I don't think that she is needed too.
Ok she can see in clem something like in her little sister, and be in a way a big sister .
But too many pathos in her for me...
The combination of her snarky attitude and conveniently "badass" survival skills annoyed the hell out of me. She's exactly the kind of person I'm terrified Clementine will grow up to become. If Telltale has plans for Molly in S2 besides as a walker, I hope she'll be SLIGHTLY less smug this time.
I don't think that's her. And this might sound stupid that I've never noticed that flashlight on the pictue :P I allways assumed that was a walker ah ah But I don't think taht's her, and I understand many people coming in here saying taht this or the other charatcher may appear, but let's be realistic, not every charatcher from 400 days or season 1 are going to appear there'sgoing to be a new story. I'm guessing the group that one of the groups, the ones that stayed at camp or the ones taht went to the safe are are going to appear, and kenny and Christa and omid (because TT as hinted that...), maybe others, but not everyone... i would like to see Nate and/or Eddie, but it would be very difficult to see everybody.
The jacket's different, but you can speculate that it's anyone at this point. An obscured view like that isn't really a concrete hint about any character in particular.
I don't know if it's Shel because Shel could have either stayd or went to the zafe zone. But it would be cool if this scene where someone grom the group that went to the safe area finding Clem
Although the outfit IS similar, there are differences and Clem has different clothes so that really could be anyone. I do hope we will come across Molly though. I was hoping to see more of her in season 1.
Molly destroys the mood whenever she appears by being an action hero in a game which otherwise has fairly realistic characters. I'm not really looking forward to seeing her again.
Besides, you can pretty much get her killed in Episode 4 by not taking Clem with you to Crawford and then 'accidentally' shooting her when the zombies come in. That's a bit of a hurdle to write around.
Warning Spoilers ahead:
Molly will not be returning in Season.2 for the simple fact that she's dead...
The only missable achievement in 400 days is when you are playing with Russell (the Afro-American teenager) while he's walking on the road alone you'll be given the choice between hiding or stay on the road,if you chose to hide you'll jump in to the bushes & lay down on the ground where he gets the nice surprise of a dead Molly lying next to him...
Want to see it for yourself here's a link to YouTube with the scene mentioned above,Enjoy
The combination of her snarky attitude and conveniently "badass" survival skills annoyed the hell out of me. She's exactly the kind of person … moreI'm terrified Clementine will grow up to become. If Telltale has plans for Molly in S2 besides as a walker, I hope she'll be SLIGHTLY less smug this time.
I used to think it was impossible to beat her in your first encounter; that the game rigged the match so she would always take you down, no matter how fast you clicked. This and her 'awesome' parkour skills and overall action movie persona made her absolutely insufferable to me, a creator's pet of the worst kind.
I was so happy to find out my initial belief about her invincibility in that first fight was untrue that I had to go back and replay that section so Lee could kick her ass, just so I could deflate a little bit of that insufferable smugness you're talking about. Turns out it doesn't change much dialogue, though at least she no longer rubs your face in her victory.
The combination of her snarky attitude and conveniently "badass" survival skills annoyed the hell out of me. She's exactly the kind of person … moreI'm terrified Clementine will grow up to become. If Telltale has plans for Molly in S2 besides as a walker, I hope she'll be SLIGHTLY less smug this time.
Molly was probably Telltale's offering to the dreaded feminist critics who yell sexism at everything lacking empowered "bad ass" women.
(I have actually read a review of The Last of Us who accuses said game of being sexist because the female character is depicted at some point as not being a good swimmer, slowing the male character, thus perpetuating the sexist stereotype of weak women.)
Molly was the empowered sassy saviouress-of-the-day Mary Sue needed for the feminist seal of approval.
Okay, I'm not completely serious (unlike the review of TLoU I mentioned who was dead serious), but still we know the recent overabundance of such unrealistically perfect-on-all-accounts (so perfect they're annoying) female heroines in entertainment medias doesn't come from nowhere.
Molly destroys the mood whenever she appears by being an action hero in a game which otherwise has fairly realistic characters. I'm not really… more looking forward to seeing her again.
