that i haven't even BOUGHT THE SECOND EPISODE EVEN THOUGH IVE COMPLETED IT ALREADY?!?!? Come on Telltale I waited paitently, I played intently and yet you still cannot deliver. Very upset customer :(
  • edited July 2012
    1. very long load time since E2 starting the game
    2. game sometimes thinks i am unregistered, you cant get out
    and have to exit via taskmanager
    3. no matter which chapter you choose, the game wants to restart from the beginning
  • edited July 2012
    littlezoe wrote: »
    Probably mentioned already, but all my save games were gone once i installed episode 2.
    Even while my save files are still in the correct folder...

    So i had to start with random choices... rather annoying because now i get Doug instead of Carley... sigh...
    PC I presume?
  • edited July 2012
    the problem with the game resetting when I try to exit seems to be fixed.
  • edited July 2012
    biggest bug report would be for ps3 users.

    once you start your 3rd game, you will lose EVERYTHING
  • edited July 2012

    when I walked out of the barn after I have discovered the slaughter room Lee walked out of the door (to the outside) but was then teleported inside again, where he then started to walk towards to door yet again, this only lasted something like ½ to 1 second though, after that time the story continued as normal.
  • edited July 2012
    I'm still the only one with that damn error?

  • edited July 2012
    Beat Episode 2, and when I go to rewind, I get nothing but placeholder images and if I hit "Play" on any of them, it just goes to a black screen and stays like that until I close it through the task manager. If I were to hit "Continue", it starts over at the very beginning of the chapter.

  • edited July 2012
    Copy/paste from other thread:

    Well, I've got the Telltale Store version but I tell you what I did.

    Install the new installer from Telltale Store, that's first. Past Friday Steam should have updated your game. If didn't, review your Steam game cache and, if this doesn't work, move your savegames, uninstall the game and reinstall.

    Then, if you keep with the problem, replay THE LAST SCENE from Episode 1. It's not necessary you play ALL the Episode 1 or watch ALL the credits either.

    Then play the Episode 2.

    Good luck! Tell us if it worked!
  • edited July 2012
    I sided with duck at the drug store but during the ep.2 Kenny acted like i didnt
  • edited July 2012
    I've found a typo towards the end where if you admit your guilt to Clementine the subtitles say "Anrgy" instead of "Angry". That's the only bug I've encountered thus far, I hope this helped!
  • edited July 2012
    Is there any patch for pc to solve these bugs in pc version?
  • edited July 2012
    Lucas_23 wrote: »
    Is there any patch for pc to solve these bugs in pc version?
    I heard some problems were fixed but I'm not exactly sure.
  • edited July 2012
    I'm playing the Mac version. When you are looking at the save lots boxes, Lee's hand goes through at least two of them to get to the camcorder. Might just be a graphical error.
  • edited July 2012
    I have played Episode 1 on Xbox and both episodes on Mac, but it sounds like this is a general problem with all versions (though I have heard one or two exceptions). This is the issue of Kenny registering choices meant to be on his side as on Larry's side. How is reasoning with him a deciding factor for being against Kenny, especially since he calls you a good friend throughout the rest of the episode but then turns around and yells at you in episode 2 even though you did not vote to throw Duck out?

    It just comes off as schizo so unless it is intentional, I think it needs to be looked at.
  • edited July 2012
    Hello All,

    I have the PC/Steam version of the game. Is there any plan to get some of these bugs sorted out soon?

    When EP2 was finally released it didn't seem to remember any of my choices from EP1. So I decided to delete all my saves and uninstall my game and start over. Last night I completed EP1 and started EP2 today and now it's skipping the intro scene where you try to free that dude from the trap and it seems to be randomly creating decisions from EP1.

    Is this a bug, something else, or just how the game is meant to behave?

    Sorry for bringing something up that has probably been brought up a million times before. I just feel that it's important that people respectfully voice their problems with this product so Telltale knows.

  • edited July 2012
    Any idea when you guys are going to fix any of these game-breaking glitches? Especially the glitch that DELETES ALL PREVIOUS SAVE_FILES on the Ps3 during 3rd playthrough attempt of episode 2? I don't have 40+ hours to keep replaying this game after each new episode is released.

