Season Two - Trailer and Minisite are online!



  • jmmjmm
    edited October 2007
    Anyone from TT: Can you tell us who will be voicing Stinky? And if there was a change in the cast for returning Season 1 characters?
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited October 2007
    All returning characters are voiced by the same people as last year. Stinky is voiced by Melissa Hutchison.
  • edited October 2007
    Errr... is she good? :D
  • jmmjmm
    edited October 2007
    Hmmm...well at least it says on her resume that she can do Spanish, Southern, Midwest, Irish, French, British accents. I wonder if she will use them (or if those were a primary criteria for casting her).

    Jake, is there a sample for her voice that we can hear, I know some voice actors have samples from previous works, although a real in-game sample will be a lot better.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited October 2007
    Maybe you guys should just wait until you play the game? :) I haven't got any "samples" or anything other than her actual dialog in the game, and I'm not giving that out early, except in trailers and stuff.
  • edited October 2007
    Jake wrote: »
    except in trailers and stuff.

    Well I hate to ask....but could we possibly get this trailer? Or stuff, if its free.:D
  • edited October 2007
    All in good time.
  • edited October 2007
    Why does everyone want stuff leaked before the game is released? I'd rather wait til november and enjoy everything then
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited October 2007
    Yeah it's ridiculous. And on top of that the one time last year that I did leak something early (Sam with his banjo from Situation: Comedy), people didn't seem to understand that it was real.
  • jmmjmm
    edited October 2007
    Erm... I was just wondering about Stinky (Melissa Hutchison).
    Besides, knowing who will be voicing a character less than one month from release is hardly leaked material. Take a look at movies, you know who will be on the movie at least 6 months before the movie gets released.
  • edited October 2007
    I don't think people really want the game spoiled or whatever, it's just that we are so desperate for the game. :D

    I know that deep down I'd prefer for no more gameplay videos or whatever to be released, but I would like some wallpapers or whatever.
  • jmmjmm
    edited October 2007
    Is it the game spoiled by knowing which actors are performing?

    If anyone asks for locations, plot devices, stories or unknown characters, I'll have to agree, but the only questions I asked are far from that.

    Stinky was announced a long time ago. I see no harm in asking a bit more about the actress who plays this character, in fact I asked for previous works (seeing that on imdb there is no much info).

    I think that more updates for the site are needed, I know they're coming soon, but a couple of walpapers wouldn't hurt.
  • edited October 2007
    jmm wrote: »
    Is it the game spoiled by knowing which actors are performing?

    If anyone asks for locations, plot devices, stories or unknown characters, I'll have to agree, but the only questions I asked are far from that.

    Stinky was announced a long time ago. I see no harm in asking a bit more about the actress who plays this character, in fact I asked for previous works (seeing that on imdb there is no much info).

    I think that more updates for the site are needed, I know they're coming soon, but a couple of walpapers wouldn't hurt.

    I don't think the game is spoiled by knowing which actor plays who - hell, I don't even know who these people are. ;) Only the things that you listed (location, plot... etc) bother me.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited October 2007
    Knowing which voice actor or whatever is clearly not spoiling :P but as I said, the only recordings I've got of the actress who plays Stinky are her actual line reads from the game, and we'd prefer to not put those up early.
  • edited October 2007
    All I wanted was to hear the BGM of Stinky's that was playing over the the gameplay clips. :(
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited October 2007
    Alll in good time!
  • edited October 2007
    I know, I know. But the last few posts in this thread has made me feel very bad about myself. Combine that with the whole "calling Jake Jack" accident, and I'm feeling lower than a rat made into road pizza on a subway track in Atlantis.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited October 2007
    Boo! Don't feel bad. Everything is fine.

    I don't want to give out early Stinky wav files because nothing bums me out more than people making a very ingrained first impression of something on a tiny tiny piece of content -- especially voice acting. Remember the Great Voice Debates leading up to Season One? This year I'd rather let the game speak for itself... literally :)

    As for MP3s, we have a scheduled date for when we'll start popping out new Season Two music, and I'll see if I can get the Stinky's track as one of the first to drop.
  • edited October 2007
    You can get an idea of what her voice will sound like in the trailer. When Sam & Max run past her and grab stuff off her tray she makes some grunts. So I'm guessing it'll be your average female voice :P
  • edited October 2007
    xChri5x wrote: »
    You can get an idea of what her voice will sound like in the trailer. When Sam & Max run past her and grab stuff off her tray she makes some grunts. So I'm guessing it'll be your average female voice :P

    Unless that was just a femalegrunt.mp3 file they had lieing about. :D
  • edited October 2007
    Lack of updates/goodies is driving me batty. :(
  • edited October 2007
    I know. Same here. :/ Tho at the same time getting new info can make the wait worse. Like for me: I was all right with waiting for Issue 11 to come out for City of Heroes. But then this wallpaper was released. And then these 2 stories and the speculation about what they (and the wallpaper) could mean on the offical forums.

