
  • I like watching martial arts movies xD and classical movies and DC & Marval :3
    i have only rode a bike once, at it failed on me and i ended up in a hedge lol

    yeah same here ^_^
  • I haven't spoken to Azlyn yet, i think she went away for a while so that's why she hasn't been on the forums for a bit. She seems lovely though :3

    and thanks, i love you too ^_^
    SaltLick305 posted: »

    I don't know. Just some of the things you say. You're both really sweet as well and I love you both.

  • Oh yeah she is as lovely as you are. You two should get along just great.
    xValkyx posted: »

    I haven't spoken to Azlyn yet, i think she went away for a while so that's why she hasn't been on the forums for a bit. She seems lovely though :3 and thanks, i love you too ^_^

  • LOL dat martial arts XD *reads title* yup, totallly realistic XD

    that's just brilliant :P can you imagine this happening between Kenny and Carver?

    also, now that i think about it, i think the only time i ever did anything remotely 'martial arts' like was when i danced the song ''Kung Foo Fighting" on the game Just Dance xD
  • I don't doubt it ^^ i'll talk to her the next time i see her.
    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Oh yeah she is as lovely as you are. You two should get along just great.

  • Oh... still going to a different country on a school trip is insane.
    Rafoli posted: »

    Far away, in the Romanian realm. Yeah, six hours different from where I live, unfortunately.

  • I'll just grab my popcorn and watch. That conversation will be one for the ages.
    xValkyx posted: »

    I don't doubt it ^^ i'll talk to her the next time i see her.

  • Lol it would probably be the most random conversation ever.

    also POPCORN!? nah dude, eat skittles...don't betray me here >:T

    ...just kidding, i like popcorn (toffee ones especially) :3
    SaltLick305 posted: »

    I'll just grab my popcorn and watch. That conversation will be one for the ages.

  • Yeah I'll go with the Skittles.

    Damn you've been talking to me and GOUSTTTT all day. When are we gonna leave you alone ? Haha.
    xValkyx posted: »

    Lol it would probably be the most random conversation ever. also POPCORN!? nah dude, eat skittles...don't betray me here >:T ...just kidding, i like popcorn (toffee ones especially) :3

  • Lol i swear i originally came on here like "right..i'll be on here for 3 hours or so then leave :)" *spends whole day on here* xD my life basically.

    You should have seen it this morning, i swear i had 4 convos going on at the same time xD but nah, it's fine i enjoy talking to you all :3 the real question should be when am i going to leave you both alone? >:3 muwhahahaha!~
    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Yeah I'll go with the Skittles. Damn you've been talking to me and GOUSTTTT all day. When are we gonna leave you alone ? Haha.

  • You...are awesomesauce XD

    i hope i get to use this when Ep3 comes out :P
  • Leave us alone ? Never. I love talking to you sweetheart. Even if we just start yelling at each other I'm okay with it.
    xValkyx posted: »

    Lol i swear i originally came on here like "right..i'll be on here for 3 hours or so then leave :)" *spends whole day on here* xD my life ba

  • Wow...you really DO have charm coming out of your ass! xD (i swear i'm not looking at your ass!)

    haha, i think i'm gonna die of embarrassment one of these days x//3

    but thank you ^U^ (i was tempted to start an argument there just to see your reaction :P)
    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Leave us alone ? Never. I love talking to you sweetheart. Even if we just start yelling at each other I'm okay with it.

  • We are BOTH some delicious awesomesauce :3

    i can imagine us both stalking threads and trying to find a way to squeeze it into a conversation xD
    "So...how about that fight between Carver and Kenny EH?"
  • Oh let's argue all day babe ! We gotta make the best out of these opportunities. When I start working again I'm not gonna have much free time :/
    xValkyx posted: »

    Wow...you really DO have charm coming out of your ass! xD (i swear i'm not looking at your ass!) haha, i think i'm gonna die of embarra

  • edited May 2014
    B-but i can't argue with you if i'm not mad at you for anything ;_; ..though you could stop calling me babe (sorry but i hate that word XD) though i'm not mad at you for it :3

    Well we spoke a lot today, and even if you don't have much free time once you start work we can always talk to each other still ^w^ if you want once the links come back we can start a pm chat and i'll spam the shit out of it everyday for you! :P
    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Oh let's argue all day babe ! We gotta make the best out of these opportunities. When I start working again I'm not gonna have much free time :/

  • edited May 2014
    Lol i think you need to calm down on the hormones there ;P

    *thread about Rebecca's baby*

    Me: "Yeah i wonder what's gonna happen to it too...ANYWAYS, did anyone see that scene with Carver and Kenny?? holy shit that was awesome! *hands out skittles and all that shit*

    You: "Yeah i saw that! speaking of which guys i totally just made this gif conveniently in the matter of seconds for this ONE comment! *shows gif as we both high five each other*
  • Deal !

    Let's see if it ever comes back though.
    xValkyx posted: »

    B-but i can't argue with you if i'm not mad at you for anything ;_; ..though you could stop calling me babe (sorry but i hate that word XD)

  • edited May 2014
    I'm pretty sure they said they were bringing it back once the site get's updated or something like that.

