Well I guess its time for me to make a full one O:
Skills: Great with my shotgun, Studying to be a nurse so some medical background
Concierge skills so you need it I'll find a way to get it, with a smile. Random bits of knowledge about everything, Wikipedia reading when i'm at work!
I can hunt, I've been hunting since I was 16 so a good 5 years of experience.
I've also learned a few things from a certain cook book
Tools: Gun cleaning kit, Gun tools, shotgun, m9 bayonet, hatchet, bug out bag, glasses, a certain cook book.
Character: I like to be prepared while I am suspicious of things I don't go paranoid.
generally a pretty optimistic and nice guy.
Burdens: Without my glasses I lose a lot of my eyesight.... It is pretty bad everything is blurry but I'll still be able to notice things around me I'll still be able to function.
would you be able to distinguish a walker from a regular human?
(this is actually a pretty awesome burden, it's a huge minus, but you also have some very big plusses, studying to become a nurse and you are a experienced hunter with a shotgun and the tools and knowhow to clean and maintain them)
would you be able to distinguish a walker from a regular human?
(this is actually a pretty awesome burden, it's a huge minus, but you also have some very big plusses, studying to become a nurse and you are a experienced hunter with a shotgun and the tools and knowhow to clean and maintain them)
Lol oh damn... I took off my glasses to look at pictures of zombies...
and yes I think I would be able to just far enough that i'm safe but if I lost my glasses in the dark I'll be screwed. I would be pretty damn near blind in the dark without glasses.
Skills: 3rd year Electrical engineering student in the MIT of the North, basic camping and scavenging knowledge, intimate knowledge of macro-economics (in case you need to invest:D).
Tools: Bike repair kit, scrounged tool-box, camping supplies, dry foods, a sharp implement, and a hunting rifle from a farmhouse (not many guns in Canada).
Character: Liar
Burdens: Requires glasses, withholds certain things , refers to himself using honorifics and abstract concepts.
Skills: 3rd year Electrical engineer in the MIT of the North, basic camping and scavenging knowledge, intimate knowledge of macro-economics (in case you need to invest:D).
Tools: Bike repair kit, scrounged tool-box, camping supplies, dry foods, a sharp implement, and a hunting rifle from a farmhouse (not many guns in Canada).
Character: Liar
Burdens: Requires glasses.
hmm sounded good till you said Liar lol how can we trust you then?
Skills: I can look at a situation pretty equally and am very decisive so it wouldn't take long to make a firm and thought about decision for me. I'm good with kids (if that could come in handy, worked for Lee so far). I'll put an opinion across and i'll help any way I can. I've got good hand-eye coordination. Finally I'm quite athletic so lifting things and running for a long time wouldn't be a problem (+ I wouldn't slow you down).
Character: Honest. I'm a realist and I can look ahead to tell if things aren't going to work and I plan what we're going to do. I can look at both sides of a situation and make a fair decision. I'm caring and I'd want to make sure everyone is okay, even people I don't get along with, to cheer people up I'd find light in a dark situation, though I may not believe it myself. Finally I can easily communicate and get along with all kinds of people.
Baggage: My dad, he's a very good shot and a natural leader, but he's also hot headed, a bit like Lilly's dad Larry (but not as bad).
Also I'm a girl so I can help repopulate the earth ha-ha
Since we're all deciding on the groups, would it be wise to assign group "leaders" and gain decisions that way. We could also go by popular vote voiced through our group "leader"?
Since we're all deciding on the groups, would it be wise to assign group "leaders" and gain decisions that way. We could also go by popular vote voiced through our group "leader"?
Or the more natural plan, some guy proposes a plan, asks for a quick brief from each person, and starts assigning tasks . The initiative and confidence is quite attractive to wanders with no specific goals (like find family).
Or the more natural plan, some guy proposes a plan, asks for a quick brief from each person, and starts assigning tasks . The initiative and confidence is quite attractive to wanders with no specific goals (like find family).
Hmm, i feel like a system like that would cause too many differing options. I mean, in the beginning we'll all be focused on survival and what we need...but after that, there needs to be some sort of organized order, right?
