"Check this side of the fence for any holes. We want to get in and out of there as quick and carefully as possible, okay?"
"Okay." Clementine agrees. She and Ruby had finally arrived at the ruins of what was once a safe place, a symbol of hope and happiness. Most of the chainlink fences surrounding the settlement had been destroyed during the onslaught caused by Kirkmin's army of ruthless men and women, but the side of the fence they are on had been safely guarded by bushes, trees and other kinds of shrubbery. Silently, the two women sneak along the perimeter, hoping for even the smallest of holes to use as a doorway to the other side, where the locked warehouse is waiting for them and their key. Night had fallen hours ago, the dark clouds and heavy rainfall hide the moon and its faint light. "Right here. Give me your knife." Ruby whispers. Clementine hands the knife, which Ruby uses to carefully cut a hole large enough for them to fit into the fence. "Are you ready?" She asks before immediately entering the perimeter, leaving no time for the little girl to answer. "I guess I am..."
"Check this side of the fence for any holes. We want to get in and out of there as quick and carefully as possible, okay?"
"Okay." Clemen… moretine agrees. She and Ruby had finally arrived at the ruins of what was once a safe place, a symbol of hope and happiness. Most of the chainlink fences surrounding the settlement had been destroyed during the onslaught caused by Kirkmin's army of ruthless men and women, but the side of the fence they are on had been safely guarded by bushes, trees and other kinds of shrubbery. Silently, the two women sneak along the perimeter, hoping for even the smallest of holes to use as a doorway to the other side, where the locked warehouse is waiting for them and their key. Night had fallen hours ago, the dark clouds and heavy rainfall hide the moon and its faint light. "Right here. Give me your knife." Ruby whispers. Clementine hands the knife, which Ruby uses to carefully cut a hole large enough for them to fit int… [view original content]
Oreo approaches with a dead, devoured squirrel in his mouth. Clementine laughs as she picks him up. "Come here little guy..."
"I hope there's still some people alive in here-" Clementine's voice is drawn out by a gunshot. BAM!
"That was a warning shot. Get the hell out." Yells a woman from a rooftop. Clementine raisers her hands in the air. "We're not- We're not here to cause any problems... Please just-"
The strange woman interrupts again. "I don't care how old you are. I will shoot. Get the hell out."
"Wait..." Clementine squints up at the woman. "You were here before the place went down... Are there any survivors..?"
The woman puffs some smoke from her cigarette. "What the heck do you mean, before the place went- You were here?"
Clementine smiles, she is finally getting through to the woman. "Yes I was- Kenny was taking care of me? Do you know him..? Or remember him at least..?"
"You were the one Kenny was talking about so much? He was always chatting up about you, on how you were the strongest little girl he'd ever met... I never got much of a chance to meet the new group who had joined us... Assuming it was yours anyways.."
The lady snaps out of the daze she was speaking from. "Still. It doesn't matter... Give me one reason why I shouldn't shoot you."
Clementine smiles as she pulls the keys out, and hovers them above her head. "Is this good enough?"
A smile finally forms on the face of the woman. "That'll work."
I want to write, but I've got a test tomorrow which I have to learn for. Maybe I'll have a bit of time to pick up my drawing though, I really want to try drawing Ruby. : )
I want to write, but I've got a test tomorrow which I have to learn for. Maybe I'll have a bit of time to pick up my drawing though, I really want to try drawing Ruby. : )
"Don't move - I'll be right there!", is echoeing through the settlement as Ruby and Clem watch Liz's silhouette disappear behind the barricade on the rooftop. Clem sighs in relief: "Pew... That went pretty smoothly, huh?". Ruby, her face a mirror of the last couple of hours, loads her gun nervously, as she finally speaks: "Clem, hon, this is our chance: let's get the hell out of here. I smell a hell of danger...". Clem tunrs around and stares at her in disbelief. "What? No! Ruby, you're wrong, she's a good lady.". Ruby raises her head with a grim. "What do you think she's going to do? Letting us in and sharing her supplies with us in charity, letting us go? Listen: I have an excellent knowledge of human nature and I am telling you: that lady's danger! She'll take the keys and shoot us right in the face, i guarantee! Now let's go!". She's taking Clem's hand and heads back into the forest. Then she can't go any further as Clem doesn't move: "You're wrong, Ruby, you're wrong."
Clem is sitting on a bench waiting for Danielle to finish her medical treatment. Her thoughts trail off. I hope Bryan gets out of the prison, soon. It's been a day. She kicks a pine cone in frustration. "Fffff... Ouch!". Danielle's yells bring Clem back into reality. Elizabeth, the physician, is taking care of Dani's stump by washing it with a clean towel and treating it with medicine. "Alright, Danielle, this is it. Jack told me about your latest improvement, you're pretty sporty, he said.". Danielle raises her shoulders: "Yeah, right... I used to be...". Elizabeth interrupts bandaging her arm and looks her in the eyes: "Sportiness isn't something one unlearns just like that. If you love it just do it, just for yourself.". Danielle smiles sarcastically: "It's not like I have a choice here with your excercise agenda. Can I go now?". Elizabeth smiles back: "Yes darling, you can get dressed now.". While Daniele is trying to take on her pullover Elizabeth gets surprised from behind by a man. The pair looks happy. Clem overhears the conversation:
"Robert, not now. You know that I am busy....".
