More reliable than the steel behemoth we've ridden into Savvanah on? Granted she can only go where the tracks'll take us, but I'd love so see a gaggle of walkers try to slow her down. If only we could take that baby on the boat with us...
And I'm fairly certain that Kenny wouldn't have objected to you getting on the RV during the raid, as you DID help cover everyone as they got the the RV and you were standing right in front of it. The main reason, I think, he wanted to leave Lilly behind was his new-found survivalist mentality kicking in again. She was on the other side of the motor-inn, clearly not paying attention to the RV as walkers began to swarm and the bandits were still taking pot shots at us. I sure as heck wouldn't have wanted to dash across that lot, with walkers biting and lead flying, to save a woman who hated me and was so wrapped up in what she was doing she didn't hear us screaming about the RV almost being ready. That would almost be as bad as waiting for her to snap out of it, by which point we'd be pumped full of lead or drowning in walkers...
Leaving Lilly was just heartless though, even if she would go on to steal the RV (none of us knew it at that time). I felt really bad about abandoning her afterward, because crazy or not, she helped us escape with our skins intact. And it was just plain wrong. If I hadn't read the comics beforehand, I probably would have thought that I murdered her by doing that. Needless to say I'll be taking her with me from now on when I play (yes, even though she screws us over. It does kind of add a nice "we're boned" moment with Kenny when she peels off down the road).
I do have a problem Kenny's survivalist mentally. His mentality is more of a "Let's leave people that are not my family behind, be the biggest hypocrite possible, smash helpless people's heads and bitch and complain all day". Also "Let's make Lee do all the work, take credit for it and bitch some more". Oh, almost forgot the "Let's leave people die horrible deaths so I can save my own ass".
Lilly's survivalist mentality is much better. Hers is like "Let's kill everybody and everyone who threatens our group, and do not be nosy about other people's secrets". "Help the ones that we CAN and help our own." She does have a heart even if you try to deny it and there's plenty of proof in the game.
Bottom line is that Kenny is an awful person. Why does he insist that we all go HIS way if he hasn't even fixed damn the RV properly? To me it all looks as just another attempt to oppose Lilly and assume control of the group just for the sake of it.
Kiel555, pal, I think you're wrong here. The RV is not Kenny's and it never was. The RV was abandoned in the motel and Kenny was just the guy who fixed it. Apparently he didn't fix it that well which makes me wonder why would he insist that we all pack in the RV... I guess it was just that he could annoy Lilly and has it his way.
Even if the RV wasn't his, he did act as if it was. Maybe that's where you got your wrong impression. I don't think that fixing a car gives you possession over it in such context. Lee and Doug seem to fix a lot of things... everybody has some sort of expertise at something.
I can't believe you don't have my back on this one! You gotta back me up! I'm counting on you! You're useless Yami! ....sorry....very sorry....I apologize. I had a Kenny moment there.:D
My expertise is getting out of jams when Kenny sells me down the rat hole and leaves me to die. Hmmm...maybe it's time for a poll to see how many times Kenny will leave Lee to die in e4 before a walker turns Kenny into a happy meal.:)
I can't believe you don't have my back on this one! You gotta back me up! I'm counting on you! You're useless Yami! ....sorry....very sorry....I apologize. I had a Kenny moment there.:D
My expertise is getting out of jams when Kenny sells me down the rat hole and leaves me to die. Hmmm...maybe it's time for a poll to see how many times Kenny will leave Lee to die in e4 before a walker turns Kenny into a happy meal.:)
Lilly's survivalist mentality is much better. Hers is like "Let's kill everybody and everyone who threatens our group, and do not be nosy about other people's secrets". "Help the ones that we CAN and help our own." She does have a heart even if you try to deny it and there's plenty of proof in the game.
I fail to see how Carley qualified as a "threat". The meat locker issue has been discussed to death about 50 times over and you and I obviously know where the other stands. I don't think Lilly would have run across that lot for anyone, and I hard a hard time seeing her heart when she was arguing for throwing a child out to die without actually checking for a bite and blowing up on us when we rescued some of the people that we COULD have helped, and in fact DID help. And as black and icy cold as it is, I'm sure her heart is there somewhere.
I fail to see how Kenny's suspicion at the dairy makes him a bad person. He was right to be nosy. Did you miss the St. Johns' fishing for information? "How many people are in your group?" "Who's your leader?" "Hey, how many weapons do you guys have?" Frankly, he would have been an idiot not to be suspicious. One of his friends "just so happens" to get shot in the shoulder when he's at these new people's farm with only one other guy for backup? And then Brenda the Caretaker doesn't let anyone see said injured friend, after she claims that he's going to be perfectly fine? Lilly had suspicions too, but Kenny acted on them and he was right. Lilly wanted to get their food (Mark's legs) and then go back to the motor-inn. I would assume that she meant to take Mark with the rest of the group, correct? How would they go about getting him? I doubt asking nicely would have done the trick, but maybe cannibals have more manners than I expect them to. I had them pegged as cannibals since the camp in the woods, and I was glad to see someone actually DOING something about it rather than "Let's ignore everything wrong with this place, take their food, then go back to our vulnerable home where they know exactly where we are and never think about them again."
Yeah I certainly wouldn't have run away with Lilly, but I had no problem with her taking the RV. IT was of no use to us. The radiator was knackared and wouldn't have lasted another 30 miles, and the train was blocking the road.
Only way to carry on driving to Savannah was to move the train. Only way to move the train was to get it up and running. Once the train was up and running, why not use the train to get to Savannah rather then the knackared old RV?
Yeah I certainly wouldn't have run away with Lilly, but I had no problem with her taking the RV. IT was of no use to us. The radiator was knackared and wouldn't have lasted another 30 miles, and the train was blocking the road.
Only way to carry on driving to Savannah was to move the train. Only way to move the train was to get it up and running. Once the train was up and running, why not use the train to get to Savannah rather then the knackared old RV?
are we supposed to believe there was only one road in macon?, they stopped to check the situation out and kenny thought the radiator would need to cool, if the train or the cars couldn't be moved they would have had to just take a detour and use a different road, and i don't think they were heading to Savannah, they only went there because the train did
Whoever the traitor was, lilly percieved as a big threat, if you saved Carley she thinks both of them did it instead of just one, and so i'd assume she was going to shoot Carley then shoot Ben or maybe she was convinced it was Just carley? or maybe carley just made her lose her temper at a really bad time, who knows anger can drive you to do some messed up stuff, for the former her reason isn't that bad because she didn't know the reasonings behind the traitors actions to begin with.
and I hard a hard time seeing her heart when she was arguing for throwing a child out to die without actually checking for a bite and blowing up on us when we rescued some of the people that we COULD have helped, and in fact DID help.
