Nah, i'm good. I don't really like decisions.
In this universe.
In a galaxy, far, far away, called Milky Way, name inspired by some candy bars that are ridiculously delicious.
On a… more small blue and green planet named Earth, or Terra.
In a continent called Europe.
Somewhere in a small, unimportant country, Romania.
In a county called Calarasi.
In an even smaller village, unknown probably due to its name, Curcani, which in your language would be translated as "Turkeys".
In a decent sized house.
In a bedroom.
Near the heater.
Sitting my ass on a big white pillow. It is very comfortable.
With a laptop on my lap (cough how ironic *cough *)
Thinking thoroughly about your question.
Nah, just kiddin'. We get a five minute break between classes. I have ten tabs with homework and stuff and I occasionally flip over here to check it out.
Yeah, it is, do you really think people would PAY for a thing were you get to download games for which you usually PAY? XD
Lewl, no, i'm one greedy-ass bitch, i wouldn't pay for no Steam.
Well...there is nothing to talk about considering how long the latest episode has been released and when we talk about other stuff, people start bitching. Not to mention that threads are being moved into the depths of hell, which makes finding it a pain in the ass, especially for new users. So, yeah. I wouldn't be too surprised by that.
Nah, just kiddin'. We get a five minute break between classes. I have ten tabs with homework and stuff and I occasionally flip over here to check it out.
In this universe.
In a galaxy, far, far away, called Milky Way, name inspired by some candy bars that are ridiculously delicious.
On a… more small blue and green planet named Earth, or Terra.
In a continent called Europe.
Somewhere in a small, unimportant country, Romania.
In a county called Calarasi.
In an even smaller village, unknown probably due to its name, Curcani, which in your language would be translated as "Turkeys".
In a decent sized house.
In a bedroom.
Near the heater.
Sitting my ass on a big white pillow. It is very comfortable.
With a laptop on my lap (cough how ironic *cough *)
Thinking thoroughly about your question.
Yeah, it is, do you really think people would PAY for a thing were you get to download games for which you usually PAY? XD
Lewl, no, i'm one greedy-ass bitch, i wouldn't pay for no Steam.
Hm...I think that's HotD.
*pulls you in *
Yo, guys. Is this thread still alive? If so, what's up?
never gonna die. The pages are just getting awfully long.
"This little thread o' mine...
I'm gunna let is shine..."
Let's all talk for a while
Where is everyone ??
On Earth...
In America...
Somewhere in Minnesota...
In a school...
at a lunch table...
with a laptop.
Im in New York City
Saltlick is in Miami Florida
Goustttt is in England. We all live so far
Well, you and poked live in the USA, which is something, I guess?
Us three live in the US Goustttt doesn't
In this universe.
In a galaxy, far, far away, called Milky Way, name inspired by some candy bars that are ridiculously delicious.
On a small blue and green planet named Earth, or Terra.
In a continent called Europe.
Somewhere in a small, unimportant country, Romania.
In a county called Calarasi.
In an even smaller village, unknown probably due to its name, Curcani, which in your language would be translated as "Turkeys".
In a decent sized house.
In a bedroom.
Near the heater.
Sitting my ass on a big white pillow. It is very comfortable.
With a laptop on my lap (cough how ironic *cough *)
Thinking thoroughly about your question.
I have just realized my comment is similar to Poked's XD
Only the gals are here ? Where our bros at ?
ah, yeah. Saltlick, too.
Yeah he actually lives where Kenny lived before the ZA
Oh that's me and my bro.
I'm... not a girl...?
Writing this response to you.
We don't leave threads behind.
I know
I thought you had left since you were in school
I see
Nah, just kiddin'. We get a five minute break between classes. I have ten tabs with homework and stuff and I occasionally flip over here to check it out.
I shall consider it then. By the way, does it feel like this forum is dying or something, there's not much going on lately.
everyone is gona they barely come here
Especially when it's for friends to hang out.
Well...there is nothing to talk about considering how long the latest episode has been released and when we talk about other stuff, people start bitching. Not to mention that threads are being moved into the depths of hell, which makes finding it a pain in the ass, especially for new users. So, yeah. I wouldn't be too surprised by that.
Somewhere in Ontario Canada eating sandviches and messing around on the computer which I'll soon be off of to draw once again.
I am currently munching on a chicken nugget. It is delicious.
Im in my warm apartment in NYC
Random comment number 1.
-Planet Earth
-Sunny and Hot Miami Florida
-Just came back from my morning workout
-Having lunch.
Don't know if that was good enough for you but there you have it.
You live in a placed called "Turkey"?