"I just wanted to have a look at you know what....".
He touches her belly and she pushes him away from her with a smile.
"Nothing's sure, yet, please stop, Robert."
Danielle interrupts them: "Ok, thanks. See ya.".
Both Robert and Elizabeth look at her. The last words Clem can hear are Elizabeth's:
"Look, what we've managed, Robert: We even have children. This settlement is a landmark of hope, the proof that we still have a future."
Back in the present
"Clementine, please trust me! Whoever she used to be: that isn't her - not anymore!"
I thought it was too easy for Clem and Ruby just to enter the settlement and having a nice time with Elizabeth. I am curious what the next one comes up with.
Liz heads down to the street where she last saw Clem and Ruby, they had disappeared without a trace. "What the fuck?" She whispers to herself while looking around her shoulders. "We're going back." Clem says walking away from Ruby. "Clem, wait!" She says catching back up to Clem. "Just wait, it doesn't matter if you know this woman or not she is NOT the same. You can't trust people anymore." "I trusted you didn't I?" Clem says.
Clem continues to walk back to the settlement with Ruby right behind her having her pistol gripped tight. Just before entering back in they noticed Liz was nowhere to be seen. Both women slowly enter back in the settlement, having their eyes peeled. They could see the Warehouse in the distance, along with the full pale Moonlight right behind them - followed by Wolves howling. Luckily they had some light source since the whole day was nothing but storms. Ruby aims down her sight with Clem having her trusty knife ready. They both slowly sneak down the street they were on, no signs of Liz were anywhere. "I don't know where she went but let's just get to the Warehouse." Ruby whispers.
A few minutes ran by, they were right outside the Warehouse doors. "I'll watch our six, you get the door open." Ruby whispers. Clem puts the key in the knob and unlocks the door, slowly opening and peaking her head in. "Clear." She whispers opening the door and entering.
In the distance, Ruby saw and unknown figure - followed by loud noises in the same direction. She aims her pistol, patiently waiting for the figure to pop out. A few seconds later, Ruby snaps out of her focused faze and turns around to see Clem already inside the Warehouse. Ruby quickly enters in and shuts the door behind her. "Clem!?" She whispers loudly. It was hard to see inside but the rooftop windows helped the Moon shine inside. A few noises were heard inside.
At the same time, Clem heard the noises as well as she was digging through some boxes. "Ruby! Are you there?" She whispers loudly. Clem grips the handle of her knife tightly as she tries to sneak back to the door. She luckily bumps back into Ruby just around the corner. "Oh shit! You scared me!" Ruby whispers a little to loudly. "I thought you followed me in!" Clem whispers. "I got distracted. What the hell was that noise?" "I thought it was you!"
Liz heads down to the street where she last saw Clem and Ruby, they had disappeared without a trace. "What the fuck?" She whispers to hersel… moref while looking around her shoulders. "We're going back." Clem says walking away from Ruby. "Clem, wait!" She says catching back up to Clem. "Just wait, it doesn't matter if you know this woman or not she is NOT the same. You can't trust people anymore." "I trusted you didn't I?" Clem says.
Clem continues to walk back to the settlement with Ruby right behind her having her pistol gripped tight. Just before entering back in they noticed Liz was nowhere to be seen. Both women slowly enter back in the settlement, having their eyes peeled. They could see the Warehouse in the distance, along with the full pale Moonlight right behind them - followed by Wolves howling. Luckily they had some light source since the whole day was nothing but storms. Ruby aims down her sight with Clem having her trusty knife read… [view original content]
The two women share a frightened look as a silhouette appears next to them. His hands are raised, hesitantly holding a heavy gun. He nervously steps around from foot to foot, unknowing of what to do with the pair. "You-- You two should get out of here." The shadow of the man says with a subtle British accent. The soft moon light shines through a small dusty window in the wall, casting a grim shadow onto the man's large and rough beard. Ruby slowly raises her hands, followed by Clementine. "We don't want trouble any more than you do." She says, trying to think of a solution. "We could work together. Split the supplies." A sigh of relief escapes Ruby's mouth as the bearded man slightly lowers his gun. "How did you get in here, anyway? We have the only key." The man chuckles awkwardly, the question has obviously taken him by surprise. "It took me ages... But having a shovel sure comes in handy when you're trying to get past a wall." He steps out of the shadows and into the light, revealing his friendly face. "I dug my way in, right there." He points his finger at a narrow hole at the base of the warehouse's brick wall, before lowering his pistol. "We haven't gotten off to a very good start, have we now?" The man extends his arm. "My name is Phil." Ruby gladly shakes his hand before introducing Clementine and herself. "Well, I'm Ruby. And this is Clementine." Phil crouches down next to the girl and shakes her hand as well, before complementing her on her hat. "Thanks. My dad gave it to me." He takes a moment to look at the blood, mud and other muck attached to the headgear in disbelief before standing up again. "Well, now that we've all formally been introduced I say it's about time we start raiding some of these crates and racks." His sentence is barely finished when a loud click echoes through the hall, alerting the trio.
"Don't you dare to touch my supplies." Elizabeth shouts angrily. Her voice is shrill, yet determined. "If I don't get these supplies, no one is. I've got my lighter right here and I'm not afraid to use it!"
