Season Two - Trailer and Minisite are online!



  • MelMel
    edited September 2007
    I think this is more of an overall Season Two trailer meant to get people excited about the upcoming season. They have a slot for gameplay videos to come. I think that games usually come out with cinematic trailers first to get the excitement up.
  • edited September 2007
    Mel wrote: »
    I think this is more of an overall Season Two trailer meant to get people excited about the upcoming season. They have a slot for gameplay videos to come. I think that games usually come out with cinematic trailers first to get the excitement up.

    ahem (killzone 2 e3)

    yes you are right about that
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited September 2007
    hey gameplay video!!!

    check it out here

    spoiler note: this is footage from the actual game including dialog, and views of new stuff! if you want to go in clean, don't watch it!.
  • jmmjmm
    edited September 2007

    Seeing it at Size=1 or Size=2 make it pointless to put "spoiler" with the huge "Hey gameplay video!!!" part
    The red tint makes Bosco's great, the paranoia effect is amazing
  • edited September 2007
    Can you say if there will be inventory puzzles this time?
  • edited September 2007
    Nice stuff.
    Bosco somehow looks more bald then he used to. Probably just the lighting though. Cool ominous (sp?) music. I guess there won't be much selling going on anytime soon...
  • edited September 2007
    Harald B wrote: »
    Bosco somehow looks more bald then he used to. Probably just the lighting though.
    Yeah, it might just be with the room being darker, so what precious little hair he has anyway is less visible.
    Also, I noticed Bosco walks about behind the counter after Sam and Max finish talking to him. Nice touch, and it's good to see the promise of characters not being rooted to the spot in action. The already great voice acting seems to have improved all round too.

    I probably don't need to have most of these things in spoilers, but it's best to play safe.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited September 2007
    I will continue the tradition of unnecessary spoiler tagging
    Bosco is just as bald as he's always been, but it is very shocking to see him without a big patch of blue elf makeup up there, or a hat, or a wig, covering his bald spot. I think that line of conversation was written because people at the office kept being shocked to see how weird Bosco looked when he was effectively naked without any hastily adorned disguises attached to his face.
    taumel wrote: »
    Can you say if there will be inventory puzzles this time?

    Taumel I don't know what "inventory puzzles" means. There will be an inventory, and puzzles involving those items. If by "inventory puzzles" you mean "the ability to combine inventory items," then I can, with 99% certainty, tell you that you will not be able to combine inventory items within your inventory in season two.
    jmm wrote: »
    Seeing it at Size=1 or Size=2 make it pointless to put "spoiler" with the huge "Hey gameplay video!!!" part
    The red tint makes Bosco's great, the paranoia effect is amazing

    Size updated to HUGE spoiler warning.

    Also, yeah, new Bosco's is awesome. The red light, and Jared's new sort of "70s conspiracy movie" version of the Bosco's theme work together really well.
  • edited September 2007
    I have to ask, just because I find it funny.
    Was that really how Joey screams in the recording sessions or was that stock
    ? Because I want that as my Error Pop-up sound!:D
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited September 2007
    Pretty sure that's real from the recording session, heh.
  • edited September 2007
    Awesome video. I'm SO setting that scream as a sound on my phone, right along with all my Super Mario Bros. SFX...
  • edited September 2007
    that was funny :D
  • edited September 2007
    yay for unnecessary tags! :D:
    That was hilarious!
  • edited September 2007
    very funny but revealed nothing about episode 1..damn you telltale and your fiendish plots!
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited September 2007
    Hero1 wrote: »
    very funny but revealed nothing about episode 1..damn you telltale and your fiendish plots!

    Hey, now. It revealed that Bosco's package is
    the bomb
    . So there's that.
  • edited September 2007
    is a downloadable version of this video and the trailer too much to ask for :p i do recall a promise for a downloadable version of the trailer earlier in this very thread... i know how you guys love to loose track of time ;)
    Emily wrote: »
    ....Also the downloadable version will be up next week. For now you have to watch it through the Sam & Max drive-in. :)
  • edited September 2007
    Yep, that's what i've meant..well the way contrary to the gameplay video i still can't access the trailer via Safari (the big on on the canvas).
  • edited September 2007
    Oboy. I'm gonna freeze-frame that trailer to shreds.
  • edited September 2007
    Cool.... Thanks :D (and hey, the internet actualy did its job for once :rolleyes: )
  • edited September 2007
    omg I love you guys! im so excited thanks so much =D

    After watching that gameplay video I have to say that indeed im scared. Bosco is actually starting to scare me. I really love the music and the red tint it really adds to the effect. I really can't wait for this game to come out!
  • edited September 2007
    Hahaha, great video! I loved the fact that
    Bosco dies,
    and also how it turned out that
    Sybil is dating Sam.
    Although, the very best thing about it had to be when it showed that
    Abe was really the villian.

