"The Key Party" - New teaser by Telltale - it's Poker Night 2!



  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited March 2013
    So, errrrmmmm... next up, this one?


    (I don't really think Telltale can pull off a 3D fun racer. But a man can dream.)
  • edited March 2013
    Would you mind spelling that out for us slow people?

    I was just searching for what Brock's Charger's key would look like, and I'm guessing that what you mean (since he's the only other one I'm aware of with an iconic car), but no idea.

    (sad fact: my father was a car mechanic. i'm sure he'd be proud right now)
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited March 2013
    That up there... is a DeLorean key.

    Note that Tjibbe over in the Fables forum speaks of a leak of franchises involved. But those franchises just would not yield more car keys even a tenth as iconic as the first one presented, and in many cases, no car keys at all:
    Tjibbbe wrote: »
    Well, it could be something else I suppose, but there's already been a leak that strongly suggested that
    there's a sequel to Poker Night at the Inventory coming. Team Fortress 2 items from 5 different franchises (Sam & Max, Evil Dead, Portal, Borderlands and Venture Bros) were added in an update about a week ago, and the filenames contained references to 'PN2' and the fact that they were promotional items, which means that you would get them through another game on Steam (like with the first Poker Night). Telltale hasn't commented at all on the subject, and the discovery hasn't been reported on the bigger gaming sites, leading some to believe that Telltale already informed them and that they're waiting until the press embargo is lifted.

    Also, most importantly, the art on the Key Party-website matches the UI-art in Poker Night exactly.
  • edited March 2013
    Just in case anyone was wondering those that symbol is of a desoto.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited March 2013
    Look nine posts up. :)

    Didn't even know Telltale was into such stuff. And OF COURSE Daishi knew. ;)
  • edited March 2013
    That up there... is a DeLorean key.

    Note that Tjibbe over in the Fables forum speaks of a leak of franchises involved. But those franchises just would not yield more car keys even a tenth as iconic as the first one presented, and in many cases, no car keys at all:

    Hey, that's me! I don't think they're all going to be car keys, I think they simply went for the Desoto keys because those are more iconic than Sam's rusty office keys (does their office even have keys?). For example, (spoilered because of speculation on the other keys based on information from that leak)
    Brock's keys could be keys to the Venture building, GLaDOS/Wheatley's keys could be Aperture access cards, etc. I agree with you that they probably won't be playing poker again, but a racing game is pretty far out of Telltale's usual comfort zone. Could be cool though, but I think it's going to be something slower-paced with more opportunities for dialogue interactions.
  • edited March 2013
    Whatever this new game is, the one thing I really want to know is what happens on April 1st. Will the game just be officially revealed, or actually straight-up released?
  • edited March 2013
    Ended up getting an account just because of the idea of a new Poker Night

    I have to admit that if it isn't Poker related I'll feel a little let down. I mean a 'lot' of people would enjoy a multiplayer poker game to sit back and relax with.

    I think April 1st we'll find out that the prank is more of a kinky joke than an a "A Hah Ha, we fooled you" prank, and the game will be revealed but not released. If it was released on that same day I'd buy it
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited March 2013
    Tjibbbe wrote: »
    I agree with you that they probably won't be playing poker again, but a racing game is pretty far out of Telltale's usual comfort zone. Could be cool though, but I think it's going to be something slower-paced with more opportunities for dialogue interactions.

    Yup. Let's face it, there's not much talk going on during racing stuff. I WILL be disappointed if it's "just another card game" (I'd enjoy to finally have a Poker Night game that doesn't continuously eat its save games though :mad: ).

    If the presupposition is that they're all betting these keys, the game itself could be anything, anything at all.
    DiStort wrote: »
    Whatever this new game is, the one thing I really want to know is what happens on April 1st. Will the game just be officially revealed, or actually straight-up released?

    Even in Telltale's long gone release schedule hay days, this would have been an impossibility.
  • edited March 2013
    Any chances they might have multiple things in one game?
    -Texas Hold'em
    -Murder Mystery
    ^If the game somehow had all those things and did it right, that would be enjoyable
  • edited March 2013
    Yup. Let's face it, there's not much talk going on during racing stuff. I WILL be disappointed if it's "just another card game" (I'd enjoy to finally have a Poker Night game that doesn't continuously eat its save games though :mad: ).

    If the presupposition is that they're all betting these keys, the game itself could be anything, anything at all.

    Well, we'll probably have 5 npc characters playing with us this time, so something must be different. I hope they'll follow up on that 'Murder at the Inventory'-video they made with some fans at Pax a couple of years ago. I can imagine the different license holders not being happy with the idea of their characters getting killed off in a spin-off game though.

    Whatever the game is, there's one thing I hope they add for the sequel: more random characters in the background. It was fun to try to catch all the references in the first game, but most of the different characters (outside of the main 4) were only visible during the intro. During the game itself only Flint Paper and Bluster Blaster were visible, and they didn't really do anything. They were cool, don't get me wrong, but I want them to go completely Who Framed Roger Rabbit-crazy on us. I want to see
    Skunkape get in a drunk fight with the Monarch, I want to see Doug wrestle with a couple of deadites from Evil Dead, I want to see Bosco enter the room with a Portal Gun.
    Just lots of crazy stuff, so that watching the game will stay just as interesting as listening to it for a longer time.

    Oh, and it would be cool if Winslow's back again as well, if only to trick me into thinking that the Monkey Island-franchise isn't dead again.
  • edited March 2013
    Sweet Jeebus Yes
  • edited March 2013
    If it were a Kart racer, Winslow'd have an unfair advantage on account of being the only one with access to the map.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited March 2013
    Stop getting my hopes for a cart racer up. It's not happening. :(
  • edited March 2013
    Hey Vainamoinen!