Liz heads down to the street where she last saw Clem and Ruby, they had disappeared without a trace. "What the fuck?" She whispers to hersel… moref while looking around her shoulders. "We're going back." Clem says walking away from Ruby. "Clem, wait!" She says catching back up to Clem. "Just wait, it doesn't matter if you know this woman or not she is NOT the same. You can't trust people anymore." "I trusted you didn't I?" Clem says.
Clem continues to walk back to the settlement with Ruby right behind her having her pistol gripped tight. Just before entering back in they noticed Liz was nowhere to be seen. Both women slowly enter back in the settlement, having their eyes peeled. They could see the Warehouse in the distance, along with the full pale Moonlight right behind them - followed by Wolves howling. Luckily they had some light source since the whole day was nothing but storms. Ruby aims down her sight with Clem having her trusty knife read… [view original content]
"Neither of you made the noise."
The two women share a frightened look as a silhouette appears next to them. His hands are raised, hesita… morently holding a heavy gun. He nervously steps around from foot to foot, unknowing of what to do with the pair. "You-- You two should get out of here." The shadow of the man says with a subtle British accent. The soft moon light shines through a small dusty window in the wall, casting a grim shadow onto the man's large and rough beard. Ruby slowly raises her hands, followed by Clementine. "We don't want trouble any more than you do." She says, trying to think of a solution. "We could work together. Split the supplies." A sigh of relief escapes Ruby's mouth as the bearded man slightly lowers his gun. "How did you get in here, anyway? We have the only key." The man chuckles awkwardly, the question has obviously taken him by surprise. "It took me ages... But having a shovel sure comes in handy when you're tryi… [view original content]
I am going to write this evening. It'd be a shame if the story ended just like that.
On another note: Someone told me in private that I was being to harsh expressing my critique and complaining too much. That might be the reason why it's gotten so silent. I am seriously sorry and ashamed. Here and now I promise I won't critisize you anymore, so feel free to write without worrying
Hope that motivates you - let's keep the story going on!
Phil instantly points his gun at the eye-patched woman whose hand springs into the holster with lightning speed: "Uh, uh ... don't even try it." He can easily see there's no messing with her - she's obviously a much better shot than him.
The three intruders witness how the look on her face becomes much darker as she goes on: "You caused me so much pain...". Then she adjusts her eyepatch with her left index finger, continuing: "What you're seeing here is the only thing left, everything my community has worked for so hard. All the effort got destroyed in an instant, by a wretched bunch of low dregs, not respecting what we've build up in the New World." Ruby peers at Clem and slowly moves her hand to reach out for her but Elizabeth rapidly points her gun at her face so Ruby puts her hands up in the air. Pressing her lips together Elizabeth slowly steps a little closer going on with her speech: "... all that time, after I got separated from my loved ones, after all the shit that has come upon me, I've been trying to get in. And now figures it was you causing all that suffering."
She stops the sentence and stretches her right arm in slow motion, targetting at Ruby's face first, holding the gun still and eventually flipping it upwards, symbolically shooting her. Clem's heart is beating faster as she watches Elizabeth repeating the same frightening and distinctive array with Phil. The bearded man doesn't seem to be much impressed by it, though as he responds with raising a brow - only a pulsating vene on his temple reveals the fight he's having with himself not to overreact. Then the gun slowly moves towards Clementine until she eventually stares right into the barrel, Liz's evil eye on her. Clementine doesn't dare to breathe and her chest tenses up until the gun suddenly moves upwards. Clem didn't blink, yet a tear drops down her cheek. The awareness makes her cringe: she doesn't want to die. The past goes by her in fast motion, revealing that she no longer sees life as bitter fate but as a valuable gift.
"Stop that!! You're frightening her, can't you fucking see it?!", yells Ruby falling on her knees and folding her hands like in prayer. That sudden move causes Liz to automatically release a gunshot, missing the pleading woman on purpose. However, Ruby's move surprised her since she stands there a little puzzled, even slightly moved. She then shakes off her confusion by waving her head. " This is my last warning - don't you fucking move!". But Ruby just goes on: "We've all lost our loved ones. I am sorry about what happened to you and your people. If this is the only way you can make good that loss of yours, am begging you here and now: Take me, instead! Please, let her go and take me instead!". Clem stares at Ruby with her eyes wide open for a short moment and then her eyes fall on Elizabeth: She is still targeting at Ruby and her expression shows that she is slightly amazed. "... don't provoke it, or I am really going to kill you and your daughter will be doomed to get eaten up by the goons and wolves.". "She is not my daughter.". "And yet you risk your life for a stranger? How fucking fascinating.". "Yes, I do. She is under my care and an innocent kid! Kids gotta be defended in this hell no matter what - they are our future! And she deserves much better than this, after she took your side, assuring me you were a good lady. I've had a daughter, and a husband - and now they're fucking dead! Want a proof? Their grave isn't far from here-".
"SHUT UP!!!", echoes through the hall. Elizabeth's left hand wanders to her stomach.
After a while that felt too long for the three persons waiting for Elizabeth's next move her face turns from grim and strained into relaxed and neutral. She takes a deep breath and lowers her gun just a tiny but as she speaks: "Fine. I'll forget about your little slip to betray me... upon condition that you'll hand me over the keys and make off. It's not your stuff...".
