Anyone else disappointed by ep2?*spoilers*
I'm not sure if there is another topic like this, or maybe I'm the only one. If there is another topic, my apologies!
Okay, so I really wasn't happy with a majority of it. I bought the PS3 version( Season pass when ep1 came out) and it was so lagging and glitchy. Sometimes they had stuff in their hands and other times they had their hands like they were holding stuff but nothing was there.
The opening scene explained...nothing. Unless my version is just messed up. But when in the hell did they get Mark? I know they said they got him from an airforce base. But there is honestly no little cutscene to explain that more? I mean...this random guy comes into the story. You end up liking him and then he effin dies! Was that his whole purpose in the episode? Just to die?! Well shit, if that is the case, why didn't they just keep Doug and Carley from the first one and then one of them can get killed.
I already KNEW what was going to happen right when you meet the Dairy Farm people. So, any twists and turn were not there for story development. And yeah, the Larry thing was kind of effed up. There was honestly no choice to where if you pick Lily's side maybe he is dead and comes back or wtf ever. Give me a CHOICE!
Two months. We waited two months for this game. And everyone's logic of " I would rather wait two months for them to fix the bugs and glitches" well, they didn't! It was not fixed.
I will give them a plus that the game seems a little bit longer. But everything felt random and like it didn't flow correctly.
This is what happens when you try to turn a story that has GREAT potential into a short game. Shit won't make sense in some areas.
So, thanks Telltale. You have disappointed me to the point of no return.
Good luck everyone else! Perhaps this company will get their shit together one day.
Okay, so I really wasn't happy with a majority of it. I bought the PS3 version( Season pass when ep1 came out) and it was so lagging and glitchy. Sometimes they had stuff in their hands and other times they had their hands like they were holding stuff but nothing was there.
The opening scene explained...nothing. Unless my version is just messed up. But when in the hell did they get Mark? I know they said they got him from an airforce base. But there is honestly no little cutscene to explain that more? I mean...this random guy comes into the story. You end up liking him and then he effin dies! Was that his whole purpose in the episode? Just to die?! Well shit, if that is the case, why didn't they just keep Doug and Carley from the first one and then one of them can get killed.
I already KNEW what was going to happen right when you meet the Dairy Farm people. So, any twists and turn were not there for story development. And yeah, the Larry thing was kind of effed up. There was honestly no choice to where if you pick Lily's side maybe he is dead and comes back or wtf ever. Give me a CHOICE!
Two months. We waited two months for this game. And everyone's logic of " I would rather wait two months for them to fix the bugs and glitches" well, they didn't! It was not fixed.
I will give them a plus that the game seems a little bit longer. But everything felt random and like it didn't flow correctly.
This is what happens when you try to turn a story that has GREAT potential into a short game. Shit won't make sense in some areas.
So, thanks Telltale. You have disappointed me to the point of no return.
Good luck everyone else! Perhaps this company will get their shit together one day.
This discussion has been closed.
My personal experience in the game was one where no matter what choice I made, I felt like I was making the wrong choice, and while I may not have enjoyed it in the moment. Looking back at it though, it makes the game that much enjoyable. If you could save Larry or Mark it would detract from all the emotional tension that you get from trying to fight against all that is going wrong but never being able to overcome it would build up and, that in my opinion, would detract from the story.
This is the Walking Dead, people die, deal with it.
Even in episode one, when Lee found his father's cane and his memory of it whacking shoplifters made me want to hold on to it as a weapon - should have been a chose their as it was for random items (not much more for a pharmacy: like no Bandages, anti-biotics - other junk foods or VITAMINS -hold back malnutrition for the lack of full square meals.) At the hotel, the choice who to talk to also and to get the Walkie Talkie from Glenn: and it would have been nice to see Glenn say good bye/good luck to the rest of the group.
In Episode 1: the mouse control is wackey (PC version) - the screen moves and my mouse is lost off the screen somewhere and I must replay for ever to luck out on kicking or whacking the walker. In Epidode 2 the Q to click together then E for the shove off is working better.
