I'm not sure a time skip is a good idea, but I am convinced you guys can make it work
Edit: I think it's a pretty tense and interesting s… moreituation we're dealing with: Liz's encounter with her friend and foe Selma and Ruby and Clem witnessing what is happening between them. They could fight, conciliate, split the supplies or even join forces - or the situation escalates. You see: so many possibilities. I don't understand the current lack of ideas to be honest
A near insane chuckle comes from Elizabeth's mouth. She stretches her neck before turning around and pushing the barrel of Selma's gun right against her forehead. "You don't have the guts." She taunts. Selma's heart is racing, her eyes widened and desperately looking for a way out of the situation. "Come on, do it! Do it you pig-faced bitch!" Elizabeth starts screaming at her former friend. Her voice is surprisingly powerful, every word reaching into Selma's spirits and bringing out cropped up anger and frustration. The gun starts shaking in her hand before she finally lowers her arm. "I... I can't..." She wipes a set of tears from her face before stepping away from the three women. "I'm sorry." Loud footsteps echo through the hall when Selma disappears into the darkness. Clementine and Ruby share a concerned look when Elizabeth crouches down onto the ground, reaching for a small shiny object next to a crate. "She used to be a damn fine woman." She starts talking. "A good friend, as well." The recognizable sound of a lighter turning on and off again emits from Elizabeth's lap every few seconds. "I guess you never know who your real friends are until they stab you in the back."
The grim woman rises from the ground and turns towards Clementine and Ruby, her long brown hair covering the right part of her face. With one deep breath she inhales the last bit of the lighter's smoke still lingering in the air. A satisfied groan emits from her mouth. "That's good..." She opens her eyes and grins at the couple in front of her.
(Listen to this: )
A near insane chuckle comes from Elizabeth's mouth. She stretches her neck before turning around and pushing the barr… moreel of Selma's gun right against her forehead. "You don't have the guts." She taunts. Selma's heart is racing, her eyes widened and desperately looking for a way out of the situation. "Come on, do it! Do it you pig-faced bitch!" Elizabeth starts screaming at her former friend. Her voice is surprisingly powerful, every word reaching into Selma's spirits and bringing out cropped up anger and frustration. The gun starts shaking in her hand before she finally lowers her arm. "I... I can't..." She wipes a set of tears from her face before stepping away from the three women. "I'm sorry." Loud footsteps echo through the hall when Selma disappears into the darkness. Clementine and Ruby share a concerned look when Elizabeth crouches down onto the ground, reaching for a small shiny object next to a crate. "She used … [view original content]
(Listen to this: )
A near insane chuckle comes from Elizabeth's mouth. She stretches her neck before turning around and pushing the barr… moreel of Selma's gun right against her forehead. "You don't have the guts." She taunts. Selma's heart is racing, her eyes widened and desperately looking for a way out of the situation. "Come on, do it! Do it you pig-faced bitch!" Elizabeth starts screaming at her former friend. Her voice is surprisingly powerful, every word reaching into Selma's spirits and bringing out cropped up anger and frustration. The gun starts shaking in her hand before she finally lowers her arm. "I... I can't..." She wipes a set of tears from her face before stepping away from the three women. "I'm sorry." Loud footsteps echo through the hall when Selma disappears into the darkness. Clementine and Ruby share a concerned look when Elizabeth crouches down onto the ground, reaching for a small shiny object next to a crate. "She used … [view original content]
He walked for what felt like forever, through the deep fog. He constantly heard whispers all around him, his head was twitching every step he took. His eyes were bloodshot red. He thought he was hallucinating when he saw a little girl staring at him from a distance, so he ignored her and kept walking.
Time had died, Weston covered the remains of his brother's grave - adding a cross with it. He stares at his grave with an insane look. He felt like killing Lester wasn't enough. Weston looks around him, his eyebrows hanging low. He decides to head towards the location where he saw the little girl. He eventually bumps into a cave, he sees that no one was inside and gladly enters. The first thing he saw was a rabbit being cooked at the fire, his eyes then quickly turned to the gallery of pictures. "Nothing here to fucking take." He mutters to himself. He then turns around and goes face to face with Ruby. He quickly thought, he decided to not Murder the woman and instead just run for it. So he sprints out the cave and into the Forest with Ruby chasing him. His agility makes Ruby lose track of him quick, and she gives up turning back.
Weston kept running normal speed for a good mile, he didn't know why. He stops and takes a breath before looking up to see 2 Soldiers walking up to him. "Well look who it is! Edgar Weston! How's your stupid brother doing? Huh? What about Neil and that idiot Willie?" Tommy asks. "Fuck off." Weston mutters. "Ooooo look Tommy I think you done made him mad!" Ryan shouts laughing all creepy like. "You know how long we've been trying to find you Weston? You're fuckin' up our community with your bullshit market you're pulling. Simple bullet to the head'll be quick." Tommy says taking out his revolver. "Yeah and you can start by taking off your boots!" Ryan shouts. "As you wish." Weston says kneeling down. He hears the Soldiers laughing from above, he then quickly pulls out his knife he had in his left boot and slices Ryan's throat. Tommy panics and freezes up. Weston then stabs him several times in the gut. Weston just stands here, soaked in blood with both Soldiers dead. He just stares at the trees, daydreaming almost. He snaps out of the faze he was in and looks at Tommy's corpse to see some rope, then he looks up at a thick tree. "They're gonna be looking for these fuckers." He whispers to himself while disemboweling both of them.
