Games To Play Between Installments
This should be a good one to return to. Recommend games to play in the meantime instead of waiting for Walking Dead. I'm not going to suggest genres or whatever, but for mine I'll start with substitutions in case someone wants something similar. Feel free to suggest anything else.
Games Like Walking Dead:
Fahrenheit / Indigo Prophecy: Two names for the same game. Pretty linear and tough to lose. Control three different characters in a story about cults, mystic powers and a missing third act. Dialogue trees aren't bad, choices don't matter much and QTEs are handled by a Simon Minigame. (PC, PS2, XBox, 360)
Heavy Rain: The spiritual successor to Fahrenheit. Every choice seems to do something and the story can go to many places along a linear track. Everyone can die in the finale and the game will still go on to a satisfying ending. (PS3)
Silent Hill Shattered Memories: In Silent Hill 1, you played as a guy who went to a foggy hell to rescue his daughter. This is that story again, but told through therapy sessions and chase sequences. You change the world by periodic evaluations and by interacting with the world (ie, the game takes notes if you ogle sexy images). It's survival horror, which may turn some off but has some good replay value. (Wii)
The other side of this is the adventure game. Point and click your way through a (usually funny) story, solve puzzles and check Universal Hint System when something doesn't make sense.
Adventure Games
Tales of Monkey Island: You're Guybrush Threepwood, a seasoned Mighty Pirate, and you fight your old nemesis LeChuck in the 5th installment of a series of 4 good games (1, 2 and 3 were good). Point and click through 5 COMPLETED episodes. Yay. (PC, Wii)
Full Throttle: Don't want something so silly? Play the story of Ben, the leader of the Polecat biker gang. Flying cars are phasing out bikes, so it's up to you to protect the last manufacturer. Most puzzle solutions involve injury. (PC)
Psychonauts: Want the depth of an Adventure Game without the wonky control? Psychonauts is an action platformer where you play as a kid at a psychic summer camp. Learn to burn things with your mind and earn the title of Psychonaut. Come for the pretty colors and silly designs, stay because the world is batshit insane and stay out of the secret room. (PC, PS2, XBox)
Any other suggestions?
Games Like Walking Dead:
Fahrenheit / Indigo Prophecy: Two names for the same game. Pretty linear and tough to lose. Control three different characters in a story about cults, mystic powers and a missing third act. Dialogue trees aren't bad, choices don't matter much and QTEs are handled by a Simon Minigame. (PC, PS2, XBox, 360)
Heavy Rain: The spiritual successor to Fahrenheit. Every choice seems to do something and the story can go to many places along a linear track. Everyone can die in the finale and the game will still go on to a satisfying ending. (PS3)
Silent Hill Shattered Memories: In Silent Hill 1, you played as a guy who went to a foggy hell to rescue his daughter. This is that story again, but told through therapy sessions and chase sequences. You change the world by periodic evaluations and by interacting with the world (ie, the game takes notes if you ogle sexy images). It's survival horror, which may turn some off but has some good replay value. (Wii)
The other side of this is the adventure game. Point and click your way through a (usually funny) story, solve puzzles and check Universal Hint System when something doesn't make sense.
Adventure Games
Tales of Monkey Island: You're Guybrush Threepwood, a seasoned Mighty Pirate, and you fight your old nemesis LeChuck in the 5th installment of a series of 4 good games (1, 2 and 3 were good). Point and click through 5 COMPLETED episodes. Yay. (PC, Wii)
Full Throttle: Don't want something so silly? Play the story of Ben, the leader of the Polecat biker gang. Flying cars are phasing out bikes, so it's up to you to protect the last manufacturer. Most puzzle solutions involve injury. (PC)
Psychonauts: Want the depth of an Adventure Game without the wonky control? Psychonauts is an action platformer where you play as a kid at a psychic summer camp. Learn to burn things with your mind and earn the title of Psychonaut. Come for the pretty colors and silly designs, stay because the world is batshit insane and stay out of the secret room. (PC, PS2, XBox)
Any other suggestions?
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Have yet to play Heavy Rain, but since I already know the ending so that kinda killed it for me. Read a spoiler...
Since I like tactical thinking and politics I am a huge fan of the Civilization series. That holds me over, many a afternoons.
-resident evil 5 was pretty fun. gotta wait until october for '6.
- im alive. 3rd person action adventure, arcade game, featuring stamina based platforming/climbing. end of the world scenario. not necesarily survival horror, but definetly focuses on survival, in the sense you must ration your inventory, & keep a vigilant eye on both your health & stamina. encountering other humans isnt always a good thing.
-i hear dead island is a good time. looks like its 20$, brand spankin new.
-left 4 dead comes to mind. pretty solid coop (mp) 3rd person shooter.
-dragons dogma supposed to be legit.
-i picked up el shaddai, new for 20$. its pretty solid actually. not necessarily for everyone though.
-also new for 20$, final fantasy XIII-2 is pretty fun, time traveling & rpging. story is a little weird, but yknow.
-diablo 3. i hear mixed things about. the originals were epic on the pc. heard it just recently led to the death of an 18 year old kid though so im guessing its mildly addictive.