    I hope I used the spoiler tags correctly there. :p :D

    But seriously, the game looks awesome.
    The scream reminded me of Flanders in the Simpsons episode where Marge sells them the 'murder house'. *Put in spoiler tags so people can't complain I ruined the game telling them that Bosco screams.* ;)
  • edited September 2007
    Looking closely at the trailer, I can see
    Max Impeachment Weekly
    Hugh Bliss' Master Plan
    The Zazzle and Fritz (or whatever it was) comic the moleman read in episode 3
    A periscope

    Most of those are probably really obvious, but I missed them all the first 5 times round (even the last one).
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited September 2007
    taumel wrote: »
    Yep, that's what i've meant..well the way contrary to the gameplay video i still can't access the trailer via Safari (the big on on the canvas).

    Hm. I didn't know you couldn't access it in the first place. I'll take a look!
  • edited September 2007
    I realy love the new gameplay video of Bosco's store. It was good and slightly weird to see Bosco's usual self.
    But who I realy would like to see in a possible second Gameplay video is either Flint Paper or Stinky. Whatever it reveals or not, I just want to hear them say a few words.
  • edited September 2007
    I realy love the new gameplay video of Bosco's store. It was good and slightly weird to see Bosco's usual self.
    But who I realy would like to see in a possible second Gameplay video is either Flint Paper or Stinky. Whatever it reveals or not, I just want to hear them say a few words.

    Don't you want it to be a suprise...?:
    a. What they sound like.
    b. What environments they are in.
  • edited September 2007
    weird.... the video in the downloadable trailer is acting weird...
  • edited September 2007
    I don't like how the Desoto is really polished and shiny looking. I never really noticed it before seeing the downloadable version.
  • edited September 2007
    xChri5x wrote: »
    I don't like how the Desoto is really polished and shiny looking. I never really noticed it before seeing the downloadable version.

    heh.. yeah, the car should be covered in dirt (with funny stuff written in the dust) and other random garbage in the car, like a doughnut on the radio antenna... it would be funny if it started out clean and shiny in episode 1.. and got dirtier as the season goes on :rolleyes:
  • edited September 2007
    I like it clean. It makes it seem like the only two things Sam takes care of are his car and his banjo.
  • edited September 2007
    pheeph wrote: »
    weird.... the video in the downloadable trailer is acting weird...

    I get that too. A bit of blocky flashes along the bottom of the image. A little distracting, but not too much. It's still an awesome trailer.

    (played in Media Player Classic).
  • edited September 2007
    Don't you want it to be a suprise...?:
    a. What they sound like.
    b. What environments they are in.

    Yes and No, I guess I can be realy impatient when it comes to new and anticipated games.

    On a different note, did anyone notice that in the gameplay trailer Bosco's smile is crooked. He only smiles with the left corner of his mouth. I don't know if it is intentional, but if it's not it might be something the developers might want to fix. It looks realy wrong if you focus on it.
  • edited September 2007
    I sometimes smile only my left or right side of my mouth, and nobody complains about how it looks in real life. In fact, it comes off as me being egotistical.
  • edited September 2007
    Zeek wrote: »
    I sometimes smile only my left or right side of my mouth, and nobody complains about how it looks in real life. In fact, it comes off as me being egotistical.

    True, in real life it is intentional or not. But in a computer game it might be faulty coding or a slight bug, I just wanted to report it in case it actualy was one of those.
  • edited September 2007
    True, in real life it is intentional or not. But in a computer game it might be faulty coding or a slight bug, I just wanted to report it in case it actualy was one of those.

    Pfft... as if a computer-game is THAT different from real life... ESPECIALLY a Sam & Max game... :rolleyes:
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited September 2007
    True, in real life it is intentional or not. But in a computer game it might be faulty coding or a slight bug, I just wanted to report it in case it actualy was one of those.

    Bosco can do the half smile or a full smile (see for instance his facial expression when Max punches him at the end of season one).
  • edited September 2007
    after sams last comment on the gameplay video I really feel that I want to go in the toliet like there something is in there. Does anyone feel the same way? Or is it just me? XD
    edited September 2007
    Has someone noticed that at 0:56/0:57 (approx.) you can see an "never before seen" part the street reflected in the back of the left side of the shiny DeSoto? :) A quite empty street, it seems :p
  • edited September 2007
    I was just thinking a minute ago about how funny it is that everyone's jumped to the conclusion that the Mexican in the trailer is a bad guy.

    If we're going off the fact that all we see of him is a sillhouette, we could say the same about Flint Paper too. Especially seeing as Flint Paper's actually pummelling someone, whereas the Mexican is just standing on a fire escape and not doing much otherwise.

    I know (hope) Flint Paper won't be the series bad guy, but it just seems funny that he seems to match the same characteristics that make us think the Mexican is a bad guy too, in the trailer.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited September 2007
    I like that people keep referring to him as "The Mexican."
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