
  • edited March 2014

    Tobiii, nice to see you bro! And no, you sounded just fine.Alt text

    No! Problem! Bro! Spread the lllllooooooooooovvvveeee..... okay I think I sounded like a hippie there.

  • Not really enjoying my time here actually. I take break for a day and when I come back, shit happens! Seriously thinking about leaving as of late, until Telltale actually takes these trolls out forever.

    Tobiii, nice to see you bro! And no, you sounded just fine.

  • That's a hard question

    There's so many games I've played in my childhood and now that I think all of them should be number 1.

    Giraffehat posted: »

    I'm not particularly good with small talk, but, uh, what are you guys' favourite games? Mine would be: 3) Morrowind. It just has a clunky

  • Now inspired by the comment of Giraffe, what are your worst gaming experiences you've ever had?

  • edited March 2014

    Thanks sis. I would like to make postive Azlyn meme but I have no clue how.

    Azlyn posted: »

    Azlyn´s always positive posts Positive Azlyn is positive. We should, like, make a meme about it. Anyways, Dean Winchester approves of your post.

  • Yeah I fucking hate those porn posting dickhole trolls. If this thing escalateds even bigger, I´m going to take a couple of days break from these forums.

    Not really enjoying my time here actually. I take break for a day and when I come back, shit happens! Seriously thinking about leaving as of late, until Telltale actually takes these trolls out forever.

  • I don't generally have bad gaming experiences because generally if I don't like a game I won't play it. 2 games come to mind though:

    • World of Tanks. I hate this game and it's community. I was kinda stuck playing playing it for a while because it's kind of like a skinner box but then I realised it wasn't fun and was just infuriating. Also Wargaming are terrible game devs. It sucked up way too much of my time, effort and money before I realised just how little fun I was having.
    • Total War Rome II wasn't exactly a "bad gaming experience", but it was a gigantic disappointment. Spent 9 hours in it and didn't go back. It should have been a great, but in reality we got a watered down, buggy (even more so than the usual TW entry) mess. At least with Simcity 2013 I knew it was going to be a huge let down and didn't buy it as a result because it's EA 2013, what do you expect.
    Rafoli posted: »

    Now inspired by the comment of Giraffe, what are your worst gaming experiences you've ever had?

  • I suck dick at chess.

    Rafoli posted: »

    Now inspired by the comment of Giraffe, what are your worst gaming experiences you've ever had?

  • Me too. I rarely win.

    Azlyn posted: »

    I suck dick at chess.

  • ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Azlyn posted: »

    I suck dick at chess.

  • OMG





    Tobiii, nice to see you bro! And no, you sounded just fine.

  • Sonic The Hedgehog 2006

    Rafoli posted: »

    Now inspired by the comment of Giraffe, what are your worst gaming experiences you've ever had?

  • Don't mention that game XD

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Sonic The Hedgehog 2006

  • Lol, my best friend made me play it and it was torture, man.

    Rafoli posted: »

    Don't mention that game XD

  • Sure was.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Lol, my best friend made me play it and it was torture, man.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    I don't consider this a bad experience but it was a really bad purchase, i decided to buy COD Black Ops at launch and paid £40 ($66 :O) and i hated it, i didn't enjoy the campaign and only played it once and i only played about 4 hours of the multiplayer which was really laggy and broken, they did fix it but i never bothered to go back.

    Rafoli posted: »

    Now inspired by the comment of Giraffe, what are your worst gaming experiences you've ever had?

    • Never gets mentioned by anyone
    • Still never feels left out in any way

    Good guy guilty king.

    I just fucking love this community! Tobi´s comic series, Azlyn´s always positive posts, Ohyoupokedme poking around, GOUSTTTT´s funny gifs and memes, you´re all awesome people! Everyone (execpt trolls) in this community are awesome! I just..just..

  • But a lot of people said Black Ops was very good after the patch.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    I don't consider this a bad experience but it was a really bad purchase, i decided to buy COD Black Ops at launch and paid £40 ($66 :O) and

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    I did hear that but i didn't bother trying it as i moved onto Battlefield Bad Company 2 which i enjoyed more.

