Continuing upon the end of S1(fan-fic)



  • My homework took longer than expected. I will write in about five minutes.

    HSPLazerz posted: »

    I won't really write a lot until things are about to happen, i have some great ideas for the "protector" .

  • edited January 2014

    Clementine looks around her as the entire group goes to sit around the oak-wood table when the room fills with the wonderful scent of cooked deer. The sun had gone down and the curtains are closed. The vivid light of the candles placed around the room give Clementine a warm feeling, as it reminds her of the Sunday nights she and her parents used to spend playing board-games together. Gus supports Kenny as he struggles to walk to the chair next to her. Clementine gives him a worried look when he finally sits down. ''I'm alright Clem. It's going to take some time to heal, but I'll be fine. You just enjoy your dinner now.''

    Just when Kenny said that, Melody walked in with a big plate full of meat and a big smile on her face. ''Dinner time!'', she says in a happy tone, ''You can all take one piece, we'll save the rest for tomorrow.'' As soon as she puts the plate down everyone picks their piece and puts it on their plates. The group all take a bite at the same time and let out a happy grunt. ''This could use some salt and pepper.'', Gus smirks as Melody suddenly bursts out in laughter. Clementine looks at her, noticing she's staring at Gus like Sandra used to when she had another one of her boyfriends over.

    (Play this in the background from here on: )

    ''They're in love, right?'', she asks Kenny. He smiles at her awkwardly, with bits of meat all around his mouth. ''You're right.'', he looks at Gus and Melody, ''They're in love.'' His face suddenly takes on a grim look, which he quickly shakes off. Clementine notices it, but decides not to ask about it. She instead starts to eat. She smiles as the taste of fresh, juicy meat enters her mouth. Clementine looks up and across the table, noticing Danielle hasn't even touched her piece yet.

    ''Are you alright?'', she asks the worried looking girl. ''Yeah, I'm fine. It's just...'', Danielle sighs before carrying on, ''It's just that I used to be a vegetarian. I have ate some meat since this whole mess started, but...'' Clementine cuts her off, ''I understand. I had a friend once who didn't eat meat either. I know, what if you... thank the deer for its sacrifice?'' Danielle quickly takes on a smile, before taking a big bite out of her piece of deer.

    ''Thank you...'', she whispers.

  • So... I didn't realize the link would place this video right here. It's not too obstructive, right?

    That_1_Guy posted: »

    Clementine looks around her as the entire group goes to sit around the oak-wood table when the room fills with the wonderful scent of cooked d

  • I really liked the reference to Sandra ;)

    That_1_Guy posted: »

    Clementine looks around her as the entire group goes to sit around the oak-wood table when the room fills with the wonderful scent of cooked d

  • Nice job man.

    That_1_Guy posted: »

    Clementine looks around her as the entire group goes to sit around the oak-wood table when the room fills with the wonderful scent of cooked d

  • Thanks, i was trying to set a happy mood, and just sort of a character development-moment. I'm very satisfied with the way it turned out.

    MegaMoto posted: »

    Nice job man.

  • edited February 2014

    A peaceful week passed without any extraordinary incidents. Kenny feels a bit better, though the wound still does hurt a lot when he moves. The comics have been read and most of the books, too, so carving wooden accessories while sitting in a rugged armchair has become his new favorite timekiller. He just finished a wooden candle holder and continues with a beautiful box with a floral pattern on it. "It's beautiful..." remarks Clem. "It's not done, yet, young lady. You can have it as soon as it's finished." Kenny replies and his moustache forms a joyous crescent.

    Gus and Melody are happily in love, permanently giggling and kissing. The group though isn't much too happy about it. Even Clementine does not feel comfortable in the presence of the two loving. That's why Jeremy and Pascuccci avoid their presence and take care of hunting and scavenging. "Can they just give us a break? I feel like in a damn love motel." says Pascucci to Jeremy, who remains silent. He is still not over the talk he has had with Melody. As they walk through the forest that smells like fresh spring Jeremy is remembering her words: In the beginning I was absolutely interested in you. In fact you are totally the type of man I prefer. But you were just avoiding me... and, well... Gus and I are now welded together....
    As they reach his favorite place for fishing he gets rid of the thoughts about Melody: "We're here, this is the place.". Pascucci responds: "Alright. Do your fishing... I am going to look what I can shoot. Another deer would be great. We'll meet here before it's going to get dark. Do you need anything, Clem?". Clem declines sarcastically: "No more Melo-Gus - what else could I want...". Pascucci agrees with a smile and leaves.

