Where has Lee died in your game?
In your first time playing each episode, where has Lee died? Did anyone make it through both episodes without dying or restarting once?
In my initial play-through, I was eaten by the first zombie you have to end with a screwdriver in episode 1. In the second, I was shot by one of the brothers in the barn when I failed to grab then gun in time, then died again walking towards Brenda in the house.
In my initial play-through, I was eaten by the first zombie you have to end with a screwdriver in episode 1. In the second, I was shot by one of the brothers in the barn when I failed to grab then gun in time, then died again walking towards Brenda in the house.
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Haven't died since then though.
This. So far, it's the only time I've died in either episode. It took me maybe 10 tries, since the cursor moves with the camera it's difficult just for the sake of being difficult. :rolleyes:
As far as the brother in the barn, I probably would have died, except for my mouse happened to be in exactly the right place, and I'm sure I clicked it at the last possible second necessary to save my life. Man, I was never so charged with adrenaline before in my life!
In the second episode, I died twice while struggling with Danny, because I'm playing without hint interface, and for the love of everything almighty was clicking everywhere on the screen (well, on Danny
I suppose I know why hotspots are in weird position, they're placed so they wouldn't block objects/people when they're constantly on, but without the hint system finding those hotspots is a b****.
wasnt sure how i was supposed to do it at first. second death i wasnt quick enough for the gun from andy
Multiple times while wrestling with the zombie in the back of the pick-up truck at the motor inn. Only because I couldn't work out what the action indicators in that scene required me to do.
Once during the confrontation with Danny in episode 2, I was too slow grabbing the barrel of the gun.
Oh and once during the bandit ambush. I got too far behind the tractor because I was trying to leave space for Mark (unnecessary) and that legless torso zombie caught me for a particularly embarrassing death.
Second playthrough I died against the zombie in the motel yard.
I lied.
I completely forgot that I died to Danny the first time you open the stall door, and that I got shot by Brenda a bunch of times because I didn't stop when she pointed the gun at me. Silly me!
Then I died from being electrified by fence because my controller fell of my hands xd.
And when I didn't know you had to HOLD S and not press S to back away (Or was it W?) On the truck when that zombie teacher attacked me. :mad:
Not too bad of a track record so far.
But for some reason it took me forever to figure out what to do at Brenda's part in Episode 2. I felt pretty dumb.
First time I died was at the zombie teacher scene because I didn't know to move the zombie to Larry.
Second time was when the farmer had the gun towards me and my controller shut down so I couldn't push it away.
Third time Brenda shot me. Turns you "YOU DON'T HAVE THE GUTS TO SHOOT ME!" is a bad thing to say
Episode 4??? u gotta be trolling!:D
On episode 2 I died once on Brenda and again on Andy, couldn't move my controller fast enough and he punched me to death.
Oh yeah, and Danny shot me in the barn. Dang, that whole family has got me.
I noticed when you use a gamepad you just have to put in in the general location. But if you use mouse you have to put it in the exact spot.
Lying, at the very least. The mosasaur in episode 4 is actually Jurassic Park, and I died in that sequence several times.
I see. I guess they changed the hotspot area range for the mouse because with the mouse it's faster to control the cursor than with the gamepad. But it also makes things more difficult, especially during action sequences. I'm lucky I died only three times in the game (two times, if you don't count my test death as death) because in almost every action sequence I'm like 'AAAAAAAAHHHH!!!! THE FRIGGIN' HOTSPOT?!?!?! WHERE'S THE FRIGGIN' HOTSPOT?!?!?!?!? IT'S GOING TO GET ME... I'M GONNA DIE.... OH, THERE IT IS!!! I'M GONNA LIVE!!!'
anyway am I the only person whos brain reads this thread titles as "Where has Lee died in your arms tonight" ?