"Telltale should make a ____ Series": Post your ideas for a new Telltale Series here. (Unofficial)



  • this would be awesome actually..i never got to watch the show but serenity is one of my favorite sci-fi films.

    Akir posted: »

    I know this has been mentioned already but a breath of fresh air and a (badly made) image teaser by oneself. Firefly.

  • I don't know if these are on here: CONAN, Kull, Ghostbusters, Alien, Tales From The Darkside, Twilight Zone, Dungeons & Dragons, Thundarr The Barbarian, Changeling The Lost, Clash of the Titans, Jason and the Argonauts, Sinbad, Call of Cthulhu, and Buck Rogers.

    ps3gamer095 posted: »

    An Adventure Time game by Telltale would be interesting.

  • Wow!
    It's hard to believe it's now almost 20 years since Titanic was in theaters.
    My how time does fly!

    Sarangholic posted: »

    It's apparently almost 20 years old now (fml), but there's a pretty good adventure game called Titanic: Adventure out of Time. The character

  • 18 years, right?

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    Wow! It's hard to believe it's now almost 20 years since Titanic was in theaters. My how time does fly!

  • Spoiler

    okay; listen up; here's my idea:
    Jurassic World: The Game

    Concept: Jess is now 36y/o(I checked, she's 14 in the game, and world takes place 22 years after Isla Nublar Incident (22AINA). ), She goes back to Jurassic World as a tourist, visiting some of the older famous and more calm exhibits like the Gyro-spheres, cretacious cruize, etc, and with the mosasaur feeding show she is reminded of her own experience with the original mosa from, JP:TG.
    During her walk back the Pterodon-attack happens, and she teams up with a couple of other people to survive the encounter. Because of her knowledge of the island when her father worked there she could be able to find a passage-way or something into the infrastructure built by hammond, and established in the first game. So then the game is on; use your wits, cunning, and practical thinking to get out of this harrowing situation alive, or die trying.

    possibilities for mechanics:
    Open-Island roaming-mode. Walk the island as your character finding objects, food, water and information.
    Telltale's staple button-mashers for a number of things like doors, stairs, dodging etc.
    the option to walk somewhere yourself or use the quick-move for short distances from the first JP game.
    Time-based alignment-affecting conversations.
    killable characters with traits that make them more suited but not essential for specific tasks. Some character could have a stealth bonus, more persuasion, or greater agility to allow you to dodge attacks from dino's, or run faster, or evade certain dinosaurs.
    Randomised Character Pickups; get in groups with different characters to survive. These characters can vary per playthrough. You can even add more characters as DLC, or Special Edition perks.
    Permanent Injuries; make a wrong decision and one of your characters might get a wound that would disallow certain things like running.
    Hunger/fatigue/thirst and exhaustion bars
    . You might need to be able to find food, drinks, or safe places to rest when one of your group is tired.
    An attention trigger: Making too much sound like breaking glass or busting down a door with force might attract dinosaurs that would come to investigate.
    InGen dino-tracker. Like a radar, it beeps when dinosaurs are close; so you might not want it on your person at all times, or you can use it as a distraction.

    The original JP:TG was plagued mainly by 2 major flaws; cardboard-backgrounds, and it's VERY strict liniarity. These two things would be solved with my idea, and could be very much improved now that I've seen some stuff from GoT and walking dead.
    I mean, I love the idea of just strolling through the mainstreet at night, searching for stuff to survive and all of a sudden seeing the glowy eyes that gave so much terror in the first game.
    other cool idea's might be to use the monorail over the mosa-exhibit, and really lay on the terror when the thing's maglev dies, and the entire cart is balancing before plummeting into the water with the mosasaur just before feeding.
    Other idea's is to use the Gyrospheres for roaming, as mention the old infrastructure and visitor-centres. Returning dinosaurs like Troodon, which survived in said infrastructure when the island was firebombed.

    so please, Telltale: make Jurassic World: The game. I have you a hook, I gave you possible mechanics. If neccesary I will also give because a backer if you decide to do this crowdfunded.
    I know it sounds like a really MASSIVE undertaking for a company like yours, but please consider doing something. Even giving up some features, I would LOVE to see more from the JP francise in your collections, and I am sure others do too.

