Writers block, and likely the last update of the night.
"Wow" Liam said.
"It's not Amazing" Sally said. "It's Brutal"
"Hey, you guys were the ones who wanted to Take this Bandit Camp after a hour of random Driving." Oliver called out, Sitting on the Ground.
"In case you were Wandering" Mackie said, Looking upwards "Were at a Road that the Map marks as a '29'"
[Very Helpful]
[You've got a Map?]
"My, that's very Helpful" Liam stated, Clapping unenthusiastically.
(?) you were Sarcastic.
"Well don't Blame Me if Maps don't give roads. We're not that Far of Macon, And Oliver's a Obvious Delusional. We stopped after about 10 Minutse from Leaving."
"HOUR!" Oliver called out.
"Hey, Hey?" Jamila called out, tugging rapidly on Liam's Leg.
I'm going to be in Season 2
See you guys!!!!
(If telltale ever includes Bubba, Noah and Albert (they don't have to, lol), they'll be the best gaming company next to Valve. )
But, seriously, it won't happen, sadly.
after a long wait. Hopefully The Transfer won't fail for the new forums. Luckily i've got all of this on word. (all of the fic anyway. none of our conversation)
"No. It'd be best to stay with the group" Liam said, Going to Jamila's Eye Level.
"Okay..." Jamila murmured, Walking to her Dad. She quickly started to rapidly Bother him.
(o) Look at Luciel
Luciel looked African, Mid-Arm Length Black Hair, Kinda Tubby, with a Collared Pink Shirt and Greens. She was sitting on the Ground near the Truck. Crossed Arms, she looked As if she had yet to make anything of the group. As though the Coward thought they were trying to join her, not the other way around.
(o) Talk to Sally
Liam walked over to Sally
"You okay?" Liam asked.
"Yes." Sally Said, Liam Noticed a little dent in her Noise. Her voice sounded a bit crinkly.
[Are you okay?]
[Did you kill these Bandits?] [Is your Nose okay?]
"Is your Nose Okay?" Liam asked.
"a Bandit went into a Fist fight with me and Got my Nose, Hard. Wallace shot him before he could break anything serious" Sally replied, Gripping her Dented Nose.
[Are you Okay?] [Did you Kill These Bandits?]
"Did you Kill some of these Bandits?" Liam asked.
"Only in self Defense." Sally said, Looking down at one with her Head blown off "That was Wallace's Work" She Said, Looking Ashamed.
[Wheres your Victim?]
[Jamila wants to explore.]
Anyone else notice that the faves lists are as follows for most.
Olivers at Top
Mackie and Liam are around the 1-4 spot
Sally's somewhere near Halfway
Roberts Family is near the bottom.
Luciel is the One everyone Hates.
"Where's the one you killed?" Liam asked, Looking around a bit.
(?) Sally doesn't like what you're Becoming
Sally Stepped back a little bit, and pointed at one with a Clear Bullet wound right through the Eye.
"A Lot more did Get out and retreat further to Macon, though" Mackie Said, Not looking up from one that was a Less-than-Decent Headshot.
"He's right" Sally said.
[Are you okay?]
[Jamila wants to explore]
"Are you Okay?" Liam asked.
"Yes...My nose hurts and I'm feeling a bit uncomfortable with all these corpses everywhere. But other than that I'm fine" Sally said. "What did Happen to Jenny, though? You didn't answer anyone else, If it's something bad, Liam, I promise you won't tell and I assure you it wasn't your fault"
[I abandoned her]
[It was her or Mackie]
[Oliver didn't help]
Then, Someone The Entire Group Forgot about: Oliver walked out of his Room.
"What's going on?" He asked. smiling.
"Just hurry up and Follow us!" Mackie Yelled, Running to the Station wagon as the Hoard Approached Liam, Who then Went into a Run as well.
Oliver just took a Look at Jenny "Bye" He Beamed, as he Ran out in a Panickedd manner.
"H-Hey! Don't Leave me!" Jenny Called out, Unable to get One Walker off her. Liam Looked as she managed to Free her Arms and reached for her gun. That stopped any Support keeping the Walker away from her Neck, It instantly Lunged for it.
Nope. Oliver did not abandon her. He tried to help out.
Also, Oliver threatens Liam, Eats like a brute. his intrest is Drug-Doers instead of Bandits, He's A Asian Nate in all entirety. and he Leaves a Ginger to die.
