TT's King's Quest: R.I.P. (aka Really Improbable Project)



  • edited February 2013
    Not entirely correct, Replay do want to make new games but at the moment they only have the license to remake the previous Larry games. They are intending (so they say) to redo all 7 games and then make the all new Larry 8 Lust in Space.

    Anyway, back on topic, I'd be quite interested to see what Replay could come up with for KQ if they were so inclined.
  • edited February 2013
    BagginsKQ wrote: »
    Actually only two years ago on the 17th of this month. Do you have a problem with simple math?

    It will be three years next february (2014).

    Yes, Baggins. You should see me shop. I get excited every time I check out because I spend WAY less than I thought I was.

  • edited February 2013
    Snicker! :D
  • edited February 2013
    MtnPeak wrote: »
    I think Replay Games is going to end up doing a new King's Quest.

    They got Leisure Suit Larry,...

    LSL is not owned by ActiVision, that's the only reason.
    ...and I think they will be working with Mark Crowe on a new game in the near future. Based on a recent Josh Mandel comment on Kickstarter, some have speculated that Mark Crowe is doing the Larry Reloaded box cover art and logo, and that Crowe (and Scott Murphy?) will probably have more involvement with Replay in the future.

    Can you provide a source for this? I can't find any evidence anywhere that Mark Crowe was involved with anything nor info that they will be working with the Two Guys in any capacity.
    I would welcome a KQ from Replay, since at least they love the original series and understand adventure gaming.

    We don't even know what Replay is capable of. They have yet to complete a project. Granted, they have Al and Josh, but they're working on their own element: Leisure Suit Larry. Yes Josh redesigned KQ1SCI (quite well), but that doesn't say anything for the rest of the team. Still, nothing wrong with being optimistic, I guess. But let's at least see how LSL Reloaded fares first. Besides, I doubt they'll ever pry the KQ license from ActiVision's iron-tight grip.
    MtnPeak wrote: »
    Telltale's apparent philosophy is to reject much of what actually makes adventure games adventure games. It is time to stop calling Telltale an adventure game developer. We should call Telltale what they are: an interactive movie factory whose management has explicitly rejected the idea of challenging puzzles and of giving the player the freedom to explore.

    Nobody (important) has been calling Telltale an adventure game developer for a long time now. Not even themselves. Dan has even gone on record to say "...the genre (adventure) doesn't need us anymore."
  • edited February 2013
    Nobody (important) has been calling Telltale an adventure game developer for a long time now. Not even themselves. Dan has even gone on record to say "...the genre (adventure) doesn't need us anymore."

    Nice disclaimer there. Makes it easy to dismiss anyone who disagrees with your views.
  • edited February 2013
    ""...the genre (adventure) doesn't need us anymore."
    However in context he was discussing how glad he was to see that there were other companies starting to bring Adventure games back to life, and popularity. So that Telltale doesn't have to be the only ones. He mentioned a few examples of games by other developers.
  • edited February 2013
    Besides, I doubt [Replay Games]'ll ever pry the KQ license from ActiVision's iron-tight grip.

    TTG did. They didn't do anything with it, but they still got the license.
  • edited February 2013
    It seems they probably paid alot for that option... As that was Activison's only prerequisite.
  • edited February 2013
    You. What are you doing here. Beta. Now.
    Chyron8472 wrote: »
    That clinches it for King's Quest. It's not on the community section.

    TTG's KQ is officially dead in the water.

    EDIT: Nevermind. Marsden says they just haven't finished the logo yet.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited February 2013
    Chyron8472 wrote: »
    TTG's KQ is officially dead in the water.

    Did you just quote yourself to prove that something is official? :D
  • edited February 2013
    Marsden is messing with you.

  • edited February 2013
    If they're not going to put it on the community page so people can talk about it, that means they don't want people to talk about it because they've dropped the project.

    That makes it official.
  • edited February 2013
    Nice disclaimer there. Makes it easy to dismiss anyone who disagrees with your views.

    Come on, now. I add myself into that category. I'm talking about organizations, press, etc. Not average Joes like us.
    Chyron8472 wrote: »
    TTG did. They didn't do anything with it, but they still got the license.

    That was before when they were (somewhat) willing to license it. Since then they've denied everybody and keep saying they have their own plans.

    Regarding the new website and forums (or whatever they're supposed to be), that's a nice elegant way of removing KQ from the public eye without removing the discussions here. "Oh, we're making a new website anyway." I hope they at least give some kind of PR statement about why they aren't doing it anymore. I want to hear it.
  • edited February 2013
    There are probably alot of things that they haven't announced that aren't on the community pages...

    Like they mentioned in the latest interview they are working on many projects outside of the scope of Fables and Walking Dead. The company is growing, not remaining as a 'two game' a year entity. In the future they may release more games at the same time.

    In no way does this mean that KQ is still in development or not. It just means we know next to nothing about what Telltale is making currently.