  • edited February 2015

    19 yrs, I think.
    If my memory is correct, it came out in theaters in 1996.
    Either 1996, or 1997.
    I went to go see it when it was first released.
    Either way, is what a damn good film.
    The graphics and sound effects were amazing, I remember it felt as if I was actually on board, as that's how crisp the sound effects were.

    I went to see it again in IMAX, when it was re-released in theaters just a couple of years back.
    And it was spectacular, especially in IMAX!

    18 years, right?

  • I'm still struggling with the fact that it's been over a century since the ship sank. I mean, most people associate 100 years with 'a long f****ing time' and even today we're discovering new things about the event. Someone posted on the megathread a while ago that a priest on board the night of the sinking refused a lifeboat seat TWICE in order to hear confessions from passengers. I've done so much research on the event and I never knew that until a few days ago.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    19 yrs, I think. If my memory is correct, it came out in theaters in 1996. Either 1996, or 1997. I went to go see it when it was first re

  • Final choice spoilers!

    [Let go]

    [Don't Let Go]

  • A History Based game from Telltale would be interesting to see.

    Akir posted: »

    Something based in World War 2 would also be interesting.

  • edited February 2015

    There's always something new to learn.
    Just because something happened a long time ago, doesn't mean that we've learned everything there is to know about it.

    Tell me, what research have you done on it exactly?
    I sense a very interesting story there.

    I myself, have always been fascinated by such colorful figures as: Daniel Boone, Davy Crockett, Jedadiah Smith, and others.
    As well as learning about the technologies from their era, particularly that of firearms.

    And I've also been very interested in Biblical figures, such as: Abraham, Moses, Joshua, King David, Jesus Christ, the Apostle Paul, and their individual life-stories.
    As well as historical figures and civilizations, like: Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, The Egyptian, Greek, and Roman Empires.

    I'm still struggling with the fact that it's been over a century since the ship sank. I mean, most people associate 100 years with 'a long f

  • It's not like I found anything new about it, it just became a very interesting subject for me that I wanted to learn more about. Did you know that the ship didn't sink exactly in the manner that Cameron's film portrayed? The ship actually split into three pieces, not two, with a portion of the hull breaking off from the bow as it went down. The stern section was at a completely different angle in the final minutes, turning on it's port side with the back of the ship sticking at a diagonal angle.

    I also learned that the reason the bow section alone was damaged by the iceberg is because the rest of the hull was held together by steel rivets fitted by a machine. The bow rivets had to be fitted by hand, and the workers used iron instead of steel to save time. Since iron isn't as strong, the workers used a substance called slag to make the rivets stronger, but added too much resulting in the rivets weakening.

    And there's also different ways in which the sinking could have been prevented. There was a ship in range of Titanic, the Californian, which could have gotten to the ship in time, but the ship's wireless operator was asleep.

    Funny thing is, that same operator had warned the Titanic's operators of icebergs in the area earlier in the night, but got an angry reply from Titanic's operators. It's interesting that if the operator had replied differently, then everything we know about that night could be completely different.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    There's always something new to learn. Just because something happened a long time ago, doesn't mean that we've learned everything there is

  • edited February 2015

    You know the best way Captain Edward J. Smith could've kept his ship from sinking?
    By slowing down when in an icefield!
    Even though that wasn't known at the time, not widely known anyway, I find it strange that Smith seemingly took no precautions before entering the icefield?
    Smith was no stranger to sailing, having spent over 30 yrs, I believe, as a sailor.
    In fact, Titanic's maiden voyage was to be his last, as from what I've heard, he was planing on retiring afterward.
    Evidently Smith, like so many others, was taken in by the belief that Titanic was unsinkable.
    The common saying of day was: "God himself could not sink her."