Besides, you can pretty much get her killed in Episode 4 by not taking Clem with you to Crawford and then 'accidentally' shooting her when the zombies come in. That's a bit of a hurdle to write around.
Yeah.. For the most part I don't mind harsh and conflicting personalities in the group, as they represent realistic conflict and give you the options to respond accordingly, but the fact that Molly's attitude was just used to make her seem cool tended to grate on me.
The fight against her being winnable helps, but I never liked how the scene forces two people with guns into melee range just to show off her skills.
"Alright Kenny, you don't have to get any close-aaand you're down..."
I used to think it was impossible to beat her in your first encounter; that the game rigged the match so she would always take you down, no ma… moretter how fast you clicked. This and her 'awesome' parkour skills and overall action movie persona made her absolutely insufferable to me, a creator's pet of the worst kind.
I was so happy to find out my initial belief about her invincibility in that first fight was untrue that I had to go back and replay that section so Lee could kick her ass, just so I could deflate a little bit of that insufferable smugness you're talking about. Turns out it doesn't change much dialogue, though at least she no longer rubs your face in her victory.
Not a Molly fan, if you can't tell.
I agree with you, this is the same reason I didn't like her at all.
She was brash, an uninterested loner and exaggerated cartoony heroine. I don't like ideal characters which act as if nothing could ever impress them. However, lots of people really like her a lot, I never did.
Molly destroys the mood whenever she appears by being an action hero in a game which otherwise has fairly realistic characters. I'm not really… more looking forward to seeing her again.
Besides, you can pretty much get her killed in Episode 4 by not taking Clem with you to Crawford and then 'accidentally' shooting her when the zombies come in. That's a bit of a hurdle to write around.
As far as I can tell, it's probably NOT Molly. This person holds a flashlight in their right hand, while on those pictures with Molly on them, you can clearly see that Molly holds Hilda, her ice pick, in her right hand as well. And I don't expect her to go into a walker-filled field without a weapon in hand.
If you zoom in the guy's wrist you can tell that... oh, wait it's a GUY! For God Sake's it has hair drawn all over his arm holding the light.
In that case, it could be Lilly! She did have sideburns if I remember correctly xD
My God,no....I swear I'll cancel my pre-order is Molly is in Season 2.I'v have enough of her in Episode 4.And yeah,I completely dislike her as a character. :P
But no,that's not her (hopefully).As rachell posted,its probably the guy in the picture.
They could bring her back and have her suffer some real handicap if she sticks around , Plus if she returns I hope more for the post sister reveal character (retained guilt and pain with a glenish attitude) rather than the character you meet in the street (smug and out of place). Honestly apart from her mood breaking lines "nice group you've got here" I thought she was pretty good as many comic characters are a bit overpowered like her they just have weakness (she needs one).
Honestly apart from her mood breaking lines "nice group you've got here" I thought she was pretty good as many comic characters are a bit overpowered like her they just have weakness (she needs one).
Starting to make her sound like a superhero comic character more so than a Walking Dead one.
They could bring her back and have her suffer some real handicap if she sticks around , Plus if she returns I hope more for the post sister re… moreveal character (retained guilt and pain with a glenish attitude) rather than the character you meet in the street (smug and out of place). Honestly apart from her mood breaking lines "nice group you've got here" I thought she was pretty good as many comic characters are a bit overpowered like her they just have weakness (she needs one).
I don't think that it's Molly, but I wouldn't mind seeing more of her. While some might find her attitude annoying and arrogant, I think that it's at least partially a consequence of the sexual abuse which she suffered, when the doctor guy forced her to prostitute herself to save her sister, who died anyway when the doctor refused to help her anymore. Overcoming something like that might make the person to want to appear tough and makes her mistrustful towards the other people.
The entire point of characters in a zombie apocalypse (or at least one played for horror and drama rather than action and excitement) is that they aren't overpowered, in even the slightest sense; they're ordinary people stuck in a bad situation, barely making it through the day. When they're parkour masters who can take out zombies left and right and vanish like ninjas and find things other survivors can't and otherwise thrive on their own while lesser mortals die all around them, all without any sensible explanation of why they would possess such an unusual skillset, all of that horror and drama dies a painful death.