    Also I think they did the same thing they did with the community site that they did with the main website! As I mentioned in the timeline, within days of announccing King's Quest, they released really basic sites for Walking Dead, and Fables, but nothing for King's Quest.

    Since they didn't design anything for King's Quest back then, they still haven't designed anything for the beta community site either. This was especially because they had no plans to tackle King's Quest until after Walking Dead was released, and releasing it after Fables apparently. So it was always 'far off in future'.

    About the only King's Quest related webthingy they even put up, was this forum... Which if the new site is any indication they are 'taking away'?

    Also of note, they apparently only started putting the development team for KQ together 9 months ago (according to Connors). How long does it generally take Taletale to produce a game? It took Walking Dead what almost two years (did they start production on it before its announcement)?

    Did they put together a team, only for that team to be disbanded shortly after?
  • edited February 2013
    Regarding the new website and forums (or whatever they're supposed to be), that's a nice elegant way of removing KQ from the public eye without removing the discussions here. "Oh, we're making a new website anyway." I hope they at least give some kind of PR statement about why they aren't doing it anymore. I want to hear it.

    Ok, the king's quest forum is a hidden link... It's just not useable yet, as a forum...

    Edit: It works too! So its a hidden community with no direct links to it yet.

    BTW, King's Graham's father's rules prove to be helpful yet again (you must know how to think outside of the box, and look for answers to obtuse puzzles);

    "Boy if I have learned anything in my life, I have learned this: When in doubt, or in trouble, pick up anything that is not nailed down, and if it is, look for loose nails or boards. Check carefully into, under, above, below, and behind things. Read everything; you might learn something. Wear clean undergarments, brush after meals, and always remember: nothing is as it appears."-Sir Hereward.
  • edited February 2013
    We have to go deeper...
  • edited February 2013
    Once you look into the abyss you go insane (or you meet Lucreto, but whatever)!

    It's certainly enough to drive Blackthorne to binge drinking....
  • edited February 2013
    MusicallyInspired wrote:
    Can you provide a source for this? I can't find any evidence anywhere that Mark Crowe was involved with anything nor info that they will be working with the Two Guys in any capacity.

    This is what Josh Mandel wrote in response to the criticism of the Larry Reloaded logo:
    Actually, guys, we're only selling this digitally. The box that we're creating is strictly for collectors! Nobody will be buying (or not buying) the game based on the box (or the logo).
    That said, we may indeed go into stores if such an agreement can be reached, but, if so, the box will probably have to be be redesigned by the publisher. We very specifically designed the box to be free of the usual clutter so that it could be a real collector's piece. And the artist who did the logo, and is doing the box as well, is one of Sierra's finest and most revered (ex-)artists. You would instantly recognize the artist's name, but we're contractually obligated not to reveal it currently. (grrrrrrrr)
    There was speculation on the forum that the artist was Mark Crowe, who had done one of the original Larry box covers. So, yeah, nothing solid.

    Ok, so I am very confused now. Can someone please explain to me the significance of this King's Quest Beta forum? Why and when was this set up? And who found this and brought it to our attention now?
  • edited February 2013
    Telltale is changing their website. They put up a beta website including what will be the new forums. It's a work in progress.

    No one could find a direct link to king's quest in the forums. With a little bit of experimenting I discovered that the beta KQ forum exists. More information in the timeline thread.
  • edited February 2013
    BagginsKQ wrote: »
    No one could find a direct link to king's quest in the forums. With a little bit of experimenting I discovered that the beta KQ forum exists. More information in the timeline thread.

    Thank you for all you do to help keep the KQ fan community informed about KQ-related news. You really are a great asset to the community, so please don't ever stop!

    Even though I am against the idea of a KQ interactive movie from Telltale, I am starting to feel a little excited about the fact that there really might be a new KQ anything. Maybe Telltale really can deliver something good? I will try to have an open mind.
  • edited February 2013
    Hey, I'd go for a KQ holywood movie if that was what Activision decided to give us! Even if video games to film generally suck...
  • edited February 2013
    BagginsKQ wrote: »
    Once you look into the abyss you go insane (or you meet Lucreto, but whatever)!

    It's certainly enough to drive Blackthorne to binge drinking....

    Drive me? Buddy, I'm already there! SEE WHAT YOU PEOPLE DO TO ME?


  • edited February 2013
    You all should check out this thread (see link below) in the General Chat section. It has some excellent, very thoughtful, insightful posts about TellTale Games' apparent movement away from puzzle-based adventures and toward interactive movies with less freedom for the player to explore:
  • edited February 2013
    Yeah. Those people have been saying what a lot of us in here have been saying for a long time. This is old hat to us.

  • edited February 2013
    Yeah. Those people have been saying what a lot of us in here have been saying for a long time. This is old hat to us.


    That's nice, but you aren't the only ones reading this forum.

    Anyway, after reading through that thread, my guess as to the likelihood that the Telltale KQ will happen went from 20% to 2%. It's not happening. And I wouldn't even want Telltale to have any involvement with a new KQ. Another developer would be better suited, anyway.
  • edited February 2013
    I know, but we're the only ones talking in here. It's like running into McDonalds and yelling "YOU'RE ALL EATING GREASY BURGERS!!!"

