Why didn't Kenny help me?



  • I killed Duck for him, and he thanked me. It just seems like the better option, given his wife also died at the same time. If someone wanted the bro speech, I think the best thing to do would be to kill Duck yourself, just to be safe.

    Flog61 posted: »

    But in episode 5 he thanks you for letting him kill Duck?

  • We started off kind of the same but got more off the further we went down. I saved Duck. sided against Larry. sided with Kenny in the meatlocker. I fed the kids, Kenny, and Ben. I said fuck Lily and left her. I left the girl in the streets. I didn't take the station wagon supplies. I shot duck. I knocked some sense into Kenny.

    I saved Duck sided with him against Larry and sided with Kenny in the meatlocker. I fed the kids, Larry and Doug. Brought Lilly along. Shot th

  • Sometimes the stache just takes over and makes your choices for you. Looks like me you and GOUSTTTT are all on good terms with Kenny for season 2 :D

    We started off kind of the same but got more off the further we went down. I saved Duck. sided against Larry. sided with Kenny in the meatlock

  • Well yeah so long as you've got mine which I know you have, you'd have the help of a Kenny look alike! Can't get much better than that.

  • It shouldn't count against you if he's happy you got him to do it :p

    Rock114 posted: »

    I killed Duck for him, and he thanked me. It just seems like the better option, given his wife also died at the same time. If someone wanted the bro speech, I think the best thing to do would be to kill Duck yourself, just to be safe.

  • Nope, I did that and he didn't come.

    I saved Duck sided with him against Larry and sided with Kenny in the meatlocker. I fed the kids, Larry and Doug. Brought Lilly along. Shot th

  • In my defense, Kenny doesn't think the way most people do.

    "Kenny, I just didn't feel right with smashing an old man's head in while his daughter was watching. I fed your son, and saved him twice, so I hope we can still be friends."


    Flog61 posted: »

    It shouldn't count against you if he's happy you got him to do it

  • I did most of these things, too. However, I shot the girl in Episode 3 and talked Kenny down. Still got the bro speech, though, so if he shows up he'll be my bro again.

    We started off kind of the same but got more off the further we went down. I saved Duck. sided against Larry. sided with Kenny in the meatlock

  • I also made a bunch of choices similar to yours, Saved Duck, Sided with Kenny against Larry, Helped kill Larry, fed the kids, Kenny, and Mark, left Lilly behind, shot the girl, stole from the station wagon, talked him down. So from what you said, the only differences was the I saved Carley and left Lilly. Also who to feed I suppose.

    I saved Duck sided with him against Larry and sided with Kenny in the meatlocker. I fed the kids, Larry and Doug. Brought Lilly along. Shot th

  • edited February 2014

    How does that even happen? I shot Beatrice, disagreed with him on finding the boat(I said finding Chuck was more important), saved Ben, and then I asked them not to come with me. Literally everyone but Ben refused to let Lee go on his own, and at that point, I figured I might as well take Ben with me anyway since everyone else was going too.

    Flog61 posted: »

    I sided with him at every intersection I could except dropping Ben, and he wouldn't come with me. Well, that's fickleness for you.

  • I'm not sure telling him your past matters to much and if you sided with him in the meat locker he seems pretty ok with you bringing Lilly along.

    Zyphon posted: »

    I also made a bunch of choices similar to yours, Saved Duck, Sided with Kenny against Larry, Helped kill Larry, fed the kids, Kenny, and Mark,

  • First me you and ClemClem find a boat! Alt text

    • Shawn and Duck

    • Help to Kill Larry

    • Feed Duck and generally just look after him

    • Side with him in major conversations (e.g Kenny vs Larry, Leaving or Staying at Motel)

    • If all else fails, say 'Clementine is my Family'. This should 100% get him on your side.

  • Goust, you've watched/done/said worst things xD

  • All of a sudden a post from February is brought back from the dead.

  • Would you believe me if I said I had boats... And hoes?

  • Kenny is a very hard man to please you know. Did you try setting the game to Wumbo?

  • On my first playthrough, I:

    -Tried to save Shawn (I actually saved Duck on my first try, but reloaded because I thought my choices had meaning - lulz - but I ended up sticking with the save where I tried to help Shawn and Kenny runs off like a coward)

    -Confronted Larry for demanding that a child be thrown out, because fuck that guy

    • I fed the children

    -Murdered Larry because of the aforementioned incident and him trying to murder Lee for the heinous crime of saving his ungrateful fat ass. Fuck that guy.

    • I left Lilly for dead

    • Put the screaming woman out of her misery, because Kenny was deliberately being a jackass

    • I calmed him down at the train

    • I killed his son

    • I put the zombie child out of its misery

    • I saved Ben

    • I told him that Clem was my family

    He came with me. To be honest, I didn't actually know on my first playthrough that he could have left Clem to rot.

  • Saving Duck instead drastically changes your relationship with Kenny.

    I did shoot Duck, I saved shawn(Maybe that's why) I did defend his son against Larry, and I did not drop Ben.

  • edited November 2014

    He came with me. Here's what I did:

    Saved Duck over Shawn

    Told Larry that Lee and homo parade Kenny are gonna kick his ass(Kenny got knocked the fuck out)

    Fed Duck and Clem(I also fed Mark and Larry, but I don't think they count)

    Tried to save Larry

    Took the food from the car

    Shot the girl

    Took Lily with us

    Found water and food for Duck

    Kicked his ass on the train

    Shot Duck so he didn't have to

    Said Ben should stay in the group(But I also told Kenny to kick his ass, because I used to hate Ben)

    Showed the bite to the group

    Omid and Christa came along, no problem

    Ben didn't want to go at first, but I told Clem stook up for him

    Told Kenny Clem was my family and he came along.

    So me and Kenny weren't the best of friends as time went along, but he showed to be a good friend and help find Clem.(I also didn't even know he could leave Clem until I saw other playthroughs)

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