Season Two - Trailer and Minisite are online!



  • MelMel
    edited September 2007
    Jake wrote: »
    I like that people keep referring to him as "The Mexican."

    He looks like a mariachi which originates from Mexico. That would be the connection I would make. Unless he's a rebellious German who decided to eschew lederhosen.
  • edited September 2007
    They are probably pulling the Animaniacs angle and having some fat white guy with a non-Spanish accent that likes to run around in an outfit that looks like it belongs in Los Tres Amigos.
  • edited September 2007
    OMA wrote: »
    Has someone noticed that at 0:56/0:57 (approx.) you can see an "never before seen" part the street reflected in the back of the left side of the shiny DeSoto? :) A quite empty street, it seems :p

    I saw that, it just looks like the main street from a different angle though.
  • edited September 2007
    Badwolf wrote: »
    I was just thinking a minute ago about how funny it is that everyone's jumped to the conclusion that the Mexican in the trailer is a bad guy.

    If we're going off the fact that all we see of him is a sillhouette, we could say the same about Flint Paper too. Especially seeing as Flint Paper's actually pummelling someone, whereas the Mexican is just standing on a fire escape and not doing much otherwise.

    I know (hope) Flint Paper won't be the series bad guy, but it just seems funny that he seems to match the same characteristics that make us think the Mexican is a bad guy too, in the trailer.

    Standing on the fire exit - that's the worst crime. What if there was a fire? People couldn't get out due to a Mexican being there. ;)
  • edited September 2007
    While has been registered for a mini-site, someone forgot to register ...... ! :rolleyes:
  • edited September 2007
    I cannot see the trailer on safari, but can on firefox -- but even on firefox, it's very choppy.

    The gameplay video, however, works fine on safari, but not on firefox!

    Any other mac users experiencing the same problem?
  • edited September 2007
    SPOILER ALERT:I do NOT know how to put spoiler snippets. Read at your own risk!

    Cool trailer.But...Is it just me or ex-president Puppet is trying to get his head back so that he can make public apparitions and re-take his role as a mindless president?
  • edited September 2007
    Jake wrote: »
    I like that people keep referring to him as "The Mexican."
    I call him a Fat Mexican-looking Guitarist. No Mexican Insult!
    Is there gonna be a pre-order soon, My credit card is hurting with all this money that i need off it!
  • edited September 2007
    unsilviu wrote: »
    SPOILER ALERT:I do NOT know how to put spoiler snippets. Read at your own risk!

    Cool trailer.But...Is it just me or ex-president Puppet is trying to get his head back so that he can make public apparitions and re-take his role as a mindless president?
    What, just having his head back isn't a good enough reason?
    You can make spoilers by using the [noparse]
    [/noparse] and [noparse]
    [/noparse] tags, ie [noparse]
    your text here
    (And to write [noparse]
    [/noparse] without creating a spoiler box, use [noparse][noparse] and [/noparse][/noparse].)
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited September 2007
    You'll also notice that
    Sam & Max get the head back in the end
    , so, case closed :)
  • edited September 2007
    Jake wrote: »
    You'll also notice that
    Sam & Max get the head back in the end
    , so, case closed :)

    But Max drops it! :eek:
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited September 2007
    he surely picked it up moments later and returned it to the closet.
  • edited September 2007
    Jake wrote: »
    I like that people keep referring to him as "The Mexican."
    I think this suggests that we'll all be amazed and surprized when we find out who (s)he really is...
  • edited September 2007
    I see the Mariachi as more of an urban vigilante, like some sort of themed Batman who stays in the shadows and fights for justice and his own motives. I don't think he's necessarily a villain.
  • jmmjmm
    edited September 2007
    It's a plane... no
    It's a lettuce.. no
    It's Myra!