BUT what are the two red arrows when that walker has Lee (ME) by the scruff of my neck? I head butt him no matter what I do. Left mouse click.... click the left arrow, the right arrow NO CONTROL! I head butt twice then the walker leans his head in and bites my windpipe off.
What am I suppose to do? (bleed to death)
Do you mean the scene in the truck at the motel
If you're playing the pc version you're supposed to move the cursor left and right. Frankly, I did not find it that hard to understand.
It has nothing to do with anyone dying. It has to do with no real detail or explanation of where Mark came from. All it says is he was picked up at the Air Force base when they went there. When did they go? What happened there? Why couldn't they just do a cut-scene to explain it some at the beginning, instead of the glitchy recap.
Ep2 was full of bugs and glitches. I'm just saying Ep1 feels like it had nothing to do with Ep2. It feels like they just made Ep2 and smashed shit together. Making a cross of Hills have eyes/Book of Eli and Psycho. I'm sure what Ep2 was about would be possible in a Zombie outbreak. What I'm saying is, it doesn't flow right. The story doesn't move smoothly. For them to have a two month delay, with no word on anything, it feels rushed and slammed together.
Did they start Ep2 after Ep1 then leave it alone until it was suppose to be released and then go " Oh shit!" and slam a game together? It really felt like it. I don't even want to go through a second game on this one.
Edit: What I'm saying is. It feels like they skipped a whole episode. Like this should be Ep3 not 2.
As for the deal with introducing Mark all of sudden. They can only fit so much into one part. I did not like how the handled Mark's background, but I didn't particularly hate it either. If you play Mass Effect 3, they sort of do the same thing with introducing James Vega. He just appears and suddenly becomes part of your crew without really getting to know him as the player.
I'm trying to see your point about how the story was not smooth. The way I see it, the episode was divided into two parts, the first part being the lack of food and dealing with newcomers, and the second part being the farm. I personally felt each part had a nice flow. The farm in particular went from a feeling of safety with a hint of suspicion to "Holy s**t, what the f**k is going on" There was a gradual rise in tension and emotion that I haven't experienced a long time playing a video game.
But like I said, your experience might have been different.
There are a lot of questions that could be asked dealing with Mark and the whole situation. It was like someone had the idea of the Diary farm, they tested the game and playout with Ep1, which is perfectly fine, but instead of filling in the blanks they just went on to what they may have been excited about.
I understand they can only fit so much into one part. That's why I'm saying a cut-scene would have been just fine and dandy for me. Like a narrative of " The group was going hungry so they a few went searching for food. Lilly suggested the air force base, they went and saved Mark and any resources they could." Or whatever.
The glitches just bother me because they did have two extra months. I mean dialog was cut the half. The beginning recap was cut off many times, before even finishing what they were doing. Maybe it was suppose to be like that. It seemed sloppy. When Lilly had the shotgun, it was only in her hands half the time. The rest she was just walking around holding air like a dumbass.
Perhaps they should have thought a bit more on this, before jumping the gun. Because that is what it felt like. Like they got a head of themselves and just strung it all together. If you are going to be a series type company, fine. No problem. But that means taking a in-depth story and making it short, without taking the depth away. And I just personally feel like they did take some of the depth away.
I just didn't connect to this episode like the first and it disappoints me, because I know how great it actually could have been. They have the material and the means to make it a wonderful, embracing tale. But leaving stuff out and making it feel rushed isn't going to suck you in.
Maybe it was just me. Maybe I was expecting more with the time they had. The game isn't 100% off of your choices. The game plays out how it will no matter what. Some things may effect differently, but not enough for them to not have it worked on before the two month delay. It just kind of comes off as lazy.
If you're playing on a console, perhaps you have issues because, well, the PS3 is old. Sure, when it came out is was top of the line as far as gaming consoles go, but a cheap gaming PC at that time was still more powerful.
Don't blame graphics glitches on the game. Blame it on your shitty hardware.
And as for Mark, why would you create a detailed backstory for somebody who's going to die? It's enough that in the 3 months that pass they pick up a new member of two. Why do they need any more explanation than that on a doomed character?
