I want to run away with Lilly....
I know she's overly abrasive with a mild case of the crazy b***** syndrome but she was hot in some weird way. I thought Carley was hot too don't get me wrong but Lee could easily tap that. Lilly would require Lee to chase her and there's a thrill in that. I know other people wanted to run away with her as well, explain your reason?
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Fun? She didnt find it so much fun.
Are you kidding?
Announcer: Double Kill!
You mean triple counting you-know-who.
Oh right.
Announcer: Double Kill!
Announcer: Killing Spree!
Rick: Gratz!
The Survival Guide about Lilly
Can you rephrase that? I know what I said is total nonsense, but I don't know if you're really criticizing me or what. Yes, I know about Lily in the comics and who she is. My quotes don't have any relation to reality.
I rephrased it, using the same words only, to tune in to your already admitted nonesense...
Lilly doesn’t exist, but her humanity and integrity are a picture she rightfully still keeps . Or you just lost her painting and in the game she regains it and so a 'persona non grata' became of that.
I think I've figured this out. Lilly is in charge, looks after the welfare of the group, and yells a lot. Now who do you have in your life who's similar?
That's right. You're attracted to your mother.
Carley - Dead, Ben - stupid, Kenny - I can't stand him, Katjaa- holding a dying Duck, Clem- coming with me.
Why wouldn't I want to run away with Lilly, a person I know can actually help us stay alive. Plus, I like her attitude towards life and survival so, we would get along.
omg yes... /insert incest joke here
Well, it is easy to realize why. She doesn't want to put Lee and Clem in danger, and she knows she's unstable at this moment. Plus having Lee with her would be like a constant reminder of what she did to Carley/Doug.
It's better that they go different paths.
My thoughts exactly. I also like how Telltale recorded that scene where Lilly steals the RV. Depending on your relationship with her, where she looks at you just before driving off; that can be interperated in so many different ways.
But Lilly left Lee and Clem to die, along with Ben, Kenny, Kat and Duck. She didn't know about the train, and she just drove off in the RV. Even if she gives you a look right before she leaves, she's still taking your only mode (that she knew of) transportation, and whatever provisions were in the RV. She may as well have shot both Lee and Clem right then, as EVERYONE would have died if the train hadn't started.
That depends on your playthrough. When Lilly said she was taking the RV my version of Lee didn't stop her. I didn't didn't go so far as to agree to run away with her as I felt my loyalty lay with the group, but I didn't want another person to die.
Maybe me as a player knowing that the train was obviously going to work coloured my decision making at this point but I held no hard feelings with Lilly for taking the RV.
She knew about the train(it was right in front of them) and I thought Clem had a back pack with some supplies? What were her options? stay as prisoner or maybe be subjected to a kangaroo court which could end with her blindfolded and executed against the nearest tree, Kenny did say he was scared that she would get him next.
She probably took a chance that the train would provide shelter and some supplies(Chuck was doing ok), with also the opportunity to use it as transport.
In my game she gave Lee a higher chance of survival than Kenny did with a homicidal cannibal or when 3-4 walkers pinned Lee underneath a door.
If the story truly branched at that point my Lee would of taken Clem and left with Lilly for a fresh start. Ben has less balls than a eunuch,Doug was dead,Poor Duck was dying, Katjaa was about to lose her only child and Kenny was no friend.In hindsight it wouldn't of been a bad plan either since Clem is leading Lee towards a suspected pedo.
Lee isn't exactly the right person to judge someone for murder but maybe he could of helped Lilly deal with the shame and guilt of taking someones life.
Lastly we don't know yet how Kenny will deal with his grief, some have speculated that he may kill Ben but for me that would be too similar with what happened to Lilly.
I agree that with the facts at hand Lilly stealing the RV endangered the remaining group, but really she didn't have much choice. As the conversation in the RV goes just before she escapes; in my playthrough Lee couldn't answer her when she asked what they were going to do to her. Fearing for her life she had to do what she could to escape.
Good luck to her too I say!
The only thing that surprised me was that Kenny actually let me in the RV. I thought for sure he would leave me to die at the motel like he did twice before.
I knew about the train and that it worked. Just needed a pencil to highlight the instructions on how to set the switches. When Lilly said she was leaving, I gave her permission to go and take Kenny's RV too. I wanted to go with Lilly too as going with her was a far better choice than being stuck with that butthead Kenny and traitor Ben. I and Lilly are even. She did right by me and I did right by her.