She blew up because Carley took a very massive risk by going out there and saving you, and Lily seems to have said not to open the door under any circumstance so I honestly think her anger is warranted, And she didn't argue to try to throw Duck out, she is on the fence for the majority of it, she says "Nobodys doing anything." looking at Larry, implying she was against Larry throwing duck out and also Kenny hitting Larry, later she says "We get it Dad, its a big deal,", but I don't really remember what she said afterwards, she didn't really argue.
I fail to see how Carley qualified as a "threat". The meat locker issue has been discussed to death about 50 times over and you and I obviously know where the other stands. I don't think Lilly would have run across that lot for anyone, and I hard a hard time seeing her heart when she was arguing for throwing a child out to die without actually checking for a bite and blowing up on us when we rescued some of the people that we COULD have helped, and in fact DID help. And as black and icy cold as it is, I'm sure her heart is there somewhere.
I fail to see how Kenny's suspicion at the dairy makes him a bad person. He was right to be nosy. Did you miss the St. Johns' fishing for information? "How many people are in your group?" "Who's your leader?" "Hey, how many weapons do you guys have?" Frankly, he would have been an idiot not to be suspicious. One of his friends "just so happens" to get shot in the shoulder when he's at these new people's farm with only one other guy for backup? And then Brenda the Caretaker doesn't let anyone see said injured friend, after she claims that he's going to be perfectly fine? Lilly had suspicions too, but Kenny acted on them and he was right. Lilly wanted to get their food (Mark's legs) and then go back to the motor-inn. I would assume that she meant to take Mark with the rest of the group, correct? How would they go about getting him? I doubt asking nicely would have done the trick, but maybe cannibals have more manners than I expect them to. I had them pegged as cannibals since the camp in the woods, and I was glad to see someone actually DOING something about it rather than "Let's ignore everything wrong with this place, take their food, then go back to our vulnerable home where they know exactly where we are and never think about them again."
To Lilly Carley/Ben were a threat and a traitor. Apparently she was wrong about Carley, but was right about Ben. She did believe she acted in the best interest of the group.
Actually in the Drug Store scene in ep. 1 it is mainly Larry who wants to throw Duck out. Kenny doesn't try to check either, he instantly starts threatening to murder people. If you choose to be silent or so side with Larry, this scene plays a bit differently. Katjaa says that there is no bite and Larry apologizes. After that when you talk to Lilly she admits that she didn't think her father was in the right there... she just chickened and didn't stand up to him.
In ep. 2, she's isn't happy about Ben and the teacher of course, but who would be. 2 new members when you have trouble feeding the existing ones. The game shows that she cares for Clem as well.
Later in the dairy, she actually confirms that everything is suspicious, but tells you to be careful because of might end bad if you find something. To me that's smarter than what Kenny does. Of course, with Mark being taken it is hard to imagine a scenario where our group would've left unharmed. Still, Lilly's advice is good. Later in ep. 3 if you try not to pry in Christa's past, she'll like you better.
One more thing about Lilly's heart. It clearly shows who's got heart when you Kenny mention the girl in ep. 3. She's terrified when she hears what you've done/was supposed to do according to Kenny.
So, yeah, I would say that I stick to my previous post as concerning their mentalities
The beginning of The Walking Dead Injustice League, just add the Governor and Negan and they're good to go.
I honestly can't see how she compares to those three. If Lilly is such a evil and out of control psychopath why didn't she Kill Lee(if he helped Kenny in the meat locker) when she had the chance? I think She even says "I had you and I could of killed you, but a small part of me can understand why you did it"
I'm not denying that she did a terrible thing,and it's no excuse, but the pile up of previous events caused her to tragically snap and have a moment of madness. Surely Kenny/and Lee have to shoulder some part for her state of mind.
People conveniently forget that Clementine is being cared by someone who snapped and killed. Personally, I find it easier to understand someone snapping after losing a family member in horrible circumstances and finding out there is a traitor in your group while also dealing with the dangers and stresses of a ZA than someone who kills because his wife is giving it to someone else.I'm giving Lee a chance for redemption so why not give Lilly the same.Doesn't Carley say "doing a terrible thing doesn't have to make you a terrible person"
I simply cant see the similarities between Lilly and Lee's crime and the Governor's(torturer,rapist and killer), Negan's(spoilers!) and a pedo's actions. For me the last three deserve no pity, I just can't say the same for Lee and Lilly.
I honestly can't see how she compares to those three. If Lilly is such a evil and out of control psychopath why didn't she Kill Lee(if he helped Kenny in the meat locker) when she had the chance?
Lilly would have been more than happy leaving you to die in the streets of Macon, she was more than happy to watch Andy fry Lee on a fence, shoots a group member point blank in the face and has no problem leaving the entire group to die on the side of the road while she steals their only currently viable means of transportation.
Yeah, she's an angel. I'm particularly fond of how other characters get blamed for Lilly's actions like she has no responsibility whatsoever.
The problem with playing the game one way, is that you have a limited perspective of a character.
The only person Lilly may have screwed over was Kenny. It was his RV. I knew well in advance that I had not earned a ride in his RV due to my disobedience in the meat locker or on his boat for that matter. I am happy that Kenny decided to take Lee and Clem in the RV (he must have felt bad for Clem). Although I would not have been surprised if he left us at the motel like he wanted to do with Lilly.
Not you too with the negative waves. We have a train that might just work, cars in the area, a map that says follow the tracks to Savannah and no walkers in the area. At least Lee has a gun, Christa and Omid are walking cross country with just their positve attitudes. The only time I worry about being eaten alive is when there are in fact walkers nearby and Kenny is my back-up .
Yeah I don't know what it is with those RV's. It's like a walking dead tradition that the characters must dive a POS that must be on its last leg. I was relieved when Shane actually took a brand new car as his ride (now that's smart). Also, in the book rise of the governor they drive only the best. I was jealous when they found a dealership full of Harley's and picked the best ride . So there is hope that maybe just maybe they can at least have reliable transportation.
If walkers had arrived when they were beside the train, everyone would have been eaten, so Lilly screwed everyone. Even if walkers never arrived, she still left them with no supplies, and no transport on the road. Its worse than leaving Lilly on the road to die, its leaving a whole group and a kid to die. Because you dont want to be in the group. Its as simple as that.
What are the chances that people with no experience at all with trains and no manual learning how to start a train which is a pretty complicated piece of machinery. How lucky were they that the driver wrote down the instructions how to start the train and that they could understand it. With loads of cars around, how many have fuel? Would they each get different cars and keep swapping? They could really travel all the way to Savannah with like no supplies?
I do have a problem Kenny's survivalist mentally. His mentality is more of a "Let's leave people that are not my family behind, be the biggest hypocrite possible, smash helpless people's heads and bitch and complain all day". Also "Let's make Lee do all the work, take credit for it and bitch some more". Oh, almost forgot the "Let's leave people die horrible deaths so I can save my own ass".