"Neither is it yours!", another voice suddenly says. Elizabeth turns around quickly not seeing anybody. The three captives can't see where the female voice comes from either. "Pointing right at your head, you better not make a move!". Elizabeth finally can refer the familiar voice to her former friend. She scans the hall self-assuredly by saying: "We both know you're a shitty gunman, put the fucking gun down." Then Selma finally steps into the middle of the hall her face partly covered in moonlight. A fast shadow goes past her - it's Phil taking the initiative and running off. Elizabeth is about to shoot him when a bullet hits her gun so hard that it falls to the ground a few yards away from her - it cannot be seen in the dark. "Obviously not as shitty as you thought. I've been lieing to you about my shooting skills, actually. Surprised, aren't you? Now: Hands in the air!", Selma answers. Elizabeth just stands there not trusting her eyes and ears when a grim forms on her face.
I am going to write this evening. It'd be a shame if the story ended just like that.
On another note: Someone told me in private that I w… moreas being to harsh expressing my critique and complaining too much. That might be the reason why it's gotten so silent. I am seriously sorry and ashamed. Here and now I promise I won't critisize you anymore, so feel free to write without worrying
Hope that motivates you - let's keep the story going on!
Phil instantly points his gun at the eye-patched woman whose hand springs into the holster with lightning speed: "Uh, uh ... don't even try … moreit." He can easily see there's no messing with her - she's obviously a much better shot than him.
The three intruders witness how the look on her face becomes much darker as she goes on: "You caused me so much pain...". Then she adjusts her eyepatch with her left index finger, continuing: "What you're seeing here is the only thing left, everything my community has worked for so hard. All the effort got destroyed in an instant, by a wretched bunch of low dregs, not respecting what we've build up in the New World." Ruby peers at Clem and slowly moves her hand to reach out for her but Elizabeth rapidly points her gun at her face so Ruby puts her hands up in the air. Pressing her lips together Elizabeth slowly steps a little closer going on with her speech: "... all that time, after I got separated from my … [view original content]
The sun was setting, the air was thickened with gasoline and corpse's in the nasty trailer park he lived in the sticks of SC. It wasn't a perminant home, but it was something to stay in for a while. All that was seen outside was Shovel Man's 2 good friends Neil and Willie finally fixing up his truck that he had crashed into a barn not to long ago. Shovel man and his brother, Phil were inside the trailer arguing.
"What about Joel?" Phil shouts. "Fuck Joel! Fucking Judas. Out of all people, he backstabs me. ME! Just because he wanted the "OHHHHH I'm tired of robbing and killing innocence I'm gonna join a Shitty community in North Carolina and fuck you in the ass BAHBAHBAHBAHBAHBAH. Ohhhh fuck him." Shovel Man says. "I'm getting real tired of this running away shit man we got these crazy soldiers after us, Joel, Isaac's gang and fucking Lester is up our ass now. sigh." Phil says sitting down on the somewhat comfortable couch burying his face in his palms. Just after that, Lester himself walks up to his trailer park yelling. "Speak of the Devil. Phil, grab my Shovel or I'm gonna cut your head off." Shovel Man says walking out the trailer.
"Just leave it Les!" Neil shouts. "EDGAR! YOU MOTHERFUCKER! There you are you sack of shit! Where's my food!?" "Whoa whoa whoa slow the fuck down." Shovel Man says walking to Les. "Edgar, I swear to G-" Les then was immediately interrupted. "WHOA! Edgar? Edgar. This guy, this fucking shit smelling inbred piece of horseshit just call me EDGAR?" Shovel Man shouts. "LOUD AND CLEAR FUCKHEAD." "It's WESTON! W E S... YEAH!" "Shut up Willie." Shovel Man says as he grabs the Shovel out of Phil's hand. "I gave you your guns. Now I want my goddamn crate asshole!" Les shouts. "It's called waiting patiently. So get off my property before I bash your head in with my trusty Shovel here!" "Just leave it Weston!" Neil shouts. "I agree with Neil, come on Les we'll get your food later we just don't have it right now." Phil says, he notices Lester gripping his pistol tight, clicking the safety off. "Give. Me. My. Food." "No." Weston says. Just after, BANG.
Phil fell over with a bullet in his skull. Weston stares at his lifeless body, his eyes went from blurry to red. "SEE? Now give me my f-" Weston punches Lester's gut before kneeing him in the face knocking him on his back. Weston raises his Shovel as the Sun disappears and bashes Lester's head in 8 times. "OH MAN! I CAN'T BREATHE!" Willie shouts, pushing against his chest tight with his left hand. Weston then walked over to his brother's body, kneeling down. "Fuckin... Fuck." He whispers. "sigh... I'm gonna bury him in the woods not far from here. The place he fuckin' hunted in a lot." Weston mutters picking up Phil's body and walking to his truck. "W-What about the Soldiers?!" Neil asks, with his hands shaking. "Fuck em'. They suck at tracking and Joel won't bother to leave NC. Fucker probably got Seth and Tino already. Bastard. I'll be back soon." Weston says getting into his truck, turning on the radio.