Also, Oliver threatens Liam, Eats like a brute. his intrest is Drug-Doers instead of Bandits, He's A Asian Nate in all entirety. and he Leaves a Ginger to die.
I know, but he's like Nate, no matter what he does, I just can't hate him.
"...I tried to Save Jenny, But I Couldn't get The Walkers off her, Oliver was there, but he Abandoned Us. With the Hoard coming I Tried to save her but I Couldn't." Liam blurted out.
(?) You Pinned it on Oliver
"...He's been mentally unstable, But he didn't leave me to die..." Sally murmured.
[Jamila Wants to Explore]
"For some Reason, Jamila really wants to go look around the Middle of a Road after 2 months of a Apocalypse" Liam said.
"That seems a bit...Stupid" Sally said, "But...She's young. She should stay with the Group before It's okay for her to be looking around in Harms way. It's to dangerous"
"That's what I Said" Liam stated.
"LIAM!!" Jamila called out, as she ran to him. "Daddy said he was going out to Look for a Safer Place than a Bandit Camp. Do you think i should go to?"
"I don't think you should, Jamila." Sally interrupted "Stay with the group,Is anyone else going with your dad?" She asked.
"I don't Think So. "Jamila said. "Oliver's apparantly Losing it and he's trying to see if he can find a 'Straight-Jacket' on his way, And he's not taking Him. He doesn't think Mackie wants to, and Olivers in-terrerier- IN-Ta....iiin"
Writers block, and likely the last update of the night.
"Wow" Liam said.
"It's not Amazing" Sally said. "It's Brutal"
"Hey, you guys were the ones who wanted to Take this Bandit Camp after a hour of random Driving." Oliver called out, Sitting on the Ground.
"In case you were Wandering" Mackie said, Looking upwards "Were at a Road that the Map marks as a '29'"
[You've got a Map?]
"My, that's very Helpful" Liam stated, Clapping unenthusiastically.
(?) you were Sarcastic.
"Well don't Blame Me if Maps don't give roads. We're not that Far of Macon, And Oliver's a Obvious Delusional. We stopped after about 10 Minutse from Leaving."
"HOUR!" Oliver called out.
"Hey, Hey?" Jamila called out, tugging rapidly on Liam's Leg.
"What?" Liam asked, sort of annoyed.
"Want to go explore?" She asked.
[You're bugging me. go Away]
my earliest plans from this point stretch from episode 3 to episode 6
that would only mean one thing....
also, at this point in the story, just improvisation, no idea where i am going.
I'm going to be in Season 2
See you guys!!!!
(If telltale ever includes Bubba, Noah and Albert (they don't have to, lol), they'll be the best gaming company next to Valve.
But, seriously, it won't happen, sadly.
"lets get this thread back on track!"
no wait, that's what i need to say.
He needs to say: "I...Wish...Jeff was here..."
Okay, continue.
Telltale is awesome, pretty sure they will include you, the question is
Will you send us your autographed pictures?
I've made 2 pictures of both Oliver and Sally.
One with Comic shading and Colours (oliver and sally.2), while the other just has colours. (oliver and sally.1)
I'll Scan them and upload them here if you like.
not really. You're one of those that don't liek Clem much. and i was suprised everyone liked Oliver.
Who's your favorite if your not with the majority.
okay. then....
and everyone else is annyoing?
Oliver? He's too psychotic to be annoying.
Mackie and Luciel are understandable.
he's becoming a bit like a Becca-Carl mix. I'm trying to sort that out.
I Sincerely hope your not hating characters just because of their Names.
Any other reasons than?
If there is something about this fic overall that you think could be improved, feel free to tell me.
"No. It'd be best to stay with the group" Liam said, Going to Jamila's Eye Level.
"Okay..." Jamila murmured, Walking to her Dad. She quickly started to rapidly Bother him.
(o) Look at Luciel
Luciel looked African, Mid-Arm Length Black Hair, Kinda Tubby, with a Collared Pink Shirt and Greens. She was sitting on the Ground near the Truck. Crossed Arms, she looked As if she had yet to make anything of the group. As though the Coward thought they were trying to join her, not the other way around.
(o) Talk to Sally
Liam walked over to Sally
"You okay?" Liam asked.