    Then they made the offical announcement of its features (including the long wanted features of the Flashback system (ability to do (or do all over again) old story arcs) and Weapon Customization). Not to mention that they have the update currently in closed beta on the test server. So now my anticipation has went up quite and the waiting all the harder. Probably partially because of the fact that the revelations made the idea of something new and cool all the realer and brought to mind.

    Heck yesterday I went to Youtube and on a whim looked up Phoenix Wright stuff (just kinda wanted to hear the "Objection!" thing again :)) and now the wait for the third game is killing me now too. :D

    So while a part of me is saddened by no new announcements, another part of me is kinda thankful because, well, it's not making the wait harder. (tho some new stuff would be nice ;))
  • edited October 2007
    What I really want to see show up on the site soon are new Wallpapers. I could use a new one.

    Just be sure to have super-high resolution widescreen ones.
  • edited October 2007
    Oh man that trailer was great! :D
  • edited October 2007
    from Jeff Lester:
    So even if I was capable of exhorting people who enjoy my writing to check out Ice Station Santa, I'm not sure it would be entirely cricket for me to do so. However, there are a variety of non-me reasons to be excited about Season 2 of Sam & Max if you're a fan of the characters.

    First, while working on the first episode of Season Two I had the opportunity to see some of the projected plans for the other episodes, and I think Telltale has done a great job of coming up with stories and locations for this season that nail that crazy Steve Purcellian sweet spot Sam & Max fans crave.

    Second, Telltale brought Chuck Jordan on full-time and I believe he's doing the bulk of the dialogues for the second season. The man's work on Season One's Abraham Lincoln Must Die! really knocked me on my ass, and I'm totally in awe of him. As a fan, I couldn't have hoped for better news.

    I'm really excited about this! Season 1 stories were not as wild and crazy as they could have been. It sounds like season 2 is further into sam & max territory :)
  • edited October 2007
    Okay, just watched the trailer? There's a half-second shot with a fish (possibly Sam and Max's fish?). I could be overthinking this, but I totally have this premonition that he's going to be the "main" story-arching villian. Mack Salmon, perhaps?

    Oh god, if I somehow, possibly actually guessed it right, Telltale, I'm giving you all rights to horribly infect my copy of Season Two with bugs and the such. Or have Max walk around and always get in my way but not let me pick him up. Oh the hilarity/torture that would ensue.[/paranoia]
  • edited October 2007
    I'm guessing it's a ... red herring!

    Well, it's a goldfish, but I'm not going to let that get in the way of a terrible pun.
  • edited October 2007
    i dont think they are dumb enough to reveal the season villan in the first episode trailer before the season even begins :rolleyes: (or at least i hope they are not that dumb)

    oh, and on that note.... who even said there was a season villan, who says there has to be any overarching story at all (although there probably will be one)

    based on what i have heard, each episode deals with
    a mythical figure, or god whos gone beserk.... saint nick, easter island totems, etc.
  • edited October 2007
    Who said there's an overarching story this season? Well the people at telltale for one. :D

    They said that their not going to have the overarching connections of all the episodes in S2 as subdued as they did in S1.

    Would look for the quote but I'm feeling too lazy. :)
  • edited October 2007
    Dangerzone wrote: »
    based on what i have heard, each episode deals with
    a mythical figure, or god whos gone beserk.... saint nick, easter island totems, etc.

    Does that means we'll get to
    revisit the bigfoots
  • edited October 2007
    I'd love to see some
    show up somewhere
  • edited October 2007
    I feel like that has been done to death already. I wouldn't mind a brief appearance of one, but I wouldn't want it to be a major plot point or a recurring character.
  • edited October 2007
    The only way that could work is if Sam & Max find a real jackalope.
  • edited October 2007
    based on what i have heard, each episode deals with
    a mythical figure, or god whos gone beserk.... saint nick, easter island totems, etc.
    Didn't they already do this with Lincoln's Memorial? I mean, I know Lincoln was a real person, but his statue sure isn't.
  • edited November 2007
    Hey, what happened to the original trailer with the ex-president running down the street? Now they have a new trailer up that isn't as good, in my opinion. Id really like to watch the original trailer again. Does anyone have a link?
  • edited November 2007
    I saved it when they gave the link for the original
  • edited November 2007
    Hey, what happened to the original trailer with the ex-president running down the street? Now they have a new trailer up that isn't as good, in my opinion. Id really like to watch the original trailer again. Does anyone have a link?
    Here you go...

    Or if you don't mind going youtube on it, check here.
  • edited November 2007
    fajerkaos wrote: »
    Or if you don't mind going youtube on it, check here.

    The strange thing is that the YouTube upload has a better frame rate than what was originally on the site, but you end up having characters that look rather plastic on the surface... which makes me want some action figures of the cast.:D
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