Maybe if Molly were ex-special forces or something it might be less cringe-inducing. But it would still feel wildly out of place from the feel of the rest of the series.
They could bring her back and have her suffer some real handicap if she sticks around , Plus if she returns I hope more for the post sister re… moreveal character (retained guilt and pain with a glenish attitude) rather than the character you meet in the street (smug and out of place). Honestly apart from her mood breaking lines "nice group you've got here" I thought she was pretty good as many comic characters are a bit overpowered like her they just have weakness (she needs one).
Wow I didn't realize there were so many Molly haters out there lol
I can admit that her brash personality might be a turnoff to some, but I don't know I just always really loved her character. She's a strong independent female character, but I never thought she was invincible or "overpowered" in any way. No more than Carly or Lilly really. Hell there were several times she needed help, Clementine even saved her once. I just thought she was funny and sarcastic. Maybe a little... arrogant at times lol, but hey nobody's perfect. Plus, after they reveal the sexual abuse she endured and the loss of her sister I thought it DEFINITELY gave her more dimensions. Most of her snarky attitude I'm sure is just a cover. I love that about her.
In any case, the developers themselves called her their "Michonne" of the game series. So if that tells us anything I think it means will definitely be seeing more of this awesome ice pick wielding heroine.
If Lee leaves Clementine at the house, he will have to shoot the walker himself. If he shoots Molly by mistake, she will fall onto the floor and scream out in pain. She ends up losing her weapon, and runs off in the opposite direction. So depending on your decision she will have a determinant status.
Also I believe if you have made this decision she kind of becomes irrelevant to season 2 in terms of her relationship to Clem and also the group.
I'll admit first encounter with her wasn't great but she helped us and learning of her past in Crawford, everything made sense for why she'd be the way she is. I never once thought she was perfect. No one is.
Wow I didn't realize there were so many Molly haters out there lol
I can admit that her brash personality might be a turnoff to some, but I… more don't know I just always really loved her character. She's a strong independent female character, but I never thought she was invincible or "overpowered" in any way. No more than Carly or Lilly really. Hell there were several times she needed help, Clementine even saved her once. I just thought she was funny and sarcastic. Maybe a little... arrogant at times lol, but hey nobody's perfect. Plus, after they reveal the sexual abuse she endured and the loss of her sister I thought it DEFINITELY gave her more dimensions. Most of her snarky attitude I'm sure is just a cover. I love that about her.
In any case, the developers themselves called her their "Michonne" of the game series. So if that tells us anything I think it means will definitely be seeing more of this awesome ice pick wielding heroine.
I think that Molly should be powered down if she's in S2. Maybe she had to pull a Lee and cut off one of her hands. I liked her with the exception of the overpowered-ness she had.
Another one thinks Molly was overpowered. Women in a zombie apocalypse has to be the victim, right? Without gun girl dies - is that what you think?
Molly didn't vanish like ninja - was just fast. You don't have to be ex-special forces to climb buildings. Taking out zombies left and right? I'd say she was better in avoiding them. Almost died (or died) when walkers attacked the school. Finding things other survivors can't? Yeah, that is unusual skill. Compared to other characters from TWD universe, Molly isn't special.
The entire point of characters in a zombie apocalypse (or at least one played for horror and drama rather than action and excitement) is that … morethey aren't overpowered, in even the slightest sense; they're ordinary people stuck in a bad situation, barely making it through the day. When they're parkour masters who can take out zombies left and right and vanish like ninjas and find things other survivors can't and otherwise thrive on their own while lesser mortals die all around them, all without any sensible explanation of why they would possess such an unusual skillset, all of that horror and drama dies a painful death.
Maybe if Molly were ex-special forces or something it might be less cringe-inducing. But it would still feel wildly out of place from the feel of the rest of the series.
I dont think that it's her.
Molly is the one character that should either be left behind in S1, or reduced to a walker cameo.
I'm really not a big fan of hers. At all.
I hope so! Molly is awesome.
I don't think that she is needed too.
Ok she can see in clem something like in her little sister, and be in a way a big sister .
But too many pathos in her for me...
