"Clementine - RUN!" Ruby takes the little girl's hand immediately without turning around. Her senses didn't fool her as the gunfire starts immediately. They both jump over a car wreck near the fence. As Ruby peeks over her shoulder she can't trust her eyes: Liz just stands there steadily and kills one man after another.
"Ruby - come on: This way!", Clementine says whilst dragging the woman's back pack, but Ruby just keeps crouching behind the car observing the scene in awe: Elizabeth eventually seems to be out of ammo. Only one man is laying a few yards away from her, his death rattles filling the air. Elizabeth drops the gun, slowly stepping closer to him. Then she crouches down and spits him in his suffering face out of disgust as she stands up again. Eventually, she slams his head in with her boot, now covered in red.
A few tense moments later at the rising of the sun Elizabeth turns her head to the left staring right into Ruby's eyes: "So, are you going to leave without me?". Ruby turns around to Clem. Both of them stare at each other, as Ruby gets on her feet wiping off the dust of her jeans when she heads to Elizabeth while staring at the ground. "They're all dead.". Ruby answers with a snotty remark: "Apparently ..". When they both finally reach her Ruby cannot hold it back: "Elizabeth ... we are both very thankful that you've spared us back in the warehouse. And now that you've saved our lifes ... my most profound thanks." She then looks down to Clementine who is still holding Ruby's hand. Ruby continues: "But now you gotta promise me something: promise me you'll never kill us, no matter what circumstances. Clementine trusted you from the beginning and when she told you that we want to be your friends she wasn't lying. But now that I've seen what you're capable of you have to make that promise ...". "... But she has just saved our lifes. She wouldn't kill us - right?", Clementine interrupts her. The pair looks at the eerie woman in anticipation. "I promise." Just when Ruby is about to say something Liz adds: "But you gotta promise me something in return.". Clem asks her: "What is it?". "Never leave me". Ruby rests her hand on Clementine's right shoulder as she eventually gives Liz her hand. "We promise."
"Fine. Now let's see if we can find anything useful and get the fuck outta here.".
When they enter the main road of the small town Ruby waves her head as she says: "I ... just don't get it ... why that friendly behaviour in the first place when they revealed pretty fast that they were actually planning to kill us ... why didn't they just kill us back in the warehouse? That would have been much easier." Liz steps over a fallen tree as she answers: "They weren't going to kill us.". "Oh yeah? And what did it look like to you? He was about to execute us on the open street like mangy dogs!". Clementine checks on an object that looked like a rifle but it turned out to be a branch. Elizabeth skews down to Ruby:
"They wanted us alive. I don't know what these bastards were up to but I can assure you one thing: they were monsters. They were either trying to rape us or at least holding us in captivity for their wheelings and dealings. That Dexter guy was just trying to outface us, but he couldn't fool me: I looked him in the eyes and smelled his sick nature. He was messing with the wrong woman, though. Nobody's going to shed a tear over that scum."
Elizabeth's speech made Ruby stay behind in awe. That lady is not as unsound as she had expected. "I'll go have a look in that building - be right back.*, says Liz as she makes her way into a barricaded furniture shop.
Clementine and Ruby step over the corpses browsing the area for supplies. Clementine finds a gun - luckily there are two bullets in it. A whistle sounds from behind as she loads it: "Wow, I used to have one of these. Nice vehicle, let's see if it still has some gas in it ...". She jumps into the green land rover. "Stay close, Clem." When Clementine is just about to examine the car Elizabeth voice can be heard: "... look who we got here ... your names ...".
Ruby and Clem run into the building with their guns prepared when they see who Liz is talking with: Three persons crouching on the ground. "Don't shoot! I am begging you.". "I won't, now tell me your names ...". Liz quickly lights a cigarette as she leans to a wall. As Clem gets closer she can have a better look: It's three females, an african american woman, a young girl that has similarities to the first woman and a fair skinned black haired lady. They have all one thing in common: Their heads are almost shaved, the hair being very short. From the distance they all looked like male guys. The black woman speaks with a shaking voice: "I'm Roselle and this is my daughter Tara. This is Meg - she doesn't talk much. Now, would you please put the gun away? That's be great.". "I think you can put the gun down now, Liz.", says Ruby. Liz hesitates. "Oh jeez, would'ya ... there we go. Thanks. I am Ruby and this is Clementine. And... that awful nice lady is Elizabeth. She doesn't seem like it but is actually very nice.". Clementine smiles at Tara but gets a bitter face in return before Tara turns her head away. "We don't have much time, so please keep it short: What are you doing here and what is your relation to these dead freaks outside?". "Cool it, Liz ... they seem to be nice people.", Ruby says when she gets cut off by Roselle: "Did you just say dead?! Is this true?!" "Wanna peek outside?", Liz asks. All three women sigh in relief "Oh, thank god ...". Ruby steps closer to them and takes a seat on the floor. "So, if you don't belong here: What was happening here?". Roselle just says: "Ashley."
"Who?", asks Ruby. All three woman look at her in disbelief. "Who? You mean where. Wait ... you haven't heard of Ashley, did you.", says Roselle. Clemand Ruby stare at each other with a question mark on their foreheads as Liz speaks: "Don't fuck with us, honey, there is no Ashley - that's a fucking urban legend!" "It's not.", says Meg calm yet self-confident. "Would you please tell us what the heck you're talking about?", says Ruby. Liz moves the curtains aside to look out the window as she speaks: "Ashley is said to be a settlement that promises a very intact infrastructure, medicine, food, supplies ... a normal life without goons and crime. Sounds unbelievable. It's just the same shit story like that about Wellington. Ashley's key to survival is birth control, like you have to give birth once a year and stuff or you're having consequences... what a crap...". Liz's story is disturbed by a loud yell: "It's NO bullshit!!". Elizabeth grins at Roselle: "Uh yeah?". As Roselle breaks out in tears Tara continues with her childish high voice: "The men here kidnapped us and locked us up. They were about to sell us to someone who was going to bring us to Ashley against our will." Clementine reminds Karim's words in his letter to Honey. Women and kids, on a truck, tied together. "What do you think?", Liz asks Ruby when Clementine speaks: "They're right.", putting down her bag and revealing the letter ...