Weston constantly checked his rear view mirror, not only looking back but also looking at himself. Lester's blood covered his face almost, but he expressed no emotions. He was used to it, losing family and all. Weston knew he himself was just a low life Outlaw who was literally dealing food to people in return for Guns. It was foggy out, the Night was young. Weston eventually stopped and got out with his AK ready and his Shovel holstered. He sees 6 Walkers coming out of the fog and towards him. He riddles them all with bullets. He tucks his Gun back in his truck, and grabs Phil from the back of the tailgate and slowly puts his body down onto the grass and drags him into the dark and foggy forest.
The sun was setting, the air was thickened with gasoline and corpse's in the nasty trailer park he lived in the sticks of SC.… more It wasn't a perminant home, but it was something to stay in for a while. All that was seen outside was Shovel Man's 2 good friends Neil and Willie finally fixing up his truck that he had crashed into a barn not to long ago. Shovel man and his brother, Phil were inside the trailer arguing.
"What about Joel?" Phil shouts. "Fuck Joel! Fucking Judas. Out of all people, he backstabs me. ME! Just because he wanted the "OHHHHH I'm tired of robbing and killing innocence I'm gonna join a Shitty community in North Carolina and fuck you in the ass BAHBAHBAHBAHBAHBAH. Ohhhh fuck him." Shovel Man says. "I'm getting real tired of this running away shit man we got these crazy soldiers after us, Joel, Isaac's gang and fucking Lester is up our ass now. sigh." Phil says sitting down on the somewhat comfortable couch bu… [view original content]
I'm not sure a time skip is a good idea, but I am convinced you guys can make it work
Edit: I think it's a pretty tense and interesting situation we're dealing with: Liz's encounter with her friend and foe Selma and Ruby and Clem witnessing what is happening between them. They could fight, conciliate, split the supplies or even join forces - or the situation escalates. You see: so many possibilities. I don't understand the current lack of ideas to be honest
I am writing to get the story going again. Will be very short, but hopefully somebody will get some ideas. : )
"Check this side of the fence for any holes. We want to get in and out of there as quick and carefully as possible, okay?"
"Okay." Clementine agrees. She and Ruby had finally arrived at the ruins of what was once a safe place, a symbol of hope and happiness. Most of the chainlink fences surrounding the settlement had been destroyed during the onslaught caused by Kirkmin's army of ruthless men and women, but the side of the fence they are on had been safely guarded by bushes, trees and other kinds of shrubbery. Silently, the two women sneak along the perimeter, hoping for even the smallest of holes to use as a doorway to the other side, where the locked warehouse is waiting for them and their key. Night had fallen hours ago, the dark clouds and heavy rainfall hide the moon and its faint light. "Right here. Give me your knife." Ruby whispers. Clementine hands the knife, which Ruby uses to carefully cut a hole large enough for them to fit into the fence. "Are you ready?" She asks before immediately entering the perimeter, leaving no time for the little girl to answer. "I guess I am..."
Hope it's good. It's the best I could come up with right now..
I'll probably start getting into this around Episode 2. Or later on, Depending on stuff.
Oreo approaches with a dead, devoured squirrel in his mouth. Clementine laughs as she picks him up. "Come here little guy..."
"I hope there's still some people alive in here-" Clementine's voice is drawn out by a gunshot. BAM!
"That was a warning shot. Get the hell out." Yells a woman from a rooftop. Clementine raisers her hands in the air. "We're not- We're not here to cause any problems... Please just-"
The strange woman interrupts again. "I don't care how old you are. I will shoot. Get the hell out."
"Wait..." Clementine squints up at the woman. "You were here before the place went down... Are there any survivors..?"
The woman puffs some smoke from her cigarette. "What the heck do you mean, before the place went- You were here?"
Clementine smiles, she is finally getting through to the woman. "Yes I was- Kenny was taking care of me? Do you know him..? Or remember him at least..?"
"You were the one Kenny was talking about so much? He was always chatting up about you, on how you were the strongest little girl he'd ever met... I never got much of a chance to meet the new group who had joined us... Assuming it was yours anyways.."
The lady snaps out of the daze she was speaking from. "Still. It doesn't matter... Give me one reason why I shouldn't shoot you."
Clementine smiles as she pulls the keys out, and hovers them above her head. "Is this good enough?"
A smile finally forms on the face of the woman. "That'll work."
I want to write, but I've got a test tomorrow which I have to learn for. Maybe I'll have a bit of time to pick up my drawing though, I really want to try drawing Ruby. : )
Good idea. I am still busy admiring bigby's abs
Bigby's shirtless scene probably made quite a few women happy. ; P
"Don't move - I'll be right there!", is echoeing through the settlement as Ruby and Clem watch Liz's silhouette disappear behind the barricade on the rooftop. Clem sighs in relief: "Pew... That went pretty smoothly, huh?". Ruby, her face a mirror of the last couple of hours, loads her gun nervously, as she finally speaks: "Clem, hon, this is our chance: let's get the hell out of here. I smell a hell of danger...". Clem tunrs around and stares at her in disbelief. "What? No! Ruby, you're wrong, she's a good lady.". Ruby raises her head with a grim. "What do you think she's going to do? Letting us in and sharing her supplies with us in charity, letting us go? Listen: I have an excellent knowledge of human nature and I am telling you: that lady's danger! She'll take the keys and shoot us right in the face, i guarantee! Now let's go!". She's taking Clem's hand and heads back into the forest. Then she can't go any further as Clem doesn't move: "You're wrong, Ruby, you're wrong."