More time had passed, Weston eventually made it back to his truck and heads back to his Trailer. "Weston! Weston!" Willie shouts running to Weston's truck while he gets out. "What is it now Willie?" "Lester's gang man! They trashed the trailer! Me and Neil were hiding from them when they came man they're pissed!" "Son of a bitch, alright get Neil, I'm getting the Guns." Weston says walking to his garage. "B-B-But me and Neil can't shoot worth a damn!" "No shit, you 2 will be scouting. I'm going into that fucking farm myself. I don't give a flying fuck if there's 30 of them, I'm going to Kill. Them. All.
He walked for what felt like forever, through the deep fog. He constantly heard whispers all a… moreround him, his head was twitching every step he took. His eyes were bloodshot red. He thought he was hallucinating when he saw a little girl staring at him from a distance, so he ignored her and kept walking.
Time had died, Weston covered the remains of his brother's grave - adding a cross with it. He stares at his grave with an insane look. He felt like killing Lester wasn't enough. Weston looks around him, his eyebrows hanging low. He decides to head towards the location where he saw the little girl. He eventually bumps into a cave, he sees that no one was inside and gladly enters. The first thing he saw was a rabbit being cooked at the fire, his eyes then quickly turned to the gallery of pictures. "Nothing here to fucking take." He mutters to himself. He then turns around and goes face to face with … [view original content]
I like it. One thing though, you are portraying the shovel man as somewhat of an... asshole. I guess this means that his civil nature and British accent are all a facade created to deceive Clementine and Ruby into trusting the shovel man! GASP
Seriously though, that would be a very interesting twist and it would show that no one is to be trusted. : )
He walked for what felt like forever, through the deep fog. He constantly heard whispers all a… moreround him, his head was twitching every step he took. His eyes were bloodshot red. He thought he was hallucinating when he saw a little girl staring at him from a distance, so he ignored her and kept walking.
Time had died, Weston covered the remains of his brother's grave - adding a cross with it. He stares at his grave with an insane look. He felt like killing Lester wasn't enough. Weston looks around him, his eyebrows hanging low. He decides to head towards the location where he saw the little girl. He eventually bumps into a cave, he sees that no one was inside and gladly enters. The first thing he saw was a rabbit being cooked at the fire, his eyes then quickly turned to the gallery of pictures. "Nothing here to fucking take." He mutters to himself. He then turns around and goes face to face with … [view original content]
I like it. One thing though, you are portraying the shovel man as somewhat of an... asshole. I guess this means that his civil nature and Br… moreitish accent are all a facade created to deceive Clementine and Ruby into trusting the shovel man! GASP
Seriously though, that would be a very interesting twist and it would show that no one is to be trusted. : )
Seeing as I am drawing Elizabeth and Ruby, I'll tell you about a character-defining moment in Liz's story:
Elizabeth slowly raises her hand and the crowd starts forming a circle around her. ''It was me.'', she says with only a slight crack in her voice. She raises her other hand, which is holding a pistol, and aims it at Kirkmin. ''Who in the Devil's name are you?'', the agitated man furiously shouts.
''My name is Elizabeth Grey. And I will avenge my husband.'', she says before taking a deep breath and squeezing her finger tightly around the trigger.
This is right after Robert has been shot. It shows her desperate attempt at avenging her husband and how she became the strong, almost crazy character she is today. Elizabeth truly has nothing left to lose.
I like it. One thing though, you are portraying the shovel man as somewhat of an... asshole. I guess this means that his civil nature and Br… moreitish accent are all a facade created to deceive Clementine and Ruby into trusting the shovel man! GASP
Seriously though, that would be a very interesting twist and it would show that no one is to be trusted. : )
"Hmm... I don't know, I haven't seen any activity since those 2 entered." The unknown voice said, looking through binoculars. "Holy fuck there he is! Weston!" His friend said. The first man zooms down the hill with his binoculars, seeing Weston starting up his truck and driving off into the darkness. "Whiskey, go start up the truck and follow that Motherfucker! I'm gonna go talk to these Women." "Got it, keep your guard up Dex." Whiskey says running into the woods.
Dex approaches the Settlement, he has his assault rifle gripped tightly. Aiming everywhere he looked slowly walking down the street. He heard Women arguing in the Warehouse close to him - he walks to the main doors and very carefully peaks in. He sees 2 Women bickering at one another, with a little girl standing right next to one of the Women. They were arguing about keys, Dex slowly steps in trying not to make any noise. He heard one of the Women say "Back away." With a cold tone - just after she said it, he bumps into some pipes and the noise echoes through the Warehouse and the Women spot him immediately. "Hey!" Liz shouts. Ruby quickly unholsters her pistol and aims. "Whoa whoa I'm friendly!" Dex shouts, but was not willing to set his rifle down. "I just wanna ask some questions about a guy who passed through here, goes by the name of "Weston". But he probably used a fake name." Liz and Ruby give each other a quick look before looking back at the Soldier. "He's a fucking Soldier. Look what he's wearing! Shoot him Ruby!" Liz shouts. "WHOA SLOW DOWN I ain't one of those Soldiers, I'm part of a Community in Charlotte NC. We're currently looking for this Weston guy cause he's a threat to our people. I just wanna know where he went. He carries a Shovel, does that ring anything?" Dex says. Ruby slowly lowers her pistol before she speaks. "He said his name was Phil." "Phil huh? Yeah... Phil is his brother. Weston is a fruitcake alright? He's a very manipulative person. He's killed dozens of People. Good and Bad people, he's unpredictable. I'm surprised he didn't kill you 3." Dex says. Clem's face went to fear. "I sent a man to follow him, but I just wanted to talk to you Women. I mean no harm." "Well I hope you make him suffer. I really do. Fuck him. You see this Warehouse? It was filled with Supplies. There was no way in here. What does he do? He digs his fucking way in here and robs me blind!" Liz shouts. "Yeah, I would imagine so. He's a thief. This Man is just pure bad... Anyway I'm gonna be leaving here in a minute, do you Ladies wanna come with me?" "No." Liz said immediately after his offer. "Elizabeth." Ruby said, glaring at her. "It's fine, I hope you 3 do okay out here. Thanks." Dex says walking away. "The fuck are you doing Elizabeth?" Ruby whispers. "I don't wanna go. I'm not speaking for everyone. Go on before he leaves." Liz says lighting a cigarette.
