Hahaha it's a free program with instant messaging. You can also start groups in it, and I was thinking of making a group for you, me, and Phyre to discuss TWAU and other games together.
man u don't give up do u lol I don't know I mean it sounds nice but a little scary. the other thing that bothers me about this idea is that sometimes when I talk to ppl I get too attached to them, and get depressed when I can never really meet them. those r some of my reasons. But u really seem to be such a dam SWEETIE!
Hahaha it's a free program with instant messaging. You can also start groups in it, and I was thinking of making a group for you, me, and Phyre to discuss TWAU and other games together.
man u don't give up do u lol I don't know I mean it sounds nice but a little scary. the other thing that bothers me about this idea is that so… moremetimes when I talk to ppl I get too attached to them, and get depressed when I can never really meet them. those r some of my reasons. But u really seem to be such a dam SWEETIE!
I sat there with a surprised look on my face for the longest time after that, I wasn't expecting that at all!
I was being all nice to him too! "Oh this guy's obviously suffered enough already, I'm sure he's telling the truth, guess it won't hurt to drink away the past with him a whil- HOLY SHIT BIGBY, WHAT THE HELL?"
Oh, me too, Dark... Me too.
I sat there with a surprised look on my face for the longest time after that, I wasn't expecting that at all!
… more I was being all nice to him too! "Oh this guy's obviously suffered enough already, I'm sure he's telling the truth, guess it won't hurt to drink away the past with him a whil- HOLY SHIT BIGBY, WHAT THE HELL?"
You guys are just...Better friends with me on the internet than the people that are ACTUALLY right next to me now.I mean,i consider you two my friends,if that's okay.
well you got me beat this all i could afford.
'half joke'
That'll be the ring I give to Phyre when I propose to her lol.
No no Not MY PRECIOUS no hobbitses,...
My Phyre's more PRECIOUS haha that would be funny if Phyre came and replied "I'm not yours to lose!"
u guys r too dam funny. lol
(I've taken this out so Phyre doesn't get angry with me)
Looking at this makes me feel hungry :P
well im keeping the kittens cuz their just so dam cute:)
Sorry haha didn't mean to scare you! These are Phyre's words.
I'll edit that and add quotes.
ok phew, u r very SCARY! lol remind me not to get on ur bad side.
Lol you should worry about getting on Phyre's badside! Btw do you have a phone? If you do I'll send you my number via private message.
ok I do but im kinda a shy person when I meet someone, even when talking on the phone I get so scared lol. but thanks for the offer though.
I'm pretty shy too. How about a Skype?
???? wut is that?
ok I just looked that up. OMG no im a mess rit now lol. funny how ppl always wanna know wut I look like when I talk to them lol.
Hahaha it's a free program with instant messaging. You can also start groups in it, and I was thinking of making a group for you, me, and Phyre to discuss TWAU and other games together.
man u don't give up do u lol I don't know I mean it sounds nice but a little scary. the other thing that bothers me about this idea is that sometimes when I talk to ppl I get too attached to them, and get depressed when I can never really meet them. those r some of my reasons. But u really seem to be such a dam SWEETIE!
Lol you don't need to talk just type. What do you say??
ok sure im in.:) I thought u were talking about one of those web cam thingies. lol
Yes!! Just go ahead and download the program, make an account, and I'll see you there!
uhh what is the program called exactly? lol
Haha go to www.Skype.com and press the get started button, then create your account.
ok one more question. how r u gonna know its me if I put my name on it? never mind they say pick a name lol.
I'll send you my Skype via private discussion.
Oh, me too, Dark... Me too.
I sat there with a surprised look on my face for the longest time after that, I wasn't expecting that at all!
I was being all nice to him too! "Oh this guy's obviously suffered enough already, I'm sure he's telling the truth, guess it won't hurt to drink away the past with him a whil- HOLY SHIT BIGBY, WHAT THE HELL?"
I know rit? it should of said something like GLASS HIS HEAD OPEN! lol really.
Actually nevermind I'll add you just tell me your Skype name and I'll say "It's me Arrowify"
DarkForce412. the same as my GT.:)
It says ;;;;;;0 and
for the same name. Is that you?
yes. they were saying uhh last name, so I just added ok um my favorite band.
Haha alright I sent you a friend request
Did you get you get it yet? You should probably cross your Skype name out of your messages so you don't get spammed
yeah im trying to find where to see messages. or adding friends, kinda confusing lol
Like for Lord Of The Rings reference
I ship Arrowify x DarkForce (ArrowiForce?Darkify?)
You guys are just...Better friends with me on the internet than the people that are ACTUALLY right next to me now.I mean,i consider you two my friends,if that's okay.
Oh,wait.I get it.Dirty dirty Arrowify LOL. XD Just kidding.
I am not...http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=Qoxg_DcqhsA#t=0