Clem is sitting on a bench waiting for Danielle to finish her medical treatment. Her thoughts trail off. I hope Bryan gets out of the prison, soon. It's been a day. She kicks a pine cone in frustration. "Fffff... Ouch!". Danielle's yells bring Clem back into reality. Elizabeth, the physician, is taking care of Dani's stump by washing it with a clean towel and treating it with medicine. "Alright, Danielle, this is it. Jack told me about your latest improvement, you're pretty sporty, he said.". Danielle raises her shoulders: "Yeah, right... I used to be...". Elizabeth interrupts bandaging her arm and looks her in the eyes: "Sportiness isn't something one unlearns just like that. If you love it just do it, just for yourself.". Danielle smiles sarcastically: "It's not like I have a choice here with your excercise agenda. Can I go now?". Elizabeth smiles back: "Yes darling, you can get dressed now.". While Daniele is trying to take on her pullover Elizabeth gets surprised from behind by a man. The pair looks happy. Clem overhears the conversation:
"Robert, not now. You know that I am busy....".
"I just wanted to have a look at you know what....".
He touches her belly and she pushes him away from her with a smile.
"Nothing's sure, yet, please stop, Robert."
Danielle interrupts them: "Ok, thanks. See ya.".
Both Robert and Elizabeth look at her. The last words Clem can hear are Elizabeth's:
"Look, what we've managed, Robert: We even have children. This settlement is a landmark of hope, the proof that we still have a future."
Back in the present
"Clementine, please trust me! Whoever she used to be: that isn't her - not anymore!"
I thought it was too easy for Clem and Ruby just to enter the settlement and having a nice time with Elizabeth. I am curious what the next one comes up with.
I am really not that kind of woman that is into the looks, so the feels by the sight of his body caught me by surprise
Liz heads down to the street where she last saw Clem and Ruby, they had disappeared without a trace. "What the fuck?" She whispers to herself while looking around her shoulders. "We're going back." Clem says walking away from Ruby. "Clem, wait!" She says catching back up to Clem. "Just wait, it doesn't matter if you know this woman or not she is NOT the same. You can't trust people anymore." "I trusted you didn't I?" Clem says.
Clem continues to walk back to the settlement with Ruby right behind her having her pistol gripped tight. Just before entering back in they noticed Liz was nowhere to be seen. Both women slowly enter back in the settlement, having their eyes peeled. They could see the Warehouse in the distance, along with the full pale Moonlight right behind them - followed by Wolves howling. Luckily they had some light source since the whole day was nothing but storms. Ruby aims down her sight with Clem having her trusty knife ready. They both slowly sneak down the street they were on, no signs of Liz were anywhere. "I don't know where she went but let's just get to the Warehouse." Ruby whispers.
A few minutes ran by, they were right outside the Warehouse doors. "I'll watch our six, you get the door open." Ruby whispers. Clem puts the key in the knob and unlocks the door, slowly opening and peaking her head in. "Clear." She whispers opening the door and entering.
In the distance, Ruby saw and unknown figure - followed by loud noises in the same direction. She aims her pistol, patiently waiting for the figure to pop out. A few seconds later, Ruby snaps out of her focused faze and turns around to see Clem already inside the Warehouse. Ruby quickly enters in and shuts the door behind her. "Clem!?" She whispers loudly. It was hard to see inside but the rooftop windows helped the Moon shine inside. A few noises were heard inside.
At the same time, Clem heard the noises as well as she was digging through some boxes. "Ruby! Are you there?" She whispers loudly. Clem grips the handle of her knife tightly as she tries to sneak back to the door. She luckily bumps back into Ruby just around the corner. "Oh shit! You scared me!" Ruby whispers a little to loudly. "I thought you followed me in!" Clem whispers. "I got distracted. What the hell was that noise?" "I thought it was you!"
I am going to write!
"Neither of you made the noise."
The two women share a frightened look as a silhouette appears next to them. His hands are raised, hesitantly holding a heavy gun. He nervously steps around from foot to foot, unknowing of what to do with the pair. "You-- You two should get out of here." The shadow of the man says with a subtle British accent. The soft moon light shines through a small dusty window in the wall, casting a grim shadow onto the man's large and rough beard. Ruby slowly raises her hands, followed by Clementine. "We don't want trouble any more than you do." She says, trying to think of a solution. "We could work together. Split the supplies." A sigh of relief escapes Ruby's mouth as the bearded man slightly lowers his gun. "How did you get in here, anyway? We have the only key." The man chuckles awkwardly, the question has obviously taken him by surprise. "It took me ages... But having a shovel sure comes in handy when you're trying to get past a wall." He steps out of the shadows and into the light, revealing his friendly face. "I dug my way in, right there." He points his finger at a narrow hole at the base of the warehouse's brick wall, before lowering his pistol. "We haven't gotten off to a very good start, have we now?" The man extends his arm. "My name is Phil." Ruby gladly shakes his hand before introducing Clementine and herself. "Well, I'm Ruby. And this is Clementine." Phil crouches down next to the girl and shakes her hand as well, before complementing her on her hat. "Thanks. My dad gave it to me." He takes a moment to look at the blood, mud and other muck attached to the headgear in disbelief before standing up again. "Well, now that we've all formally been introduced I say it's about time we start raiding some of these crates and racks." His sentence is barely finished when a loud click echoes through the hall, alerting the trio.