Hope, the story is getting some substance
Note: Their hair are that short to look like men so they are safe from slave traders
Advice: Some character developement would be nice, post with less action and more dialogue
"That... That... FUCK!" Dex said.
"Weston, the most fucked man alive, that's what he is."
Dex crouches down right next to Whi… moreskey.
"Man, I'm sorry about this, but don't worry, I'll bring him to the..." Dex said, whilst his final words to Whiskey was whispered and as such could not be heard.
"Come on, let's go."
(Stop the music)
They walk back to the car.
"So, what's the plan?" Ruby asks.
"We go find this piece of shit, and rip him into pieces." Dex says, saying it in a calm yet slighlty mad voice.
"What about us? We have nothing to do with this." Liz says.
Dex stops.
He turns around.
"You wanna head to the settlement, is that what you just said?" Dex said, raising his voice word by word.
He instantly pulled out his assault rifle.
"Well I'll give you just th-... Look, I'm sorry, but my friend was just slaughtered and I wanna kill this disgusting fuck."
"Okay, we'll help y-" Ruby says before… [view original content]
Wow, seriously? My god the joy! Thank you so much . I agree completely, look at the stranger, sure, he was absolutely awful for taking Clementine and practically killing everyone, but he didn't seem completely insane, until the bag...
Excellent! No, seriouely: I love your post and applaud you for your brave move. I am sure some people might find it dissapointing, but in my… more honest opinion this post fits Liz so well - this is her nature. Besides: Dex might have been a good guy for being after Weston, but that doesn't make him automatically a good human being. Applause!
Wow, seriously? My god the joy! Thank you so much . I agree completely, look at the stranger, sure, he was absolutely awful for taking Clementine and practically killing everyone, but he didn't seem completely insane, until the bag...
"That... That... FUCK!" Dex said.
"Weston, the most fucked man alive, that's what he is."
Dex crouches down right next to Whi… moreskey.
"Man, I'm sorry about this, but don't worry, I'll bring him to the..." Dex said, whilst his final words to Whiskey was whispered and as such could not be heard.
"Come on, let's go."
(Stop the music)
They walk back to the car.
"So, what's the plan?" Ruby asks.
"We go find this piece of shit, and rip him into pieces." Dex says, saying it in a calm yet slighlty mad voice.
"What about us? We have nothing to do with this." Liz says.
Dex stops.
He turns around.
"You wanna head to the settlement, is that what you just said?" Dex said, raising his voice word by word.
He instantly pulled out his assault rifle.
"Well I'll give you just th-... Look, I'm sorry, but my friend was just slaughtered and I wanna kill this disgusting fuck."
"Okay, we'll help y-" Ruby says before… [view original content]
"Clementine - RUN!" Ruby takes the little girl's hand immediately without turning around. Her senses didn't fool her as the gunfire starts i… moremmediately. They both jump over a car wreck near the fence. As Ruby peeks over her shoulder she can't trust her eyes: Liz just stands there steadily and kills one man after another.
"Ruby - come on: This way!", Clementine says whilst dragging the woman's back pack, but Ruby just keeps crouching behind the car observing the scene in awe: Elizabeth eventually seems to be out of ammo. Only one man is laying a few yards away from her, his death rattles filling the air. Elizabeth drops the gun, slowly stepping closer to him. Then she crouches down and spits him in his suffering face out of disgust as she stands up again. Eventually, she slams his head in with her boot, now covered in red.
A few tense moments later at the rising of the sun Elizabeth turns her head to the left staring right into Ruby's… [view original content]
"Clementine - RUN!" Ruby takes the little girl's hand immediately without turning around. Her senses didn't fool her as the gunfire starts i… moremmediately. They both jump over a car wreck near the fence. As Ruby peeks over her shoulder she can't trust her eyes: Liz just stands there steadily and kills one man after another.
"Ruby - come on: This way!", Clementine says whilst dragging the woman's back pack, but Ruby just keeps crouching behind the car observing the scene in awe: Elizabeth eventually seems to be out of ammo. Only one man is laying a few yards away from her, his death rattles filling the air. Elizabeth drops the gun, slowly stepping closer to him. Then she crouches down and spits him in his suffering face out of disgust as she stands up again. Eventually, she slams his head in with her boot, now covered in red.
A few tense moments later at the rising of the sun Elizabeth turns her head to the left staring right into Ruby's… [view original content]
It could be. We just need a killer post to end it with.
I have done a whole bunch of studies on faces and noses and stuff, so expect the picture off Liz and Rubes within... A few days? Maybe. Possibly. Hopefully.
A little question about my drawing:
Should I draw it black and white and then create contrast by adding colors in the eyes and around Ruby and Elizabeth, or should I just color it all?
It could be. We just need a killer post to end it with.
I have done a whole bunch of studies on faces and noses and stuff, so expect the picture off Liz and Rubes within... A few days? Maybe. Possibly. Hopefully.
Elizabeth stares at the letters on Ruby's note in disbelief. Her eyes open widely as she bites her lips with confusion and anger. "Ashley is real." She finally exclaims. Running her hands through her luscious brown hair, Elizabeth starts to pace around the room. "That's what we were trying to tell you." Tara says while comforting Roselle. Looking at the women's shaved heads, Elizabeth realizes what her fate could have been like if she hadn't stood up for herself during Kirkmin's assault. "They could have taken me... Locked me up like some kind of animal until one of those slave traders showed up to buy me..." She pulls out yet another cigarette and lights it before taking a sip, breathing it out with a groan of satisfaction. "But they didn't." Ruby points out to the stressed woman. "What?" Her eyebrow raised, Elizabeth turns to Ruby. "You were strong back in that settlement. Your husband had died and yet you kept fighting for what you believed in. You found a goal and stuck by it." Ruby walks up to her and puts her hand onto her shoulder. "Now, although I can never bring back your husband, I can be your companion."
Ruby gestures towards the other women in the room, Clementine in particular. "We can help you. We can be your friends. You've just got to give us a chance."