    "... and now she just annoys me. She isn't as nice as in the beginning - not anymore." says Clem. Jeremy and Clem are sitting by the river and Jeremy just removes a fish from the hook. "She is still nice. All people become so annoying when they're freshly in love - there are no exceptions. I just feel like... You know... so many awful things happened and I think sometimes they act like nothing of it ever happened. Deep inside of me I know this isn't true. She actually cares a lot... maybe we just can't stand it because we're all jealous...". His speech turns into silence. "You still like her, right?". Jeremy sighs: "I think I love her, Clem. But it just isn't right and I am going to do my best to just ignore her. Missed my chance, that's why I am going to get over it.". After the second fish has been caught Clementine says: "I feel stupid, just sitting and doing nothing. Please give me a useful task. "Alright, Clem: How about you getting some baits? I could use a few worms or caterpillars. But don't go too far, ok? And take your gun with you...". "Ok, got it.".

    Clementine is digging in the soil and has already found a few worms. "That should do it...". When she stands up she suddenly sees a shadow and she intuitionally says: "Wait! I know you...". She turns around to check if Jeremy's watching but he is distracted with fishing. Then she goes on with a small voice: "I saw you bringing us the deer... and you saved our life... twice... thank you.". She already thought he was gone when after half a minute he steps out of a bush from a totally different direction she was expecting him: Clem recognizes the olivegreen coat and there was a piece of cloath missing on it, the one I found in the river. The man just stands there silently, so does Clem. "Hi." she finally greets him. He turns around and gets a basket out of the bush, placing it on the ground next to her feet. "For me?" she asks snd he nods. "Thanks...". Clem first hesitates but then she starts checking what is in there. When she raises her head she discovers that the man is gone, no track of him. "Clem, are you still there?" yells Jeremy. "Yes, I'll be right back." replies Clem, looking at the basket full of medicine and drugstore products...

    Please continue

  • Not necessarily for me, but i think you can change the size of it on the Youtube "share" thing.

    That_1_Guy posted: »

    So... I didn't realize the link would place this video right here. It's not too obstructive, right?

  • his moustache forms a joyous crescent.

    Best. Line. Ever.

    TheMissus posted: »

    A peaceful week passed without any extraordinary incidents. Kenny feels a bit better, though the wound still does hurt a lot when he moves. Th

  • edited January 2014

    Powerful 'Stache.

    TheMissus posted: »

    A peaceful week passed without any extraordinary incidents. Kenny feels a bit better, though the wound still does hurt a lot when he moves. Th

  • I'm not a native english speaker and I didn't know if that sounds stupid or not, just like to use references - I'm not a Kenny fan though I am from the stache front ;)

    MegaMoto posted: »

    his moustache forms a joyous crescent. Best. Line. Ever.

  • Awesome.

    I like how the protector is silent, and thank you for still making him a mystery, i'd like to make a rather awesome big reveal of him myself :P.

    TheMissus posted: »

    A peaceful week passed without any extraordinary incidents. Kenny feels a bit better, though the wound still does hurt a lot when he moves. Th

  • edited January 2014

    (Okay finished for real this time)

    His first meeting with the girl had gone extremely well, as far as he was concerned. He was able to give her the small basket of medicine he had collected. He had plenty for himself if needed and her group seemed to get in trouble a lot. The girl smiled at him, and that made him feel good. He had been sure that she would be mad at him for killing those people. Perhaps it was the deer that changed her mind. It occurred to him that the girl had been the first person to see his face in a long while, when out hunting he would always wear a hood, to help blend in with the environment. Animals had some good eyes. He wondered what would happen next for him. For months the woods had been a peaceful place, besides the occasional ghost. Ever since the girl had shown up life had certainly been more interesting. A small voice nagged in his mind about how other people were dangerous, but he ignored it. There was something about the girl that assured him she was not dangerous, not like so many others.

    He had meant to stop spying on the girl after awhile. He only started to make sure she was safe. Her group was to fascinating to stop though, he did try. Then the ball cap man was shot and their deer stolen by more bad people. He had to help them. In the far distance the clouds looked a dark grey. Storm coming, better get to shelter. He thought.

    (Scene Swap)

    They had managed to catch a few fish before they noticed the clouds coming in.