Or the more natural plan, some guy proposes a plan, asks for a quick brief from each person, and starts assigning tasks . The initiative and confidence is quite attractive to wanders with no specific goals (like find family).
No i am not doing that. we would just have another power struggle like Kenny and Lilly, and it will get us killed
Hmm, i feel like a system like that would cause too many differing options. I mean, in the beginning we'll all be focused on survival and what we need...but after that, there needs to be some sort of organized order, right?
Well it's the start, the first person to show leadership leaves a massive impression simply due to the lack of other sources of guidance . Obviously tasks can be reassigned later and some delegation is needed, but the idea is for the person to gain a disproportional authority to his words. There isn't a workable physical method of power, but having a good standing is just as well.
Good luck finding people to follow you blindly especially since you said your a liar
I wouldn't say that I'm a liar, (it was listed for the role-playing benefits, don't break the forth wall) . Having more influence than the alternative would be good enough.
Survival knowledge from plenty years of Scouting. Did a bit of air-rifling and enough archery to fend off with a bow and arrow I reckon. Art student--wait! Don't walk away yet...that means I have a good eye, observation skills (spot walkers, notice subtle expressions/gestures e.t.c) and a knack for painting Carley like one of my French girls!
Penknife, rucksack; probably already filled with sleeping bags, provisions, tools. My Dad's golf clubs and hockey stick, my mountain bike, flashlights (rechargeable). Guitar and Harmonica Character:
Witty, quirky, potentially heroic (hard thing to come by. Espically if you got someone named "Kenny" in your group.), good with kids (cos I'm what Duck might call "incredibly awesome") and overall a nice, likeable guy.
Got any hot chicks or WABE reporters that I can romance? I'm in!
Reason I survive
Well, what else you gonna do? Die a horrible, painful death? Nope.
Terrified of walkers, wary of other survivors and morally strong. Sure I'm afraid of killing something or someone else--but if there's someone worth protecting then that's what I'll have to do. Always looking for alternatives and to talk things over instead.
Well it's the start, the first person to show leadership leaves a massive impression simply due to the lack of other sources of guidance . Obviously tasks can be reassigned later and some delegation is needed, but the idea is for the person to gain a disproportional authority to his words. There isn't a workable physical method of power, but having a good standing is just as well.
It isn't about task, that point is moot.
It's about avoiding power struggles or conflict, we would need the consent of everyone before going on with a plan and if some feel like leaving, they're welcome to it. If you do leave because you want power, by all mean 'git.
It isn't about task, that point is moot.
It's about avoiding power struggles or conflict, we would need the consent of everyone before going on with a plan and if some feel like leaving, they're welcome to it. If you do leave because you want power, by all mean 'git.
i don't want power. im no good at leading, thats why i think it would come down to a vote. not just some guy saying IM THE LEADER DO AS I COMMAND!
You should save me because my sperm could contain the seed for the future savior from the ZA and you wouldn't want to lose him/her, would you? That would suck.
Survival knowledge from plenty years of Scouting. Did a bit of air-rifling and enough archery to fend off with a bow and arrow I reckon. Art student--wait! Don't walk away yet...that means I have a good eye, observation skills (spot walkers, notice subtle expressions/gestures e.t.c) and a knack for painting Carley like one of my French girls!
Penknife, rucksack; probably already filled with sleeping bags, provisions, tools. My Dad's golf clubs and hockey stick, my mountain bike, flashlights (rechargeable).
Witty, quirky, potentially heroic (hard thing to come by. Espically if you got someone named "Kenny" in your group.), good with kids (cos I'm what Duck might call "incredibly awesome") and overall a nice, likeable guy.
Got any hot chicks or WABE reporters that I can romance? I'm in!
Reason I survive
Well, what else you gonna do? Die a horrible, painful death? Nope.
Terrified of walkers, wary of other survivors and morally strong. Sure I'm afraid of killing something or someone else--but if there's someone worth protecting then that's what I'll have to do. Always looking for alternatives and to talk things over instead.
I would save SpikeJack1
My Skills
Great cook. Fair knowledge of herbal remedies/homeopathy. Pretty good with a gun (prefer rifles). I know self-defense (taught by my dad who is a green beret).