    Rafoli posted: »

    But a lot of people said Black Ops was very good after the patch.

  • CoD to Battlefield. Nice upgrade

    OzzyUK posted: »

    I did hear that but i didn't bother trying it as i moved onto Battlefield Bad Company 2 which i enjoyed more.

  • That's a lovely image.

    Azlyn posted: »

    I suck dick at chess.

  • edited March 2014

    I know, right? I was inclined to say "pics or didn't happen", then I realized that I didn't know her age nor could be really sure if she truly was female, so I stopped myself.

    That's a lovely image.

  • and here I am, playing Planetside 2, the Battlefield for poor/stingy people.

    Rafoli posted: »

    CoD to Battlefield. Nice upgrade

  • ...

    I'm 14, you sick fuck.

    I know, right? I was inclined to say "pics or didn't happen", then I realized that I didn't know her age nor could be really sure if she truly was female, so I stopped myself.

  • edited March 2014

    Oh, wait, at first, i didn't get your response, like, "dafuq", and then i read those other comments below and i realized just how perverted that sounded and what a lovely imagination you guys all have.

    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    I have copied your copyright emoji again

    Rafoli posted: »

    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • If you're into pedophilia.

    That's a lovely image.

  • well, good thing I didn't say it then. I am not ready to be guilty of THAT kind of crime, yet.

    Azlyn posted: »

    ... I'm 14, you sick fuck.

  • edited March 2014


    well, good thing I didn't say it then. I am not ready to be guilty of THAT kind of crime, yet.

  • you are 14, I am 22. in 10 years, you will be 24 and I will be 32. While dating someone that much younger still would look quite scandalous, I am afraid I might be that kinda guy who would still do something like that if I could. Provided I am still single at that point, which I hope I will not be.

    Azlyn posted: »


  • to be fair, pedobears usually stop being interested after the kid passes the age of 10...max 12. By my definition, 14 years isn't exactly a kid anymore, though of course it would still be illegal to have intercourse with such a young girl. As it would be with a girl at the age of 17. Yet we aren't calling that pedophile, right?

    Azlyn posted: »

    If you're into pedophilia.

  • :/


    you are 14, I am 22. in 10 years, you will be 24 and I will be 32. While dating someone that much younger still would look quite scandalous,

  • *le gasp *

    I AM still a kid! I swear to God! I don't even... Ahem. Yeah. But actually, i'm pretty sure it IS called pedophilia until the age of 16. Although it is illegal, i'm pretty sure people don't just post pornographic material with kids younger than 16. Eww. I never thought i'd be talking about these kinda stuff. Let's just... Yeah.

    to be fair, pedobears usually stop being interested after the kid passes the age of 10...max 12. By my definition, 14 years isn't exactly a

  • well, yeah. I think we should just stop there.

    Azlyn posted: »

    *le gasp * I AM still a kid! I swear to God! I don't even... Ahem. Yeah. But actually, i'm pretty sure it IS called pedophilia until the

  • okey dokey

    Rafoli posted: »

    Forget this comment

  • edited March 2014

    They're good but lately they feel bland. The story mode is what I really like though. I do tend to play battle mode and use my imagination to imagine different stories, also helps giving out ideas for my manga projects. Am excited for Storm Revolution though.

  • I'm trying not to imagine that considering I'm 19. I don't wanna become a pedo... o_0

    That's a lovely image.

  • Who said you could become a pedo?

    You couldn't become a pedo unless you find what you are imagining attractive...

    Tobi... do you have something to say for yourself?

    I'm trying not to imagine that considering I'm 19. I don't wanna become a pedo... o_0

  • I got it for Christmas last year, I played it once and I only played 3 missions. After that I stopped, and I used to be a COD fan but I lost that touch to it. It doesn't feel that exciting anymore.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    I don't consider this a bad experience but it was a really bad purchase, i decided to buy COD Black Ops at launch and paid £40 ($66 :O) and

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