    "Seems like there is some bad weather coming our way we should head on back to the cabin, before it starts raining on us." Jeremy said. There was no argument, they all started walking back towards the cabin, hoping that whatever weather was coming wouldn't last long.

    (Scene Change)

    It had gotten dark so fast. Even him, who knew the woods so well, got lost in the darkness and rain. His cloak only did so much to protect him from the elements and he knew if he did not find shelter soon, he would succumb. He moved between trees, passing rocks he swore he had all ready passed. Even with so much experience panic was creeping up on him. Thunder roared over head, and rain pounded his back. Suddenly he stumbled into a clearing. He could hardly see it through the heavy rain, but in the distance lay a cabin. HER cabin. It was his only chance at this point, going back into the woods was suicide. He started to run only to trip and fall in the mud. He hurt is leg bad, not broken but probably sprained. In the bushed behind him there was a loud shuffling. SHIT! he thought. Not ghosts not now. Bearing the pain he picked himself up, his leg burned but he'd suffered worse. He limped as fast as he could but not fast enough. Wolves darted out the bushes, quickly circling him, baring their teeth.

    There were five of them. He could survive this... probably. HE analyzed the situation quickly. The bow strapped to his back was to slow, and he could only get off one shot at a time. The two daggers on his belt may work, if he weren't injured already. The only option wash is absolute last resort, his guns. Her carried two pistols at his side, each with one clip no more. He hated guns. They were so loud and messy. He preferred the silent and quick. The thunder would drown out the shots. The moment he made a move they would be on him. This is gonna give me some scratches. He thought.


    Sorry I felt the need to add the last part.

  • I can do, I pretty awesome Clem voice. XD no seriously. Lol

    HSPLazerz posted: »

    Some Episode images would be real cool, i know how to photoshop so if that's necessary, i could do that. And who knows, maybe we can even go a

  • I have a good idea on witch way episode 5 goes but you can write the ending.

    That_1_Guy posted: »

    You're right. I must say, I'm bursting witjh ideas already!

  • We are continuing after episode 5 so clementine is alive

    "Im wanted... dead or alive." -Bon Jovi I say we put it to a vote, i say alive.

  • I have an idea for this bandit... everyone is going to hate me but....Its going to be good!

    TheMissus posted: »

    Me neither. I was just trying to discuss if we're still going to try to stick to this leitmotif or not

  • Dont worry. by episode 5 (when i start posting) we will have a shortage of characters

    That_1_Guy posted: »

    Yep, we're all doing this together! (I'd better start to copyright my posts...)

  • You mean the bandits that died ? From the silent protector.

    Lord_zasca posted: »

    I have an idea for this bandit... everyone is going to hate me but....Its going to be good!

  • edited January 2014

    Orly? "Alpha will remember that."

    Is there anyway you can show us? like taking a scene from season 1/2 and voiceing over it?

    darnitben posted: »

    I can do, I pretty awesome Clem voice. XD no seriously. Lol

  • Nice! looking to the future how are we going to end the episode. im writing a peice on a word document in between work and sleep. i have everyone alive and i would like some development of characters and of this mysterious character. this episode should probably go for 5-8 more posts.

  • Things can be peaceful for only so long. sigh It was nice while it lasted

    Lord_zasca posted: »

    Nice! looking to the future how are we going to end the episode. im writing a peice on a word document in between work and sleep. i have every

  • edited January 2014

    Clem, Jeremy, and Pascucci make their way back to the cabin. "Man, this thunderstorm is bad! We got back just in time" Pascucci says. "Hey Clem how did you find those medical supplies anyway?" Clementine replies by saying. "A man gave it to me. I think he's the one who saved me and Danielle in the woods, and the one who got Kenny's deer back." Jeremy now says, "And why do you think he's the one who did that?..... "I just have a feeling."

    Scene swap

    The only chance I have is if I use my guns. So the man grabs his guns from his sides. He shot the one in front, who was coming the fastest. Then he shot the one coming from his side. Then he shoots the next two simultaneously. But he didn't have enough time for the last one. It buries it's teeth into his sprained leg. He shoots the last wolf. Now my only option is to get to that cabin.