  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited March 2013
    Been there! :D
  • edited March 2013
    *I'll stop my empty spammery now

    But in all truth I really can't see much joy in a cart racer if all it is is the characters in cars, maybe with weapons or abilities, 'unless' they brought new things to the table. Hell, maybe even throw in things like a rare Portal Gun drop that lets you fire it at any surface on the road, and the exit portal is, what, maybe the back end of your car?(your tele'd enemies thus having to turn around before driving again)

    As for the idea of a poker based environment, perhaps liar's dice would be a nice addition

    Edit: Now seeing that picture posted above, that is pretty awesome
  • edited March 2013
    Serec wrote: »
    Hey Vainamoinen!


  • edited March 2013
    That up there... is a DeLorean key

    Haha, thanks. That probably should have been instantly recognizable anyway. Oh well!

    Anyway, for any non-TF2 players curious about the reliability of this promo business,
    I can attest that Valve's leaks are a pretty good source of info.

    Players prematurely saw Meet the Spy, the revelation of going F2P, plus the bazillion times Valve snuck that stuff in intentionally.

    That might sound like it goes against what I had warned before about it possibly not being 100% accurate, but I just mean to say that, even when being helpful, it can still manage to be misleading on rare occasions.
    The original Tobor is a pretty good example of that.

    Tjibbbe sounds right on the money, by the way!
    If not for the iconic vehicles, than just for the manner of the teaser. If these are the only character hints, it seems like they'd get more out-there as time went on.

    e: Speaking of TF2, did they tip off the fact that Wheatley's gonna be the Portal character? They recently added an item with new voicelines for the little guy.
    If Stephen Merchant has to go to the States to record Wheatley lines (unsure how that works--maybe he just does them over the phone?), then there's no way he would have done it just for that.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited March 2013
    wellgolly wrote: »
    Anyway, for any non-TF2 players curious about the reliability of this promo business,
    I can attest that Valve's leaks are a pretty good source of info.

    I really hope this is bogus, at least for once. Valve seems to be in the habit of spitting in Telltale's marketing soup far too often (like, releasing TWD episodes via Steam at midnight, 16 hours before TTG store customers get it).
  • edited March 2013
    (like, releasing TWD episodes via Steam at midnight, 16 hours before TTG store customers get it).

    That really isn't Steam's fault, is it?
    Also: most of the time Steam gets TTG-episodes later. Not that I care. I sleep when they are released anyway.
  • edited March 2013

    what is this?
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited March 2013
    AGAINNNNN... that is the key to Sam's DeSoto. The character Sam from Steve Purcell's comic/TV /adventure game series "Sam & Max".
  • edited March 2013
    A picture.
  • edited March 2013
    oh, i figured i should probably know, so a telltale swingers night sim is their next game?
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited March 2013
    oh, i figured i should probably know, so a telltale swingers night sim is their next game?

    That was the original idea, but the animation department couldn't stop laughing during their work, so now it's Poker again.
  • edited March 2013
    oh, i figured i should probably know, so a telltale swingers night sim is their next game?

    It's going to be strip poker with a rabbit, a dog, a masked dude that is probably really ugly under it's mask and Clementine.
  • edited March 2013
    der_ketzer wrote: »
    It's going to be strip poker with a rabbit, a dog, a masked dude that is probably really ugly under it's mask and Clementine.

    did you really have to go with Clementine? why not Lee?
  • edited March 2013
    did you really have to go with Clementine? why not Lee?

    You already have 3 dudes in there. What about the core male audience. Strip poker isn't fun for them without at least one female character. Well I forgot GLaDOS but machines aren't sexy (Okay. The machines linked are sexy).

    Well let's take Katja then. :D
    Surely not Carley. That bitch dies in Episode 1.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited March 2013
    ketzer... not while people with this kind of register date are around, please. :cool:
  • edited March 2013
    You're not my real mom!
  • edited March 2013
    Vainamoinen, you wound me

    But in the realm of seriousness what if we get completely unexpected characters from the ones we've all been guessing. I mean like if we(for whatever the hell reason) got Frylock as an opponent.*
    *not gonna happen, but you know what I mean, and I don't know how to put the black bar over my spoilers
  • edited March 2013
    der_ketzer wrote: »
    You already have 3 dudes in there. What about the core male audience. Strip poker isn't fun for them without at least one female character. Well I forgot GLaDOS but machines aren't sexy (Okay. The machines linked are sexy).

    Well let's take Katja then. :D
    Surely not Carley. That bitch dies in Episode 1.

    that's better :p i mean i would even take Brenda over a 9 year old
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited March 2013
    der_ketzer wrote: »
    You're not my real mom!

    That's why I said "please".

    But in the realm of seriousness what if we get completely unexpected characters from the ones we've all been guessing.

    If all guesses turn out to be true - it WOULD be an impressive collection (I mean, Portal AND Borderlands, seriously?!).
  • edited March 2013
    Kart racer with Chell who doesn't have a kart, but she has propulsion gel boots. That would be awesome.
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2013
    I don't know how to put the black bar over my spoilers

    [ SPOILER ] your spoiler text here [ /SPOILER ]

    without the spaces :)
  • edited March 2013
    @Vain: Good point
    I'll admit a personal bias is that if they have a TF2 character, I'd like to have spy there, or possibly both heavy and spy(the red from the first game, the blue spy for the second). The conversations could get very tense yet laughable
  • edited March 2013
    Thanks ^vvv^
  • edited March 2013
    Did anyone else notice that the website "More guest arriving daily." Assuming they'll being adding another new key each day until April 1st, and that there was only 5 TF2 promo items leaked; are there going to be 2 more additional characters included in the game with the five we already have a hunch about?
  • edited March 2013
    i like the soldier cause he is insane http://youtu.be/h42d0WHRSck
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