You guys are just...Better friends with me on the internet than the people that are ACTUALLY right next to me now.I mean,i consider you two my friends,if that's okay.
You are one if the nicest persons on the internet .I wish i would be American,so i could actually be your friend in person,if you'd like to,of course.I really like you and Arrow.You guys are better than my classmates or friends here!I think i will turn this thread into a DarkForce/Arrowify appreciation thread,just to show you how much the fact that you like me makes me very glad!And to annoy the other users,who are obviously getting tired of my peachy BS
that's funny cuz I feel the same way Phyre theirs something really special about u that I really like.:) including Arrow, shes super nice. BTW the stuff u say isn't peachy BS its nice n sweet. like candy.:)
You are one if the nicest persons on the internet .I wish i would be American,so i could actually be your friend in person,if you'd like to,o… moref course.I really like you and Arrow.You guys are better than my classmates or friends here!I think i will turn this thread into a DarkForce/Arrowify appreciation thread,just to show you how much the fact that you like me makes me very glad!And to annoy the other users,who are obviously getting tired of my peachy BS
that's funny cuz I feel the same way Phyre theirs something really special about u that I really like.:) including Arrow, shes super nice. BTW the stuff u say isn't peachy BS its nice n sweet. like candy.:)
omg lol at first im like ok this dudes pretty cool, then I see that post about Phyre, that u were commenting, then I thought is he a shemale or something lol now u say ur a guy. im so confused lmao. O_O
omg lol at first im like ok this dudes pretty cool, then I see that post about Phyre, that u were commenting, then I thought is he a shemale or something lol now u say ur a guy. im so confused lmao. O_O
Ok.But weren't you the one that posted that you're a girl?On the age demographic thread?Or am i just getting things mixed up in my mind?I dunno.Either way,you are both still awesome,either guys or girls!
yes its true im a guy, but I wouldn't mind if I was a girl. for a day that is lol. I don't know I guess u can say I have kinda a girly personality, and a guys. dam that sounded weird lol.O_O
There's a fair chance Darkforce is in fact male, but I don't want set myself up for mindf*cking. Anyway is the discussion we had about female gamers the one that led you to the suspicion I was a girl? I'd be fooled too because there aren't many male gamers that respect women
Ok.But weren't you the one that posted that you're a girl?On the age demographic thread?Or am i just getting things mixed up in my mind?I dunno.Either way,you are both still awesome,either guys or girls!
yes its true im a guy, but I wouldn't mind if I was a girl. for a day that is lol. I don't know I guess u can say I have kinda a girly personality, and a guys. dam that sounded weird lol.O_O
Just kidding,i love you guys!
I will make my future husband buy me this type of ring when he proposes.
Oh my god,i said the exact same thing on the TWAU fanart thread XD.Great minds think alike,Darkforce...
really? that's so funny lol I don't think I have a great mind but thanks.:) now ill glass u. lol no ill glass u like the picture.:)
LMFAO! ARROWIFORCE? god u r too dam funny.XD
awwww that's so sweet. u really hit my soft spot.:)
There are two poets on this site,who master the words with might.Thank you,good friend.And may the gods good luck to you send.
It's okay,Arrow.I won't get mad at you
I told u silly, everytime I see ur comments I add likes on it. I wish I could give u more though.:(
You are one if the nicest persons on the internet
.I wish i would be American,so i could actually be your friend in person,if you'd like to,of course.I really like you and Arrow.You guys are better than my classmates or friends here!I think i will turn this thread into a DarkForce/Arrowify appreciation thread,just to show you how much the fact that you like me makes me very glad!And to annoy the other users,who are obviously getting tired of my peachy BS 
OMG I always wanted that thank u so much sweetie. of course ill be friends with u, cuz your awesome.:D
I'm not yours to lose!
Lol I'm a guy, remember that thing I posted was Phyre not me
Yeah Phyre kudos for being amazing. Also btw guys I'm a GUY lol.
omg lol at first im like ok this dudes pretty cool, then I see that post about Phyre, that u were commenting, then I thought is he a shemale or something lol now u say ur a guy. im so confused lmao. O_O
Aww I'm so embarrassed haha. Just forget I posted that thing
its cool man its totally fine,
But the thing is Phyre thinks I'm a lesbian haha and she won't come on until tomorrow
wait she thinks ur a girl? r u serous? I just talked to her today n she said that u n I r like her best friends. awww she is so dam sweet.
Yeah haha I just wanna kiss her.
lol yeah rit lol that was good man.:) yeah Bigbys a real angel lol.
Well Faith probably said that because she's hooker lol. She forgot to give Bigby a discount!
I was...sure you're a girl?I dunno anymore.I have been mindfucked.
On the demographics I wrote male. The details the details.
JOKING. Haha this is the meme and funny nonsense thread after all
So...Are both of you guys?Just so i get things clear in my mind...
Ok.But weren't you the one that posted that you're a girl?On the age demographic thread?Or am i just getting things mixed up in my mind?I dunno.Either way,you are both still awesome,either guys or girls!
yes its true im a guy, but I wouldn't mind if I was a girl. for a day that is lol. I don't know I guess u can say I have kinda a girly personality, and a guys. dam that sounded weird lol.O_O
There's a fair chance Darkforce is in fact male, but I don't want set myself up for mindf*cking. Anyway is the discussion we had about female gamers the one that led you to the suspicion I was a girl? I'd be fooled too because there aren't many male gamers that respect women
Haha nope! I guess I kept mine well hidden. Well DarkForce and I are glad you feel that way because we really like your personality.
How old are you,DarkForce?I'm 14.
.So is Arrow.
Well, Faith said that she would visit Bigby in his apartment. Who knows what kind of 'statement' she might have made...
wow I thought u were like 18 maybe 20, ur pretty mature and very funny for ur age.O_O
Btw Phyre do you have a Skype? I helped DarkForce set his up yesterday, and we're ready to all chat in Skype if you are.