Lilly's survivalist mentality is much better. Hers is like "Let's kill everybody and everyone who threatens our group, and do not be nosy about other people's secrets". "Help the ones that we CAN and help our own." She does have a heart even if you try to deny it and there's plenty of proof in the game.
Bottom line is that Kenny is an awful person. Why does he insist that we all go HIS way if he hasn't even fixed damn the RV properly? To me it all looks as just another attempt to oppose Lilly and assume control of the group just for the sake of it.
Larry was a risk to the group and you know it. The other things you write about Kenny are such rubbish I can't even be bothered writing a long response to. I'll just point you to Kenny saving you in ep 1 and going on scav mission in ep 2. Never seen Lilly do anything to be honest.
Lilly was a hypocrite. In ep 2, she got all pissed because we helped Ben and tried to save the teacher. In ep 3, she got all upset because we didn't help a girl who we know was going to die. She also shot poor Carely in the face because she might have been a traitor even though she has no proof. Then even if you forgive her for that, she steals the RV and leaves us on the road with no supplies and no way to escape. What a great girl.
Whoever the traitor was, lilly percieved as a big threat, if you saved Carley she thinks both of them did it instead of just one, and so i'd assume she was going to shoot Carley then shoot Ben or maybe she was convinced it was Just carley? or maybe carley just made her lose her temper at a really bad time, who knows anger can drive you to do some messed up stuff, for the former her reason isn't that bad because she didn't know the reasonings behind the traitors actions to begin with.
She blew up because Carley took a very massive risk by going out there and saving you, and Lily seems to have said not to open the door under any circumstance so I honestly think her anger is warranted, And she didn't argue to try to throw Duck out, she is on the fence for the majority of it, she says "Nobodys doing anything." looking at Larry, implying she was against Larry throwing duck out and also Kenny hitting Larry, later she says "We get it Dad, its a big deal,", but I don't really remember what she said afterwards, she didn't really argue.
She didn't argue, and she didn't stand up to him either. If you let the dialouge play out, she actually agrees with Larry and says "Don't worry Dad, we'll get him out of here." And she snapped and killed Carley out of pure anger. Lee did the same with the senator, so yeah, their actions are similar but wasn't Lee going to prison for his crime? Lee knew about the affair, and he knew who was involved. Lilly knew SOMEONE was involved with stealing the supplies, but she had no idea who it was. She decided to play God, and choose who got to live and who got to die.
The traitor was not an IMMEDIATE threat after the raid. Unless Carley drew on her first, there was absolutely no reason for shooting her. Just because she snapped doesn't make it ok to shoot someone in cold blood. She can find her redemption elsewhere (The Walking Dead Issue #48 to be precise), because I certainly don't want her around my Clem. Say what you will about Lilly caring for Clem, but the only evidence we have of that is her smiling at her for a few seconds on a video camera. Larry claimed he was concerned about Clem, and I didn't believe him then. The comment about Clem getting sick was, I believe, a play to get Lee on her side. Clem is Lee's only weakness and if she can convince him that Clem could be harmed if supplies keep vanishing then she'll have a damn fine henchman.
killing ben(but hitting doug) or carley is WAY worse than killing both Andy and Danny, and lilly killing either doug or carley is similar to (but not as bad) Danny killing Jolene so he can protect his family(or group in lillys case)
She didn't argue, and she didn't stand up to him either. If you let the dialouge play out, she actually agrees with Larry and says "Don't worry Dad, we'll get him out of here." And she snapped and killed Carley out of pure anger. Lee did the same with the senator, so yeah, their actions are similar but wasn't Lee going to prison for his crime? Lee knew about the affair, and he knew who was involved. Lilly knew SOMEONE was involved with stealing the supplies, but she had no idea who it was. She decided to play God, and choose who got to live and who got to die.
The traitor was not an IMMEDIATE threat after the raid. Unless Carley drew on her first, there was absolutely no reason for shooting her. Just because she snapped doesn't make it ok to shoot someone in cold blood. She can find her redemption elsewhere (The Walking Dead Issue #48 to be precise), because I certainly don't want her around my Clem. Say what you will about Lilly caring for Clem, but the only evidence we have of that is her smiling at her for a few seconds on a video camera. Larry claimed he was concerned about Clem, and I didn't believe him then. The comment about Clem getting sick was, I believe, a play to get Lee on her side. Clem is Lee's only weakness and if she can convince him that Clem could be harmed if supplies keep vanishing then she'll have a damn fine henchman.
She also gave Clem the hair thingies. In ep. 1 she asks Lee about Clem and she looks concerned about her.
Say what you will about Lilly caring for Clem, but the only evidence we have of that is her smiling at her for a few seconds on a video camera.
Lilly wasn't smiling at Clem. She deadpanned Clem, turned to look at Larry and smiled. It wasn't Lilly Clem asked about in the R.V., it was Carley she was concerned about.
Lilly wasn't smiling at Clem. She deadpanned Clem, turned to look at Larry and smiled. It wasn't Lilly Claim asked about in the R.V., it was Carley she was concerned about.
I think he means Jolene's video at the end of episode 2. You see Lilly sitting down with Clem when she's drawing and Clem mentions on the train that Lilly has been giving her hair bands to help when she slept.
Off topic(sorry): Does anyone else have problems with posts not always working?
I just had a larger post going to a blank screen,very frustrating!
Such a shame, it was so eloquent,powerful and thought provoking(my best work yet) that it could,very possibly, of converted a staunch anti Lilly member as Cyreen and may of even shown others the error of their ways and thus brought blissful consensus to the forum DAMN IT!
I think he means Jolene's video at the end of episode 2. You see Lilly sitting down with Clem when she's drawing and Clem mentions on the train that Lilly has been giving her hair bands to help when she slept.
No, he was referring to Lilly on watch at the beginning of episode 2. The scene in Jolene's video is the only time you see Lilly speak to Clem. I would expect the hair bands were in the supplies from the car, as I doubt Lilly went out of her way to get them or give them to Clem.
No, he was referring to Lilly on watch at the beginning of episode 2. The scene in Jolene's video is the only time you see Lilly speak to Clem. I would expect the hair bands were in the supplies from the car, as I doubt Lilly went out of her way to get them or give them to Clem.
I truly doubt that.
My mistake then. I just thought ,because he mentioned a video camera, he meant the scene when Lilly's talking to Clementine while she's drawing a picture at the end of episode 2.
Clem does mention that Lilly is the one that gives her the hair bands,not Carley or Katjaa, which surely means she did have some concern for Clem's happiness and well being? Why bother if she doesn't really care about anyone.
I can't remember,does it show anyone else other than Lee,Lilly and Duck spending any time with Clementine? I only know that she mentions that she likes Ben!!!