What will Clementine say?Ruby is right. / Yeah. / I'm not so sure... / ...
Elizabeth stares at the letters on Ruby's note in disbelief. Her eyes open widely as she bites her lips with confus… moreion and anger. "Ashley is real." She finally exclaims. Running her hands through her luscious brown hair, Elizabeth starts to pace around the room. "That's what we were trying to tell you." Tara says while comforting Roselle. Looking at the women's shaved heads, Elizabeth realizes what her fate could have been like if she hadn't stood up for herself during Kirkmin's assault. "They could have taken me... Locked me up like some kind of animal until one of those slave traders showed up to buy me..." She pulls out yet another cigarette and lights it before taking a sip, breathing it out with a groan of satisfaction. "But they didn't." Ruby points out to the stressed woman. "What?" Her eyebrow raised, Elizabeth turns to Ruby. "You were strong back in that settlement. Your husband had died and yet you kept figh… [view original content]
"Ruby is right. Everyone deserves a chance." She said to the Women before smiling at Ruby. "Yeah, of course." Roselle said. "Didn't that Dex guy say we were going to North Carolina? Cause it seems we just went a few miles down the fucking road." Liz said. "Well Ashley is pretty far from here." "Wherever it is, fuck that place!" Liz shouted a little to loudly. "I just want to get out of here..." Tara said, putting her head on Roselle's shoulder. "We are baby girl." Roselle said back. Liz continued to sit against the window, watching the sun slowly rise. She noticed out in the far distance black smoke filling the sky. "Whoa, someone's having fun." She said, giggling.
The farm Weston had attacked, once he was done killing them all he set the farmhouse scorching. He walked away, soaked in blood holding a shotgun. Neil and Willie were seen on the hilltop, chanting out his victory. He slowly walked up the hill, not really satisfied with his work. "You got em' good Wes!" Neil shouted. "Well nobody fucks with my family and continues to Walk." He muttered, wiping the blood off his face. "I just realized, I wiped out half of my customer base, hmm... Well more food for us." He said. "NC isn't gonna mess with us, Lester isn't, we practically rule this whole state now!" Neil said. "Whiskey wasn't a real soldier, he was one of those fucknuts out east who like to kidnap women and children. He probably killed one of them and stole his uniform. NC isn't gonna send one guy after me, that's fucking stupid I just killed 30 generic goons by myself." Weston said starting up his truck. "But none the less let us flee from the blood we spilled on this land gentlemen!" He said, driving away.
"Figure we could maybe head up to North Carolina, always best to set a goal." Ruby said, pulling out the Map she had finally found. "I am NOT going to another Community." Liz said, throwing the cigarette out the window. "These crazy guys aren't connected to the one's in Charlotte Liz." "Still! Dex could have been lying for all we know! Lure us into a trap!" Liz said. "I say we go." Meg said. Liz began to get infuriated by the one's that disagreed with her, everyone was more trusting then they should have been. "You assholes aren't going to listen to me. We trusted Dex and look where he fucking lead us. YOU CAN'T TRUST ANYONE." "Then what do you wanna do!? Sit here and rot?" Ruby shouted. "Much rather do that then follow your ass into another trap!" "Whoa calm dow-" with her attempts to calm everything down, Clem kept getting interrupted. "Everything is so fucked Ruby! sigh" Liz left the room before things got more heated.
"I'm sorry if we caused anything." Roselle said. "No it's not your fault, she just has a temper. She's been through a lot." Ruby then looked over to Tara, who was sitting very close to her Mother, she immediately thought of Lauren, Tara reminded her of her. Ruby looked away before she bursted and pointed on the map. "We could head there, it's a small town and is likely abandoned."
Elizabeth was outside. Leaning against a car looking at the Soldiers she killed. She shakes her head in disgust for what the Men truly are. She walked to Dexter's corpse, and was looting it. She came across a Walkie that seemed to not work. She took off his backpack and dug through it. Finding ammo, some bottled water, and a picture of him and his Son. "I guess everyone was Normal at one point." She muttered before putting the picture back. She then grabbed the Machete that was holstered on his Backpack. "Oh, thank you Dex." She said, swinging the machete around, getting a good feel for it. Ruby and rest came out of the Building to see Liz snooping around. "Liz." Ruby said. "Oh hey, just digging around. I found this badass Machete, along with some Water and a Walkie but I think he fell on it." Liz said, putting the Machete holster on her body. "So, you still wanna leave the state or what?" Liz asked the Women. "Let's just at least move North, get away from all this Madness. Find these Women some clothes, and yeah." Ruby said. "And what about this Walkie? Should we just throw it out?" Liz asked everyone. "No use for it I guess. What do you think Clem?" Ruby asked.
"Ruby is right. Everyone deserves a chance." She said to the Women before smiling at Ruby. "Yeah, of course." Roselle said. "Didn't that De… morex guy say we were going to North Carolina? Cause it seems we just went a few miles down the fucking road." Liz said. "Well Ashley is pretty far from here." "Wherever it is, fuck that place!" Liz shouted a little to loudly. "I just want to get out of here..." Tara said, putting her head on Roselle's shoulder. "We are baby girl." Roselle said back. Liz continued to sit against the window, watching the sun slowly rise. She noticed out in the far distance black smoke filling the sky. "Whoa, someone's having fun." She said, giggling.
The farm Weston had attacked, once he was done killing them all he set the farmhouse scorching. He walked away, soaked in blood holding a shotgun. Neil and Willie were seen on the hilltop, chanting out his victory. He slowly walked up the hill, not really sati… [view original content]
It's funny: "Ashley" was actually named after a very small town I've seen while browsing through South Carolina via Google Maps (of course you couldn't know that trivia)
"Ruby is right. Everyone deserves a chance." She said to the Women before smiling at Ruby. "Yeah, of course." Roselle said. "Didn't that De… morex guy say we were going to North Carolina? Cause it seems we just went a few miles down the fucking road." Liz said. "Well Ashley is pretty far from here." "Wherever it is, fuck that place!" Liz shouted a little to loudly. "I just want to get out of here..." Tara said, putting her head on Roselle's shoulder. "We are baby girl." Roselle said back. Liz continued to sit against the window, watching the sun slowly rise. She noticed out in the far distance black smoke filling the sky. "Whoa, someone's having fun." She said, giggling.