My machete (thanks Dad ), my 8 year old daughter, a couple of books (herbal remedies and one on edible plants in my state), basic food supplies, and a water purifier.
I tend to be pretty level headed but threaten my kid and I will go Momma bear on you! I am fiercely loyal to my friends and do not trust strangers easily, I will let them close so I can keep and eye on them till I know if I can fully trust them.
My Skills
Great cook. Fair knowledge of herbal remedies/homeopathy. Pretty good with a gun (prefer rifles). I know self-defense (taught by my dad who is a green beret).
My machete (thanks Dad ), my 8 year old daughter, a couple of books (herbal remedies and one on edible plants in my state), basic food supplies, and a water purifier.
I tend to be pretty level headed but threaten my kid and I will go Momma bear on you! I am fiercely loyal to my friends and do not trust strangers easily, I will let them close so I can keep and eye on them till I know if I can fully trust them.
It isn't about task, that point is moot.
It's about avoiding power struggles or conflict, we would need the consent of everyone before going on with a plan and if some feel like leaving, they're welcome to it. If you do leave because you want power, by all mean 'git.
I never said I would go for a dictatorship, in fact I specifically mentioned that it would be unworkable. What wrong with making a name for yourself? For people to value your opinion more? This power isn't with force but rather manipulation.
It's very naive to assume that everyone's gonna be "let's work together for a glorious future" , expressly avoiding conflict and power struggles.
i don't want power. im no good at leading, thats why i think it would come down to a vote. not just some guy saying IM THE LEADER DO AS I COMMAND!
Absolutely, but if you have some leadership skills and you play it right your opinion will certainly count for more in the group. One person doesn't have the physical force to enforce command, but he can certainly influence it disproportionally.
For example by being the first to greet newcomers that person gets the advantage of the very first impression, by taking imitative and proposing first that person influences the tone of a debate.
Also for small groups in survivalist conditions: a consistent singular authority is more efficient than a pure democracy, it only starts falling apart when more members join and the number of opinions multiply.
Skills: Knowledge of properly placing batteries in radios.
Items: Salt Lick
Character: Nice and easy-going guy. If I like you I'll drop salt licks on your enemies faces while they're asleep. If I dont'...
StreetsAhead, Consider yourself saved but i'm going to have to take that salt lick away from you, and if your bitten i'd still save you but demand you stay the hell away from me if I were aware bites made you turn and we were the only people there but I would still talk to you until you did turn and when you do, I just don't know how I'd react, if I didn't know bites turned, I guess i'd be attempting to tend to your wounds, if someone else were doing it i'd stay watch with a weapon incase you turn, the reason I'd save you if you were bitten is because dealing with one zombie at a time is alot better than dealing with two at the same time, and I would still be trying to save you while you were in the process of getting bitten.
Skills: I'm really good at being quiet and am not clumsy, also really good at doing nothing for long periods of time or waiting, I am not prone to illness, I don't eat much whatsoever, I have bad vision, and carry glasses that may affect my ability to fight and read, but I am not blind without my glasses, I am not good at talking to people, and am very easy to irritate if you make too much noise, I am not one for violence but if I saw someone being attacked I can only imagine I'd try to help them, uhh...I can also make some Tea, Tea anyone?
Items: A black leather hoodie, A crowbar, multiple flashlights, and a backpack with a random inventory of a couple bags of junkfood, teabags/sugar some books, and alot of junk/supply items, like a Bottle or two of water, a case for my glasses, a phone, a Gideon bible (Even though I do not belong to a religion)
Character: I would much rather die than let someone else die, I am always willing to help if I know that you need it, and I would not be willing to risk the entire group but willing to risk myself, one things for certain--Im fiercely loyal, and prioritise children over adults of course, I am not a social person and if someone started yelling at me i'd likely not know what to say and just stare at them, the outbreak would have hit me hard and I may be depressed for a very long time but that does not mean if something happens I won't be helping, even though I do not eat much, I would starve in the place of another, I Do not hold grudges, but that does not mean if you betray me I won't be cautious around you, and if you were in trouble, I would no doubt help even with your betrayal, I find myself to be emotionally unstable when bad things happen to people, and I blame myself for things when I shouldn't.