"Yes." Sally Said, Liam Noticed a little dent in her Noise. Her voice sounded a bit crinkly.
[Did you kill these Bandits?]
[Is your Nose okay?]
"Is your Nose Okay?" Liam asked.
"a Bandit went into a Fist fight with me and Got my Nose, Hard. Wallace shot him before he could break anything serious" Sally replied, Gripping her Dented Nose.
[Did you Kill These Bandits?]
"Did you Kill some of these Bandits?" Liam asked.
"Only in self Defense." Sally said, Looking down at one with her Head blown off "That was Wallace's Work" She Said, Looking Ashamed.
[Wheres your Victim?]
[Jamila wants to explore.]
I'd like to see them.
[Wheres your Victim?]
But... but... Oliver is awesome
I'll upload these as my first post on the new forums.
also, Moustache. the same goes for Clem when it comes to Cany.
Olivers at Top
Mackie and Liam are around the 1-4 spot
Sally's somewhere near Halfway
Roberts Family is near the bottom.
Luciel is the One everyone Hates.
"Where's the one you killed?" Liam asked, Looking around a bit.
(?) Sally doesn't like what you're Becoming
Sally Stepped back a little bit, and pointed at one with a Clear Bullet wound right through the Eye.
"A Lot more did Get out and retreat further to Macon, though" Mackie Said, Not looking up from one that was a Less-than-Decent Headshot.
"He's right" Sally said.
[Jamila wants to explore]
"Are you Okay?" Liam asked.
"Yes...My nose hurts and I'm feeling a bit uncomfortable with all these corpses everywhere. But other than that I'm fine" Sally said. "What did Happen to Jenny, though? You didn't answer anyone else, If it's something bad, Liam, I promise you won't tell and I assure you it wasn't your fault"
[It was her or Mackie]
[Oliver didn't help]
Noooooooooo! [It was her or Mackie]
in all fairness...
Nope. Oliver did not abandon her. He tried to help out.
You actually chose a Honest option.
Oliver did not help in reality.
Also, Oliver threatens Liam, Eats like a brute. his intrest is Drug-Doers instead of Bandits, He's A Asian Nate in all entirety. and he Leaves a Ginger to die.
No wonder he's fan-favorite.
I know, but he's like Nate, no matter what he does, I just can't hate him.
HE LEFT A GINGER TO DIE! I don't care if she was Jenny, SHE'S STILL GINGER!!
(?) You Pinned it on Oliver
"...He's been mentally unstable, But he didn't leave me to die..." Sally murmured.
"For some Reason, Jamila really wants to go look around the Middle of a Road after 2 months of a Apocalypse" Liam said.
"That seems a bit...Stupid" Sally said, "But...She's young. She should stay with the Group before It's okay for her to be looking around in Harms way. It's to dangerous"
"That's what I Said" Liam stated.
"LIAM!!" Jamila called out, as she ran to him. "Daddy said he was going out to Look for a Safer Place than a Bandit Camp. Do you think i should go to?"
"I don't think you should, Jamila." Sally interrupted "Stay with the group,Is anyone else going with your dad?" She asked.
"I don't Think So. "Jamila said. "Oliver's apparantly Losing it and he's trying to see if he can find a 'Straight-Jacket' on his way, And he's not taking Him. He doesn't think Mackie wants to, and Olivers in-terrerier- IN-Ta....iiin"
[Just shut up]
You are a monster, Oliver.
But I still like you
You're evil.
She's only 7.
And she's based of my Sister.....
Yep, SHe's annoying.
i just Find Clem overly-Naive.
Duck's a Case of a overly-Goofy and rather Stupid.
Jamila always asks Adam if she should do stuff, without him around, she's turned to Needlessly hassle Liam. Which is similar to what my sister does.
Adam is Adam.
oh well, Jamila's easier to put up with than Luciel. you can agree with that right.
And you still want to rip her head off and take a bite of her eyesocket?
God, I hope Clem won't be in season 2 for her own good.
Noones ripping of the head of the african version of my sister except for me!
...not that i'd do that.
If you'd have choice to kill Clem or Lilly, who would you pick?
List teh kids in the order you hate them.
Hated to least hated.
We Have Clem, Duck, Jamila, Liam, Liz, Adam, Carl, Sophia, Noah, Ben and Travis.
You're cheating, you can kill only one and other one will have happy life forever.