Don't worry, I know I had no chance of getting you to see anything but pure darkness in Lilly. I'm not that dumb
Carley and Katjaa were sitting with the kids when they were coloring. If Rock was referring to Jolene's video, Lilly knelt down beside Clem to speak with her, but I didn't see her smile. For all we know, she could have been telling Clem to get back inside and I'm not sure how hair bands help you sleep, but she didn't use them otherwise and a couple hair elastics hardly constitute gushing affection.
Isn't this thread supposed to be about running away with Lilly? How did it turn into another "LOVE LILLY" thread?!
Larry was a risk to the group and you know it. The other things you write about Kenny are such rubbish I can't even be bothered writing a long response to. I'll just point you to Kenny saving you in ep 1 and going on scav mission in ep 2. Never seen Lilly do anything to be honest.
Lilly was a hypocrite. In ep 2, she got all pissed because we helped Ben and tried to save the teacher. In ep 3, she got all upset because we didn't help a girl who we know was going to die. She also shot poor Carely in the face because she might have been a traitor even though she has no proof. Then even if you forgive her for that, she steals the RV and leaves us on the road with no supplies and no way to escape. What a great girl.
Lilly, rather you want to admit it or not, WAS the leader and a damn good one at that, and she was keeping lookout in EP2 doing much more than "Nothing.", Larry would have only been a risk if he managed to stand up, which honestly wouldn't have happened with Kenny hovering over him with a salt lick, in my opinion, Kenny was afraid and made a mistake.
in EP1 she got mad because Carley took a big risk and went against her order to keep the door closed, in EP2 she got mad because they were already starving and you brought more people when they couldn't have even fed themselves, the way she saw it I bet was that you were just bringing more people to starve to death, when you were supposed to be bringing food to prevent the ones who were from doing so. In episode 3 they had enough food to feed themselves and likely enough to feed someone else too, they seemed to be short handed actually, the circumstances would have been fine to bring another person, and not helping the girl was kind of a bad call IMO, which is why Lilly got incredibly mad at Kenny, that supply run wasn't for food, it was for medicine.
But then again i'm sure if Kenny would have mentioned she was bitten Lilly would have been fine with it.
As for the betrayals and murder, she was mentally conflicted and didn't want to be anywhere near the group anymore after what she did, and I assure you if she got out of the R.V. and started running Kenny would have chased her down or worse, they had guns you know.
Besides, I assure you no supplies were even in the R.V. considering all the talk of leaving Kenny did, why would Lilly allow him to have all of the foodstuff and the like in his R.V.?
After all of what Lilly did for the group, I don't care one bit if she made one selfish call and took a supplyless R.V, I wouldn't have held it against her if the entire group had died there, I would have been blaming Kenny for that.
Isn't this thread supposed to be about running away with Lilly? How did it turn into another "LOVE LILLY" thread?!
It turned into a "LOVE LILLY" thread as a after affect of all of the "ANTI-LILLY" supporters in the lilly appreciation thread, besides the original post is the definition of "Love" lilly.
I don't know about the rest of that but I can tell you how they help you sleep, People who aren't used to sleeping with long hair usually use hairbands to hold their hair back, I used to do it.
Well I could argue by saying its almost worse with Anti-Lilly threads, I'm not necessarily a Lilly supporter, i'm just not against her and see her reasonings for the majority of what she did.
I think everyone who out and out states that Lilly is evil is kind of missing what Telltale were getting at. Out of our group of survivors there are no straight up evil/good characters, everyone inhabits that grey area.
Lilly protected the group for three months, helped to train the other survivors with the guns and took on the difficult and unpopular role of handing out the food. But she also killed a member of the group in cold blood (Carley in my playthrough) just because they argued with her.
We shouldn't be weighing up Lilly's deeds into 'good' and 'bad' choices, she helped keep the group together early on but tore it apart at the end. I refused to leave her behind after she killed Carley and if it came to it I would have defended her if anyone decided on some payback. Her deciding to escape got me out of a possibly difficult situation.
Going back on topic now, I didn't agree to run off with her but I certainly didn't try and stop her taking the RV.
@ Rock114
If Lee keeps quiet she does indeed say "Don't worry Dad,we'll get him out of here" but she then says "Nobody's doing anything". To me she seemed to be trying to placate her dad so she could get him to calm down.When she says "We get it Dad, it's a big deal" Larry answers "Do you! you're not fucking acting like it!".
When Lee talks to her afterwards she tells "you should know that I didn't think he was right back there" and then Lee answers her with "Duck could of been bitten and you said and did nothing", that sounded to me that LEE thought Lilly should of been more forceful and decisive towards Duck.
Yes, Lee was going to prison for his crime but the option wasn't viable for Lilly anymore.
I felt that Lee already has enough blood on his hands and he would be a hypocrite if he condemned Lilly to die. I agree Killing on the suspicion of guilt is worse but is killing a man who is guilty of screwing your wife justifiable. People want to believe that Lee's murder was an accident or somehow justifiable, because hes the guy they control, but until Telltale confirms either way it, and Lee, will remain a mystery.
Lilly is more sour than sweet but I don't think she was manipulative towards Lee, she was pretty straightforward on who she was.I think she did Care about Clem and about what could of happened to Clementine if she got sick.I don't believe either that she is a danger to Clem and is about to kill her.
Is Lilly an angel = no She-devil- no, it isn't as back and white as that for me.
My point with Lilly and Clem is that it is shown that she cared for Clem at least as much as any of the others did. Carley wasn't interacting with Clem when she was colouring,if I remember, she was depressed at that moment.Carley/Doug do give Clem batteries for her walkie talkie,is that a more generous act than Lilly with her hair bands? Katjaa also looks after Clem in the barn. I just don't think Lilly qualifies as the heartless harpy many like to believe and I'm sure she wouldnt brush off her crime easily, she would feel shame and guilt for what she did to Doug/Carley.
Sir Fruitcakes makes a good point that the RV was very likely empty and I thought Clem had the back pack Kenny and Lee used for supplies.
For me Lilly and Lee are more comparable and I cant see how some can consider her to be on the same level of depravity and cruelty as the Governor(rapist,killer and torturer), Negan(takes pleasure in killing) and a pedophile!
KMatt makes a good point about the characters Telltale have created.
The varying opinions and the differnt side people see in the them and situations they find themselves in show what a great job they're doing.I feel they have created the most complex and dare I say "human" characters I've experienced in a video game.