"You can't just stay here Liz. Living in the past, you're just hurting yourself." "What the hell do you know?" Liz mutters. "I just lost my entire family! My husband, my DAUGHTER. Everyone I know is now gone. I know what you feel Liz, but you can still come back from this. You're not too far gone." Ruby says. Elizabeth's eyes start to Water, she was about to burst out crying. "We need to leave this place, let it rest. You need something to fight for, not just sit here and die." "What are you fighting for?" Liz asks. "Clementine."
The 3 Women leave the Warehouse, the first thing they see is the full Moon shining bright. They then see the Soldier about to leave the Settlement. "We going with him?" Liz asks. "It's worth a shot." Ruby says. "What about Bryan?" Clem asks. "Like I said, it's worth a shot. HEY!" Ruby shouts at Dex. Dex turns around to see the 3 Women. He runs to them. "Change your minds?" He asks. "We'll go I guess." Liz says. "Good. I'm glad. First, we're gonna catch up to my Partner who is probably at Weston's hideout as we speak, so just be ready in case anything happens. He's dangerous." Dex says as they begin to walk. "Who are we even dealing with here?" Ruby asks. "The Devil himself." Dex mutters.
Several minutes passed, Dex and the rest were driving down the road. "Whiskey? Whiskey pick up man." Dex says through the Walkie. "He's usually strict about Walkie's, always giving me shit about never picking up ha... I'm Dexter by the way, or just Dex for short. Dexter doesn't fit black men that great in my opinion." "I'm Ruby, she's Elizabeth and this is Clementine." "Nice to meet ya'll, really. Once we get Weston, we'll head back to the Community if you're up for it of course." Dex says. "We're kinda looking for someone." Ruby says. "Who? What's his name?" "Bryan. Just Bryan. I don't know his last name." "Hmm. He might be at our Community, we got like 200 people in the City." Dex says. "Damn." Liz says, with a surprised look. "Whiskey? Come on man pick up... Something ain't right." Just after his words, a voice is heard from the Walkie. "Hi! I would like fudge sunday, I don't really like the cherry so keep that off and- HEY WES NO NO I'M SORRY!" The voice said, "WILLIE GET THE FUCK OFF THE WALKIE!" Weston said through the Walkie, before throwing it against the wall. "Holy shit they got him." Dex says while speeding up the vehicle. They eventually arrive at his Trailer, with no sign of him or his vehicle. They all get out, weapons ready. Dex approaches the front door, and quickly bursts in - still no sign of him. "Hey!" Liz shouted outside. Dex and the rest run to Liz to see Whiskey dead on the ground, mutilated with a Note taped on his face.
'Whoopsy daisy! I think O'l "Whiskey" here had a little accident. I will admit it kinda freaked me out a little when his arm just plopped off! And about the head, it was already mutilated when he got here so don't blame me amigo! BUH BYE I HOPE YOU ALL DIE AND NEVER COME BACK. BURN.
Weston, the sexiest man alive.
Note: I hope I didn't leave the Settlement too early, I was just trying to push the story forward. :P
"Hmm... I don't know, I haven't seen any activity since those 2 entered." The unknown voice said, looking through binoculars. "Holy fuck the… morere he is! Weston!" His friend said. The first man zooms down the hill with his binoculars, seeing Weston starting up his truck and driving off into the darkness. "Whiskey, go start up the truck and follow that Motherfucker! I'm gonna go talk to these Women." "Got it, keep your guard up Dex." Whiskey says running into the woods.
Dex approaches the Settlement, he has his assault rifle gripped tightly. Aiming everywhere he looked slowly walking down the street. He heard Women arguing in the Warehouse close to him - he walks to the main doors and very carefully peaks in. He sees 2 Women bickering at one another, with a little girl standing right next to one of the Women. They were arguing about keys, Dex slowly steps in trying not to make any noise. He heard one of the Women say "Back away." With a cold to… [view original content]
One request (that may sound stupid):
Would you please make a list of all the characters around Weston? @Twistee has mentioned plenty of different new names and it's gotten hard for me to match them. It's just so complex, or maybe it's just me. That'd be very helpful!
And regarding Weston: is his character already determined or are we allowed to develop it together?
Another question to all of you:
Will the season deal with Clem&Rubes vs. The Shovel Man or is it just a current story line? I'd just like to know where we're heading to before I continue to write. What do you think? We need a goal, or as @That_1_Guy said: a new "boat" - a theme for the whole season. Actually, I think "maternity" and different aspects of life as a woman would be a great theme. Maybe we can make a brainstorming together
You can all freely use Weston, it's fine. As for characters, it's Neil and Willie, Weston's 2 friends.