    Scene swap

    Pascucci:"Well i'm going to head upstairs to bed. goodnight." Everyone tells Pascucci goodnight and goes upstairs. Danielle now says, "When I was younger I remember me and my parents would always watch the lightning strike during thunderstorms it always looks so pretty." Clem, Dan, and Jeremy make their way to the window and watch the storm. Then Clem hears a gunshot. "Was that a gunshot? I'm not sure because of the rain." Then she hears another, and two of them which seem to go of at the same time. Clem: "We have to go out there. Who ever is out there needs help" She instantly starts thinking of the man who has helped her more then one occasion. Jeremy: "Clem, I think we should just wait in here." Clem who is speaking louder and with more emotion then before says, "No we have to! Remember than night we saved you? You wouldn't be here if it weren't for us. Whoever is out there obviously needs help. And if you don't want to come with me, then i'm going on my own." Jeremy lets out a sigh and says, "Fine! I'm coming with you but let me lead the way I can't let you get hurt."

    Scene swap

    This is hurting him very bad. He can't walk, he is practically crawling, and he still has nearly 100 yards to the cabin. He then hears something behind him. As he turns around he sees around 25 ghosts. Normally he could take them on but not in his condition. As much as he hates to do it, he pulls out his pistol and shoots a couple. He knows he won't make it out of here alive if he doesn't get help. But then he hears what sounds to be a door slamming. In the distance he sees three people, even from this far he can tell one of them is the girl Clementine. He notices them trying to find where they heard his gunshots from. They kept looking and looking and looking, but not in his area, as they are about to go inside, he makes a sudden decision.
    He shoots his gun so they can hear him. They come in his direction as he is celebrating he forgot about the walkers. He knew that was a mistake. He was about to be bit. He knew he didn't have enough time to stop it, when he hears a gunshot and it falls over. He then hears Clementines voice."He is the one who has been helping us." Then the man says. "I need help... please take me to your cabin..." He then passes out.
    Please continue

    EDIT: I changed the number of ghosts, and I changed them from walkers to ghosts.

  • edited January 2014

    I liked everything about this. I only have two small complaints, I mentioned in my post that the storm would drown out the gun shots. That's just a nit pick though, and can likely be hand waved. Oh and 50 walkers might be a bit much, seeing as the storm is again drowning out noise and there was no indication there was that many in the general area. Again nit picky. Also the silent man call walkers ghosts, but that's super nit picky. This is much easier to follow then your last post. Keep up the good work !

    Clem, Jeremy, and Pascucci make their way back to the cabin. "Man, this thunderstorm is bad! We got back just in time" Pascucci says. "Hey Cle

  • It can end peacfully for all i care. but there will be no peace in episode 5

    MegaMoto posted: »

    Things can be peaceful for only so long. sigh It was nice while it lasted

  • good job!

    MegaMoto posted: »

    I liked everything about this. I only have two small complaints, I mentioned in my post that the storm would drown out the gun shots. That's j

  • no spoilers :)

    MegaMoto posted: »

    You mean the bandits that died ? From the silent protector.

  • i could get the actual Jacob, Pascucci and tyler for voices (Good freinds of mine)

    HSPLazerz posted: »

    Some Episode images would be real cool, i know how to photoshop so if that's necessary, i could do that. And who knows, maybe we can even go a

  • edited January 2014

    50 walkers are way too many. They've been in the wood for weeks without almonst no incidents with walkers and now just right after a few gunshots there are 50. but I agree: this post was much easier to understand, well done

    Clem, Jeremy, and Pascucci make their way back to the cabin. "Man, this thunderstorm is bad! We got back just in time" Pascucci says. "Hey Cle

  • Yes. He could be halucanating? maybe? (Spelling on phone)

    TheMissus posted: »

    50 walkers are way too many. They've been in the wood for weeks without almonst no incidents with walkers and now just right after a few gunshots there are 50. but I agree: this post was much easier to understand, well done

  • This worries me. A lot.

    Lord_zasca posted: »

    Dont worry. by episode 5 (when i start posting) we will have a shortage of characters

  • edited January 2014

    ''FUCK!'', the hooded man wakes up screaming. Jeremy has just started cutting in his leg when the hooded figure sits up right and punches him. He swiftly rolls of the table and looks around in confusion. Clementine looks at him, noticing the frightened look in his eyes. Melody gives Jeremy a piece of cloth to wipe his bleeding nose. ''You're bit.'', Clementine says while pointing at the man's leg. Flashbacks of the pack of wolves and intense pain flash through his mind.