"Don't you dare to touch my supplies." Elizabeth shouts angrily. Her voice is shrill, yet determined. "If I don't get these supplies, no one is. I've got my lighter right here and I'm not afraid to use it!"
Good post
Shovel maaan!
Btw: He seems like a nice dude, even though someone said he wasn't. So curious about his developement.
We'll have to explain the shady happenings in the past. His character has a whole heap of developing to do, for sure.
I miss the old days... Back then it seemed like this story could go on forever, but now? I'm not so sure anymore.
No. Nevermind. Ignore this.
Are you saying you want to stop? That'd be so sad
I don't want to stop, at all. It's just that the lack of contributors is discouraging me. : /
I am going to write this evening. It'd be a shame if the story ended just like that.
On another note: Someone told me in private that I was being to harsh expressing my critique and complaining too much. That might be the reason why it's gotten so silent. I am seriously sorry and ashamed. Here and now I promise I won't critisize you anymore, so feel free to write without worrying
Hope that motivates you - let's keep the story going on!
Phil instantly points his gun at the eye-patched woman whose hand springs into the holster with lightning speed: "Uh, uh ... don't even try it." He can easily see there's no messing with her - she's obviously a much better shot than him.
The three intruders witness how the look on her face becomes much darker as she goes on: "You caused me so much pain...". Then she adjusts her eyepatch with her left index finger, continuing: "What you're seeing here is the only thing left, everything my community has worked for so hard. All the effort got destroyed in an instant, by a wretched bunch of low dregs, not respecting what we've build up in the New World." Ruby peers at Clem and slowly moves her hand to reach out for her but Elizabeth rapidly points her gun at her face so Ruby puts her hands up in the air. Pressing her lips together Elizabeth slowly steps a little closer going on with her speech: "... all that time, after I got separated from my loved ones, after all the shit that has come upon me, I've been trying to get in. And now figures it was you causing all that suffering."
She stops the sentence and stretches her right arm in slow motion, targetting at Ruby's face first, holding the gun still and eventually flipping it upwards, symbolically shooting her. Clem's heart is beating faster as she watches Elizabeth repeating the same frightening and distinctive array with Phil. The bearded man doesn't seem to be much impressed by it, though as he responds with raising a brow - only a pulsating vene on his temple reveals the fight he's having with himself not to overreact. Then the gun slowly moves towards Clementine until she eventually stares right into the barrel, Liz's evil eye on her. Clementine doesn't dare to breathe and her chest tenses up until the gun suddenly moves upwards. Clem didn't blink, yet a tear drops down her cheek. The awareness makes her cringe: she doesn't want to die. The past goes by her in fast motion, revealing that she no longer sees life as bitter fate but as a valuable gift.
"Stop that!! You're frightening her, can't you fucking see it?!", yells Ruby falling on her knees and folding her hands like in prayer. That sudden move causes Liz to automatically release a gunshot, missing the pleading woman on purpose. However, Ruby's move surprised her since she stands there a little puzzled, even slightly moved. She then shakes off her confusion by waving her head. " This is my last warning - don't you fucking move!". But Ruby just goes on: "We've all lost our loved ones. I am sorry about what happened to you and your people. If this is the only way you can make good that loss of yours, am begging you here and now: Take me, instead! Please, let her go and take me instead!". Clem stares at Ruby with her eyes wide open for a short moment and then her eyes fall on Elizabeth: She is still targeting at Ruby and her expression shows that she is slightly amazed. "... don't provoke it, or I am really going to kill you and your daughter will be doomed to get eaten up by the goons and wolves.". "She is not my daughter.". "And yet you risk your life for a stranger? How fucking fascinating.". "Yes, I do. She is under my care and an innocent kid! Kids gotta be defended in this hell no matter what - they are our future! And she deserves much better than this, after she took your side, assuring me you were a good lady. I've had a daughter, and a husband - and now they're fucking dead! Want a proof? Their grave isn't far from here-".
"SHUT UP!!!", echoes through the hall. Elizabeth's left hand wanders to her stomach.
After a while that felt too long for the three persons waiting for Elizabeth's next move her face turns from grim and strained into relaxed and neutral. She takes a deep breath and lowers her gun just a tiny but as she speaks: "Fine. I'll forget about your little slip to betray me... upon condition that you'll hand me over the keys and make off. It's not your stuff...".
"Neither is it yours!", another voice suddenly says. Elizabeth turns around quickly not seeing anybody. The three captives can't see where the female voice comes from either. "Pointing right at your head, you better not make a move!". Elizabeth finally can refer the familiar voice to her former friend. She scans the hall self-assuredly by saying: "We both know you're a shitty gunman, put the fucking gun down." Then Selma finally steps into the middle of the hall her face partly covered in moonlight. A fast shadow goes past her - it's Phil taking the initiative and running off. Elizabeth is about to shoot him when a bullet hits her gun so hard that it falls to the ground a few yards away from her - it cannot be seen in the dark. "Obviously not as shitty as you thought. I've been lieing to you about my shooting skills, actually. Surprised, aren't you? Now: Hands in the air!", Selma answers. Elizabeth just stands there not trusting her eyes and ears when a grim forms on her face.