The farm Weston had attacked, once he was done killing them all he set the farmhouse scorching. He walked away, soaked in blood holding a shotgun. Neil and Willie were seen on the hilltop, chanting out his victory. He slowly walked up the hill, not really sati… [view original content]
It's funny: "Ashley" was actually named after a very small town I've seen while browsing through South Carolina via Google Maps (of course you couldn't know that trivia)
The small walkie-talkie reminds Clementine of the one she used to talk to the stranger before, although this one doesn't have the stickers hers did. "I guess we could throw it out. No use to it anyway." Clementine rubs her weary eyes. "I know the sun just came up, but I'm tired. We haven't even slept yet." Elizabeth and Ruby immediately notice their own tiredness and share a moment of realization. They had been putting a lot of strain onto this little girl and she needs some time to rest. "You're right. It's been a long day, maybe we should rest around here for a while before we move on to the north." Ruby says while unrolling her small sleeping bag. Surprisingly, Elizabeth agrees with her plan and proceeds to unpack some of her belongings as well. The rest of the group soon follows their lead and within a few minutes the dusty old living room has been turned into a cozy circle of sleeping bags and backpacks. Clementine lies right next to Ruby on her left side and Tara on the other. The two girls seem to be happily talking to each other, exchanging stories and experiences.
Ruby takes on a grim look when she realizes they are bragging about the amount of walkers they have killed and whether they had shot or stabbed them. "I'll stand guard. If anything happens, I'll wake you." Elizabeth says while pulling out her new machete and sitting by the table. A worried sigh emits from Ruby's mouth before she buries herself into her sleeping bag, immediately falling asleep.
(Ideas for next post:
-Clem wakes up and finds Elizabeth crying.
-Something happens during the night, thus Elizabeth wakes everyone up.
-Just skip to the next day or when they are on the road. )
When Clementine opens her eyes the first thing she notices in her blurry vision is Tara's back. She's sitting on her sleeping bag lookind down on something. Rubbing her eyelids still heavy from sleep Clem scans the room: The others are gone. "Hey Tara.", she says putting on a worried face. Tara turns her head slightly to the left, barely paying attention. "Oh hi, Clementine. The others are outside, making food and preparing our departure.", says Tara like she could read Clem's thoughts as she points her index finger to the only window in the room.
As Clementine tumbles to the window she has to step over a lot of garbage. The sun can't be seen on the horizon and only a few parts of the road are bathed in reddish lights - it must be early evening. In the distance she can finally spot the others: Ruby is busy with prepping the green land rover as she's sunk under the hood of the motor compartment. Then Clementine notices that Meg is loading several bags and supplies on the large trunk. Not far away from the car Roselle is cooking something over a humble fireplace. Everything seems to be perfectly organized, only Elizabeth is nowhere to be seen. Before she can ask her a question Clementine holds her breath as she cannot trust her eyes: Tara has been looking through the content of her bag, now holding a photo - it's Lee!
"What are you doing?", she asks, trying not to sound offended, but her raspy voice betrays her. "Oh, nothing. I was just curious, wondering what it is you're carrying with you. That duck figurine looks funny, btw."., Tara replies without any obvious feeling of guilt. The anger rises up inside of Clementine. "DAMMIT! Give it to me!", she yells whilst taking away the picture and her bag in no time at all. Tara, who looks much smaller than Clem, looks at her in shock when Clem braces herself: "Did it ever occur to you that this stuff is private? You can't just take it whenever you want - you gotta ask if you want to take others personal belongings, otherwise it's stealing.". Tara nods and looks down to her feet. "It's okay, I guess you got it now.", speaks Clem, sighing with relief. "Who are all these people?", suddenly asks Tara. Knowing, that all her beloved friends from the photographs are meant, Clementine replies: "They are people, I loved - some of them died right in front of me.". Her voice is calm without any hints of stress, no tears are evolving in her eyelids - the realization makes Clementine shutter. "Oh ... I am sorry to hear that. I wish I had pictures of my beloved ones, too.", Tara speaks with a saddened face. I need to encourage her, goes through Clementine's mind. "How about having a look around? Maybe we can join Meg and find some useful things, what do you think about it?". Tara smiles back: "Good idea!". As they walk down the stairs with Clementine ahead Tara suddenly says: "You should cut your hair.". When Clem turns around she looks in a beautiful face: it has girly structures yet her shaved head looks very disturbing. It's hard for her to take a closer look. Tara then focuses on Clem's hair. As she slowly reaches for one of her hair strands, she continues: "They do horrible things to women, momma says.". "I'll think about it. Now let's just go, ok?".
The moment when Clem steps out of the building something heavy falls right before her feet with a loud dump noise. Both the little girls squawk as they step back. When the dust settled Elizabeth stands before them holding a crossbow. "Good timing, ladies. Ros is cooking some beans. I thought it'd be great to have some proteins as the main dish." She bows down picking up the source of the scare: A fat raccoon with an arrow in its throat - the fella must've fallen from the rooftop. Both girls look at each other and begin to cry from laughter. Liz reveals a vague smile.
"Can we look around a little? We won't go far.", Clementine asks Liz. "That's not a good idea - please stay in the house or by the fire!", yells Ruby, still busy with the car. Meg seems to be helping her with it. When both girls are about to go back into the house Liz whispers: "Here, take these. And stay close.". She hands them two little guns. "Thanks, but I've got one, already.", says Clem handing it to Liz, who checks on it with lighting speed. "Nah, that's crap. The ones I gave you are much better, trust me." The girls are heading to the backyard when Liz adds: "Don't use it for fun, it attracts walkers.". Before Clem can say anything Tara wrinkles her nose. "Pffff, we knoooow. Jeeez. We're NO babies.".