I hope Weston is around for a while. I apologize for all the names I'm coming up with, like Joel for example. I was gonna introduce them sometime in the future, starting with Dex. The whole Community in NC is just an idea personally, I figure that's where the story can kick in.
Hey guys, hope you had a happy easter
One request (that may sound stupid):
Would you please make a list of all the characters around W… moreeston? @Twistee has mentioned plenty of different new names and it's gotten hard for me to match them. It's just so complex, or maybe it's just me. That'd be very helpful!
And regarding Weston: is his character already determined or are we allowed to develop it together?
Another question to all of you:
Will the season deal with Clem&Rubes vs. The Shovel Man or is it just a current story line? I'd just like to know where we're heading to before I continue to write. What do you think? We need a goal, or as @That_1_Guy said: a new "boat" - a theme for the whole season. Actually, I think "maternity" and different aspects of life as a woman would be a great theme. Maybe we can make a brainstorming together
Ok, thanks. Though, I am sure there were more names you've mentioned. Maybe it'd be easier if you said who belongs to which group: who are the "bad guys"/ Westons people and which names belong to the other group that is after him.
Besides, it seems like you already have a specific plan for the future / seem to know who exactly Weston is and why they're after him. If so I think it's best you share it with us so we all know and see how to make things work.
You can all freely use Weston, it's fine. As for characters, it's Neil and Willie, Weston's 2 friends.
I hope Weston is around for a whil… moree. I apologize for all the names I'm coming up with, like Joel for example. I was gonna introduce them sometime in the future, starting with Dex. The whole Community in NC is just an idea personally, I figure that's where the story can kick in.
Weston is a bad guy, that's pretty much confirmed. I have said other names before like Isaac, but they really have no meaning to the story. The only important one is Joel to be honest, which I hope plays a major role. Joel is indeed a good guy as well. I kind of mentioned why the NC Community is after Weston, but Joel is basically trying to hunt down his former Gang he was in with Weston, to make amends pretty much. I hope this clears everything up. Oh yeah, about the farm Weston is gonna hit, that was just gonna be a one post execution. Nothing special about it either.
Ok, thanks. Though, I am sure there were more names you've mentioned. Maybe it'd be easier if you said who belongs to which group: who are t… morehe "bad guys"/ Westons people and which names belong to the other group that is after him.
Besides, it seems like you already have a specific plan for the future / seem to know who exactly Weston is and why they're after him. If so I think it's best you share it with us so we all know and see how to make things work.
I am going to have a busy week this week, so no posts from me until friday. After that I will have a teo week holiday, so i will catch up on my writing then. : )
"Weston, the most fucked man alive, that's what he is."
Dex crouches down right next to Whiskey.
"Man, I'm sorry about this, but don't worry, I'll bring him to the..." Dex said, whilst his final words to Whiskey was whispered and as such could not be heard.
"Come on, let's go."
(Stop the music)
They walk back to the car.
"So, what's the plan?" Ruby asks.
"We go find this piece of shit, and rip him into pieces." Dex says, saying it in a calm yet slighlty mad voice.
"What about us? We have nothing to do with this." Liz says.
Dex stops.
He turns around.
"You wanna head to the settlement, is that what you just said?" Dex said, raising his voice word by word.
He instantly pulled out his assault rifle.
"Well I'll give you just th-... Look, I'm sorry, but my friend was just slaughtered and I wanna kill this disgusting fuck."
"Okay, we'll help y-" Ruby says before getting cut off by Liz.
"No." Liz says.
"Uhm, excuse me? Did you just say no?" Dex said.
Liz nods.
"Everyone in this settlement has to do their job and protect each other, and this man is a THREAT!" Dex says.
"So, where is everyone else? Hmm? Why is no one else looking for him?" Liz says.
Clementine is just about to say something before Dex opens his mouth.
"Fine, I'll get you to the settlement, I've realized this has nothing to do with you, you're right." Dex sighs.
They walk for a very long time and see mostly nothing but a few walkers, many fallen trees, etc. until they get to the doors of the settlement.
"Oh man, it'll be nice to finally have some people again!" Ruby says.
Lizzy slowly opens her eyes as she sees the the aftermath that reminded her of Kirkmins attack.
"What. The. Fuck." Ruby says.
"Move." Dex says whilst poking his gun at Clementine.
They all walk in the middle of just another failed settlement. It looked like a war-zone. Clem looks around her and sees nothing but dead bodies, destroyed buildings, and walkers that are stuck to all kinds of things, reminding her of the Crawford barrier.
After walking to the very middle of the settlement, Dex commands them to stop, and goes infront of everyone.
"Light a cigarette." Dex says to Liz.
She follows his order.
"Smoke away." Dex says.
"Anyone else want it?"
No one responds.
"Get on your knees."
"You're no use to me, you don't wanna coop in the hunting down of a sick sick man."
Ruby spits on him.
"You're the one who is sick you fuckin-" Ruby gets cut off by a gunshot that intentionally missed Clem right next to her head.