Criticism is a good thing. Just... try to be less harsh. Thanks. I'll write after you.
Very nice post, Missus
Thanks, Twistee
hope this sets the ball rolling
The sun was setting, the air was thickened with gasoline and corpse's in the nasty trailer park he lived in the sticks of SC. It wasn't a perminant home, but it was something to stay in for a while. All that was seen outside was Shovel Man's 2 good friends Neil and Willie finally fixing up his truck that he had crashed into a barn not to long ago. Shovel man and his brother, Phil were inside the trailer arguing.
"What about Joel?" Phil shouts. "Fuck Joel! Fucking Judas. Out of all people, he backstabs me. ME! Just because he wanted the "OHHHHH I'm tired of robbing and killing innocence I'm gonna join a Shitty community in North Carolina and fuck you in the ass BAHBAHBAHBAHBAHBAH. Ohhhh fuck him." Shovel Man says. "I'm getting real tired of this running away shit man we got these crazy soldiers after us, Joel, Isaac's gang and fucking Lester is up our ass now. sigh." Phil says sitting down on the somewhat comfortable couch burying his face in his palms. Just after that, Lester himself walks up to his trailer park yelling. "Speak of the Devil. Phil, grab my Shovel or I'm gonna cut your head off." Shovel Man says walking out the trailer.
"Just leave it Les!" Neil shouts. "EDGAR! YOU MOTHERFUCKER! There you are you sack of shit! Where's my food!?" "Whoa whoa whoa slow the fuck down." Shovel Man says walking to Les. "Edgar, I swear to G-" Les then was immediately interrupted. "WHOA! Edgar? Edgar. This guy, this fucking shit smelling inbred piece of horseshit just call me EDGAR?" Shovel Man shouts. "LOUD AND CLEAR FUCKHEAD." "It's WESTON! W E S... YEAH!" "Shut up Willie." Shovel Man says as he grabs the Shovel out of Phil's hand. "I gave you your guns. Now I want my goddamn crate asshole!" Les shouts. "It's called waiting patiently. So get off my property before I bash your head in with my trusty Shovel here!" "Just leave it Weston!" Neil shouts. "I agree with Neil, come on Les we'll get your food later we just don't have it right now." Phil says, he notices Lester gripping his pistol tight, clicking the safety off. "Give. Me. My. Food." "No." Weston says. Just after, BANG.
Phil fell over with a bullet in his skull. Weston stares at his lifeless body, his eyes went from blurry to red. "SEE? Now give me my f-" Weston punches Lester's gut before kneeing him in the face knocking him on his back. Weston raises his Shovel as the Sun disappears and bashes Lester's head in 8 times. "OH MAN! I CAN'T BREATHE!" Willie shouts, pushing against his chest tight with his left hand. Weston then walked over to his brother's body, kneeling down. "Fuckin... Fuck." He whispers. "sigh... I'm gonna bury him in the woods not far from here. The place he fuckin' hunted in a lot." Weston mutters picking up Phil's body and walking to his truck. "W-What about the Soldiers?!" Neil asks, with his hands shaking. "Fuck em'. They suck at tracking and Joel won't bother to leave NC. Fucker probably got Seth and Tino already. Bastard. I'll be back soon." Weston says getting into his truck, turning on the radio.
Weston constantly checked his rear view mirror, not only looking back but also looking at himself. Lester's blood covered his face almost, but he expressed no emotions. He was used to it, losing family and all. Weston knew he himself was just a low life Outlaw who was literally dealing food to people in return for Guns. It was foggy out, the Night was young. Weston eventually stopped and got out with his AK ready and his Shovel holstered. He sees 6 Walkers coming out of the fog and towards him. He riddles them all with bullets. He tucks his Gun back in his truck, and grabs Phil from the back of the tailgate and slowly puts his body down onto the grass and drags him into the dark and foggy forest.
Glad to see some posts again! I might write if I find a fitting way to continue. : )
Damn, that's a great song. Good job!
Hey. go on, pleeease
Clayton_Boylan will remember your stories But seriously, nice job. These are very interesting stories.
Thanks! : D
Haven't found a way to continue just yet. I was hoping... Someone else could write?
the only reason I've made no posts.
Is that I have no Idea how to continue.
Me neither... We need to move on to a different place, heck maybe throw in a time-skip in between the next episode and this one.
that would be good.
Like I said, I'm just hanging around until I get a Idea.
Exactamundo, I've been focusing on Weston cause of that, maybe a few more posts and we should rap up the episode.
With the time-skip, we could also introduce one or two new characters to make it more interesting. : )
I was gonna do one more flashback, but I don't wanna go twice in a row.
I'm not sure a time skip is a good idea, but I am convinced you guys can make it work
Edit: I think it's a pretty tense and interesting situation we're dealing with: Liz's encounter with her friend and foe Selma and Ruby and Clem witnessing what is happening between them. They could fight, conciliate, split the supplies or even join forces - or the situation escalates. You see: so many possibilities. I don't understand the current lack of ideas to be honest