Last night, I went bowling and the ball slipped out of my sweaty hand, flew backwards, and busted a hole in the male bathroom window. Needless to say, I got the hell out of there as fast as I could.
FUCK. Nintendo shut down WiiConnect24 a day early. Now it's impossible for me to ever unlock all the bonuses in Metroid Prime 3 and Metroid Prime Trilogy.
In 2010, I finished a script for a movie called “Sunset Punks,” which is a coming-of-age drama set in 50s San Francisco. Most of the movie is set around the long-gone Playland amusement park, and it concerns a teenager named Brian who is coaxed by his friends to become a criminal, like them. He does marijuana, he steals, he assists in a beating. Then, he witnesses his friends commit a murder, and he doesn’t know whether to keep the charade of being “one of them” going, or to do whats right. Well, I recently started tooling with it again, adding a subplot concerning a girl named Becky who’s stepfather sexually harasses her every chance she gets, and she finds true love in an aspiring guitar player named Ricky. I’ve also thought of adding in a third subplot with a young fry-cook named Chuck who committed as a teenager that got an innocent man killed. His past then comes back to haunt him when he learns that his new girlfriend is the dead man’s daughter.
I don’t know whether to send this in or keep it to myself.
Seriously though, it's not gonna do anything just sitting on your hard drive or whatever. It'll always be a "What if", and you can't live your life on what ifs. Go for it - the worst that can happen is they say no.
Or change it beyond recognition, in which case just credit it to Alan Smithee and then turn it into a book.
All this guitar practice, (with the help of Rocksmith of course! ) seems to be paying off, as I'm slowly getting better.
(Now that I can hear what a guitar sounds like amped! XD)
Still, Chords prove an annoying weakness.
(Better, but several transitions at once overwhelms me. (The game decided to throw Holy Diver at me as an encore. which is power chord galore. And I was just like *eep* FAIL! FAIL! FAIL! FAIL! FAIL! FAIL! FAIL! FAIL!.... Give up... -_-))
I need to unlock the chord minigame on this PC version and practice. (Which means playing for several hours to catch up with my PS3 version progress)
Still, at least, sitting down on a proper chair (not on a bed anymore), is helping me by default.
(And I see replaying songs a similar process to revising/practicing. It still throws extra stuff at me to do due to dynamic difficulty, and this game has a pretty decent song selection, (plus custom songs! ;D) so its pretty enjoyable! )
Still, I've also noticed my right hand becoming more responsive lately.
Maybe my brain had some kind of neurological change/maturation which makes my right hand more functional. I mean I type with both hands faster than I used to. Only noticed it happening about a week ago. (Like I almost touch type (despite never learning how to do it!))
EDIT: Heck I've been doing some online typing tests, and I've scored as high as 60 wpm on some tests.
(depends on how many mistakes I make. If I keep making typing errors, I automatically go back and fix most of them, taking me down to like 45-55 words per second, but when I'm in the groove, it shoots up to about 60! :O)
What I'm thinking about? The fact I have to do exercise everyday because I have rotated hips that's what's on my mind. Also I've been thinking, well planning out a zombie apocalypse story in my head about a woman called Rachel who's son is bitten and then turns and bites her and then she finds out she's immune. Not much really this and that everyday life, playing video games because I have no social life. Been thinking about how Kenny from the walking dead game could survived his 'death'. Been thinking about personal stuff. Been thinking about who the 12th Doctor from Doctor Who is going to be. Been thinking about the Walking Dead 400 Days release in July and Season 2 which comes out who knows when. That's it, nothing else.
Well I FINALLY remembered to sync up my PSN account and Steam account.
And now I have Portal 2... ON THE PC!!! Dun dun duuuunnn!
(But I need room on my HDD to install it though... >_>)
Also coolsome. If its the PS3 version of Injustice, then you could do battle with me sometime!
I've been wanting to play through Portal 2 again for a while, but my laptop can't even handle Portal 1, and my desktop is still without a graphics card and out of commission.
What if every planet inhabited by intelligent aliens built a LHC and everyone in the universe who had one activated there's at the same time on full power?
