Convince me to save you!
What skills do you bring to the table? if I had a choice between saving you or safety would your skills/items and character make me save you!?
You can add as much as you want but remember the person trying to save you might not want to read it all, or TLDR you die
Decide whether or not you would save the above poster then post your Skills/items/Character
I'll start
Random bits of knowledge from Wikipedia
I do own a shotgun....
I'm an optimistic guy O:
You can add as much as you want but remember the person trying to save you might not want to read it all, or TLDR you die
Decide whether or not you would save the above poster then post your Skills/items/Character
I'll start
Random bits of knowledge from Wikipedia
I do own a shotgun....
I'm an optimistic guy O:
This discussion has been closed.
Items- I do collect swords
Character- Im a nice guy
I'm fat and easy to trip
Umm.. I got an iPhone
I'm a happy guy!
Looks like between Zombies Are Awesome! and Motordead you would save Motordead
I'm going to change the rules it's harder with 2 people so I'm changing it to would you save the person above or safety.
Here I go...
Skills: Better than average understanding of growing food items (what seasons to plant certain harvests, for example), as well as making/taking care of items that we will eventually need (example, I can spin wool, weave, and knit/sew - I know how to make basic soaps and candles, I can raise small basic farm animals such as chickens and sheep from birth to death, etc). I have shot rifles and handguns before - I may not be a crack shot but I know that I would hit about 75% of what I aim at (and that's just going to the rifle range once a year, so I'm sure with practice I will get better!).
Items: My two guns (rifle and hand gun), my emergency food supplies (must have! dry and canned goods equaling about a month of good eating for a family of three!) and my basic emergency supplies (first aid kit, basic tools, can openers, all contained in a ready for cooking cast iron dutch oven).
Character: I'm ruthlessly pragmatic and level headed when I need to be, as well as tender and caring when the situation calls for it. I'm pretty easy to get along with - as long as you don't act like a jerk I don't mind when you voice your opinions. I tend to make decisions that benefit groups as a whole as opposed to individuals, and I favor having larger groups banding together than striking out on my own.
Baggage: My kid. I would do anything for her. Plus she's only two, so surviving would be more difficult.
Um, I can eat more bugs? So basically you can underfeed me, I'll just eat bugs.
Items: A pipe. Yeah, You read it right, I got military weaponry.
Character: I'm optimistic. I know everything will end well. And I love my pipe and my bug meals
Don't make me pull a Lilly on you. i might shoot you in the face!
Items- A Backpack with (a roll of duck tape, a flash light (with extra batteries) 2 kg of wheat flour some first aid gauze, a ½ empty bottle of penicillin a small pocket knife, and my flint and steel tool.
I also have 3 random cooking knives I nicked in some guys kitchen + some random canned gods (I have no idea what there are in those canned gods, I just quickly stuffed them in my backpack before I ran out of the zombie infested house!) I also have a Wooden baseball bat.
Character- I'm the slightly pessimistic (prefers to call myself a realist), perfectionist, though I am also that guy that always make people laugh with that perfectly timed joke. "aka the funny man"
Baggage: the group of 7 zombies that are around a ½ mile behind me (at least there wore 7 of them when I ran out of the house and down the street) (though I am most definitely still running!)
would I save Sisterofshane? most definitely, out combined knowledge and tools should make a good combo, even though he have his 2 year old daughter with him.
Edit: when I wrote this Sisterofshane was the poster above me.
Physically you are the closest to me so I would of course save you first my friend
Oh yea! Chopping up zombies with my swords
Weapons- A big baseball bat
Character- I'm pretty sensible, not likely to give in to emotions. Kind when I can be and I know that undermining the leader gets us no where.
Skill - doesn't matter, we never meet.
Items - see above.
Character - Ruthless, pragmatic and highly mobile.
None (Cloak and Dagger)
.357 Magnum, M-16, and whatever you're carrying.
Survive at all costs.
well, I mean if you really want to read between the lines, I was thinking that if we happened around a corner and into a herd, I could give my man Motor a quick trip and take the hell off
Don't forget to take the iPhone
Items: A load of tools in my shed, so you know, blunt weapons FTW
Character: I'm a realist and i keep my head in every situation, my friends hate it but if it saves us they won't
damn man! you're walking around with a shed? 0_o?!?!?!?
Maybe he can do what Lee does. Stick everything into his back pocket lol
Can I be a part of any of your groups?
So here's my post:
Would I safe plagueconspiracy? Why not. The driver's licence could be useful and his/her inquiry to be part of a group sounds like he/she knows about group dynamics.
My "skills": (for the next poster)
I'm below 70kg at 183cm (~150 lbs @ 6 ft), so I'm really under-muscled. I'm a smoker, so my stamina is aweful. I'm 29, kinda sympathetic and cute, so I'll steal the women of the group. I also never went to the military and therefore have no experience with weaponry. I studied biology, but have no clue about which funghi or plants are toxic. Also, I have no orientation as soon as the sun is down or hidden behind clouds.
But I have a laptop with an incredibly good battery and a pretty neat dvd-collection. Sooo...
You didnt but just like in a real ZA, no one gives a goddamn about rules anymore, they just wanna join a big group!
I'm gonna save you Cyreen." Yeah. Yeah.
Let me save you!' "Save me Acadias."
Screw the rules! There's Zombies!
-basic survival
-actually knows how to drive a train :P
-keys, alot of them for alot of buildings around the railway tracks
-Probably extremely friendly and would hate to see people argue (really stupid thing in these situations)
But I don't know if I would feel secure in a group, who knows where the dagger in the back will come from, but maybe if I knew them somewhat or it was a HUGE group with police and military people in it in such a case I think I would have a sense of (false) security
Items: Gas mask.
Character: pessimistic, mentally unstable and very friendly guy.
Items: Small binoculars, fire poker.
Character: I'm usually a nice guy, but in extreme situations I'll do what has to be done.
Items: unregistered firearm, nondescript black pantsuit, rubber Hillary Clinton mask
Character: Responds to the code name "Ms. Green"
Okay so maybe I'm not so helpful in a zombie apocalypse, but if you ever decided to rob a bank you better call me!
Items: Baseball bat; toothpicks
Character: I'm calm, philosophical. Dust. Wind. Dude.
Items-Pistol, Decent food supply
Character-Im a nice gal but dont cross me
1) Ex Navy
2) hit the gun range so i can shoot a gun
3) know cpr
4) I have fire fighting knowlege
5) I can barbQ
6) Love to learn
7) I watch history CHannel
8) I Live in Marietta Ga So once Macon falls drive to my area i got you
What, they sell them at Walmart, just ask for the "stuff" and they'll show you
Not sure if that's something you want to list lol It's known to skimp on the history