When Clementine opens her eyes the first thing she notices in her blurry vision is Tara's back. She's sitting on her sleeping bag lookind do… morewn on something. Rubbing her eyelids still heavy from sleep Clem scans the room: The others are gone. "Hey Tara.", she says putting on a worried face. Tara turns her head slightly to the left, barely paying attention. "Oh hi, Clementine. The others are outside, making food and preparing our departure.", says Tara like she could read Clem's thoughts as she points her index finger to the only window in the room.
As Clementine tumbles to the window she has to step over a lot of garbage. The sun can't be seen on the horizon and only a few parts of the road are bathed in reddish lights - it must be early evening. In the distance she can finally spot the others: Ruby is busy with prepping the green land rover as she's sunk under the hood of the motor compartment. Then Clementine notices that Meg is loading s… [view original content]
"Be safe!" Elizabeth shouts at the girls, who have already ran away in excitement. She chuckles before stringing the dead raccoon to her belt and walking towards the campfire.
"Come on! I think I hear a walker over here!" Tara ecstatically shouts at her older counterpart. The little girl jumps over rocks and dodges trees and roots with the grace of a dancer. Clementine's pursuit comes to a sudden stop when Tara jumps down from a boulder and carefully tiptoes past a walker stuck in a pool of quicksand. "Look at her!" Tara points at the woman's mutilated face. "She must have been in here for a long time." Clementine worriedly looks over the pool and at the girl, who seems to be fascinated by the rotting flesh and devastating smell of the monster. "We should really get back to the house, they might be worried about us." Tara doesn't respond, her sight is fixed upon the walker. "Tara?" Clementine exclaims. "Tara, look out! Behind you!" Another walker approaches from behind a set of bushes. Its hands are desperately grasping for the girl, but she dodges just in time as the male walker trips and falls headlong into the pool. Staring at his legs kicking in the air, Tara responds to Clementine's calls and runs to her, barely having climbed the rock when a large group of walkers appears from the treeline. "Come on, we've gotta go." The girls look back one last time at the threatening horde following them before running back to the house.
A minute later, they reach the building. Their screams warn the women and Ruby immediately reacts by rushing towards them and crouching down before Clementine. "What happened? Why are you screaming?" Clementine hesitantly starts panting. "We... We went into the woods. We saw a huge group of walkers..." Ruby looks around her, trying to figure out what to do.
Elizabeth runs around the corner of the house and up to the group of women. Her wild face is covered in blood and rotting flesh. "We need to leave, right now."
Very cool post, especially Tara's behaviour, enyoing the freedom (since she had been locked up by the slave traders before). And her weird reaction to the walker - awesome
(Listen to this: )
"Be safe!" Elizabeth shouts at the girls, who have already ran away in excitement. She chuckles before stringing the … moredead raccoon to her belt and walking towards the campfire.
"Come on! I think I hear a walker over here!" Tara ecstatically shouts at her older counterpart. The little girl jumps over rocks and dodges trees and roots with the grace of a dancer. Clementine's pursuit comes to a sudden stop when Tara jumps down from a boulder and carefully tiptoes past a walker stuck in a pool of quicksand. "Look at her!" Tara points at the woman's mutilated face. "She must have been in here for a long time." Clementine worriedly looks over the pool and at the girl, who seems to be fascinated by the rotting flesh and devastating smell of the monster. "We should really get back to the house, they might be worried about us." Tara doesn't respond, her sight is fixed upon the walker. "Tara?" Clementine exclaims. "Tara, look ou… [view original content]
"Clementine - RUN!" Ruby takes the little girl's hand immediately without turning around. Her senses didn't fool her as the gunfire starts immediately. They both jump over a car wreck near the fence. As Ruby peeks over her shoulder she can't trust her eyes: Liz just stands there steadily and kills one man after another.
"Ruby - come on: This way!", Clementine says whilst dragging the woman's back pack, but Ruby just keeps crouching behind the car observing the scene in awe: Elizabeth eventually seems to be out of ammo. Only one man is laying a few yards away from her, his death rattles filling the air. Elizabeth drops the gun, slowly stepping closer to him. Then she crouches down and spits him in his suffering face out of disgust as she stands up again. Eventually, she slams his head in with her boot, now covered in red.
A few tense moments later at the rising of the sun Elizabeth turns her head to the left staring right into Ruby's eyes: "So, are you going to leave without me?". Ruby turns around to Clem. Both of them stare at each other, as Ruby gets on her feet wiping off the dust of her jeans when she heads to Elizabeth while staring at the ground. "They're all dead.". Ruby answers with a snotty remark: "Apparently ..". When they both finally reach her Ruby cannot hold it back: "Elizabeth ... we are both very thankful that you've spared us back in the warehouse. And now that you've saved our lifes ... my most profound thanks." She then looks down to Clementine who is still holding Ruby's hand. Ruby continues: "But now you gotta promise me something: promise me you'll never kill us, no matter what circumstances. Clementine trusted you from the beginning and when she told you that we want to be your friends she wasn't lying. But now that I've seen what you're capable of you have to make that promise ...". "... But she has just saved our lifes. She wouldn't kill us - right?", Clementine interrupts her. The pair looks at the eerie woman in anticipation. "I promise." Just when Ruby is about to say something Liz adds: "But you gotta promise me something in return.". Clem asks her: "What is it?". "Never leave me". Ruby rests her hand on Clementine's right shoulder as she eventually gives Liz her hand. "We promise."
"Fine. Now let's see if we can find anything useful and get the fuck outta here.".
When they enter the main road of the small town Ruby waves her head as she says: "I ... just don't get it ... why that friendly behaviour in the first place when they revealed pretty fast that they were actually planning to kill us ... why didn't they just kill us back in the warehouse? That would have been much easier." Liz steps over a fallen tree as she answers: "They weren't going to kill us.". "Oh yeah? And what did it look like to you? He was about to execute us on the open street like mangy dogs!". Clementine checks on an object that looked like a rifle but it turned out to be a branch. Elizabeth skews down to Ruby:
"They wanted us alive. I don't know what these bastards were up to but I can assure you one thing: they were monsters. They were either trying to rape us or at least holding us in captivity for their wheelings and dealings. That Dexter guy was just trying to outface us, but he couldn't fool me: I looked him in the eyes and smelled his sick nature. He was messing with the wrong woman, though. Nobody's going to shed a tear over that scum."