-max payne 3. very good customizable mp, featuring up to 2- 32 players. not for the spawn killing squeemish however. gota love bullet time, especially in a rockstar title.
new games to check out include:
1. darksiders 2. post apocalyptic, 3rd person action/ adventure game. 1st one was very zelda-esque. this one looks to be even more refined.
2. borderlands 2. fps with rpg elements. 1st one had my attention, for awhile.
3. transformers fall of cybertron. 3rd person action game. 1st one was very cool. customizable mp transformers. this one look to be equally great, with the inclusion of dinobots, etc.
4. sleeping dogs. (aka true crime:hong kong) 3rd person gta type game, featuring chinese gang related warfare. mixes elements of fighting, shooting, & driving.
5. persona 4 arena. fighting game. never played them, but fans tend to rave about them. atlus usually makes real good, real underrated games. includes a free copy of the soundtrack, apparently. graphics look pretty amazing, for a 2d button masher.
6. hitman absolution. this is the on im waitin for. heh, heh. gonna be awesome.
Best game ever!
I recently spent some MS points on some Indie offerings, one in particular stood out, the "Decay" series. It's a point-and-click horror with a very eerie atmosphere. You start the game hanging from a noose, you get down and start trying to figure out who you are and why you were trying to kill yourself. The first episode is pretty short and only a buck (80 points), the three subsequent episodes are $3 (240 points), so $10 total, but well worth it in my opinion. Over the four episodes, I'd say there's about 4-5 hours of gameplay spread over the episodes. Story is kinda lacking but the vibe is genuinely creepy, has some light puzzling as well.
Also, there's "Without Escape", another point-and-click horror that's relatively short (~1 hour) but is only 80 points. Like Decay, horror-and-inventory with some light puzzling.
I've also played through Binary Domain. It's a cover shooter for PC/360/PS3, but IMHO a very good and underrated one. The story is surprisingly deep, and well-acted. It's based in the semi-distant future where robots are commonplace, but heavily regulated. Then, "Hollow Children" start popping up, robots that are so life-like, they lived among humans for decades with no one knowing, not even the robots themselves. The "Hollow Children" start losing it in public places, once realizing that they are robots, despite thinking they were human for years, and have genuine, emotional breakdowns over it. Your character and team are tasked with raiding the company suspected of creating them, and the story gets a little long-winded, not unlike this reply.
Just a few suggestions as long and we're covering the topic.
The entire Max Payne series is great, even if you're not into shooters. It's just a real fun story.
It's available for digital purchase on GOG, if you want to buy it. Darn cheap too.
Oh wow 5 bucks. you aint neva lie.
thank you sir.
I been playing Heavy Rain, just started not that long ago, thanks to reading here people liked the game so I picked it up. Really fun game just can't wait to see how it ends.
Typing of the Dead: Want to play House of the Dead 2 on your PC? Need to improve your typing skills? Fire up Typing of the Dead. Fight the undead with your keyboard. Marvel at the terrible acting. (PC, Dreamcast)
Star Wars - Dark Forces: Play as the only leading character in the Star Wars universe that isn't a Jedi in the only game that predates his shift to becoming a Jedi. Kyle Katarn steals the Death Star plans and fights against a secret project ultra-soldier. (PC, Playstation)
gt is my id on here
the ones i usually play are...
Minecraft (i would explain the game but i'm sure everyone knows it...XD)
Team Fortress 2 - Fps, teamplay, lots of fun, have hats...also its free!
and most recently...
Awesomenauts - Dota style, 2d, cartoon like, you can leave/join midgame, and unlike dota, people don't scream at you for being a noob...XD
but really...even minesweeper can be fun if you like the game...
You are a man of great character.
lol he has his moments..
How is Metal Gear? Solid? Ah? AH?
Only thin I hate in the game is the fucking "infected" fast running sons of bitches...
Dead Island's story is just plain awful. The gameplay is fun, but the story feels like they just threw something together at the last minute.
Hahahaha who are you again?
The Banana Boat Song
Are You Down With The Sickness
The Power Rangers Theme (Extended)
Ring of Fire
Weird Al's Polka Face
Rolling In The Deep
The Power of Love
The Rainbow Connection
And much much more!
Rockstar do a really good job, helps to know portugese (they reveal the main twist if you do) they put alot of emphasis on the general degradation of society as a whole due to greed and specifically the widening gap between rich and poor and it's concequences, apart from that they make great visualisations on maxes addiction and broken mental state, plus the original leather coat max missions are amazing! Get it, one of the more engaging storylines ive played in a while (apart from walking dead obviously
not sure what your getting at..
are you attempting to imply irony of my statment ?
You be the judge, you know me better than anyone dude
It's all love, I'm glad we came to mutual understanding about a simple question of who you are. Also how do you describe colour to a blind person?
depends on how much you like 'fog' used to lvoe versus but it got boring with such one sided teams..
you can describe colours to a blind person if you match a colour to a feeling..
blue is cold, red is hot, orange warm/sunny, green is illness/sick, brown could be dirt or shit...