"So, you told me you wanted to go to the settlement. THIS, this is the settlement. The settlement is nothing but death and, well, that's just about it! Congratulations! It was, wow, I don't even know how long it was since these fucking guys came in with just a single tank and not to many men, tried to attack us from the inside, and the results are THE definition of succeding. Well, maybe not really, we killed most of them except for a few, they escaped, but suddenly, guess what? For our convinience, WALKERS came in, yes, beatiful walkers! What ended up was almost a draw, most walkers got killed, most of those guys that tried to kill us, and that I did overhear mentioning often something about someone named, Kirmin, died, but most importantly... We got killed. Kids, hopefully you learned a lesson, don't start a settlement of any kind! Because, well, you can not trust anyone anymore, wait a minute, you won't have any use of that lesson, because you'll be dead in the next fifteen seconds." Dex says with a rather crazy voice but calm voice.
"Sure you don't want a last cigarette?" Dex says.
"No, do you?" Liz says.
Dex instantly walks towards her but just before he takes the cigarette remembers that he just accepted an offer that would be the last.
Liz pulls the cigarette right into his eye and whips out her revolver and shoots him right in the head.
"Lesson learnt" Liz says, before walking slowly away.
I'm back!
Now, yes, I am aware that this is a sudden and probably a bad twist, but I feel like we're heading in the wrong direction.
The idea would be that Dex is actually just another insane person who brought them to the settlement, A.k.a Death when he found that he had no use of them in terms of hunting down Weston. He was previously in a settlement that went simply wrong and was attacked by the remains of the Kirkmin group, in which he changed a LOT, just like Liz, but unlike Liz he is, well, simply put, different. We can still have Weston around in the background, but I felt like another settlement would just, be boring and uninteresting.
I'll make a separate post in which I'll give my opinion on Season 3 so far.
Thanks so much for the great welcomes and the motivation of me to come back, though I have probably dissapointed you a lot with this post, but hey, that's why you can reply!
Excellent! No, seriouely: I love your post and applaud you for your brave move. I am sure some people might find it dissapointing, but in my honest opinion this post fits Liz so well - this is her nature. Besides: Dex might have been a good guy for being after Weston, but that doesn't make him automatically a good human being. Applause!
"That... That... FUCK!" Dex said.
"Weston, the most fucked man alive, that's what he is."
Dex crouches down right next to Whi… moreskey.
"Man, I'm sorry about this, but don't worry, I'll bring him to the..." Dex said, whilst his final words to Whiskey was whispered and as such could not be heard.
"Come on, let's go."
(Stop the music)
They walk back to the car.
"So, what's the plan?" Ruby asks.
"We go find this piece of shit, and rip him into pieces." Dex says, saying it in a calm yet slighlty mad voice.
"What about us? We have nothing to do with this." Liz says.
Dex stops.
He turns around.
"You wanna head to the settlement, is that what you just said?" Dex said, raising his voice word by word.
He instantly pulled out his assault rifle.
"Well I'll give you just th-... Look, I'm sorry, but my friend was just slaughtered and I wanna kill this disgusting fuck."
"Okay, we'll help y-" Ruby says before… [view original content]
I don't really like it, but this way we can open up in a new environment, with new characters. We also need to give the group a real goal to focus on.
You say it: We wantz the story to go on
. Like I Waste My Time I don't know how to continue most of the time so I just hang back until I feel the time is right.
Good work so far guys
(Listen to this:
A near insane chuckle comes from Elizabeth's mouth. She stretches her neck before turning around and pushing the barrel of Selma's gun right against her forehead. "You don't have the guts." She taunts. Selma's heart is racing, her eyes widened and desperately looking for a way out of the situation. "Come on, do it! Do it you pig-faced bitch!" Elizabeth starts screaming at her former friend. Her voice is surprisingly powerful, every word reaching into Selma's spirits and bringing out cropped up anger and frustration. The gun starts shaking in her hand before she finally lowers her arm. "I... I can't..." She wipes a set of tears from her face before stepping away from the three women. "I'm sorry." Loud footsteps echo through the hall when Selma disappears into the darkness. Clementine and Ruby share a concerned look when Elizabeth crouches down onto the ground, reaching for a small shiny object next to a crate. "She used to be a damn fine woman." She starts talking. "A good friend, as well." The recognizable sound of a lighter turning on and off again emits from Elizabeth's lap every few seconds. "I guess you never know who your real friends are until they stab you in the back."
The grim woman rises from the ground and turns towards Clementine and Ruby, her long brown hair covering the right part of her face. With one deep breath she inhales the last bit of the lighter's smoke still lingering in the air. A satisfied groan emits from her mouth. "That's good..." She opens her eyes and grins at the couple in front of her.
"So, are you my friends?"
Oh my god, what a brillant twist - very well done!
Can't believe I forgot to edit this comment.
Brb gonna die and never come back.
He walked for what felt like forever, through the deep fog. He constantly heard whispers all around him, his head was twitching every step he took. His eyes were bloodshot red. He thought he was hallucinating when he saw a little girl staring at him from a distance, so he ignored her and kept walking.
Time had died, Weston covered the remains of his brother's grave - adding a cross with it. He stares at his grave with an insane look. He felt like killing Lester wasn't enough. Weston looks around him, his eyebrows hanging low. He decides to head towards the location where he saw the little girl. He eventually bumps into a cave, he sees that no one was inside and gladly enters. The first thing he saw was a rabbit being cooked at the fire, his eyes then quickly turned to the gallery of pictures. "Nothing here to fucking take." He mutters to himself. He then turns around and goes face to face with Ruby. He quickly thought, he decided to not Murder the woman and instead just run for it. So he sprints out the cave and into the Forest with Ruby chasing him. His agility makes Ruby lose track of him quick, and she gives up turning back.