    Or Stinky's alter-ego???!
  • edited September 2007
    Hugh Bliss?
  • edited September 2007
    Badwolf wrote: »
    Hugh Bliss?
    Nah. Max drank him. For Hugh to come back, that would mean-wait, I don't even wanna know...
  • edited September 2007
    "Poo Bliss"?
    Anyone seen the message on his MySpace, by the way? It doesn't sound like he's gone forever...
  • edited September 2007
    Badwolf wrote: »
    "Poo Bliss"?
    Anyone seen the message on his MySpace, by the way? It doesn't sound like he's gone forever...
    More like Hugh Piss. ;) I know I know. it's an explitive but it works! :D
  • edited September 2007
    barchetta wrote: »
    While has been registered for a mini-site, someone forgot to register ...... ! :rolleyes:

    Well, isn't that a coincidence! On September 12th, it actually was registered :):):)
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited September 2007
    Who'd have thought?
  • edited September 2007
    It's been a while since the last gameplay video. When might we see another? Eventually?
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited September 2007
    At some point there will be one.
  • edited September 2007
    Some point meaning tomorrow? Cheers Jake, I'll hold you to it.
  • edited September 2007
    Jake wrote: »
    At some point there will be one.

    No! I'm sorry. You don't have time for that. Fall starts this Friday - SO PLEASE GIVE US THE GAME!! ;)

    Yesterday I - REALLY - dreamt Season Two was ready and downloadable.

  • edited September 2007
    We're such obsessives, eh? ;)
  • edited September 2007
    I confess...:o

  • edited September 2007
    I want more gameplay videos =D pwease *begs* Also I had the sam dream XD
  • edited September 2007
    Kitmit13 wrote: »
    I want more gameplay videos =D pwease *begs* Also I had the sam dream XD

    I half want new gameplay videos, but I half want everything to be new to me when I play the game.

    On a random note, here is an advertisement I designed:
  • edited September 2007
    On a random note, here is an advertisement I designed:

    Please. Everyone knows banner adds now either have to be in flash or an animated GIF. I doubt anyone will look at that ad except maybe on some non-flash site that is very strict about that.:p

    But seriously, nice work. Could use some bigger text on the Season 2 splitter, but still, very nice.
  • edited September 2007
    Zeek wrote: »
    Please. Everyone knows banner adds now either have to be in flash or an animated GIF. I doubt anyone will look at that ad except maybe on some non-flash site that is very strict about that.:p

    But seriously, nice work. Could use some bigger text on the Season 2 splitter, but still, very nice.

    I was actually going to make it animated, but Paint.NET doesn't support that kind of stuff.

    Agreed about the text size. :)
  • edited September 2007
    I agree with the whole new thing...Ok then I just want the game released soon!!
  • edited September 2007
    Random request: Could it be possible to get Sam to walk, open his box, but let him carry on walking to where you clicked to?
  • edited September 2007
    On a random note, here is an advertisement I designed:

    *ahem* I'm easily amused.
  • edited September 2007

    *ahem* I'm easily amused.

    I'd love to say I thought of that myself, but it's from a Season 2 gameplay movie.

    News: Should anyone care, here's a press release!
  • edited September 2007
    I'm mainly asking this question because I didn't feel like looking through 10 pages of posts during work, but...

    Did everyone notice the tags underneat the pictures in Stink's diner?

    HOTMAMA: Mother Theresa
    BEEFLVR (Beef lover): Gandhi

    I noticed the HOTMAMA one a while ago, but I just noticed the Gandhi one.
  • edited September 2007
    t7bros wrote: »
    I'm mainly asking this question because I didn't feel like looking through 10 pages of posts during work, but...

    Did everyone notice the tags underneat the pictures in Stink's diner?

    HOTMAMA: Mother Theresa
    BEEFLVR (Beef lover): Gandhi

    I noticed the HOTMAMA one a while ago, but I just noticed the Gandhi one.

    I'm afraid someone has already beaten you to that.
  • edited September 2007
    I'm afraid someone has already beaten you to that.

    I figured. Doesn't matter.
  • edited September 2007
    So Jake... where's that new stuff you promised? ;) Don't make us in the UK have to stay up all night... :D
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