You should save me because my sperm could contain the seed for the future savior from the ZA and you wouldn't want to lose him/her, would you? That would suck.
Oh my god.... The zombies time traveled to the past to stop you from birthing the Savior... But the zombies are stupid and got the wrong person and so on and so on and kept spreading.
- I am a Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do.
- I'm a skilled driver.
- I can make a mean stew, sandwich or spaghetti bolognase. And my garlic bread? You should try it! Tis divine.
- I'm not too bad at Archery, I'm not amazing but I am not bad.
- Making good fires runs in our family, it seems.
- Knowledge of Knife Defence.
- Either a Sabre, Narsil, or one of my two Spanish Longswords, but most likely the Sabre.
- A Wind Up Torch instead of a battery powered one.
- A Mountain Bike
- A Bag with two large bottles of water, a single thermos flask with a stew, and an assortment of easy to prepare bits of food looted from cupboards at home or the supermarket. Most likely a decent Sandwich too.
- A copy of The Lord of the Rings, to keep me entertained.
- A copy of the Zombie Survival Guide, to help keep me alive.
- Bicycle pump
I admit to being a rather shy type of person, quiet around people until I get really used to them, and not especially forthcoming. However, I am loyal to a group and would be capable of protecting the little folk if necessary at the expense of myself, not only that, but I am not the kind of person to let someone fall far behind without waiting or aiding them in catching up. I will admit that I would be far from entertaining, but I would not betray the group, nor purposefully endanger it. I am, however, very stubborn.
Negative Health Issues
- I need to wear glasses. I can walk around easily without them, but details are difficult to make out, and it is hard to see at night. But I could survive without them, if necessary.
- I admit to being overweight, but I am currently working hard on losing weight and getting fit, and once an Apocalypse starts, that is a very good motivator to cut weight to survive.
Being fat and lazy.
Walk around in underwear. It makes me blend in with zombies.
I can walk 100 m in 1 minute.
I'm good at sleeping. Items:
A laptop.
Socks. Character:
Big liar.
Oh my god.... The zombies time traveled to the past to stop you from birthing the Savior... But the zombies are stupid and got the wrong person and so on and so on and kept spreading.
You started the Zombie Apocalypse
or maybe not
Yes! Just like the plot for Terminator. Except with zombies. And no sex. (I like Terminator better.)
would you be able to distinguish a walker from a regular human?
(this is actually a pretty awesome burden, it's a huge minus, but you also have some very big plusses, studying to become a nurse and you are a experienced hunter with a shotgun and the tools and knowhow to clean and maintain them)
Lol oh damn... I took off my glasses to look at pictures of zombies...
and yes I think I would be able to just far enough that i'm safe but if I lost my glasses in the dark I'll be screwed. I would be pretty damn near blind in the dark without glasses.
Tools: Bike repair kit, scrounged tool-box, camping supplies, dry foods, a sharp implement, and a hunting rifle from a farmhouse (not many guns in Canada).
Character: Liar
Burdens: Requires glasses, withholds certain things , refers to himself using honorifics and abstract concepts.
hmm sounded good till you said Liar lol how can we trust you then?
Items: Canned food, water, knife, hammer, pens, paper, matches, map.
Character: Honest. I'm a realist and I can look ahead to tell if things aren't going to work and I plan what we're going to do. I can look at both sides of a situation and make a fair decision. I'm caring and I'd want to make sure everyone is okay, even people I don't get along with, to cheer people up I'd find light in a dark situation, though I may not believe it myself. Finally I can easily communicate and get along with all kinds of people.
Baggage: My dad, he's a very good shot and a natural leader, but he's also hot headed, a bit like Lilly's dad Larry (but not as bad).
Also I'm a girl so I can help repopulate the earth
As long as we don't get stuck in a meat locker with a douchey redneck, you're good : D
woah woah, don't talk about my boy Kenny like that
Why would I tell you? I'm all smiles and limited gifts at the start.
