How Do You Feel After Episode 3? *Obvious Spoilers*

edited August 2012 in The Walking Dead
I for one felt pretty depressed.

This episode, most of the choices I made were pretty swift and without hesitation. As soon as Lilly killed Doug, I was so angry, I had no choice but to leave her behind. And then I was sad because we'd just lost two people.

And then we lost Duck and Katjaa.

These deaths have really weighed on me and I was wondering if anyone else, after completing Long Road Ahead, has actually felt depressed.

How do you feel?


  • edited August 2012
    How I feel is described in this thread.
  • edited August 2012
    tbh, I cried. Episode was way sad. Though I feel, as do many, feel slightly copped-out by the death of Carly. Your choice and influence over the people you help should at least deter from certain actions from coming true.
  • edited August 2012
    Holy. Shit.
    That's the only way to describe it. I can't believe how fast we just, lost everyone.
    I will admit, the end did just sort of happen without a grand finale, but oh well, I'm not complaining. It's set up for something that could be very interesting.
    ...If he fucking touches Clem.
  • edited August 2012
    emotional roller coaster. it was crazy how the crew was cut in half. it has me feeling a little funny in the pit of my stomach about the future because i know they will "go there," as they have shown. It really feels as though you cant trust anyone and everyone is a potential casualty.

    when i think about it, it kind of makes me not want to emotionally connect with anyone else because they just might not make it.

    i'm looking forward to the next episode. I think those who were weak will toughen up and those who were strong will be weakened (speaking of clem, ken and ben). this episode has me feeling that the series wont end on a happy note (at least, not for all... maybe clem will be the survivor... hence her training and such)
  • edited August 2012
    asdf64 wrote: »
    Holy. Shit.
    That's the only way to describe it. I can't believe how fast we just, lost everyone.
    I will admit, the end did just sort of happen without a grand finale, but oh well, I'm not complaining. It's set up for something that could be very interesting.
    ...If he fucking touches Clem.

    I agree. We've gotten attached to this characters within such a small amount of time (although, I have played the first two episodes four times each). When Lilly shot Doug, my mouth literally dropped and stayed open for the rest of the scene. I was devastated.

    And yeah, I do feel like losing our "chosen character" (Carley/Doug) at that point was a bit unfair.

    The only people left from the original group (formed in the drugstore) are Lee, Kenny and Clem. It's scary! Even though I have problems with Kenny, I really hope he doesn't die now.
  • I loved it. Best episode telltale made of the walking dead series.

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