If it is, then I hope she's lost an arm because she was superman in season 1
The combination of her snarky attitude and conveniently "badass" survival skills annoyed the hell out of me. She's exactly the kind of person I'm terrified Clementine will grow up to become. If Telltale has plans for Molly in S2 besides as a walker, I hope she'll be SLIGHTLY less smug this time.
I don't think that's her. And this might sound stupid that I've never noticed that flashlight on the pictue :P I allways assumed that was a walker ah ah But I don't think taht's her, and I understand many people coming in here saying taht this or the other charatcher may appear, but let's be realistic, not every charatcher from 400 days or season 1 are going to appear there'sgoing to be a new story. I'm guessing the group that one of the groups, the ones that stayed at camp or the ones taht went to the safe are are going to appear, and kenny and Christa and omid (because TT as hinted that...), maybe others, but not everyone... i would like to see Nate and/or Eddie, but it would be very difficult to see everybody.
Looks more like Shel to me..
The jacket's different, but you can speculate that it's anyone at this point. An obscured view like that isn't really a concrete hint about any character in particular.
I don't know if it's Shel because Shel could have either stayd or went to the zafe zone. But it would be cool if this scene where someone grom the group that went to the safe area finding Clem
If you zoom in the guy's wrist you can tell that... oh, wait it's a GUY! For God Sake's it has hair drawn all over his arm holding the light.
There is something on his/her sleeve. Looks like military rank.
In that case, it could be Lilly! She did have sideburns if I remember correctly xD
Although the outfit IS similar, there are differences and Clem has different clothes so that really could be anyone. I do hope we will come across Molly though. I was hoping to see more of her in season 1.
What if it's Lilly than? Wasn't she in the military?
Molly destroys the mood whenever she appears by being an action hero in a game which otherwise has fairly realistic characters. I'm not really looking forward to seeing her again.
Besides, you can pretty much get her killed in Episode 4 by not taking Clem with you to Crawford and then 'accidentally' shooting her when the zombies come in. That's a bit of a hurdle to write around.
Warning Spoilers ahead:

Molly will not be returning in Season.2 for the simple fact that she's dead...
The only missable achievement in 400 days is when you are playing with Russell (the Afro-American teenager) while he's walking on the road alone you'll be given the choice between hiding or stay on the road,if you chose to hide you'll jump in to the bushes & lay down on the ground where he gets the nice surprise of a dead Molly lying next to him...
Want to see it for yourself here's a link to YouTube with the scene mentioned above,Enjoy
A thumbs up is not enough, so please have this slow clap
That's not Molly, that's Carley
I used to think it was impossible to beat her in your first encounter; that the game rigged the match so she would always take you down, no matter how fast you clicked. This and her 'awesome' parkour skills and overall action movie persona made her absolutely insufferable to me, a creator's pet of the worst kind.
I was so happy to find out my initial belief about her invincibility in that first fight was untrue that I had to go back and replay that section so Lee could kick her ass, just so I could deflate a little bit of that insufferable smugness you're talking about. Turns out it doesn't change much dialogue, though at least she no longer rubs your face in her victory.
Not a Molly fan, if you can't tell.
Molly was probably Telltale's offering to the dreaded feminist critics who yell sexism at everything lacking empowered "bad ass" women.
(I have actually read a review of The Last of Us who accuses said game of being sexist because the female character is depicted at some point as not being a good swimmer, slowing the male character, thus perpetuating the sexist stereotype of weak women.)
Molly was the empowered sassy saviouress-of-the-day Mary Sue needed for the feminist seal of approval.
Okay, I'm not completely serious (unlike the review of TLoU I mentioned who was dead serious), but still we know the recent overabundance of such unrealistically perfect-on-all-accounts (so perfect they're annoying) female heroines in entertainment medias doesn't come from nowhere.
Yeah.. For the most part I don't mind harsh and conflicting personalities in the group, as they represent realistic conflict and give you the options to respond accordingly, but the fact that Molly's attitude was just used to make her seem cool tended to grate on me.
The fight against her being winnable helps, but I never liked how the scene forces two people with guns into melee range just to show off her skills.
"Alright Kenny, you don't have to get any close-aaand you're down..."
Since when did Molly grow man hair on her arms
I think it's the guy in this picture
I agree with you, this is the same reason I didn't like her at all.