As for the dairy farm, if you remember the episode 2 preview they already had the farm in mind. They had to put it in. I guess in your view they sort of shot themselves in the foot. Same with the motor inn scenes. If they were going to go into how Mark became part of the group, a cut scene wouldn't do it, it would've required a whole new sequence to be added to the episode, and they just did not have the time I guess.
As for the gripe about the choices. It's hard to make a game that makes you feel like 100% of your choices will have a major effect in every episode. If the game was truly tailored like that to each and every player, it would be totally impractical. Having a game play out relatively similar for each player makes it easier for the team to go from one episode to the next. Just think about all the work that has to be done for taking in account for saving Carley or Doug. Those scenes have to done twice, each with one of those characters.
Maybe because he is a big part of Ep2? It's called story-telling. Every character should have a backstory for depth and connection to that character. Even if it is short-lived.
And it seems majority of the systems; xbox, ps3, pc. I'm sure there is a thread with all the bugs and glitches in it. But I'm guessing those are all those peoples shitty hardware?
ok, so we have some different ideas about depth of backstory on temporary characters. But to be fair, they had to cram 3 months of story into a few seconds. I'm sure the next episode will have more continuity.
As for glitches, I'm always frustrated by people complaining about how things don't run smoothly when they have outdated hardware. It's a personal pet peeve of mine, so I'm sorry if I took of anybody's head. I'm sure there are plenty of people who have some unique situation that's causing them problems.
However, I always find it a little funny that I have a computer that doesn't even meet the min specs and yet I have had no issues. And this isn't the first game that this has happened either.
They kind of got to pick how long it was for the next episode. A cut-scene to fill in the blanks is to much? And yeah, majority of books and writing rps I have experienced have had some information of where the hell those temporary characters came from. The game acted like something big happened meeting Mark and I'm sorry for just wanting to know a bit more information on that, without a " wtf who is this guy?"
And good for you. The minority that doesn't have a single problem running the game. But it seems like a lot of people do. On both consoles and pc. Does that mean since a few people have no problems, it's everyone elses fault for their shitty hardware?
If they wanted to skip three months. Cool. Fine. But do it right. The dairy farm doesn't have much to do with the rest of the world story wise, besides the lack of food. But that could have just been in their town. The place doesn't seem so large, it probably would have been raided in the first month, see how fast people react in real life on just a few weeks of disaster, things get raided in days.
Can you honestly say that it doesn't feel like something wasn't left out? I mean, they are the creators of this game. The concept is just off of something else, but they are doing their own thing with it. I'm pretty sure of. So, what they do is in their control. I just don't understand how it can come off as it isn't?
Edit: And to Psychofreak. I know it is impossible to make a game like that. That isn't what I was saying. I was mentioning comments before in a different thread where people said the game may have been delayed because of the choices. All I was saying is, it is impossible for the game to be completely altered by individual choices, it will all lead to the same thing expect minor things. I understand they have to make two copies just for doug and carley. I"m also saying that's why video games and movies and books are done a year or two before the release date. For this reason. Walking Dead TV show has been on for..what two years now? I'm sure they have thought about this earlier. I'm just figuring they may have gotten a bit excited and released the game before they were ready. Which is their mistake. Maybe not, if not, then I'm not sure why this game development seems like such a problem and hassle for them. It was their decision to do this. Why wouldn't they want to be proud of their work and do it right?
Maybe the next episode will be better for you. If you're playing through episode 2, It seems you enjoyed episode 1 enough to. I may sound optimistic, but maybe episode 3 will be more of what you want. Hopefully your dislike for this episode won't cause you to give up the entire series
However I think that they established what happened pretty well. Lee and the gang stayed at the motor inn. Fortified it. Went raiding for food. Found some new members. In fact, when the game opens, they're doing just that. Do you really need specific details about what happened on every raid? That's a whole game in and of itself.