    Smith, incidentally, was 59 yrs old, when Titanic sank.
    And evidently, after knowing the ship was doomed, Smith just seemed to go into a catatonic state.
    Apparently, the knowledge of what was about to befall all those people, and knowing that as Captain he was responsible for each and everyone of them on board, was to much for him to bear.
    And to be fair, most men probably wouldn't be able to withstand that kind of pressure either.

    His last words are disputed.
    Some said he told the crew: "Be British," others, "It's every man for himself."
    Perhaps he said both, but at separate times.
    Smith's exact manner of death is also disputed.
    Some say he went down with his ship.
    Though some survivors who were plucked from the icy water said he jumped overboard to save an infant.

    Interestingly, I watched a tv special on Titanic a few years back, I believe it was back in 2012.
    And in it, they were reconstructing the tip of the ship's bow, in Belfast.
    I believe it was to commemorate the 100 year anniversary since the ship's sinking.

    One side they built completely with the type of hand-tools the men back in 1912 would've used, and the other side was constructed completely with modern-day power tools.
    What was interesting, that in some respects, the hand tools were superior to the power tools.
    For example, when it came to pounding the rivets in place, the hand tools got them in quicker, and even more securely, than the power tools did.
    And there were other areas the hand tools were more efficient than the power tools.

    Titanic was an amazing ship.
    A tremendous feat of human-engineering!
    But Titanic was more than just a ship, she was an idea.

    It's not like I found anything new about it, it just became a very interesting subject for me that I wanted to learn more about. Did you kno

  • I think I heard once that by ordering the engines to be put into reverse, First Office Murdoch doomed the ship by delaying the turn. It's a very long set of coincidences that led to such a tragedy, but humanity learned a important lesson: nothing is invincible. Everything man-made will eventually crumble and die just as the men who built them will.

    By the way, there's a very interesting conspiracy theory regarding the sinking that makes the argument that Titanic was swapped with her almost-identical sister the Olympic as part of an insurance scam. I suggest you look it up if you don't know it. It's very fascinating.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    You know the best way Captain Edward J. Smith could've kept his ship from sinking? By slowing down when in an icefield! Even though that w

  • edited February 2015

    F A R G O

    A telltale games series

    Please, make it happen.

  • I would like to see TellTale pull off a Sin City game.

    I think it would be perfect for them! The unique art style, the characters, the violence... I want this to be a real thing!!

  • But they already made a jurassic park game...

  • I thought I was the only one who was thinking this! I agree it would be absolutely perfect for them wouldn't it? I want them to do it so bad...

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I would like to see TellTale pull off a Sin City game. I think it would be perfect for them! The unique art style, the characters, the violence... I want this to be a real thing!!

  • They could possibly get the actors to reprise their roles as well:

    • We could do another investigation as Hartigan
    • Fuck some shit up as Marv
    • See what new mess Dwight has gotten himself into

    All the possibilities!! My only hindrance is that I have only seen the films, I haven't read a single one of the comics...

    So I have no idea what could be done with a character like Wallace :P

    I thought I was the only one who was thinking this! I agree it would be absolutely perfect for them wouldn't it? I want them to do it so bad...

  • Pretty sure these have all been said previously but:
    1 - Breaking Bad
    2 - Bioshock (either set in Rapture or Columbia)
    3 - Sin City (this needs to happen!)
    4 - TRON (if it had a great story unlike the last film, this could be awesome)

  • Oh yeah, they would definitely have to include characters like Marv and Dwight. I'd like to see some more of Nancy too, particularly if it took place after A Dame To Kill For, because now she's a badass - but if it were set before then I'd love to see Johnny again because he was my favourite character from the second film. Regrettably I haven't read the comics either, but I'd really like to. There are so many things TT could do with this, it'd be a big opportunity for them to push the boundaries of their graphics while still keeping the comic-book style. Oh god this is getting me too worked up, now I really really need it to happen!

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    They could possibly get the actors to reprise their roles as well: * We could do another investigation as Hartigan * Fuck some shit up

  • Oh god this is getting me too worked up, now I really really need it to happen!

    Same here!!!!