Elizabeth's speech made Ruby stay behind in awe. That lady is not as unsound as she had expected. "I'll go have a look in that building - be right back.*, says Liz as she makes her way into a barricaded furniture shop.
Clementine and Ruby step over the corpses browsing the area for supplies. Clementine finds a gun - luckily there are two bullets in it. A whistle sounds from behind as she loads it: "Wow, I used to have one of these. Nice vehicle, let's see if it still has some gas in it ...". She jumps into the green land rover. "Stay close, Clem." When Clementine is just about to examine the car Elizabeth voice can be heard: "... look who we got here ... your names ...".
Ruby and Clem run into the building with their guns prepared when they see who Liz is talking with: Three persons crouching on the ground. "Don't shoot! I am begging you.". "I won't, now tell me your names ...". Liz quickly lights a cigarette as she leans to a wall. As Clem gets closer she can have a better look: It's three females, an african american woman, a young girl that has similarities to the first woman and a fair skinned black haired lady. They have all one thing in common: Their heads are almost shaved, the hair being very short. From the distance they all looked like male guys. The black woman speaks with a shaking voice: "I'm Roselle and this is my daughter Tara. This is Meg - she doesn't talk much. Now, would you please put the gun away? That's be great.". "I think you can put the gun down now, Liz.", says Ruby. Liz hesitates. "Oh jeez, would'ya ... there we go. Thanks. I am Ruby and this is Clementine. And... that awful nice lady is Elizabeth. She doesn't seem like it but is actually very nice.". Clementine smiles at Tara but gets a bitter face in return before Tara turns her head away. "We don't have much time, so please keep it short: What are you doing here and what is your relation to these dead freaks outside?". "Cool it, Liz ... they seem to be nice people.", Ruby says when she gets cut off by Roselle: "Did you just say dead?! Is this true?!" "Wanna peek outside?", Liz asks. All three women sigh in relief "Oh, thank god ...". Ruby steps closer to them and takes a seat on the floor. "So, if you don't belong here: What was happening here?". Roselle just says: "Ashley."
"Who?", asks Ruby. All three woman look at her in disbelief. "Who? You mean where. Wait ... you haven't heard of Ashley, did you.", says Roselle. Clemand Ruby stare at each other with a question mark on their foreheads as Liz speaks: "Don't fuck with us, honey, there is no Ashley - that's a fucking urban legend!" "It's not.", says Meg calm yet self-confident. "Would you please tell us what the heck you're talking about?", says Ruby. Liz moves the curtains aside to look out the window as she speaks: "Ashley is said to be a settlement that promises a very intact infrastructure, medicine, food, supplies ... a normal life without goons and crime. Sounds unbelievable. It's just the same shit story like that about Wellington. Ashley's key to survival is birth control, like you have to give birth once a year and stuff or you're having consequences... what a crap...". Liz's story is disturbed by a loud yell: "It's NO bullshit!!". Elizabeth grins at Roselle: "Uh yeah?". As Roselle breaks out in tears Tara continues with her childish high voice: "The men here kidnapped us and locked us up. They were about to sell us to someone who was going to bring us to Ashley against our will." Clementine reminds Karim's words in his letter to Honey. Women and kids, on a truck, tied together. "What do you think?", Liz asks Ruby when Clementine speaks: "They're right.", putting down her bag and revealing the letter ...
Hope, the story is getting some substance
Note: Their hair are that short to look like men so they are safe from slave traders
Advice: Some character developement would be nice, post with less action and more dialogue
Nah, it was a great twist. Weston acted Civil and he was a fruitcake. Just gotta figure out what I'm gonna do with Joel now.
Wow, seriously? My god the joy! Thank you so much
. I agree completely, look at the stranger, sure, he was absolutely awful for taking Clementine and practically killing everyone, but he didn't seem completely insane, until the bag...
... you reminded me of the bag ...
Thank you all so much, appreciate it to insane levels
Yeah, it'll be interesting to see how it goes for Joel, let's see what Missus writes, excited!
These are one of the kind of posts that make you guess what's going to happen next. (That's what makes them good!)
I had honestly thought, while reading this, that Winston was going to all of a sudden shoot Dex, saving the day. But this was even better!
What'd you say?
Weston and Elizabeth are both murderous psycho's, gotta love it.
I think we are nearing a good point to end with Episode 1. what do you guys think?
Edited my post to fix an inconsistency
Yeah, I agree. This has been a kickass episode.
It could be. We just need a killer post to end it with.
I have done a whole bunch of studies on faces and noses and stuff, so expect the picture off Liz and Rubes within... A few days? Maybe. Possibly. Hopefully.
A little question about my drawing:
Should I draw it black and white and then create contrast by adding colors in the eyes and around Ruby and Elizabeth, or should I just color it all?
It would add a sort of Walking Dead vibe to it if you only colored the eyes, which would obviously be great xP.
Good idea. I think I'll decide when I have really laid it all out though. : )
FIXED MY LATEST POST - please go on
Looking forward to it
Oooooooh yeah
Nobody? Come on, I wantz the story to go on
Elizabeth stares at the letters on Ruby's note in disbelief. Her eyes open widely as she bites her lips with confusion and anger. "Ashley is real." She finally exclaims. Running her hands through her luscious brown hair, Elizabeth starts to pace around the room. "That's what we were trying to tell you." Tara says while comforting Roselle. Looking at the women's shaved heads, Elizabeth realizes what her fate could have been like if she hadn't stood up for herself during Kirkmin's assault. "They could have taken me... Locked me up like some kind of animal until one of those slave traders showed up to buy me..." She pulls out yet another cigarette and lights it before taking a sip, breathing it out with a groan of satisfaction. "But they didn't." Ruby points out to the stressed woman. "What?" Her eyebrow raised, Elizabeth turns to Ruby. "You were strong back in that settlement. Your husband had died and yet you kept fighting for what you believed in. You found a goal and stuck by it." Ruby walks up to her and puts her hand onto her shoulder. "Now, although I can never bring back your husband, I can be your companion."