Haha, he's fine by me as long as my head remains unsmashed friend
hmm im suspicious of you bud, i would keep an eye on you
Well I'd be rather worried that you guys recruit members based on what they claim they are.
haha no worries my dad loves Ellis from Left 4 Dead 2, so we'll be okay
Or the more natural plan, some guy proposes a plan, asks for a quick brief from each person, and starts assigning tasks . The initiative and confidence is quite attractive to wanders with no specific goals (like find family).
Ellis is legendary, i would feel safe with him.
Hmm, i feel like a system like that would cause too many differing options. I mean, in the beginning we'll all be focused on survival and what we need...but after that, there needs to be some sort of organized order, right?
No i am not doing that. we would just have another power struggle like Kenny and Lilly, and it will get us killed
That's just the thing, what's to prevent American Foreign Policy from proposing something like that and leaving with a portion of the group?
Well it's the start, the first person to show leadership leaves a massive impression simply due to the lack of other sources of guidance . Obviously tasks can be reassigned later and some delegation is needed, but the idea is for the person to gain a disproportional authority to his words. There isn't a workable physical method of power, but having a good standing is just as well.
Good luck finding people to follow you blindly
I wouldn't say that I'm a liar, (it was listed for the role-playing benefits, don't break the forth wall) . Having more influence than the alternative would be good enough.
Survival knowledge from plenty years of Scouting. Did a bit of air-rifling and enough archery to fend off with a bow and arrow I reckon. Art student--wait! Don't walk away yet...that means I have a good eye, observation skills (spot walkers, notice subtle expressions/gestures e.t.c) and a knack for painting Carley like one of my French girls!
Penknife, rucksack; probably already filled with sleeping bags, provisions, tools. My Dad's golf clubs and hockey stick, my mountain bike, flashlights (rechargeable). Guitar and Harmonica
Witty, quirky, potentially heroic (hard thing to come by. Espically if you got someone named "Kenny" in your group.), good with kids (cos I'm what Duck might call "incredibly awesome") and overall a nice, likeable guy.
Got any hot chicks or WABE reporters that I can romance? I'm in!
Reason I survive
Well, what else you gonna do? Die a horrible, painful death? Nope.
Terrified of walkers, wary of other survivors and morally strong. Sure I'm afraid of killing something or someone else--but if there's someone worth protecting then that's what I'll have to do. Always looking for alternatives and to talk things over instead.
It isn't about task, that point is moot.
It's about avoiding power struggles or conflict, we would need the consent of everyone before going on with a plan and if some feel like leaving, they're welcome to it. If you do leave because you want power, by all mean 'git.
i don't want power. im no good at leading, thats why i think it would come down to a vote. not just some guy saying IM THE LEADER DO AS I COMMAND!
lmao oh man that's good! Be careful though according to your "skills", Acadias might pull a Shane on you
This is honestly one of the best threads in forums yet
I would save SpikeJack1
My Skills
Great cook. Fair knowledge of herbal remedies/homeopathy. Pretty good with a gun (prefer rifles). I know self-defense (taught by my dad who is a green beret).
My machete (thanks Dad
I tend to be pretty level headed but threaten my kid and I will go Momma bear on you! I am fiercely loyal to my friends and do not trust strangers easily, I will let them close so I can keep and eye on them till I know if I can fully trust them.
so your daughter is almost like Clementine?
I never said I would go for a dictatorship, in fact I specifically mentioned that it would be unworkable. What wrong with making a name for yourself? For people to value your opinion more? This power isn't with force but rather manipulation.
It's very naive to assume that everyone's gonna be "let's work together for a glorious future" , expressly avoiding conflict and power struggles.
Absolutely, but if you have some leadership skills and you play it right your opinion will certainly count for more in the group. One person doesn't have the physical force to enforce command, but he can certainly influence it disproportionally.
For example by being the first to greet newcomers that person gets the advantage of the very first impression, by taking imitative and proposing first that person influences the tone of a debate.
Also for small groups in survivalist conditions: a consistent singular authority is more efficient than a pure democracy, it only starts falling apart when more members join and the number of opinions multiply.
Items: Salt Lick
Character: Nice and easy-going guy. If I like you I'll drop salt licks on your enemies faces while they're asleep. If I dont'...