Lilly, rather you want to admit it or not, WAS the leader and a damn good one at that, and she was keeping lookout in EP2 doing much more than "Nothing.", Larry would have only been a risk if he managed to stand up, which honestly wouldn't have happened with Kenny hovering over him with a salt lick, in my opinion, Kenny was afraid and made a mistake.
in EP1 she got mad because Carley took a big risk and went against her order to keep the door closed, in EP2 she got mad because they were already starving and you brought more people when they couldn't have even fed themselves, the way she saw it I bet was that you were just bringing more people to starve to death, when you were supposed to be bringing food to prevent the ones who were from doing so. In episode 3 they had enough food to feed themselves and likely enough to feed someone else too, they seemed to be short handed actually, the circumstances would have been fine to bring another person, and not helping the girl was kind of a bad call IMO, which is why Lilly got incredibly mad at Kenny, that supply run wasn't for food, it was for medicine.
But then again i'm sure if Kenny would have mentioned she was bitten Lilly would have been fine with it.
As for the betrayals and murder, she was mentally conflicted and didn't want to be anywhere near the group anymore after what she did, and I assure you if she got out of the R.V. and started running Kenny would have chased her down or worse, they had guns you know.
Besides, I assure you no supplies were even in the R.V. considering all the talk of leaving Kenny did, why would Lilly allow him to have all of the foodstuff and the like in his R.V.?
After all of what Lilly did for the group, I don't care one bit if she made one selfish call and took a supplyless R.V, I wouldn't have held it against her if the entire group had died there, I would have been blaming Kenny for that.
Walkers have a habit of jumping up when reaminating, so even holding a salt lick above his head was a risk. You miss once, and you risk getting bitten. Kenny doesnt know how bites work btw, for all he knows you get bit and immediatly turn. And Lilly was on watch and gave out rations in ep 2. Well done, sure beats going on dangerous scavenging missions to the forest.
In Ep1 she was happy to let a family and Lee and Clem get eaten outside. In ep2, she was happy to let Ben and his teacher get eaten outside. In ep3, she hears that you and Kenny left a bitten girl to die and she freaks. What makes you think we didnt need the food anyway? We need as much food as possible for the winter as well as medicine and shooting the girl screws us out of that. Not to mention, walkers might have heard the gunshot and killed both of us.
If Lilly got out of the RV and started running away and didnt steal anything, Kenny would have said "Good riddance" and you know it. He didnt insist on killing her after she shot Carely, he wouldnt have bothered later either. She stole the RV to have a better chance of survival and it shows how little she cares for anyone. And maybe Kenny had his own little supply of food and medicine in the RV. Maybe the group stored tools or blankets in the RV? You just dont know if there were supplies and now we'll never know. Supplies or not, it was still a escape route anyway if zombies attacked. And you would blame Kenny if zombies or bandits attacked and we couldnt get away because Lilly stole our only way of escape. Yep thats the sort of logic i expect from Lilly fans now :P
If walkers had arrived when they were beside the train, everyone would have been eaten, so Lilly screwed everyone. Even if walkers never arrived, she still left them with no supplies, and no transport on the road. Its worse than leaving Lilly on the road to die, its leaving a whole group and a kid to die. Because you dont want to be in the group. Its as simple as that.
What are the chances that people with no experience at all with trains and no manual learning how to start a train which is a pretty complicated piece of machinery. How lucky were they that the driver wrote down the instructions how to start the train and that they could understand it. With loads of cars around, how many have fuel? Would they each get different cars and keep swapping? They could really travel all the way to Savannah with like no supplies?
Keep in mind this is where Charles made his home. I didn't see any walkers. I even missed the one in the car....damn... Cyreen said the cookies tasted good too.:). I didn't even get any candy like everyone else.
When you don't have answers to all these questions it's worth investigating to find out rather than sitting on a log like Kenny saying "woe is me" until a walker shows up to make things exciting again.
Off topic(sorry): Does anyone else have problems with posts not always working?
I just had a larger post going to a blank screen,very frustrating!
Such a shame, it was so eloquent,powerful and thought provoking(my best work yet) that it could,very possibly, of converted a staunch anti Lilly member as Cyreen and may of even shown others the error of their ways and thus brought blissful consensus to the forum DAMN IT!
I've had so much trouble with lost posts that now I copy them before hitting the submit relpy button. Then when it's lost just go back reply, paste and submit again. Usually works then.
Keep in mind this is where Charles made his home. I didn't see any walkers. I even missed the one in the car....damn... Cyreen said the cookies tasted good too.:). I didn't even get any candy like everyone else.
When you don't have answers to all these questions it's worth investigating to find out rather than sitting on a log like Kenny saying "woe is me" until a walker shows up to make things exciting again.
I've had so much trouble with lost posts that now I copy them before hitting the submit relpy button. Then when it's lost just go back reply, paste and submit again. Usually works then.
Kenny's son had just been bitten and Carely had just been shot in front of him by a compete nutjob, i think he is allowed to feel a little sad :P
Not to mention he had been driving all night so he was probably exhausted, unlike Lee who at least got some sleep.
A huge grin appeared on my face when Lilly told me to get Clem and we'll go, moments later that grin turned upside down as the RV wheels screeched away without me, oh ttg you and your emotive responses
My mistake then. I just thought ,because he mentioned a video camera, he meant the scene when Lilly's talking to Clementine while she's drawing a picture at the end of episode 2.
Clem does mention that Lilly is the one that gives her the hair bands,not Carley or Katjaa, which surely means she did have some concern for Clem's happiness and well being? Why bother if she doesn't really care about anyone.
I can't remember,does it show anyone else other than Lee,Lilly and Duck spending any time with Clementine? I only know that she mentions that she likes Ben!!!
Don't worry, I know I had no chance of getting you to see anything but pure darkness in Lilly. I'm not that dumb
That's what i DID mean. I'm sorry if anyone got confused, I guess I could have worded my post better. And of course there are people who will always see Lilly as the new Darth Vader, because if everyone on these forums agreed then we'd have nothing to do until the next episode releases...
@ Rock114
If Lee keeps quiet she does indeed say "Don't worry Dad,we'll get him out of here" but she then says "Nobody's doing anything". To me she seemed to be trying to placate her dad so she could get him to calm down.When she says "We get it Dad, it's a big deal" Larry answers "Do you! you're not fucking acting like it!".
When Lee talks to her afterwards she tells "you should know that I didn't think he was right back there" and then Lee answers her with "Duck could of been bitten and you said and did nothing", that sounded to me that LEE thought Lilly should of been more forceful and decisive towards Duck.
Yes, Lee was going to prison for his crime but the option wasn't viable for Lilly anymore.
I felt that Lee already has enough blood on his hands and he would be a hypocrite if he condemned Lilly to die. I agree Killing on the suspicion of guilt is worse but is killing a man who is guilty of screwing your wife justifiable. People want to believe that Lee's murder was an accident or somehow justifiable, because hes the guy they control, but until Telltale confirms either way it, and Lee, will remain a mystery.
Lilly is more sour than sweet but I don't think she was manipulative towards Lee, she was pretty straightforward on who she was.I think she did Care about Clem and about what could of happened to Clementine if she got sick.I don't believe either that she is a danger to Clem and is about to kill her.