    We know. We know.

  • edited February 2013
    Sorry, I may have read something into your message that wasn't there. I just thought the original poster in that other thread had written a very worthwhile post, so to get a response that sounded like, "yeah, yeah, we've all heard that stuff before and it is getting really old," rubbed me the wrong way and made me wonder why you were presuming to speak for everyone. These message boards are for discussing King's Quest and adventure games, after all. But it's no biggie.

    I think that Lambonius guy was right all along about the telltale games KQ.
  • exoexo
    edited February 2013
    MtnPeak - you are going through the same journey we all went through. You found out about the game, you got excited, you figured any game is better than no game, and then you came here.

    Over time, the lack of information, the companies releases and movement away from adventure style, and other various inputs lead to a sense of being a bit jaded.

    And eventually you just figure, 'Kill it. Kill it with fire.'.

    Then one day you'll be commiserating with the rest of us, and a new bright eyed bushy tailed fellow will appear and tell us all we have no idea what we are talking about, and TT's KQ games is gonna be AMAZING. They will start topics that have already been started, link to news that has already been discussed, and wonder why everyone else acts like an assbag.

    It seems your journey is nearing it's end. Welcome to the table of jaded jackasses.
  • edited February 2013
    In other words... don't think, don't develop individual thought, don't have an original view or opinion, conform! Join the masses...

  • edited February 2013
    He looks an awful lot like the Head of the Navigator...
  • edited February 2013
    It's from John Carpenter's film "They Live". Which has the best fight scene ever!

    And no, it's not discouraging original thought. It's accepting reality, and saving your original thoughts for something worthy of them.

  • edited February 2013
    Actually my original thought is to 'I don't care, whatever happens or doesn't happen'.

    I haven't passed into the conformity to, "burn it down, burn it all", to paraphrase Exo.

    I tell you many people on this board expend way too much time and energy 'caring', and discussing the wishful 'demise' of the game, and how 'sucky' it will be if it is released. When there are probably are more worthy things in life to put their mind, time and energy to...

    I'm glad there isn't alot of 'hype' either...
  • edited February 2013
    You underestimate the power of spare time. Also, that's just like your opinion, man. :p
  • edited February 2013
    BagginsKQ wrote: »
    When there are probably are more worthy things in life to put their mind, time and energy to...

    You mean like composing endlessly detailed omnipedia sites for old Sierra adventure game series?
  • edited February 2013
    Yep, that's my 'hobby'! I used to put a few minutes to an hour into that each day or minutes or hours over a couple of days! A few hours each week. Some months I do nothing on them. I don't have the free time I used to have to work on those sites!

    There is a reason why there are so many 'stubbed' articles! With only basic details.

    Real work takes up most of my life, LOL...

    In my real 'free time' I like to go hiking and camping and such! Cut off from technology!
  • edited February 2013
    BagginsKQ wrote: »
    In my real 'free time' I like to go hiking and camping and such! Cut off from technology!

  • edited February 2013
    You know you like to go on real adventures! ;).
  • edited February 2013
    Well, I care what happens to King's Quest! I will post about it, comment about it, and follow development teams that make new KQ and KQ-like games. That's right, and I don't care what anyone thinks about it. I love KQ and other classic adventure games, and if anyone has a problem with that then they can just kiss my you-know-what.
  • edited February 2013
    THere are different ways...

    You can be just a fan, or you can be a fanatic/fanatical, a fanboy/fangirl, a KQ nut, etc...

    Think of the difference between a trekker vs. a trekkie, etc...

    Just looking at 'fan' one can divide it into three subtypes; addict, adherant, or admirer (i.e. just like something casual fan, the liking something a bit 'too much' in an unhealthy/cultish/religious manner, or something in the middle between a casual basic fan but not quite to the realms of 'crazy zealot')...

    Main Entry:


    Part of Speech:



    person who has compulsion toward


    activity, buff, devotee, enthusiast, fan, fanatic, fiend, follower, freak*, habitué, hound, junkie, nut, often injurious aficionado, practitioner, zealot


    an edict is a formal or authoritative proclamation; an addict is someone who is physiologically dependent on a substance or someone who is a devoted supporter or fan

    * = informal/non-formal usage

    Main Entry:


    Part of Speech:



    supporter or follower


    advocate, aficionado, backer, believer, card-carrying member, devotee, disciple, enthusiast, fan, hanger-on

    Main Entry:


    Part of Speech:



    person who holds someone in high regard


    adherent, beau, believer, booster, boyfriend, buff, bug*, cat*, devotee, disciple, enthusiast, fan, fancier, fiend*, follower, freak*, girlfriend, groupie, hound, junkie, lover, nut*, partisan, patron, rooter, suitor, supporter, swain, sweetheart, wooer, worshiper


    critic, enemy, opponent
  • edited February 2013
    The crazier, the more zealous, the better!
This discussion has been closed.