Man of Steel: General Zod
Man of Steel 2: Lex Luthor
Man of Steel 3: Braniac or Darkseid
Batman reboot: Hugo Strange or Anarky
Wonder Woman: Ares or Circe
The Flash: A retooled version of Captain Boomerang
Green Lantern 2: Sinestro
Aquaman: Black Manta or Charybdis
Green Arrow: China White or Constantine Drakon
Justice League: The Legion of Doom
If Batman and Supergirl could beat his ass, I doubt it would take a whole League to beat Darkseid. Lex Luthor/ Brainiac/ Mongul/ Darkseid, on the other hand...
I don't know where I am.
This looks GREAT.
In 2010, I finished a script for a movie called “Sunset Punks,” which is a coming-of-age drama set in 50s San Francisco. Most of the movie is set around the long-gone Playland amusement park, and it concerns a teenager named Brian who is coaxed by his friends to become a criminal, like them. He does marijuana, he steals, he assists in a beating. Then, he witnesses his friends commit a murder, and he doesn’t know whether to keep the charade of being “one of them” going, or to do whats right. Well, I recently started tooling with it again, adding a subplot concerning a girl named Becky who’s stepfather sexually harasses her every chance she gets, and she finds true love in an aspiring guitar player named Ricky. I’ve also thought of adding in a third subplot with a young fry-cook named Chuck who committed as a teenager that got an innocent man killed. His past then comes back to haunt him when he learns that his new girlfriend is the dead man’s daughter.
I don’t know whether to send this in or keep it to myself.
Seriously though, it's not gonna do anything just sitting on your hard drive or whatever. It'll always be a "What if", and you can't live your life on what ifs. Go for it - the worst that can happen is they say no.
Or change it beyond recognition, in which case just credit it to Alan Smithee and then turn it into a book.
(Now that I can hear what a guitar sounds like amped! XD)
Still, Chords prove an annoying weakness.
(Better, but several transitions at once overwhelms me. (The game decided to throw Holy Diver at me as an encore. which is power chord galore. And I was just like *eep* FAIL! FAIL! FAIL! FAIL! FAIL! FAIL! FAIL! FAIL!.... Give up... -_-))
I need to unlock the chord minigame on this PC version and practice. (Which means playing for several hours to catch up with my PS3 version progress)
Still, at least, sitting down on a proper chair (not on a bed anymore), is helping me by default.
(And I see replaying songs a similar process to revising/practicing. It still throws extra stuff at me to do due to dynamic difficulty, and this game has a pretty decent song selection, (plus custom songs! ;D) so its pretty enjoyable!
Still, I've also noticed my right hand becoming more responsive lately.
Maybe my brain had some kind of neurological change/maturation which makes my right hand more functional. I mean I type with both hands faster than I used to. Only noticed it happening about a week ago. (Like I almost touch type (despite never learning how to do it!))
EDIT: Heck I've been doing some online typing tests, and I've scored as high as 60 wpm on some tests.
(depends on how many mistakes I make. If I keep making typing errors, I automatically go back and fix most of them, taking me down to like 45-55 words per second, but when I'm in the groove, it shoots up to about 60! :O)
I want a bidet for my bday.
When I’m bored, I sit down and record improv blues on my Stratocaster using Garageband. I pretty much just play anything that comes to mind.
Also, I’ve been playing harmonica since I was two. I’m damn good.
And now I have Portal 2... ON THE PC!!! Dun dun duuuunnn!
(But I need room on my HDD to install it though... >_>)
Also coolsome. If its the PS3 version of Injustice, then you could do battle with me sometime!
A week in LA, then a week in Vegas. SO pumped.
I've been wanting to play through Portal 2 again for a while, but my laptop can't even handle Portal 1, and my desktop is still without a graphics card and out of commission.
Absolutely. It's amazing. I'll even play it with you if I get my PC back up anytime soon.
No shit? I’ll be in Vegas in two weeks, too!
I may take you up on that at some point. It'll be a couple of weeks at least before I have enough time anyway, as I'm having to move again very soon.
I looked forward to reading the weird things he'd say in my increasingly uncommon visits here.
Man of Steel 2: Lex Luthor
Man of Steel 3: Braniac or Darkseid
Batman reboot: Hugo Strange or Anarky
Wonder Woman: Ares or Circe
The Flash: A retooled version of Captain Boomerang
Green Lantern 2: Sinestro
Aquaman: Black Manta or Charybdis
Green Arrow: China White or Constantine Drakon
Justice League: The Legion of Doom