Ruby gestures towards the other women in the room, Clementine in particular. "We can help you. We can be your friends. You've just got to give us a chance."
What will Clementine say? Ruby is right. / Yeah. / I'm not so sure... / ...
Awesomness! Love it
Btw: Can't wait to see the drawing!
"Ruby is right. Everyone deserves a chance." She said to the Women before smiling at Ruby. "Yeah, of course." Roselle said. "Didn't that Dex guy say we were going to North Carolina? Cause it seems we just went a few miles down the fucking road." Liz said. "Well Ashley is pretty far from here." "Wherever it is, fuck that place!" Liz shouted a little to loudly. "I just want to get out of here..." Tara said, putting her head on Roselle's shoulder. "We are baby girl." Roselle said back. Liz continued to sit against the window, watching the sun slowly rise. She noticed out in the far distance black smoke filling the sky. "Whoa, someone's having fun." She said, giggling.
The farm Weston had attacked, once he was done killing them all he set the farmhouse scorching. He walked away, soaked in blood holding a shotgun. Neil and Willie were seen on the hilltop, chanting out his victory. He slowly walked up the hill, not really satisfied with his work. "You got em' good Wes!" Neil shouted. "Well nobody fucks with my family and continues to Walk." He muttered, wiping the blood off his face. "I just realized, I wiped out half of my customer base, hmm... Well more food for us." He said. "NC isn't gonna mess with us, Lester isn't, we practically rule this whole state now!" Neil said. "Whiskey wasn't a real soldier, he was one of those fucknuts out east who like to kidnap women and children. He probably killed one of them and stole his uniform. NC isn't gonna send one guy after me, that's fucking stupid I just killed 30 generic goons by myself." Weston said starting up his truck. "But none the less let us flee from the blood we spilled on this land gentlemen!" He said, driving away.
"Figure we could maybe head up to North Carolina, always best to set a goal." Ruby said, pulling out the Map she had finally found. "I am NOT going to another Community." Liz said, throwing the cigarette out the window. "These crazy guys aren't connected to the one's in Charlotte Liz." "Still! Dex could have been lying for all we know! Lure us into a trap!" Liz said. "I say we go." Meg said. Liz began to get infuriated by the one's that disagreed with her, everyone was more trusting then they should have been. "You assholes aren't going to listen to me. We trusted Dex and look where he fucking lead us. YOU CAN'T TRUST ANYONE." "Then what do you wanna do!? Sit here and rot?" Ruby shouted. "Much rather do that then follow your ass into another trap!" "Whoa calm dow-" with her attempts to calm everything down, Clem kept getting interrupted. "Everything is so fucked Ruby! sigh" Liz left the room before things got more heated.
"I'm sorry if we caused anything." Roselle said. "No it's not your fault, she just has a temper. She's been through a lot." Ruby then looked over to Tara, who was sitting very close to her Mother, she immediately thought of Lauren, Tara reminded her of her. Ruby looked away before she bursted and pointed on the map. "We could head there, it's a small town and is likely abandoned."
Elizabeth was outside. Leaning against a car looking at the Soldiers she killed. She shakes her head in disgust for what the Men truly are. She walked to Dexter's corpse, and was looting it. She came across a Walkie that seemed to not work. She took off his backpack and dug through it. Finding ammo, some bottled water, and a picture of him and his Son. "I guess everyone was Normal at one point." She muttered before putting the picture back. She then grabbed the Machete that was holstered on his Backpack. "Oh, thank you Dex." She said, swinging the machete around, getting a good feel for it. Ruby and rest came out of the Building to see Liz snooping around. "Liz." Ruby said. "Oh hey, just digging around. I found this badass Machete, along with some Water and a Walkie but I think he fell on it." Liz said, putting the Machete holster on her body. "So, you still wanna leave the state or what?" Liz asked the Women. "Let's just at least move North, get away from all this Madness. Find these Women some clothes, and yeah." Ruby said. "And what about this Walkie? Should we just throw it out?" Liz asked everyone. "No use for it I guess. What do you think Clem?" Ruby asked.
The pressure! I CANT TAKE IT!!! T_T
(JK, I will start it today, hope it works out well! : D )
Hey Twistee: Are you writing, yet? Wanted to make a very short post, if that's okay to you.
Edit: Nevermind, I'm too late
I didn't advance to far if you still have your idea in mind.
It's funny: "Ashley" was actually named after a very small town I've seen while browsing through South Carolina via Google Maps (of course you couldn't know that trivia)
Hmm. Well I don't know much about South Carolina. I thought it was the name of the Community lol I'm gonna change it.
You don't really have to, actually
Lol, yeah I thought Ashley was a cool name for a community for some reason.
Maybe the leader is name Ashley? Dun dun dun dun.
What was going to be my grand masterpiece turned out to be the grandest piece of shit ever conceived by man. I hate drawing.
Well, I am sorry to hear that
I'd like to continue but don't know, how
The small walkie-talkie reminds Clementine of the one she used to talk to the stranger before, although this one doesn't have the stickers hers did. "I guess we could throw it out. No use to it anyway." Clementine rubs her weary eyes. "I know the sun just came up, but I'm tired. We haven't even slept yet." Elizabeth and Ruby immediately notice their own tiredness and share a moment of realization. They had been putting a lot of strain onto this little girl and she needs some time to rest. "You're right. It's been a long day, maybe we should rest around here for a while before we move on to the north." Ruby says while unrolling her small sleeping bag. Surprisingly, Elizabeth agrees with her plan and proceeds to unpack some of her belongings as well. The rest of the group soon follows their lead and within a few minutes the dusty old living room has been turned into a cozy circle of sleeping bags and backpacks. Clementine lies right next to Ruby on her left side and Tara on the other. The two girls seem to be happily talking to each other, exchanging stories and experiences.
Ruby takes on a grim look when she realizes they are bragging about the amount of walkers they have killed and whether they had shot or stabbed them. "I'll stand guard. If anything happens, I'll wake you." Elizabeth says while pulling out her new machete and sitting by the table. A worried sigh emits from Ruby's mouth before she buries herself into her sleeping bag, immediately falling asleep.
