"Telltale should make a ____ Series": Post your ideas for a new Telltale Series here. (Unofficial)



  • Vampire the masquerade. ( original story)

    Mortal Kombat. (Lots of short stories similar the the walking dead 400 days)

    Diablo (an original story of the labyrinth in diablo 1)

    Legacy of kain ( Raziel before soul reaver)

  • Sheriff, please...

    I'd like Telltale to make a game about the life of @Wolfenus54 I'd buy, #VOTEFORGOTY


    More Ezio would be amazing.

  • Thread: Doctor Who...

    How about a Doctor Who TTG...Would be interesting to see if they could do it. Or a Star Trek original series.

  • Yes, yes a thousand times yes! we can all be the Winchesters <3

    Supernatural....... Enough said

  • I love RWBY so much! I think Telltale could do great things with it but doubtful that they ever would.

    Villain84 posted: »

    How about a RWBY game? The protagonist would be the leader of a 4-person OC team. Some of the possible choices would be: * quelli

  • One word. Transformers. enough said.

  • An original telltale game

  • They announced that they are making an original IP last January/February for their first Super Show.

    An original telltale game

  • I mean first full on game. Not a super show. But I am still excited for that.

    They announced that they are making an original IP last January/February for their first Super Show.

  • A part of a Super Show will consist of a Telltale game - it's not just going to be a TV show made by Telltale, but I understand your point though.

    I mean first full on game. Not a super show. But I am still excited for that.

  • edited March 2016

    Space: 1889

    enter image description here

  • Okay, thanks for the information

    A part of a Super Show will consist of a Telltale game - it's not just going to be a TV show made by Telltale, but I understand your point though.

  • Has anyone said Team Fortress 2 yet? Probably, but I still want to throw it out there.

    I would die for a Telltale game based on the TF2 lore.

  • edited March 2016


  • I am on board for those. yeah sure why not?

  • Ditto; I would love a TF2 Telltale game!

    Has anyone said Team Fortress 2 yet? Probably, but I still want to throw it out there. I would die for a Telltale game based on the TF2 lore.

  • Any original series with Character creation.

  • Thread: Ideas For Future TellTale Games: Comment what you think?

    So here are a couple ideas that could be a very entertaining setting for future games that I've come up with.

    -Based in the Vietnam war, between years 1968 - 1970
    -Playing as a recently recruited foot soldier
    -Meet new people in your company/platoon/squadron

    I feel like having a setting during the Vietnam war can open many possibilities for story and gameplay. Coming down to the hundreds of things that could kill a US soldier in Vietnam like Mines, to POW camps, to even members in your company becoming insane. Like I said, the possibilites are endless and not to many games touch on the setting of the vietnam war.

    Fallout 4:
    -Set in the popular Fallout games universe

    Considering the many games telltale has made off of TV Shows, movies, or already popular videogames; a Fallout 4 TellTale game is something I can see happening. Exploring the wasteland and discovering the people/creatures within it would be an amazing experience to any Fallout fan like myself.

    Present Military
    -Set during current US military Operations

    Other Possibilities:

    Star Wars


    High School

    Police mystery


    Rick and Morty

    Friday the 13th style (Teens with a killer)

    I guess thats all I have so far. if you have any feedback or any ideas reply to this

  • Lord of the Rings and The Godfather

  • I would love a Harry Potter Telltale game! Playing as a student in Hogwarts (or another magical school) where you can get sorted into one of the houses, making your own friends (and enemies), going on your own adventures and just having a different perspective on the whole world itself.

    Or maybe The Hunger Games. Being in another district or the Capital while the rebellion is going on and having to choose what side you're really on etc.

  • edited March 2016

    LOST - We need closure for many mysteries that left open and for new ones! I think that there is a good lore and it will make a very interesting game.

  • it would be soooooooooooooooooooooo cool if they made a Voltron game. it would be so cool because they could make an option where you can play as one of the Voltron force. they could have different perspectives so it would be a new story every time .

    sleep on it tell-tale. SLEEP (.) | (.)

  • Calling it now. Starwars theme game.

  • I may be weird or alone on this one but I think that Telltale Games' knack for storytelling, combined with their basic gameplay mechanics would fit perfectly together with the franchise Dexter, or even Hannibal. Both franchises are story-driven and dialogue heavy and would present numerous, tense options for dialogue choices that could drastically affect the outcome of the player's experience.

  • I was thinking Lord of the Rings, it could be set before the Hobbit, maybe even after the events of the trilogy, maybe even following some of the characters who disappear for a while, like Gandalf after he fights the Balrog (yeah I know some of this stuff has been in book form before, but would love to see Telltale tackle some of this stuff)

    The GodFather (so ripe with content aside from what was in the movies and books) so much story left to be told),

    Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th, Halloween, Child's Play, leatherface or Hellraiser.. Would be pretty amazing to see Telltale and their amazing story telling take on an iconic horror legend.

    All I know is I'm loving me some telltale game, the hardest part for me is the wait for the next episode to come out..

  • A Harry Potter prequel would be great. They could focus on the first war with Voldemort, with the Order of the Phoenix involving Harry's Dad, Sirius, Lupin etc. fighting Death Eaters. It feels like we don't know much about this period of time, other than the key details which Telltale could sprinkle in throughout. There's so much that could be explored, and the companionship between James and the other Marauders could be heavily focused on.

  • Thread: Doctor Who telltale games

    I want to play a good doctor who game and i think, the doctor who its not a good action, or fps, rpg, or something boom boom, and every thing is dying game, i think, its a story orient game and epic with telltale style. Just think about it trough time and space where every decision its cost someone life, or a whole races. And when a season is ending, the doctor is changing, every time new doctor new companion, new story. And again , with the telltale, every answer have a price. You are a good doctor, or you be exterminated.

  • edited March 2016


  • How making The Last Of Us into a series, like they've done with TWD? It can pick up where the old game left off.

  • Do you REALLY want Telltale to do a Playstation exclusive episodic game series?

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    How making The Last Of Us into a series, like they've done with TWD? It can pick up where the old game left off.

  • Thread: Wheel of time game. Please!!!!

    Who wants to see them make a wot game. I think it could be amazing if done by telltale

  • I'd love a Doctor who one, providing it's not just all post 2005 series, and focuses on the classic doctors aswell, and i'd prefer a tng or voyager star trek game, i love TOS aswell, but i'd want the voices of the proper actors, so that rules out TOS as too many are no longer with us (i realise that also rules out doctors 1-3 aswell for Who)

    Thread: Doctor Who... How about a Doctor Who TTG...Would be interesting to see if they could do it. Or a Star Trek original series.

  • Since you asked if we would like.... No is my answer

    Kitasugi posted: »

    Thread: Next Telltale Game suggestion Hi guys, I'd like To propose an idea for the next Telltale game. It's the awesomly Sword Art Onl


  • A thing with pokemon would be nice.

  • edited March 2016

    Probably the only new property that would interest me, and could happen, is X-Files. Even though it would either be just in the "universe" or recast. The actors wouldn't do another full game at this point.

    ...It's weird seeing Chris above this thread still. Ha.

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