    It will be back......*Soon* :P
    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Deal ! Let's see if it ever comes back though.

  • Thanks XD

    Now we patiently wait till the trailer and episode come out now ._. *tumbleweed blows by*
  • Soon.....soon........soon..... *thousand yard stare*

    I swear, if i suddenly vanish from this forum for months just look at my profile and i bet i'll have the word ''soon' typed 1000 times. Each time being a moment i fade into insanity.
  • I hate it as well but i can't stop saying it xP

    No of course not :3
    in fact, till June i think i will be here a third of the day xD i only have 2 more exams (meaning i only need to go to school those 2 days till June, other days are holidays because of study leave :3) and then a few weeks after that i'm back off school for the Summer Holidays XD

    so i hope you're prepared to be harassed by me this whole time >:3
  • Aww what friend would leave you? D: No worries! i won't be leaving anytime *soon* (okay i will stop xD)

    Of course, and we will harass everyone else xD for we are an unstoppable duo! :3 *punches fist in air* YOSH!
  • Well, We'll bother each other daily there. We do it on this thread so Imagine in our own private chat.

    It's love.
    xValkyx posted: »

    I'm pretty sure they said they were bringing it back once the site get's updated or something like that. It will be back......*Soon* :P

  • Of course x3

    The power of love and friendship is strong, we will never be apart! >:3 *does goofy anime sparkly pose*
    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Well, We'll bother each other daily there. We do it on this thread so Imagine in our own private chat. It's love.

  • That's soooo sweet !

    Don't worry hon, I'll always be by your side. I'll be your punching bag when you get bored and all I don't care.
    xValkyx posted: »

    Of course x3 The power of love and friendship is strong, we will never be apart! >:3 *does goofy anime sparkly pose*

  • I remember him! :D i wondered why i hadn't seen him for ages.
    I never leave my friends. Once you're my friend, you are stuck with me for eternity! ...unless the internet bill doesn't get paid and i'm left with no internet for a week. BUT REGARDLESS that will be the only time i don't appear here >:3

    ...this is going in my gif folder on Pinterest xD
  • edited May 2014
    I would have chosen one of my many anime gifs but...well... XD

    lol, welp...it seems like you're stuck with me to the very end! ^_^ (it helps that i only have school for 2 days this month :P)
    SaltLick305 posted: »

    That's soooo sweet ! Don't worry hon, I'll always be by your side. I'll be your punching bag when you get bored and all I don't care.

  • Lol is being stuck with you supposed to be bad ?

    Because it feels like I won the lottery.
    xValkyx posted: »

    I would have chosen one of my many anime gifs but...well... XD lol, welp...it seems like you're stuck with me to the very end! ^_^ (it helps that i only have school for 2 days this month :P)

  • You gotta love that whenever we talk to each other we always end up in these heartfelt friendship speeches xD it's pretty adorable!

    i like that i don't even have to browse for them anymore, you just give me them XD
  • No, but i just like saying that :3

    i'm basically here all day (well i need to go to sleep soon xD) and then on the 6th this month i need to do an exam and then i don't have one till the 30th, and then i'm in school for a few weeks then off again for Summer Holidays xD

    so yeah...you basically have won the lottery :P
    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Lol is being stuck with you supposed to be bad ? Because it feels like I won the lottery.

  • edited May 2014
    YUP, we ARE good friends!~ /\(^w^)/\
    i also think we watch too much anime though xD we talk like them sometimes x3

    haha :D
  • Those are some great news.

    Well, I'll let you get some sleep. We'll talk tomorrow.
    xValkyx posted: »

    No, but i just like saying that :3 i'm basically here all day (well i need to go to sleep soon xD) and then on the 6th this month i nee

  • edited May 2014
    you didn't have to go now xD but i guess i should leave the internet at this time..

    WELL *huggles SaltLick* good night! i shall speak to you tomorrow! :3 xx
    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Those are some great news. Well, I'll let you get some sleep. We'll talk tomorrow.

  • Get some sleep. Another day full of talk between us awaits XD.

    Hugs for you Valky !
    xValkyx posted: »

    you didn't have to go now xD but i guess i should leave the internet at this time.. WELL *huggles SaltLick* good night! i shall speak to you tomorrow! :3 xx

  • True words have NEVER been spoken ;D

    lol i think we like talking to each other too much xD we have literally been talking ALL day lol not that i mind at all of course~

    but unfortunately i do have to go right now ^_^; it's getting really late and i need my sleeplez =w=
    tomorrow i'm gonna find my Skype name, do something i have to do and then be on here all day again XD so BE PREPARED! *sings song from Lion King*

    SO! with that said, i shall see you tomorrow! *huggles GOUSTTTT* goodnight!~ xx
  • This thread is still alive? lol
  • This thread won't die anytime soon. B]

    This thread is still alive? lol

  • Goddammit SaltLick, getting ANOTHER forum girlfriend...
    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Get some sleep. Another day full of talk between us awaits XD. Hugs for you Valky !

  • I'm here. It'll never die.

    This thread is still alive? lol

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