How could TTG surprise you/genre savvy players

Alot of people did not trust the ST. johns from the start so it makes me wonder how exactly could ttg surprise you for future episodes?
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If we knew that then that wouldn't be a surprise now, would it?
I think the interactions and the group dynamics are what drives this. Even if TTG starts to simply keep rehashing Zombie genre storylines, they have complex enough characters to keep us surprised with the way they react to events.
It's just something that the comics have hammered into many of our brains. Every outsider is a possible threat. You have to be prepared to deal with anything thrown at you or you end up complacent and dead. Honestly, the biggest surprise that could be thrown at me is to meet another group that is helpful without having ulterior motives. That doesn't sound fun though, does it?
Larrys dropped for considerably longer.
Have Duck or Clem kill a walker they know. That'd be surprising and good writing. The obvious and boring way to write it would be to say for example that Clementine would see her zombified parents and run up to them and hug them(or try to before we stop her). What would surprise me is if she immediately asked for a gun or weapon and then went to go kill her own parents, to spare them from what she has realized on her own as a fate worse than death. In reality, kids make these kinds of decision but in fiction they never do.
I was unfortunately spoiled about that because of E3
The girl trapped being bitten surprised me.
Poor Larry surprised me.
I would have been surprised by having a gun pointed in my face if it didn't take 2 times looking out the door for it to happen. If he had it pointed at my face the first time, instead of no one being there, it would have worked better.
But I called them trying to eat us pretty early.
If this game didn't freeze when it auto saved I think there would be a bit more jumpy moments, but I kinda expect something to happen every time it does it.
I didnt get that surprise because I (my Lee)
A OMG moment for me would be something like Clem has to shoot Duck to same Lee.. or maybe that's just wishful thinking!
It wasn't even familiarity with the comics (I haven't read them), it was the fact that the brothers (Danny in particular) fell right into the "Looks like Cesare" trope. It's just kinda difficult to make dark, sunken eyes and pale skin look all that friendly. Right off the bat, I pretty much figured "yeah, these guys are gonna eat us. Eventually I'm going to find something like a bloody cellar, maybe some people hanging off of chains".
About the St Johns, I was suspicious at first..I figured this is still only ep 2, maybe we'll form group and fight some zombie with them before we leave. When I saw their mom come out after the attack, I didnt suspect them too much so I guess TTG fooled me good.
But really in this setting, what wouldnt make us suspicious? Hell the only reason I keep Clem so close is cause Im pretty sure I can take her if it isht hits the fan lol
None of this "Oh yeah we are gonna release it two days from now." rubbish
That would be a shocker to me.
But story wise. Kill one of Kenny's family. And then make Lilly leave so the player is stuck with a upset Kenny. That would be a shocker.
I tried, they are impossible to get rid of so far
1- Duck cant be thrown out
2- You have to save Katjaa at the pickup or the game ends
It's sad how my hatred for Kenny has me thinking up evil ways to indirectly hurt him lol
You can see another one on their property if you look about.
I think, something that would really surprise me, would be having Clem get bitten and then they'd make us amputate wherever she was bitten. I just don't see anything happening to her just yet.
A suicide attempt from within the group wouldn't necessarily be surprising, but I don't see that happening with this bunch. So if say Kat tried to off herself I'd be all :O
have duck/clem kill someone before they have them trapped in a room with someone who is injured and lee is helpless and can only shout..
carly being a fed/soldier/spy would not be a surprise at all for me
now if clem was an undercover agent that would...
or if lee is in fact a cyborg sent back intime to save the queen... (sorry vain)
If this and a few more suggestions like it are used, by the end of the game, the players may consider The Walking Dead one of the most memorable games they ever played.
Another suggestion toward helping make this an extraordinary game.