    Johnny is an original character for the film though, he doesn't exist in the comics :/

    Oh yeah, they would definitely have to include characters like Marv and Dwight. I'd like to see some more of Nancy too, particularly if it t

  • So much useless hype. Really? Oh well, I really liked him anyways ^_^ I think it would be cool to have one of the protagonists (now that TT are into the whole multi-PC thing, which is very appropriate for this!) as one of the Old Town girls, since I think they're pretty interesting characters and they aren't really explored much in the films (although they probably are in the comics).

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Oh god this is getting me too worked up, now I really really need it to happen! Same here!!!! Johnny is an original character for the film though, he doesn't exist in the comics

  • If we're going to Old Town, then we'll either play as Mi-ho, Gale or the Blonde Twins...

    I would prefer Mi-ho, she's so awesome :D

    So much useless hype. Really? Oh well, I really liked him anyways ^_^ I think it would be cool to have one of the protagonists (now that TT

  • Agreed!

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    If we're going to Old Town, then we'll either play as Mi-ho, Gale or the Blonde Twins... I would prefer Mi-ho, she's so awesome

  • I would like to see a Telltale story or twist on franchises such as John Carpenter's The Thing, or The Adventures of Tintin, or may be even an episodic Bond spin-off story.

    I love your ideas for a Sin City game though, that would truly be worth waiting for.

  • SinCityPlease

    scraplust posted: »

    I would like to see a Telltale story or twist on franchises such as John Carpenter's The Thing, or The Adventures of Tintin, or may be even

  • I recommend watching the show if you enjoy the film. It's on Netflix.
    But there would be so much potential for a telltale game in this franchise.

    Anukai posted: »

    this would be awesome actually..i never got to watch the show but serenity is one of my favorite sci-fi films.

  • OOO that would be good.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I would like to see TellTale pull off a Sin City game. I think it would be perfect for them! The unique art style, the characters, the violence... I want this to be a real thing!!

  • edited October 2017

    Thread: Telltale should make a Star Wars/Doctor Who game!

    You can't say this wouldn't be awesome.I mean it has a great story as it is.Lots and lots of material.Also a Doctor Who game would be awesome too (if they could make a Back To The Future game just imagine this.It would be a 100 times better.)What do you think?

  • Titanic.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Final choice spoilers! [Let go] [Don't Let Go]

  • Yes, titanic. Thought this was on another thread.


  • But they already made multiple seasons for some series.

    But they already made a jurassic park game...

  • edited February 2015

    Mortal Kombat - The Telltale Games Adventure?

    1. Punch
    2. Kick
    3. Whatever
    4. ...

    Gameplay is tailored as you play expect you always have same end results for all the fights, due you know, team is not big enough to make system to have actual meaningful impact to the story for more than few scenes where it then is negated.

    Anyway, Puzzle Quest 3 could be cool.

  • Portal?

    Half Life?

    Legend of Zelda?

    Chrono Trigger?

    Silence is a valid option... Silence is the ONLY option...

  • Yes.

    Portal? Half Life? Legend of Zelda? Chrono Trigger?

  • Has anyone suggested Archer yet? Because that would be amazing. And I'm sure H. Jon Benjamin would be down.

  • I would love to play as Sterling Archer!!!

    Imagine the things you say and do to the other ISIS members! XD

    nursethalia posted: »

    Has anyone suggested Archer yet? Because that would be amazing. And I'm sure H. Jon Benjamin would be down.

  • edited February 2015

    Alt text
    I think the classic freestyle rap movie would make for an original Telltale game. Imagine being on the main stage, you have seconds to select your next line and build up your own freestyles, to which the opponents would adapt and respond to. They crowd chooses who wins, and a gritty ghetto Detroit surrounds you where you have rival gangs and rappers, and are in search of a recording contract. Anyone else think this could be interesting?

  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2rVy3RBJmNo

    A spin-off series of this show by Telltale has a truckload of potential, especially the wide variety of monsters available. It'd be awesome if two different campaigns were available where the gamer could play as a Grimm or a Wesen. (Hexenbiest or Steinadler for me, please!)

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