Is Lilly an angel = no She-devil- no, it isn't as back and white as that for me.
My point with Lilly and Clem is that it is shown that she cared for Clem at least as much as any of the others did. Carley wasn't interacting with Clem when she was colouring,if I remember, she was depressed at that moment.Carley/Doug do give Clem batteries for her walkie talkie,is that a more generous act than Lilly with her hair bands? Katjaa also looks after Clem in the barn. I just don't think Lilly qualifies as the heartless harpy many like to believe and I'm sure she wouldnt brush off her crime easily, she would feel shame and guilt for what she did to Doug/Carley.
Sir Fruitcakes makes a good point that the RV was very likely empty and I thought Clem had the back pack Kenny and Lee used for supplies.
For me Lilly and Lee are more comparable and I cant see how some can consider her to be on the same level of depravity and cruelty as the Governor(rapist,killer and torturer), Negan(takes pleasure in killing) and a pedophile!
KMatt makes a good point about the characters Telltale have created.
The varying opinions and the differnt side people see in the them and situations they find themselves in show what a great job they're doing.I feel they have created the most complex and dare I say "human" characters I've experienced in a video game.
Agreed. I only say Lilly is a bad person because so many people say KENNY is a bad person. He's just human, and so is Lilly. I don't think anyone in the group is really a "great" person. They're more "realistic" people than anything else. I have no idea how anyone can see Lilly as being even close to the Governor or Negan. She can be kind of a bitch sometimes, but Kenny can be a pretty big bastard too.
As for her caring about Clem, I think it only extends as far as "Clementine is a child, I should be nice to her" kind of a feeling. Telltale has done some pretty fantastic things with this group of survivors, and I can't say I've found a group of more "human" characters in any other game I've played. Even the ones I hate as people, I adore as characters in a story.
Also Lee is a big factor in the game. People can affect other people so it depends who you lean to. Lee makes both Lilly and Kenny better people. He can also bring the worst in people. Still, there are core values that never change. Kenny's and Lilly's behaviours might change, but their personalities remain the same.
And I'm fairly certain that Kenny wouldn't have objected to you getting on the RV during the raid, as you DID help cover everyone as they got the the RV and you were standing right in front of it. The main reason, I think, he wanted to leave Lilly behind was his new-found survivalist mentality kicking in again. She was on the other side of the motor-inn, clearly not paying attention to the RV as walkers began to swarm and the bandits were still taking pot shots at us. I sure as heck wouldn't have wanted to dash across that lot, with walkers biting and lead flying, to save a woman who hated me and was so wrapped up in what she was doing she didn't hear us screaming about the RV almost being ready. That would almost be as bad as waiting for her to snap out of it, by which point we'd be pumped full of lead or drowning in walkers...
Leaving Lilly was just heartless though, even if she would go on to steal the RV (none of us knew it at that time). I felt really bad about abandoning her afterward, because crazy or not, she helped us escape with our skins intact. And it was just plain wrong. If I hadn't read the comics beforehand, I probably would have thought that I murdered her by doing that. Needless to say I'll be taking her with me from now on when I play (yes, even though she screws us over. It does kind of add a nice "we're boned" moment with Kenny when she peels off down the road).
Lilly's survivalist mentality is much better. Hers is like "Let's kill everybody and everyone who threatens our group, and do not be nosy about other people's secrets". "Help the ones that we CAN and help our own." She does have a heart even if you try to deny it and there's plenty of proof in the game.
Bottom line is that Kenny is an awful person. Why does he insist that we all go HIS way if he hasn't even fixed damn the RV properly? To me it all looks as just another attempt to oppose Lilly and assume control of the group just for the sake of it.
I can't believe you don't have my back on this one! You gotta back me up! I'm counting on you! You're useless Yami! ....sorry....very sorry....I apologize. I had a Kenny moment there.:D
My expertise is getting out of jams when Kenny sells me down the rat hole and leaves me to die. Hmmm...maybe it's time for a poll to see how many times Kenny will leave Lee to die in e4 before a walker turns Kenny into a happy meal.:)
*Yami will remember this
Ha ha. This game is just too much fun!:D
I fail to see how Carley qualified as a "threat". The meat locker issue has been discussed to death about 50 times over and you and I obviously know where the other stands. I don't think Lilly would have run across that lot for anyone, and I hard a hard time seeing her heart when she was arguing for throwing a child out to die without actually checking for a bite and blowing up on us when we rescued some of the people that we COULD have helped, and in fact DID help. And as black and icy cold as it is, I'm sure her heart is there somewhere.
I fail to see how Kenny's suspicion at the dairy makes him a bad person. He was right to be nosy. Did you miss the St. Johns' fishing for information? "How many people are in your group?" "Who's your leader?" "Hey, how many weapons do you guys have?" Frankly, he would have been an idiot not to be suspicious. One of his friends "just so happens" to get shot in the shoulder when he's at these new people's farm with only one other guy for backup? And then Brenda the Caretaker doesn't let anyone see said injured friend, after she claims that he's going to be perfectly fine? Lilly had suspicions too, but Kenny acted on them and he was right. Lilly wanted to get their food (Mark's legs) and then go back to the motor-inn. I would assume that she meant to take Mark with the rest of the group, correct? How would they go about getting him? I doubt asking nicely would have done the trick, but maybe cannibals have more manners than I expect them to. I had them pegged as cannibals since the camp in the woods, and I was glad to see someone actually DOING something about it rather than "Let's ignore everything wrong with this place, take their food, then go back to our vulnerable home where they know exactly where we are and never think about them again."
The beginning of The Walking Dead Injustice League, just add the Governor and Negan and they're good to go.
lol yea exactly
Only way to carry on driving to Savannah was to move the train. Only way to move the train was to get it up and running. Once the train was up and running, why not use the train to get to Savannah rather then the knackared old RV?
are we supposed to believe there was only one road in macon?, they stopped to check the situation out and kenny thought the radiator would need to cool, if the train or the cars couldn't be moved they would have had to just take a detour and use a different road, and i don't think they were heading to Savannah, they only went there because the train did
She blew up because Carley took a very massive risk by going out there and saving you, and Lily seems to have said not to open the door under any circumstance so I honestly think her anger is warranted, And she didn't argue to try to throw Duck out, she is on the fence for the majority of it, she says "Nobodys doing anything." looking at Larry, implying she was against Larry throwing duck out and also Kenny hitting Larry, later she says "We get it Dad, its a big deal,", but I don't really remember what she said afterwards, she didn't really argue.
To Lilly Carley/Ben were a threat and a traitor. Apparently she was wrong about Carley, but was right about Ben. She did believe she acted in the best interest of the group.