Weston kept running normal speed for a good mile, he didn't know why. He stops and takes a breath before looking up to see 2 Soldiers walking up to him. "Well look who it is! Edgar Weston! How's your stupid brother doing? Huh? What about Neil and that idiot Willie?" Tommy asks. "Fuck off." Weston mutters. "Ooooo look Tommy I think you done made him mad!" Ryan shouts laughing all creepy like. "You know how long we've been trying to find you Weston? You're fuckin' up our community with your bullshit market you're pulling. Simple bullet to the head'll be quick." Tommy says taking out his revolver. "Yeah and you can start by taking off your boots!" Ryan shouts. "As you wish." Weston says kneeling down. He hears the Soldiers laughing from above, he then quickly pulls out his knife he had in his left boot and slices Ryan's throat. Tommy panics and freezes up. Weston then stabs him several times in the gut. Weston just stands here, soaked in blood with both Soldiers dead. He just stares at the trees, daydreaming almost. He snaps out of the faze he was in and looks at Tommy's corpse to see some rope, then he looks up at a thick tree. "They're gonna be looking for these fuckers." He whispers to himself while disemboweling both of them.
More time had passed, Weston eventually made it back to his truck and heads back to his Trailer. "Weston! Weston!" Willie shouts running to Weston's truck while he gets out. "What is it now Willie?" "Lester's gang man! They trashed the trailer! Me and Neil were hiding from them when they came man they're pissed!" "Son of a bitch, alright get Neil, I'm getting the Guns." Weston says walking to his garage. "B-B-But me and Neil can't shoot worth a damn!" "No shit, you 2 will be scouting. I'm going into that fucking farm myself. I don't give a flying fuck if there's 30 of them, I'm going to Kill. Them. All.
Wow! Great how you brought the earlier shovel man posts together, resolving almost everything. Very well done!
I like it. One thing though, you are portraying the shovel man as somewhat of an... asshole. I guess this means that his civil nature and British accent are all a facade created to deceive Clementine and Ruby into trusting the shovel man! GASP
Seriously though, that would be a very interesting twist and it would show that no one is to be trusted. : )
I am going to do some studies on hair and head-angles for my upcoming drawing. It's going to be good, I can feel it.
british accent.
....why did that make me laugh?
Seriously though, I second this.,
Some Brits are not to be trusted! One moment they act all nice and civil like, but the next they could be throwing their tea into your face!
(is british)
Good to hear
I favour the tea in my face over black pudding!
Some Brits. ; )
Seeing as I am drawing Elizabeth and Ruby, I'll tell you about a character-defining moment in Liz's story:
Elizabeth slowly raises her hand and the crowd starts forming a circle around her. ''It was me.'', she says with only a slight crack in her voice. She raises her other hand, which is holding a pistol, and aims it at Kirkmin. ''Who in the Devil's name are you?'', the agitated man furiously shouts.
''My name is Elizabeth Grey. And I will avenge my husband.'', she says before taking a deep breath and squeezing her finger tightly around the trigger.
This is right after Robert has been shot. It shows her desperate attempt at avenging her husband and how she became the strong, almost crazy character she is today. Elizabeth truly has nothing left to lose.
And she smokes. That's pretty cool, too.
....When I find you I will throw Tea in your FACE./
HA! as nobody but me knew, THERE WAS NO TEA TO BEGIN WITH! >:D
He's got charm coming out of his ass.
So... My post didn't exactly inspire anyone did it now..? :" P
Clementine begins to breathe heavily before speaking, knowing that any moment Elizabeth could burst, after all of her pain bottling up inside.
"We can be friends... I suppose..."
Elizabeth gives her a half smile, as she begins to speak.
"Can I have the keys now?" She says as she begins to approach Clementine, her hands reaching at her.
Clementine slowly grasps her hands at her pocket knife, sticking out of her pocket.
Liz then begins to get even closer, as Ruby steps in front of Clementine.
"Back away.." She says as a loud noise erupts through the warehouse.
"Hmm... I don't know, I haven't seen any activity since those 2 entered." The unknown voice said, looking through binoculars. "Holy fuck there he is! Weston!" His friend said. The first man zooms down the hill with his binoculars, seeing Weston starting up his truck and driving off into the darkness. "Whiskey, go start up the truck and follow that Motherfucker! I'm gonna go talk to these Women." "Got it, keep your guard up Dex." Whiskey says running into the woods.