I never felt like I didn't have enough information to go through the game. And that is my point. Most authors I know subscribe to the theory of KiSS (Keep it Simple Stupid). It basically boils down to don't add anything that's not needed. This applies to everything from characters, to plot-lines, and even to the actual words themselves.
Now we could argue about whether Mark's backstory goes into that category. They gave you enough information about his backstory to tell you why he's there. Anything about his personality can be filled in on the fly, and then he dies. Does he really need to have more? If he was going to stick around then I would expect something more, but the fact is, he's gone.
I'm not saying that it wouldn't have been cool to get some more background on the new characters. I'm all for more story. I'm usually the first to cry for more details. But in this case, I don't think it's warranted.
Just for the record, Telltale games usually get better and better with each episode. It's part of what makes episodic gaming so great.
Similar thinking on that. Flashback of them finding Mark while on a supply run (which obviously hadn't been successful past vending machine snacks) - but we should be 'living' why no foods, added weapons and so few walkers or living about in the area.
As they 'download' the episodes after we click it in game; why can't they make a few more options open in some upgrades (changes to episode 1 and 2. Keep perfecting the game. I'd like the walk to talk to people at the Motel Parking Lot to be MY choice of whom to speak with first. I'd like the option of finding the alarm box before stepping into the pharmacy (remember the remote for the 'security tv'? His dad's store, he has to know something of the security - tv and cane yet the alarm system he forgot? Choice to pick up other goodies back there as well as in the drug store part too. Stuff like that.
How many people are playing this game? (Downloads anyway)
A forum section to preread for my pc's settings for optimum play. Or a webpage for suggested settings for various OSs and Browsers.
He also played a big part in painting a picture of the past three months and how all the other survivors were getting along during his talks with Lee. I think he worked really well as a character and a plot device.
It's too bad he had to go in such a horrific way, but that's how it is in TWD.
I remember everyone speculating that since it was only episode 1 it was more of a trial and the choices would improve by each episode,
Apart from a few different dialogue choices everything thing always plays out the same.
Leave teacher – kid gets shot plays the exact same role as teacher.
Save Larry – either way he dies.
Don’t give the diary farm details about where you live – cut scene happens not long after making Lee tell them anyway.
Mark introduced as a plot device.
Carly and Doug do the exact same things within the episode really/ only difference is Doug has a little red laser to help Lee.
Kenny/Lilly hating you – this will probably not build up to anything at all once again as it seems like each characters path is set out and no matter what choices you make it wont really changed much – Shawn, Larry, Mark, Doug and Carly essentially becoming the same character.
No choices have real impact since the path always pans out the same with only slight variations.
Episode 2 plays off the choices you made in episode 1. So it stands to reason that the differences are minor.
There were some big decisions made. I can see whether you
As with TV shows, little things build and become big things by the end of the season. It's the same for episodic games.
You're noticing this too? Its more like the illusion that you are making important choices...Really this stuff happens no matter what you decide. I also found episode 2 to be very predictable.
That's my gripe, the railroading was pretty heavy. Particularly since one of the selling points is that "the story is tailored by how you play".
Even if you decide not to go to the Dairy at all, you end up going anyway because everyone else votes to go... and they still blame you for it as though it was your idea.
When it comes to Danny/Andy, they end up dead anyway - Hell, the "merciful" route entails the delicious irony of letting them get eaten alive by Walkers, including their newly undead mother.
Granted, I don't expect a full-on "Lee totally loses his shit and tries to join the cannibals" option, but a change to some events would be nice.
I fully agree with the 'choices' though, it just seems really lazy and ultimately a waste of time, I would rather have a longer and more fleshed out linear game than one with multiple choices that ultimately all lead to the same outcome. The stuff such as letting the brothers live/die I like as it gives you a sense of power, but the majority of the 'game changing' choices are basically just "choose who you want to side with, Lilly or Kenny?" nothing actually changes within the story other than your relationship with those 2.
A few totally pointless ones off the top of my head:
Go out in the day/stay in Clementine's treehouse until dark - Meet Shawn in the street either way where he will take you to Hershel's farm.