Actually in the Drug Store scene in ep. 1 it is mainly Larry who wants to throw Duck out. Kenny doesn't try to check either, he instantly starts threatening to murder people. If you choose to be silent or so side with Larry, this scene plays a bit differently. Katjaa says that there is no bite and Larry apologizes. After that when you talk to Lilly she admits that she didn't think her father was in the right there... she just chickened and didn't stand up to him.
In ep. 2, she's isn't happy about Ben and the teacher of course, but who would be. 2 new members when you have trouble feeding the existing ones. The game shows that she cares for Clem as well.
Later in the dairy, she actually confirms that everything is suspicious, but tells you to be careful because of might end bad if you find something. To me that's smarter than what Kenny does. Of course, with Mark being taken it is hard to imagine a scenario where our group would've left unharmed. Still, Lilly's advice is good. Later in ep. 3 if you try not to pry in Christa's past, she'll like you better.
One more thing about Lilly's heart. It clearly shows who's got heart when you Kenny mention the girl in ep. 3. She's terrified when she hears what you've done/was supposed to do according to Kenny.
So, yeah, I would say that I stick to my previous post as concerning their mentalities
I honestly can't see how she compares to those three. If Lilly is such a evil and out of control psychopath why didn't she Kill Lee(if he helped Kenny in the meat locker) when she had the chance? I think She even says "I had you and I could of killed you, but a small part of me can understand why you did it"
I'm not denying that she did a terrible thing,and it's no excuse, but the pile up of previous events caused her to tragically snap and have a moment of madness. Surely Kenny/and Lee have to shoulder some part for her state of mind.
People conveniently forget that Clementine is being cared by someone who snapped and killed. Personally, I find it easier to understand someone snapping after losing a family member in horrible circumstances and finding out there is a traitor in your group while also dealing with the dangers and stresses of a ZA than someone who kills because his wife is giving it to someone else.I'm giving Lee a chance for redemption so why not give Lilly the same.Doesn't Carley say "doing a terrible thing doesn't have to make you a terrible person"
I simply cant see the similarities between Lilly and Lee's crime and the Governor's(torturer,rapist and killer), Negan's(spoilers!) and a pedo's actions. For me the last three deserve no pity, I just can't say the same for Lee and Lilly.
Lilly would have been more than happy leaving you to die in the streets of Macon, she was more than happy to watch Andy fry Lee on a fence, shoots a group member point blank in the face and has no problem leaving the entire group to die on the side of the road while she steals their only currently viable means of transportation.
Yeah, she's an angel. I'm particularly fond of how other characters get blamed for Lilly's actions like she has no responsibility whatsoever.
The problem with playing the game one way, is that you have a limited perspective of a character.
If walkers had arrived when they were beside the train, everyone would have been eaten, so Lilly screwed everyone. Even if walkers never arrived, she still left them with no supplies, and no transport on the road. Its worse than leaving Lilly on the road to die, its leaving a whole group and a kid to die. Because you dont want to be in the group. Its as simple as that.
What are the chances that people with no experience at all with trains and no manual learning how to start a train which is a pretty complicated piece of machinery. How lucky were they that the driver wrote down the instructions how to start the train and that they could understand it. With loads of cars around, how many have fuel? Would they each get different cars and keep swapping? They could really travel all the way to Savannah with like no supplies?
Larry was a risk to the group and you know it. The other things you write about Kenny are such rubbish I can't even be bothered writing a long response to. I'll just point you to Kenny saving you in ep 1 and going on scav mission in ep 2. Never seen Lilly do anything to be honest.
Lilly was a hypocrite. In ep 2, she got all pissed because we helped Ben and tried to save the teacher. In ep 3, she got all upset because we didn't help a girl who we know was going to die. She also shot poor Carely in the face because she might have been a traitor even though she has no proof. Then even if you forgive her for that, she steals the RV and leaves us on the road with no supplies and no way to escape. What a great girl.
She didn't argue, and she didn't stand up to him either. If you let the dialouge play out, she actually agrees with Larry and says "Don't worry Dad, we'll get him out of here." And she snapped and killed Carley out of pure anger. Lee did the same with the senator, so yeah, their actions are similar but wasn't Lee going to prison for his crime? Lee knew about the affair, and he knew who was involved. Lilly knew SOMEONE was involved with stealing the supplies, but she had no idea who it was. She decided to play God, and choose who got to live and who got to die.
The traitor was not an IMMEDIATE threat after the raid. Unless Carley drew on her first, there was absolutely no reason for shooting her. Just because she snapped doesn't make it ok to shoot someone in cold blood. She can find her redemption elsewhere (The Walking Dead Issue #48 to be precise), because I certainly don't want her around my Clem. Say what you will about Lilly caring for Clem, but the only evidence we have of that is her smiling at her for a few seconds on a video camera. Larry claimed he was concerned about Clem, and I didn't believe him then. The comment about Clem getting sick was, I believe, a play to get Lee on her side. Clem is Lee's only weakness and if she can convince him that Clem could be harmed if supplies keep vanishing then she'll have a damn fine henchman.
She also gave Clem the hair thingies. In ep. 1 she asks Lee about Clem and she looks concerned about her.
Lilly wasn't smiling at Clem. She deadpanned Clem, turned to look at Larry and smiled. It wasn't Lilly Clem asked about in the R.V., it was Carley she was concerned about.
I think he means Jolene's video at the end of episode 2. You see Lilly sitting down with Clem when she's drawing and Clem mentions on the train that Lilly has been giving her hair bands to help when she slept.
Off topic(sorry): Does anyone else have problems with posts not always working?
I just had a larger post going to a blank screen,very frustrating!
Such a shame, it was so eloquent,powerful and thought provoking(my best work yet) that it could,very possibly, of converted a staunch anti Lilly member as Cyreen
No, he was referring to Lilly on watch at the beginning of episode 2. The scene in Jolene's video is the only time you see Lilly speak to Clem. I would expect the hair bands were in the supplies from the car, as I doubt Lilly went out of her way to get them or give them to Clem.
I truly doubt that.
My mistake then. I just thought ,because he mentioned a video camera, he meant the scene when Lilly's talking to Clementine while she's drawing a picture at the end of episode 2.
Clem does mention that Lilly is the one that gives her the hair bands,not Carley or Katjaa, which surely means she did have some concern for Clem's happiness and well being? Why bother if she doesn't really care about anyone.
I can't remember,does it show anyone else other than Lee,Lilly and Duck spending any time with Clementine? I only know that she mentions that she likes Ben!!!
Don't worry, I know I had no chance of getting you to see anything but pure darkness in Lilly. I'm not that dumb
Isn't this thread supposed to be about running away with Lilly? How did it turn into another "LOVE LILLY" thread?!
