Any one like Golf?Give World Golf Tour a try.Its free with the option of buying better equipment using a CVS or Subway gift card.I like it,but TWD and Medieval2 are my goto games at the moment.
"katawa shoujo" is a great game for anyone who likes breaking his mouse after clicking it for 8 hours ^^ (that is how long took me to complete story 1 time)
I thought I would mention Star Wars: The Old Republic
I started playing it recently because
1. is free up to level 15
2.takes days to reach level 15 (unless you marathon it I guess)
3.Multiple characters to play til level 15
4. been announced that soon the game will be completely Free
(I think til level 50), not completely certain. The only purchases would be for special extra items.
From what I understand, is a new method being used by many MMO's to allow free subscriptions and charge just for extra items because of the decrease of people willing to pay monthy subscriptions.
So, while waiting for the next episodes, it's a suggestion for a free (limited) game that takes days per character.. I think you get 8-10 characters, so guessing, based on a few hours each night, maybe 5-7 days per character to lvl 15, would take around 2 months?
Supposed to be totally free (at least to level 50) in a couple months.
if anyone else is playing this maybe you can include more accurate information .
Guild Wars 2 is also a good recommendation. It's launching next week and it's subscription free (you buy the game, not the playtime). The character missions and instances work like Star Wars, but world missions are dynamic events that constantly move around the world.
An area might be prone to bandit raids. An early mission could have you defending supplies. If that is failed or ignored, there's a mission to retrieve an item from the bandit. The bandit leader might roam the area. You might have to escort one of the villagers to another place to ask for help.
It's pretty interesting and nicely avoids the "give me nine wolf paw" quests.
Kinda cant believe I didnt mention this before but,
I've been a part of this community going my 6th year (anyone catch the reference?)
It is an Adult based virtual community (18+)
Though there is adult content in world, let me ensure you all it is NOT a porn site.
It is free as a basic member though you do have content limits.
Vip is unlimited content and cost's $20/month
But, regarding the cost.. The in-world currency is known as Ray's.
You can earn Rays in a variety of ways and even pay your monthly subscription with them making your VIP status generally Free, and even cashout for RL money..
2000Rays = $130
If you are familiar with Photoshop and can make virtual clothing, that's the BIG money maker.. Ive seen several top designers who've made over a million Real Life dollars designing and selling virtual clothing.
Utherverse is a social site with many clubs, events including charity events, you get multiple properties to decorate or build yourself.
The other big potential money maker is Decorator.. That's what I do.
I build things like houses, clubs, cities, spaceports ETC. Pretty much whatever you can imagine, you can build.. then just sell them to whomever for Rays.
So, it's something that can be free and earn you real money. Meet people, make new online friends..
Of course not for everyone.. but is free to checkout..
Although Im late to the convo, if there is one game that reminds me of TWD is a game called "Cause of Death" available for the iphone and apple products. Its basically a game very similiar to TWD but detective style... and they (EA) actually sticks to their word of releasing a episode each week.
I can get the Metal Gear solid HD collection for 2000 points and only have 200 points when episode 3 comes out and thus be forced to wait or i can try to find something for 1600 points saving enough for episode three.
You can't, it's like trying to think of a colour that doesn't exist or youve never seen, you can't do it
Well, no need to come to the forum today. I can't outdo that.
Me and milo were playing the association game, blue cold, red warm, green ill, plaid Scotland, it works...ya wit is on point as well bruddaaaah!
I started playing it recently because
1. is free up to level 15
2.takes days to reach level 15 (unless you marathon it I guess)
3.Multiple characters to play til level 15
4. been announced that soon the game will be completely Free
(I think til level 50), not completely certain. The only purchases would be for special extra items.
From what I understand, is a new method being used by many MMO's to allow free subscriptions and charge just for extra items because of the decrease of people willing to pay monthy subscriptions.
So, while waiting for the next episodes, it's a suggestion for a free (limited) game that takes days per character.. I think you get 8-10 characters, so guessing, based on a few hours each night, maybe 5-7 days per character to lvl 15, would take around 2 months?
Supposed to be totally free (at least to level 50) in a couple months.
if anyone else is playing this maybe you can include more accurate information .
Edit to add: FOR THE HOARD!!! i mean EMPIRE!!!
An area might be prone to bandit raids. An early mission could have you defending supplies. If that is failed or ignored, there's a mission to retrieve an item from the bandit. The bandit leader might roam the area. You might have to escort one of the villagers to another place to ask for help.
It's pretty interesting and nicely avoids the "give me nine wolf paw" quests.
I've been a part of this community going my 6th year (anyone catch the reference?)
It is an Adult based virtual community (18+)
Though there is adult content in world, let me ensure you all it is NOT a porn site.
It is free as a basic member though you do have content limits.
Vip is unlimited content and cost's $20/month
But, regarding the cost.. The in-world currency is known as Ray's.
You can earn Rays in a variety of ways and even pay your monthly subscription with them making your VIP status generally Free, and even cashout for RL money..
2000Rays = $130
If you are familiar with Photoshop and can make virtual clothing, that's the BIG money maker.. Ive seen several top designers who've made over a million Real Life dollars designing and selling virtual clothing.
Utherverse is a social site with many clubs, events including charity events, you get multiple properties to decorate or build yourself.
The other big potential money maker is Decorator.. That's what I do.
I build things like houses, clubs, cities, spaceports ETC. Pretty much whatever you can imagine, you can build.. then just sell them to whomever for Rays.
So, it's something that can be free and earn you real money. Meet people, make new online friends..
Of course not for everyone.. but is free to checkout..
how do you figure? I posted only the name of the site, what it is and very little of what it includes.
I posed no links, no screenshots!
there is even a referral reward if I had posted my profile and someone joined from there, I would gain a few rays.. I didnt even do that!
There is no difference in what I posted than anyone else describing any other game on this thread.
achievement unlocked.
thats your opinion..
EDIT: And its free ! so worth a try!
story you play one of four bank robbers hired to steal blood from one of three patients being guarded in Mercy Hospital
the story has a tie in with the Zombie game Left 4 Dead
this link im posting is these four guys playing and they finish it in just under 15 mins very fast