Dex approaches the Settlement, he has his assault rifle gripped tightly. Aiming everywhere he looked slowly walking down the street. He heard Women arguing in the Warehouse close to him - he walks to the main doors and very carefully peaks in. He sees 2 Women bickering at one another, with a little girl standing right next to one of the Women. They were arguing about keys, Dex slowly steps in trying not to make any noise. He heard one of the Women say "Back away." With a cold tone - just after she said it, he bumps into some pipes and the noise echoes through the Warehouse and the Women spot him immediately. "Hey!" Liz shouts. Ruby quickly unholsters her pistol and aims. "Whoa whoa I'm friendly!" Dex shouts, but was not willing to set his rifle down. "I just wanna ask some questions about a guy who passed through here, goes by the name of "Weston". But he probably used a fake name." Liz and Ruby give each other a quick look before looking back at the Soldier. "He's a fucking Soldier. Look what he's wearing! Shoot him Ruby!" Liz shouts. "WHOA SLOW DOWN I ain't one of those Soldiers, I'm part of a Community in Charlotte NC. We're currently looking for this Weston guy cause he's a threat to our people. I just wanna know where he went. He carries a Shovel, does that ring anything?" Dex says. Ruby slowly lowers her pistol before she speaks. "He said his name was Phil." "Phil huh? Yeah... Phil is his brother. Weston is a fruitcake alright? He's a very manipulative person. He's killed dozens of People. Good and Bad people, he's unpredictable. I'm surprised he didn't kill you 3." Dex says. Clem's face went to fear. "I sent a man to follow him, but I just wanted to talk to you Women. I mean no harm." "Well I hope you make him suffer. I really do. Fuck him. You see this Warehouse? It was filled with Supplies. There was no way in here. What does he do? He digs his fucking way in here and robs me blind!" Liz shouts. "Yeah, I would imagine so. He's a thief. This Man is just pure bad... Anyway I'm gonna be leaving here in a minute, do you Ladies wanna come with me?" "No." Liz said immediately after his offer. "Elizabeth." Ruby said, glaring at her. "It's fine, I hope you 3 do okay out here. Thanks." Dex says walking away. "The fuck are you doing Elizabeth?" Ruby whispers. "I don't wanna go. I'm not speaking for everyone. Go on before he leaves." Liz says lighting a cigarette.
"You can't just stay here Liz. Living in the past, you're just hurting yourself." "What the hell do you know?" Liz mutters. "I just lost my entire family! My husband, my DAUGHTER. Everyone I know is now gone. I know what you feel Liz, but you can still come back from this. You're not too far gone." Ruby says. Elizabeth's eyes start to Water, she was about to burst out crying. "We need to leave this place, let it rest. You need something to fight for, not just sit here and die." "What are you fighting for?" Liz asks. "Clementine."
The 3 Women leave the Warehouse, the first thing they see is the full Moon shining bright. They then see the Soldier about to leave the Settlement. "We going with him?" Liz asks. "It's worth a shot." Ruby says. "What about Bryan?" Clem asks. "Like I said, it's worth a shot. HEY!" Ruby shouts at Dex. Dex turns around to see the 3 Women. He runs to them. "Change your minds?" He asks. "We'll go I guess." Liz says. "Good. I'm glad. First, we're gonna catch up to my Partner who is probably at Weston's hideout as we speak, so just be ready in case anything happens. He's dangerous." Dex says as they begin to walk. "Who are we even dealing with here?" Ruby asks. "The Devil himself." Dex mutters.
Several minutes passed, Dex and the rest were driving down the road. "Whiskey? Whiskey pick up man." Dex says through the Walkie. "He's usually strict about Walkie's, always giving me shit about never picking up ha... I'm Dexter by the way, or just Dex for short. Dexter doesn't fit black men that great in my opinion." "I'm Ruby, she's Elizabeth and this is Clementine." "Nice to meet ya'll, really. Once we get Weston, we'll head back to the Community if you're up for it of course." Dex says. "We're kinda looking for someone." Ruby says. "Who? What's his name?" "Bryan. Just Bryan. I don't know his last name." "Hmm. He might be at our Community, we got like 200 people in the City." Dex says. "Damn." Liz says, with a surprised look. "Whiskey? Come on man pick up... Something ain't right." Just after his words, a voice is heard from the Walkie. "Hi! I would like fudge sunday, I don't really like the cherry so keep that off and- HEY WES NO NO I'M SORRY!" The voice said, "WILLIE GET THE FUCK OFF THE WALKIE!" Weston said through the Walkie, before throwing it against the wall. "Holy shit they got him." Dex says while speeding up the vehicle. They eventually arrive at his Trailer, with no sign of him or his vehicle. They all get out, weapons ready. Dex approaches the front door, and quickly bursts in - still no sign of him. "Hey!" Liz shouted outside. Dex and the rest run to Liz to see Whiskey dead on the ground, mutilated with a Note taped on his face.
'Whoopsy daisy! I think O'l "Whiskey" here had a little accident. I will admit it kinda freaked me out a little when his arm just plopped off! And about the head, it was already mutilated when he got here so don't blame me amigo! BUH BYE I HOPE YOU ALL DIE AND NEVER COME BACK. BURN.
Weston, the sexiest man alive.
Note: I hope I didn't leave the Settlement too early, I was just trying to push the story forward. :P
Shovel guy...
He's absolutely bonkers! XD
Hey guys, hope you had a happy easter
One request (that may sound stupid):
Would you please make a list of all the characters around Weston? @Twistee has mentioned plenty of different new names and it's gotten hard for me to match them. It's just so complex, or maybe it's just me. That'd be very helpful!
And regarding Weston: is his character already determined or are we allowed to develop it together?
Another question to all of you:
Will the season deal with Clem&Rubes vs. The Shovel Man or is it just a current story line? I'd just like to know where we're heading to before I continue to write. What do you think? We need a goal, or as @That_1_Guy said: a new "boat" - a theme for the whole season. Actually, I think "maternity" and different aspects of life as a woman would be a great theme. Maybe we can make a brainstorming together
You can all freely use Weston, it's fine. As for characters, it's Neil and Willie, Weston's 2 friends.
I hope Weston is around for a while. I apologize for all the names I'm coming up with, like Joel for example. I was gonna introduce them sometime in the future, starting with Dex. The whole Community in NC is just an idea personally, I figure that's where the story can kick in.