    (Start the music at 00:26 right after the flashback, don't turn your volume too loud for the best atmosphere: )

    He slowly pulls himself up using the table. ''I'm not bit. Not by them.'', the man walks over to the window and looks outside, ''I got ambushed by a pack of wolves. I tripped and one of them got me. I shot all of them, but the sound attracted some ghosts.''

    ''Even if you're not bit, why should we waste our precious medical supplies on you?'', Gus asks skeptically, ''We barely know you, how do we know you're not one of those bandits?'' The man nods in agreement, ''I understand.'' Clementine reacts fiercely, ''What are you saying? We can't just let you go. You saved our lives and gave us food. The least we can do is return the favor!'' Danielle walks over to Clementine and puts her hand on her shoulder, ''Clem's right. He's helped us plenty of times even though we don't know him. We should return the favor.''

    Pascucci starts talking, ''I say we put it to a vote. I vote to help him.'', he says before raising his hand. ''If you agree, raise your hand.'' Clementine and Danielle quickly raise their hands, followed by Jeremy. ''I can't say I like him, but he did bring us that deer back.'' The rest of the group quietly looks around them. ''I guess that's a tie, I'm sorr--'', Pascucci's sentence gets cut off by the loud creak of Kenny's bedroom door. ''Hold it.'', Kenny says in a loud way. He slowly walks over to the group and leans on the table. ''I vote we help him.''

    (End music here.)

    2 Hours later.

    Later that night, Kenny is back in his bed polishing his floral-patterned box. He carefully puts it down on the table next to him and gets out of bed. He stretches his legs before putting on his warm winter coat. He picks up the gun from his dresser and puts it in his pocket. Lastly he puts on his hat and quickly writes a note. He opens the window and gets ready to head out into the dark and stormy forest when the door suddenly goes open, flooding the room with soft candle-light.

    (Start music: )

    ''What are you doing?'', it's the hooded man, although he's pulled down his hood, revealing his blonde hair. ''I'm going out.'', Kenny says while looking outside. ''You're not supposed to. I thought you were hurt.'' Kenny smirks. ''I've been fine for about a week now. I had to act like I wasn't to avoid suspicion. I have been wanting to do this ever since the damn bandit stole my deer.''

    ''You know I can't let you go.'', the man replies, ''It's storming out there, and there's a bunch of ghosts. I'm sure.'' Kenny turns his head around. ''Clementine seems to trust you.'', Kenny sighs, ''I want you to protect her while I'm gone.'' The man runs up to him, ''I don't get it. Why are you going alone?'' Kenny smirks, ''There are some things a man has to take care of himself. I'm not putting anyone else's life into danger for my own selfish needs.'' The stranger's grip weakens, ''I'm not sure I understand what you're saying, but please, be safe.''

    Kenny looks at his floral-patterned box one last time, hoping Clementine will find the note. ''It's time to go.'', he says before jumping out of the window, and running off into the dark forest.

  • Damn! That was awesome

    That_1_Guy posted: »

    ''FUCK!'', the hooded man wakes up screaming. Jeremy has just started cutting in his leg when the hooded figure sits up right and punches him.

  • Just a question, is it okay that I made it so that Kenny lies about still being hurt? I desperately want Kenny out of the cabin-group because I have huge plans for him involving the Season-finale.

    That_1_Guy posted: »

    ''FUCK!'', the hooded man wakes up screaming. Jeremy has just started cutting in his leg when the hooded figure sits up right and punches him.

  • edited January 2014

    Thanks! : D

    TheMissus posted: »

    Damn! That was awesome

  • I think it's fine.

    That_1_Guy posted: »

    Just a question, is it okay that I made it so that Kenny lies about still being hurt? I desperately want Kenny out of the cabin-group because I have huge plans for him involving the Season-finale.

  • Oh, i din't realize you said that the rain would drown out gunshots. Sorry about that. But when he kept calling them ghosts I was confused by who he was talking about. Thanks for clearing that up. I will edit and call them ghosts.

    MegaMoto posted: »

    I liked everything about this. I only have two small complaints, I mentioned in my post that the storm would drown out the gun shots. That's j

  • I can probably do that. XD just give me a little bit im in school right now!

    Orly? "Alpha will remember that." Is there anyway you can show us? like taking a scene from season 1/2 and voiceing over it?

  • edited January 2014

    Sorry double post

    Orly? "Alpha will remember that." Is there anyway you can show us? like taking a scene from season 1/2 and voiceing over it?

  • Here's Charlie! I actually finished him a while ago, but I never got to uploading him.

    Alt text

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