She was brash, an uninterested loner and exaggerated cartoony heroine. I don't like ideal characters which act as if nothing could ever impress them. However, lots of people really like her a lot, I never did.
As far as I can tell, it's probably NOT Molly. This person holds a flashlight in their right hand, while on those pictures with Molly on them, you can clearly see that Molly holds Hilda, her ice pick, in her right hand as well. And I don't expect her to go into a walker-filled field without a weapon in hand.
Just a thought.
Hahahaha, you're right!
My God,no....I swear I'll cancel my pre-order is Molly is in Season 2.I'v have enough of her in Episode 4.And yeah,I completely dislike her as a character. :P
But no,that's not her (hopefully).As rachell posted,its probably the guy in the picture.
They could bring her back and have her suffer some real handicap if she sticks around , Plus if she returns I hope more for the post sister reveal character (retained guilt and pain with a glenish attitude) rather than the character you meet in the street (smug and out of place). Honestly apart from her mood breaking lines "nice group you've got here" I thought she was pretty good as many comic characters are a bit overpowered like her they just have weakness (she needs one).
Starting to make her sound like a superhero comic character more so than a Walking Dead one.
I don't think that it's Molly, but I wouldn't mind seeing more of her. While some might find her attitude annoying and arrogant, I think that it's at least partially a consequence of the sexual abuse which she suffered, when the doctor guy forced her to prostitute herself to save her sister, who died anyway when the doctor refused to help her anymore. Overcoming something like that might make the person to want to appear tough and makes her mistrustful towards the other people.
The entire point of characters in a zombie apocalypse (or at least one played for horror and drama rather than action and excitement) is that they aren't overpowered, in even the slightest sense; they're ordinary people stuck in a bad situation, barely making it through the day. When they're parkour masters who can take out zombies left and right and vanish like ninjas and find things other survivors can't and otherwise thrive on their own while lesser mortals die all around them, all without any sensible explanation of why they would possess such an unusual skillset, all of that horror and drama dies a painful death.
Maybe if Molly were ex-special forces or something it might be less cringe-inducing. But it would still feel wildly out of place from the feel of the rest of the series.
Wow I didn't realize there were so many Molly haters out there lol
I can admit that her brash personality might be a turnoff to some, but I don't know I just always really loved her character. She's a strong independent female character, but I never thought she was invincible or "overpowered" in any way. No more than Carly or Lilly really. Hell there were several times she needed help, Clementine even saved her once. I just thought she was funny and sarcastic. Maybe a little... arrogant at times lol, but hey nobody's perfect. Plus, after they reveal the sexual abuse she endured and the loss of her sister I thought it DEFINITELY gave her more dimensions. Most of her snarky attitude I'm sure is just a cover. I love that about her.
In any case, the developers themselves called her their "Michonne" of the game series. So if that tells us anything I think it means will definitely be seeing more of this awesome ice pick wielding heroine.
If Lee leaves Clementine at the house, he will have to shoot the walker himself. If he shoots Molly by mistake, she will fall onto the floor and scream out in pain. She ends up losing her weapon, and runs off in the opposite direction. So depending on your decision she will have a determinant status.
Also I believe if you have made this decision she kind of becomes irrelevant to season 2 in terms of her relationship to Clem and also the group.
^ This. 100 Times. xD
I'll admit first encounter with her wasn't great but she helped us and learning of her past in Crawford, everything made sense for why she'd be the way she is. I never once thought she was perfect. No one is.
I think that Molly should be powered down if she's in S2. Maybe she had to pull a Lee and cut off one of her hands. I liked her with the exception of the overpowered-ness she had.
I think It might be a man I can see hair on the arm, or it could be blood, but I do hope its Molly.
Another one thinks Molly was overpowered. Women in a zombie apocalypse has to be the victim, right? Without gun girl dies - is that what you think?
Molly didn't vanish like ninja - was just fast. You don't have to be ex-special forces to climb buildings. Taking out zombies left and right? I'd say she was better in avoiding them. Almost died (or died) when walkers attacked the school. Finding things other survivors can't? Yeah, that is unusual skill. Compared to other characters from TWD universe, Molly isn't special.