Ok, thanks. Though, I am sure there were more names you've mentioned. Maybe it'd be easier if you said who belongs to which group: who are the "bad guys"/ Westons people and which names belong to the other group that is after him.
Besides, it seems like you already have a specific plan for the future / seem to know who exactly Weston is and why they're after him. If so I think it's best you share it with us so we all know and see how to make things work.
Weston is a bad guy, that's pretty much confirmed. I have said other names before like Isaac, but they really have no meaning to the story. The only important one is Joel to be honest, which I hope plays a major role. Joel is indeed a good guy as well. I kind of mentioned why the NC Community is after Weston, but Joel is basically trying to hunt down his former Gang he was in with Weston, to make amends pretty much. I hope this clears everything up. Oh yeah, about the farm Weston is gonna hit, that was just gonna be a one post execution. Nothing special about it either.
I am going to have a busy week this week, so no posts from me until friday. After that I will have a teo week holiday, so i will catch up on my writing then. : )
Keep the thread alive, peeps.
Sorry for the sudden absence. Couldn't resist coming back though when you continuously said you missed me, seriously, thanks
Now I'll just wait for you to finish your post. : )
These gifs sum up my feelings about this thread sometimes:
Oh My GOD!!! You're back!!!
Welcome back, HSP - I've been missing you a lot
After you finish your post I'd apreciate some feedback on the episode so far
"That... That... FUCK!" Dex said.
"Weston, the most fucked man alive, that's what he is."
Dex crouches down right next to Whiskey.
"Man, I'm sorry about this, but don't worry, I'll bring him to the..." Dex said, whilst his final words to Whiskey was whispered and as such could not be heard.
"Come on, let's go."
(Stop the music)
They walk back to the car.
"So, what's the plan?" Ruby asks.
"We go find this piece of shit, and rip him into pieces." Dex says, saying it in a calm yet slighlty mad voice.
"What about us? We have nothing to do with this." Liz says.
Dex stops.
He turns around.
"You wanna head to the settlement, is that what you just said?" Dex said, raising his voice word by word.
He instantly pulled out his assault rifle.
"Well I'll give you just th-... Look, I'm sorry, but my friend was just slaughtered and I wanna kill this disgusting fuck."
"Okay, we'll help y-" Ruby says before getting cut off by Liz.
"No." Liz says.
"Uhm, excuse me? Did you just say no?" Dex said.
Liz nods.
"Everyone in this settlement has to do their job and protect each other, and this man is a THREAT!" Dex says.
"So, where is everyone else? Hmm? Why is no one else looking for him?" Liz says.
Clementine is just about to say something before Dex opens his mouth.
"Fine, I'll get you to the settlement, I've realized this has nothing to do with you, you're right." Dex sighs.
They walk for a very long time and see mostly nothing but a few walkers, many fallen trees, etc. until they get to the doors of the settlement.
"Oh man, it'll be nice to finally have some people again!" Ruby says.
"Yeah, definitely!" Clementine gladly says.
Liz says nothing.
Dex opens the door slowly.
Lizzy slowly opens her eyes as she sees the the aftermath that reminded her of Kirkmins attack.
"What. The. Fuck." Ruby says.
"Move." Dex says whilst poking his gun at Clementine.
They all walk in the middle of just another failed settlement. It looked like a war-zone. Clem looks around her and sees nothing but dead bodies, destroyed buildings, and walkers that are stuck to all kinds of things, reminding her of the Crawford barrier.
After walking to the very middle of the settlement, Dex commands them to stop, and goes infront of everyone.
"Light a cigarette." Dex says to Liz.
She follows his order.
"Smoke away." Dex says.
"Anyone else want it?"
No one responds.
"Get on your knees."
"You're no use to me, you don't wanna coop in the hunting down of a sick sick man."
Ruby spits on him.
"You're the one who is sick you fuckin-" Ruby gets cut off by a gunshot that intentionally missed Clem right next to her head.
"So, you told me you wanted to go to the settlement. THIS, this is the settlement. The settlement is nothing but death and, well, that's just about it! Congratulations! It was, wow, I don't even know how long it was since these fucking guys came in with just a single tank and not to many men, tried to attack us from the inside, and the results are THE definition of succeding. Well, maybe not really, we killed most of them except for a few, they escaped, but suddenly, guess what? For our convinience, WALKERS came in, yes, beatiful walkers! What ended up was almost a draw, most walkers got killed, most of those guys that tried to kill us, and that I did overhear mentioning often something about someone named, Kirmin, died, but most importantly... We got killed. Kids, hopefully you learned a lesson, don't start a settlement of any kind! Because, well, you can not trust anyone anymore, wait a minute, you won't have any use of that lesson, because you'll be dead in the next fifteen seconds." Dex says with a rather crazy voice but calm voice.
"Sure you don't want a last cigarette?" Dex says.
"No, do you?" Liz says.
Dex instantly walks towards her but just before he takes the cigarette remembers that he just accepted an offer that would be the last.
Liz pulls the cigarette right into his eye and whips out her revolver and shoots him right in the head.
"Lesson learnt" Liz says, before walking slowly away.
Excellent! No, seriouely: I love your post and applaud you for your brave move. I am sure some people might find it dissapointing, but in my honest opinion this post fits Liz so well - this is her nature. Besides: Dex might have been a good guy for being after Weston, but that doesn't make him automatically a good human being. Applause!