Cut the teacher's leg off/leave him to the zombies - Either way the teacher or one of the school kids will play the role of reanimated zombie back at the garage.
Help Larry/Help kill Larry - He gets killed by Kenny in the exact same way anyway.
The only decision so far that has actually made a difference to my game (other than effect my relationship with Kenny and Lilly) was when we were given the choice to save Doug or Carly, and even they were given a bit part role in episode 2.
Now like Rommel has said, i'm not expecting anything too drastic as I realise the time restrints of making such a complex decision system, but give me some variation man. If I choose to help Larry then LET me help Larry, let him turn and attack us if that's what happens, give Kenny a reason to be pissed with me.
If I don't want to go to the dairy farm then don't make me go otherwise don't ask the question in the first place? Send some of the other group off to scout the place out whilst I stay and fix the fence or some shit until they return to tell us everythings cush, THEN i'll go.
ect ect
I agree, though I don't know how feasible this actually is. Companies like BioWare and Quantic Dream claim the same thing but they only give the illusion of choice. Some replies in Mass Effect 3 were exactly the same, while in Heavy Rain, ignoring some QTE resulted in the exact same animations being played.
I think what he was trying to say was the potental that empty space had. It could have been a cool time to show what the Air base looked like and what else was going on in the world other than the motor inn. could have been some good zombie killing in that scene.
Yeah, the lag can get annoying. Some insight into the 3 month time-gap would have been cool though.
I agree. If you actually got attached to Mark in this episode, I think the character did his job pretty well.
I think people don't really needed a "backstory cutscene", they felt the need of it when the Mark's background was a matter of discussion in the character's dialogue.
I mean when you need to show something to someone, especially when it comes to visual entertainment you need to SHOW ACTION more then TALKING ABOUT IT.
I noticed it too. Those dialogues were really "build" and not so natural. But I got attached to Mark anyway, even not knowing his background (afterall.. we don't know EVERYTHING about Lee's background... do we?)
More on the Thread.
I think this game has a huge amount of choice. Things you did in episode 1 matter in episode 2 and things you do in this very episode matter.
But people asking "I want the game to split in two". It's just insane.
You want the game split in 2? ok then pay 200 bucks for the game.
Have you got any IDEA on how much money are spent on making something like this? And you want MORE?
It's like asking a "lord of the rings like battle" for blackwater episode in GOT! They have a budget! They don't have the "tree of money for leaves"! OF COURSE there has to be some tracks... Because it's not a sandbox game but a game with a PLOT! You are meant to follow it to understand what story they are telling you. You can interact with the story and change the development a bit, but it's still a story with begging, a middle part and an ending.
I think this game has a great plot and best characters I've ever seen in a videogame. You can change how the story goes on but you can't change the story or else there's no point it.
What are you talking about, man?
Pay "200 bucks for a game"? The cost of Skyrim was 40 quid and is absolutely huge.
But anyway I don't think it's a matter of wanting the game split in two, just for decisions to have more of an impact on the gameplay and story, as it is most of the decisions are completely pointless.
If you cannot afford to create an intricate decision making game then don't try to make one, and certainly don't advertise it as one.
Mark's presence is explained indirectly through the dialogue. We don't need more exposition than that. Things change in three months. I like when a game world gives the impression that it goes on without me.
Also, it seems with the battery quip they've given a nod to fan feedback.
Shooting an upset woman seemed harsh
Trying to save Larry was the right thing to do
There's no benefit to killing the brothers
Taking food from the car was necessary
Looking at the stats, there's a big swing on all but the food (which amazes me because taking the food was the simplest choice of all)
Good grief.
I agree with the points made in the post however, from an emotional point of view it was great (especially the final half hour or so). It wasn't without it's flaws though.
The fact that I don't agree with all these decisions is proof enough they're not completely one-sided. The woman was aiming a weapon you, and the brothers were going to murder everyone you care about. Even if these were a simple as you would have us believe, I fail to see how this differs from episode 1. Save the kid before Shawn because it's a freakin' kid, don't feed Duck to Larry because you know he wasn't bitten, etc.
Look at the stats