(Ideas for next post:
-Clem wakes up and finds Elizabeth crying.
-Something happens during the night, thus Elizabeth wakes everyone up.
-Just skip to the next day or when they are on the road. )
Nobody? Bummer...
I will as soon as I'm home
You home yet? ;P
When Clementine opens her eyes the first thing she notices in her blurry vision is Tara's back. She's sitting on her sleeping bag lookind down on something. Rubbing her eyelids still heavy from sleep Clem scans the room: The others are gone. "Hey Tara.", she says putting on a worried face. Tara turns her head slightly to the left, barely paying attention. "Oh hi, Clementine. The others are outside, making food and preparing our departure.", says Tara like she could read Clem's thoughts as she points her index finger to the only window in the room.
As Clementine tumbles to the window she has to step over a lot of garbage. The sun can't be seen on the horizon and only a few parts of the road are bathed in reddish lights - it must be early evening. In the distance she can finally spot the others: Ruby is busy with prepping the green land rover as she's sunk under the hood of the motor compartment. Then Clementine notices that Meg is loading several bags and supplies on the large trunk. Not far away from the car Roselle is cooking something over a humble fireplace. Everything seems to be perfectly organized, only Elizabeth is nowhere to be seen. Before she can ask her a question Clementine holds her breath as she cannot trust her eyes: Tara has been looking through the content of her bag, now holding a photo - it's Lee!
"What are you doing?", she asks, trying not to sound offended, but her raspy voice betrays her. "Oh, nothing. I was just curious, wondering what it is you're carrying with you. That duck figurine looks funny, btw."., Tara replies without any obvious feeling of guilt. The anger rises up inside of Clementine. "DAMMIT! Give it to me!", she yells whilst taking away the picture and her bag in no time at all. Tara, who looks much smaller than Clem, looks at her in shock when Clem braces herself: "Did it ever occur to you that this stuff is private? You can't just take it whenever you want - you gotta ask if you want to take others personal belongings, otherwise it's stealing.". Tara nods and looks down to her feet. "It's okay, I guess you got it now.", speaks Clem, sighing with relief. "Who are all these people?", suddenly asks Tara. Knowing, that all her beloved friends from the photographs are meant, Clementine replies: "They are people, I loved - some of them died right in front of me.". Her voice is calm without any hints of stress, no tears are evolving in her eyelids - the realization makes Clementine shutter. "Oh ... I am sorry to hear that. I wish I had pictures of my beloved ones, too.", Tara speaks with a saddened face. I need to encourage her, goes through Clementine's mind. "How about having a look around? Maybe we can join Meg and find some useful things, what do you think about it?". Tara smiles back: "Good idea!". As they walk down the stairs with Clementine ahead Tara suddenly says: "You should cut your hair.". When Clem turns around she looks in a beautiful face: it has girly structures yet her shaved head looks very disturbing. It's hard for her to take a closer look. Tara then focuses on Clem's hair. As she slowly reaches for one of her hair strands, she continues: "They do horrible things to women, momma says.". "I'll think about it. Now let's just go, ok?".
The moment when Clem steps out of the building something heavy falls right before her feet with a loud dump noise. Both the little girls squawk as they step back. When the dust settled Elizabeth stands before them holding a crossbow. "Good timing, ladies. Ros is cooking some beans. I thought it'd be great to have some proteins as the main dish." She bows down picking up the source of the scare: A fat raccoon with an arrow in its throat - the fella must've fallen from the rooftop. Both girls look at each other and begin to cry from laughter. Liz reveals a vague smile.
"Can we look around a little? We won't go far.", Clementine asks Liz. "That's not a good idea - please stay in the house or by the fire!", yells Ruby, still busy with the car. Meg seems to be helping her with it. When both girls are about to go back into the house Liz whispers: "Here, take these. And stay close.". She hands them two little guns. "Thanks, but I've got one, already.", says Clem handing it to Liz, who checks on it with lighting speed. "Nah, that's crap. The ones I gave you are much better, trust me." The girls are heading to the backyard when Liz adds: "Don't use it for fun, it attracts walkers.". Before Clem can say anything Tara wrinkles her nose. "Pffff, we knoooow. Jeeez. We're NO babies.".
Great post! Bonding time for Tara and Clem.
(Listen to this:
"Be safe!" Elizabeth shouts at the girls, who have already ran away in excitement. She chuckles before stringing the dead raccoon to her belt and walking towards the campfire.
"Come on! I think I hear a walker over here!" Tara ecstatically shouts at her older counterpart. The little girl jumps over rocks and dodges trees and roots with the grace of a dancer. Clementine's pursuit comes to a sudden stop when Tara jumps down from a boulder and carefully tiptoes past a walker stuck in a pool of quicksand. "Look at her!" Tara points at the woman's mutilated face. "She must have been in here for a long time." Clementine worriedly looks over the pool and at the girl, who seems to be fascinated by the rotting flesh and devastating smell of the monster. "We should really get back to the house, they might be worried about us." Tara doesn't respond, her sight is fixed upon the walker. "Tara?" Clementine exclaims. "Tara, look out! Behind you!" Another walker approaches from behind a set of bushes. Its hands are desperately grasping for the girl, but she dodges just in time as the male walker trips and falls headlong into the pool. Staring at his legs kicking in the air, Tara responds to Clementine's calls and runs to her, barely having climbed the rock when a large group of walkers appears from the treeline. "Come on, we've gotta go." The girls look back one last time at the threatening horde following them before running back to the house.
A minute later, they reach the building. Their screams warn the women and Ruby immediately reacts by rushing towards them and crouching down before Clementine. "What happened? Why are you screaming?" Clementine hesitantly starts panting. "We... We went into the woods. We saw a huge group of walkers..." Ruby looks around her, trying to figure out what to do.
Elizabeth runs around the corner of the house and up to the group of women. Her wild face is covered in blood and rotting flesh. "We need to leave, right now."
Very cool post, especially Tara's behaviour, enyoing the freedom (since she had been locked up by the slave traders before). And her weird reaction to the walker - awesome