Lilly, rather you want to admit it or not, WAS the leader and a damn good one at that, and she was keeping lookout in EP2 doing much more than "Nothing.", Larry would have only been a risk if he managed to stand up, which honestly wouldn't have happened with Kenny hovering over him with a salt lick, in my opinion, Kenny was afraid and made a mistake.
in EP1 she got mad because Carley took a big risk and went against her order to keep the door closed, in EP2 she got mad because they were already starving and you brought more people when they couldn't have even fed themselves, the way she saw it I bet was that you were just bringing more people to starve to death, when you were supposed to be bringing food to prevent the ones who were from doing so. In episode 3 they had enough food to feed themselves and likely enough to feed someone else too, they seemed to be short handed actually, the circumstances would have been fine to bring another person, and not helping the girl was kind of a bad call IMO, which is why Lilly got incredibly mad at Kenny, that supply run wasn't for food, it was for medicine.
But then again i'm sure if Kenny would have mentioned she was bitten Lilly would have been fine with it.
As for the betrayals and murder, she was mentally conflicted and didn't want to be anywhere near the group anymore after what she did, and I assure you if she got out of the R.V. and started running Kenny would have chased her down or worse, they had guns you know.
Besides, I assure you no supplies were even in the R.V. considering all the talk of leaving Kenny did, why would Lilly allow him to have all of the foodstuff and the like in his R.V.?
After all of what Lilly did for the group, I don't care one bit if she made one selfish call and took a supplyless R.V, I wouldn't have held it against her if the entire group had died there, I would have been blaming Kenny for that.
It turned into a "LOVE LILLY" thread as a after affect of all of the "ANTI-LILLY" supporters in the lilly appreciation thread, besides the original post is the definition of "Love" lilly.
I don't know about the rest of that but I can tell you how they help you sleep, People who aren't used to sleeping with long hair usually use hairbands to hold their hair back, I used to do it.
Damn, and I thought we had you people quarantined there. SHE'S GONE.
It's almost as bad as the Carley threads.
Well I could argue by saying its almost worse with Anti-Lilly threads, I'm not necessarily a Lilly supporter, i'm just not against her and see her reasonings for the majority of what she did.
There aren't any.
Really, I was neither for nor against Lilly initially, but all the "aww, poor Lilly" crap encouraged my dislike.
Lilly protected the group for three months, helped to train the other survivors with the guns and took on the difficult and unpopular role of handing out the food. But she also killed a member of the group in cold blood (Carley in my playthrough) just because they argued with her.
We shouldn't be weighing up Lilly's deeds into 'good' and 'bad' choices, she helped keep the group together early on but tore it apart at the end. I refused to leave her behind after she killed Carley and if it came to it I would have defended her if anyone decided on some payback. Her deciding to escape got me out of a possibly difficult situation.
Going back on topic now, I didn't agree to run off with her but I certainly didn't try and stop her taking the RV.
If Lee keeps quiet she does indeed say "Don't worry Dad,we'll get him out of here" but she then says "Nobody's doing anything". To me she seemed to be trying to placate her dad so she could get him to calm down.When she says "We get it Dad, it's a big deal" Larry answers "Do you! you're not fucking acting like it!".
When Lee talks to her afterwards she tells "you should know that I didn't think he was right back there" and then Lee answers her with "Duck could of been bitten and you said and did nothing", that sounded to me that LEE thought Lilly should of been more forceful and decisive towards Duck.
Yes, Lee was going to prison for his crime but the option wasn't viable for Lilly anymore.
I felt that Lee already has enough blood on his hands and he would be a hypocrite if he condemned Lilly to die. I agree Killing on the suspicion of guilt is worse but is killing a man who is guilty of screwing your wife justifiable. People want to believe that Lee's murder was an accident or somehow justifiable, because hes the guy they control, but until Telltale confirms either way it, and Lee, will remain a mystery.
Lilly is more sour than sweet but I don't think she was manipulative towards Lee, she was pretty straightforward on who she was.I think she did Care about Clem and about what could of happened to Clementine if she got sick.I don't believe either that she is a danger to Clem and is about to kill her.
Is Lilly an angel = no She-devil- no, it isn't as back and white as that for me.
My point with Lilly and Clem is that it is shown that she cared for Clem at least as much as any of the others did. Carley wasn't interacting with Clem when she was colouring,if I remember, she was depressed at that moment.Carley/Doug do give Clem batteries for her walkie talkie,is that a more generous act than Lilly with her hair bands? Katjaa also looks after Clem in the barn. I just don't think Lilly qualifies as the heartless harpy many like to believe and I'm sure she wouldnt brush off her crime easily, she would feel shame and guilt for what she did to Doug/Carley.
Sir Fruitcakes makes a good point that the RV was very likely empty and I thought Clem had the back pack Kenny and Lee used for supplies.
For me Lilly and Lee are more comparable and I cant see how some can consider her to be on the same level of depravity and cruelty as the Governor(rapist,killer and torturer), Negan(takes pleasure in killing) and a pedophile!
KMatt makes a good point about the characters Telltale have created.
The varying opinions and the differnt side people see in the them and situations they find themselves in show what a great job they're doing.I feel they have created the most complex and dare I say "human" characters I've experienced in a video game.
Yeah, you're probably right. Her bag does look very similiar but it could be a totally differnt bag.
What does she have in the bag?
just crayons and paper? that's edible right,right...
Episode 4 needs to start with the characters having different coloured mouths
Keep in mind this is where Charles made his home. I didn't see any walkers. I even missed the one in the car....damn... Cyreen said the cookies tasted good too.:). I didn't even get any candy like everyone else.
When you don't have answers to all these questions it's worth investigating to find out rather than sitting on a log like Kenny saying "woe is me" until a walker shows up to make things exciting again.
I've had so much trouble with lost posts that now I copy them before hitting the submit relpy button. Then when it's lost just go back reply, paste and submit again. Usually works then.
Kenny's son had just been bitten and Carely had just been shot in front of him by a compete nutjob, i think he is allowed to feel a little sad :P
Not to mention he had been driving all night so he was probably exhausted, unlike Lee who at least got some sleep.
That's what i DID mean. I'm sorry if anyone got confused, I guess I could have worded my post better. And of course there are people who will always see Lilly as the new Darth Vader, because if everyone on these forums agreed then we'd have nothing to do until the next episode releases...
Agreed. I only say Lilly is a bad person because so many people say KENNY is a bad person. He's just human, and so is Lilly. I don't think anyone in the group is really a "great" person. They're more "realistic" people than anything else. I have no idea how anyone can see Lilly as being even close to the Governor or Negan. She can be kind of a bitch sometimes, but Kenny can be a pretty big bastard too.
As for her caring about Clem, I think it only extends as far as "Clementine is a child, I should be nice to her" kind of a feeling. Telltale has done some pretty fantastic things with this group of survivors, and I can't say I've found a group of more "human" characters in any other game I've played. Even the ones I hate as people, I adore as characters in a story.