Please...Lee is a hardened survivor. He's been left to die by Kenny twice and he's not dead yet. We don't need no stinking RV to survive...we got a train!:D
I thought that it hadn't been agreed upon yet whether this was the same Lily as in the comic. Has this changed?
"Doesn't want to put them in danger"
Steals RV (only means of escape) and leaves them to die. Seems legit. :P
If there was one thing wrong with the train or one thing they couldn't work out or if it was out of fuel, they were screwed and left to travel on foot. The RV may not have lasted much longer but at least we knew t could work for an escape.
If she really cared, she would leave on foot or if she was too cowardly for that, blown her head off. But she showed her true colours and left everyone to die.
What is with all the negative waves? Why ignore the actual in favor of the hypothetical? The train does work or at least it did something with a push of a button, enough to get melancholy Kenny interested. We have written instructions on how to set the switches. We even have a cabinet with tools to decouple the train from the overturned box cars. Other than a broken windshield, the train is good to go. All this was confirmed before Lilly left with the RV.
All that was needed was a pencil and I got that too before Lilly left with the RV. Cheer up...next stop Savannah!:D
Did Lilly know any of this before she left? All she seemed to do was sit in the RV, how would she have known any of this? What if the instructions were impossible to understand or didn't cover everything? Call me negative but I think just because we got incredibly lucky with the train doesn't make her actions any less heartless.
Er... I don't quite think you should be making decisions based on "tapping that" in a zombie survival game.
Lily has serious mental issues. I think her father's death is what pushed her over the edge into the chaotic mess she was when we last saw her. As it was, she was a murderer (there's no excuse for killing anyone without proof), a theif, and a liar ("Come with me; grab Clementine").
She wasn't exactly the kind of person I'd want to do anything with.
My Lee hasn't been left hanging at all by Kenny. Lilly is the one who wanted to watch me fry at the St. Johns during the fight with Andy, but I honestly don't hold that against her. And the fact is, while we as players knew the train would start, Lee, Kenny and the rest didn't know. Lilly didn't know. She took the only vehicle that the group had at that moment and screwed everyone over.
It may have been on its last legs, but having a crappy vehicle that will run for awhile is better than having no vehicle and running with your legs for awhile. Being a hardened survivor doesn't count for a whole lot when the herd catches up to you and you're too tired to keep going. I know I'm always with the negative waves, but being eaten doesn't sound like a fun way to end Lee's tale.
Also, Rick's group had an RV too, and didn't it also have something wrong with the radiator? Did they find this one at the same lot Dale found his? And why hasn't the RV salesman giving these things out been sued yet for selling products with faulty parts...
I must have missed a dialogue branch somewhere, when did Kenny say there was a problem with the radiator? It's just karma, if either way (leaving or taking her), Lilly ends up walking.
I think I chose the focus on the train option and got the "can't sleep out here/duck's still sick" speech.
The only person Lilly may have screwed over was Kenny. It was his RV. I knew well in advance that I had not earned a ride in his RV due to my disobedience in the meat locker or on his boat for that matter. I am happy that Kenny decided to take Lee and Clem in the RV (he must have felt bad for Clem). Although I would not have been surprised if he left us at the motel like he wanted to do with Lilly.
Not you too with the negative waves. We have a train that might just work, cars in the area, a map that says follow the tracks to Savannah and no walkers in the area. At least Lee has a gun, Christa and Omid are walking cross country with just their positve attitudes. The only time I worry about being eaten alive is when there are in fact walkers nearby and Kenny is my back-up
Yeah I don't know what it is with those RV's. It's like a walking dead tradition that the characters must dive a POS that must be on its last leg. I was relieved when Shane actually took a brand new car as his ride (now that's smart). Also, in the book rise of the governor they drive only the best. I was jealous when they found a dealership full of Harley's and picked the best ride
Even if the RV wasn't his, he did act as if it was. Maybe that's where you got your wrong impression. I don't think that fixing a car gives you possession over it in such context. Lee and Doug seem to fix a lot of things... everybody has some sort of expertise at something.
About the RV scene, I guess it all depends when you are actually talking with Lilly. She stole it, but I don't hold it against her. If I was her I wouldn't want to be stuck with that rotten group too.
It is a shame that I couldn't leave with her, but well I guess somethings are just not meant to happen.
Now all I have to do is get rid of Kenny and assume the leadership over my own group.