StreetsAhead, Consider yourself saved but i'm going to have to take that salt lick away from you, and if your bitten i'd still save you but demand you stay the hell away from me if I were aware bites made you turn and we were the only people there but I would still talk to you until you did turn and when you do, I just don't know how I'd react, if I didn't know bites turned, I guess i'd be attempting to tend to your wounds, if someone else were doing it i'd stay watch with a weapon incase you turn, the reason I'd save you if you were bitten is because dealing with one zombie at a time is alot better than dealing with two at the same time, and I would still be trying to save you while you were in the process of getting bitten.
Skills: I'm really good at being quiet and am not clumsy, also really good at doing nothing for long periods of time or waiting, I am not prone to illness, I don't eat much whatsoever, I have bad vision, and carry glasses that may affect my ability to fight and read, but I am not blind without my glasses, I am not good at talking to people, and am very easy to irritate if you make too much noise, I am not one for violence but if I saw someone being attacked I can only imagine I'd try to help them, uhh...I can also make some Tea, Tea anyone?
Items: A black leather hoodie, A crowbar, multiple flashlights, and a backpack with a random inventory of a couple bags of junkfood, teabags/sugar some books, and alot of junk/supply items, like a Bottle or two of water, a case for my glasses, a phone, a Gideon bible (Even though I do not belong to a religion)
Character: I would much rather die than let someone else die, I am always willing to help if I know that you need it, and I would not be willing to risk the entire group but willing to risk myself, one things for certain--Im fiercely loyal, and prioritise children over adults of course, I am not a social person and if someone started yelling at me i'd likely not know what to say and just stare at them, the outbreak would have hit me hard and I may be depressed for a very long time but that does not mean if something happens I won't be helping, even though I do not eat much, I would starve in the place of another, I Do not hold grudges, but that does not mean if you betray me I won't be cautious around you, and if you were in trouble, I would no doubt help even with your betrayal, I find myself to be emotionally unstable when bad things happen to people, and I blame myself for things when I shouldn't.
Oh my god.... The zombies time traveled to the past to stop you from birthing the Savior... But the zombies are stupid and got the wrong person and so on and so on and kept spreading.
You started the Zombie Apocalypse
or maybe not
- I am a Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do.
- I'm a skilled driver.
- I can make a mean stew, sandwich or spaghetti bolognase. And my garlic bread? You should try it! Tis divine.
- I'm not too bad at Archery, I'm not amazing but I am not bad.
- Making good fires runs in our family, it seems.
- Knowledge of Knife Defence.
- Either a Sabre, Narsil, or one of my two Spanish Longswords, but most likely the Sabre.
- A Wind Up Torch instead of a battery powered one.
- A Mountain Bike
- A Bag with two large bottles of water, a single thermos flask with a stew, and an assortment of easy to prepare bits of food looted from cupboards at home or the supermarket. Most likely a decent Sandwich too.
- A copy of The Lord of the Rings, to keep me entertained.
- A copy of the Zombie Survival Guide, to help keep me alive.
- Bicycle pump
I admit to being a rather shy type of person, quiet around people until I get really used to them, and not especially forthcoming. However, I am loyal to a group and would be capable of protecting the little folk if necessary at the expense of myself, not only that, but I am not the kind of person to let someone fall far behind without waiting or aiding them in catching up. I will admit that I would be far from entertaining, but I would not betray the group, nor purposefully endanger it. I am, however, very stubborn.
Negative Health Issues
- I need to wear glasses. I can walk around easily without them, but details are difficult to make out, and it is hard to see at night. But I could survive without them, if necessary.
- I admit to being overweight, but I am currently working hard on losing weight and getting fit, and once an Apocalypse starts, that is a very good motivator to cut weight to survive.
So, would I be saved?
Being fat and lazy.
Walk around in underwear. It makes me blend in with zombies.
I can walk 100 m in 1 minute.
I'm good at sleeping.
A laptop.
Big liar.
Am I in guys? Guys?
Yes! Just like the plot for Terminator. Except with zombies. And no sex. (I like Terminator better.)
momma bear need to get them gun lessons going lol:eek:
lol thats still cool
"Convince me to saAAAAAIIIEEEE!"
Alas, a can of spam and two jelly beans.
I have corn flakes every day. Please, don't leave me alone!