    I bought it on PS3 because of the season pass, but I'm hearing the 360 version also has glitches that don't remember past story choices made among others! How the hell is this game even tailored to how you play if it can't remember your choices, or if it deletes all your save files- sucking away the enthusiasm needed to even continue playing future episodes?!

    Anything in mind to appease your fan-paying public? This is a real drag. If this is a sign of what's to come with digital gaming, I'll focus on reading more. There's no excuse for this kind of crap, especially when its lining your company's pockets with millions!
  • edited July 2012
    Lucreto wrote: »
    Right. Having a lot of trouble getting Episode Two running on PC.

    Originally, I had finished Episode One through the Telltale Games client, but decided I'd pick up Episode Two through Steam. So, downloaded it, got it running, noticed it was reading my other savegame fine, clicked over to Episode Two, hit Play...then black screen. No loading screen. Just black. The game wasn't frozen, as Windows wasn't picking up on the program as not responding, and I could even bring up the Steam overlay no problem. This happened every time I tried loading up Episode Two. Wondering whether it was just the Steam version not working right, I played through the last chapter of Episode One through it, and found no issues.

    So, I thought to see whether the Telltale Games client would have a better time. Downloaded Episode Two through that, and it all installed fine. Went to load up my save, and at the savegame select screen, clicked Play...and it didn't work. Neither would any of the other buttons. They'd highlight as I moved my cursor over them, but clicking did nothing. So, I closed the game and started it up again. Worked up until the start menu, asking me to click any button. I'd do that, the screen would dim and then return as it was. Clicking again would start the Connecting process...and after a moment, everything would freeze. Every time. I then tried the Steam version again, and it now also freezes at this screen. Every time.

    Anyone else having these issues? I'm suspecting I have multiple technical issues compounding each other. :/

    My specs are as follows:

    OS - Windows Vista Service Pack 2 32-bit
    CPU: Intel Core 2 Quad @ 2.66GH/z
    GFX: ATi Radeon HD 6950
    RAM: 4GB

    Just for anyone having similar problems to mine, I found a solution, though not an ideal one. By deleting all of my save data, I've been able to access both the main menu and Episode 2, so the fault seems to be found in how the game reads the save data after the update for Episode 2. While I could start Episode 2 with randomly generated choices, I'm instead going to replay Episode 1 before moving onto the second. Hopefully the problem won't repeat itself after I do.

    That said, considering it's been over two months since I played the first episode, a replay is welcome, though sadly necessary.
  • edited July 2012
    I recently replayed The Walking Dead: Episode 1 again, due to me playing with a friend. I had already completed Ep 2 and had gotten the same problem as many others, the whole ''After quitting TWD, Episode 2 becomes available again but the saved game reverts back to Episode 1. Episode 2 loses it's Stats option and when you play Episode 2 again it starts at the scene where they're walking and find the car.'', but i decided that if worst comes to worst, i can just restart.

    The problem is, i can't even restart. Whenever i hit ''Play'' on the title screen for Ep 2, all that happens is, a scare chord happens, i can see my inventory and the axe in it, and the screen is completely black.

    I don't want to delete everything if i don't even know if it can be recovered, so i just wanted to know if there is, or will be, a fix for this?
  • edited July 2012
    I get to the end of episode 2, the "Next Time" trailer plays, and when it looks like the stats screen is about to come up, it freezes up on me. I've played through the last section three times now, and this has happened each time.
  • edited July 2012
    Hey guys, during my second playthrough I noticed that during the part where I get 4 energy bars and get to give them out to almost everyone around, when I gave it to Carley she refused it, yet I still lost one Energy Bar. Is this a glitch or have I missed/misunderstood something?
  • edited July 2012
    I don't want to be a jerk, but can we get any possible timescale on a Steam patch/update? I don't want to rush TTG or imply that you're not working hard enough (I know you're all probably very busy), I just wonder if I can get an idea on when I can play through with Carley actually alive.
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