Will TTG Screw us Over in regards to Lily?

Right now theres Team Kenny and Team Lily {for lee for the fans we got Team Clementine Team Doug Team Carley Team Duck and others} However if you spend all this time kissing lilys ass and screwing over kenny and then she just up and leaves and your stuck with a pissed off redneck thats going to be more railroading then the trainline in episode 3 preview.
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since I was Playing a fuck kenny playthrough i decided to choose speech options i never chose before and when it came to family i kept mentioning lees ex wife and he said "I think she's in Virginia"
1. If your constantly being friends with Carley/Doug they choose to go with Lee
2. If your constantly rude or mean to clementine {why would you do that?!] She chooses Kenny. Otherwise it's Lee all the way.
3. If your friends with Ben and any other survivors they choose to go with Lee i'd especially like the suprised look on Kenny and Lilys faces when the entire group chooses to go with lee.
4. BONUS {never gonna happen} if Your really nice to Duck he wants to go with Clementine obviously kenny wont let it which is why its on never gonna happen status.
I think the only character that is safe is Lee and Lilly. But Lilly might leave soon.
Even Clementine might get bit and turn to zombie. Kind of like Sophia in season2.
Im pretty sure someone in Kenny's familly is gonna get it next episode. Probably Katjaa. Maybe Kenny. Perhaps even Duck.
They sacked Larry in episode 2, i think someone in Kenny's group is leaving next episode.
I just hope Carley makes it to the end. She is the one i want covering me to the end.
Kenny: You killed my wife!
Lilly: You killed my dad!
I'm in this camp, Clem will make it for sure, Duck and Katjaa won't be savable. That's all for my predictions.
Oh and Rick is gonna die in 9 days.
Doing 20/20 hindsight play-throughs just doesn't seem fun to me (the Doug and Carley choices are somewhat different). If a hardened survivor mindset suits you, go with Lilly. If a cowardly, hypocritic, and short-sighted redneck tickles your fancy, go with Kenny (I totally know I'm biased). After you've done so, enjoy the fallout of either choice. Sometimes there is no right choice, welcome to being a human haha.
THIS I really believe that him dying is what is gonna happen, I don´t see him making it.
Bad $$$ move. If season one is a success there will be a season 2.
Sorry let me explain i'd feel screwed over if they built up the character relationship potential between lily and lee then just had her leave. so the big story where decisions matter no longer becomes lilly vs kenny it become is kenny your buddy or does he hate you and will lily have fond memories of you in woodbury
That's just it though, sometimes there are no right decisions. Your decisions do matter but sometimes events are just out of our control. I can understand not liking that but it's just how things go sometimes.
While this is slightly off-topic, I think we may see Woodbury before episode 5. The timeline is a bit fuzzy because it's been so long since I've read the comics but it shouldn't be too much longer before Rick meets the Governor. I just don't have any information on how long she was in that community. While I still remember our conversation about assumptions, I'm willing to bet it (Woodbury) will play a role in Episode 4 if not earlier.
The story may go on after the events at the prison. We just don't know. I just don't see them writing her character off though. I can talk about specifics but I would rather not spoil anything for other posters.
and thats the third, green, Synthesis option
It would be amazing if TellTale invented new places and Wood Bury.
Double the characters characters, double the locations for whatever scenario you choose, but we have to remember the budget. Lily will leave and we will either have to go our own way. I think the Kenny "lovers" who always sides with him will be shocked he won't take Lee along at all, and was just using him. Something is going to happen so drastic I can feel it.
In any case I prefer going my own way.
Season 2 jumps forward a few years and Clem is now 16!
Don't read if you haven't read the comics.
They could pretty easily make new main character for a season 2; maybe even Lee's wife in Virginia.
Still, I'm not convinced Lee is doomed, and I honestly think Clementine is more vulnerable than people think. I recall the head designers on 'playing dead' explicitly saying that they wanted to do things that would upset the audience. (And not in a 'extended release date/my saves aren't carrying over' kind of way)
Considering how much of a cult following she has, that's a pretty tempting target for shock, outrage, and sorrow.
That said, if they did kill off Clementine I don't see Lee appearing for a season 2, regardless.
CapnJay's last post makes me hope that they do kill off Clem. I'll not have my vertically challenged buddy wearing a Rush t-shirt while attracting a herd with unneeded gunfire. It's like she never learned.
I'm not very familiar with the comics, but I'm pretty sure they don't span beyond a year or two at most.
So it seem a little too ambitious for Telltale to take the story that far into the future.
Use some commas once in a while!
If Lilly leaves - and you sided with her most of the time - you'd have less support in the group (because of Kenny and his family). But hopefully you would have created that situation out of standing up for what you think, not because you tried to desperately get on somebody's side!
Group dynamics would change, and they always have to in a zombie story as people get killed all the time. The former triangle would now be one on one. If Kenny likes you, the rest of the group could feel left behind (he can't take all of them on his boat, can he?). If he doesn't, the group could feel the need to elect a new leader. Neither situation is really that "good" or "bad" and certainly the sudden Lilly lack would count as being "screwed over".