
  • Boombox never dies, just refills his batteries.
  • The Batman watches over this thread, he keeps it alive!
    Rafoli posted: »

    I'm here. It'll never die.

  • Yeah, I agree. I AGREE !
    Rafoli posted: »

    Boombox never dies, just refills his batteries.

  • You're goddamn right.

    The Batman watches over this thread, he keeps it alive!

  • Saltlick approves of this statement.
    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Yeah, I agree. I AGREE !

  • SaltLick305SaltLick305 Banned
    edited May 2014
    I've got charm coming out of my ass bro. Sweet girls love that.
    Deceptio posted: »

    Goddammit SaltLick, getting ANOTHER forum girlfriend...

  • Hello! *gives skittles* just thought i'd say 'hi' since i haven't seen you on this thread xD

    This thread is still alive? lol

  • You see,last time I came here...it was march.I thought It had died since I didn't see it anymore on the front page,but I saw it on the right of the threads when I posted the comment XD

    This thread won't die anytime soon. B]

    xValkyx posted: »

    Hello! *gives skittles* just thought i'd say 'hi' since i haven't seen you on this thread xD

  • Lol i loved that guy (Boombox Cheetos) :3

    So, what are you up to today? ^^


  • Borderlands 2 B) a bit of Cod Ghosts since it's double XP!
    xValkyx posted: »

    Lol i loved that guy (Boombox Cheetos) :3 So, what are you up to today? ^^

  • Nice :) lol i've never played Call of Duty xD

    people in school used to talk about it all the time so i got put off playing it xP

    Borderlands 2 B) a bit of Cod Ghosts since it's double XP!

  • Hey GOUSTTTT! :D *is happy to have someone to talk to*
  • I'm doing good, i'm currently playing Animal Crossing because i haven't played it in days and i don't want my villagers to hate me! D:

    lol but how are you? :3
  • It fun and addicting but it get's annoying when you forget to play it for weeks ^_^;;

    I would help you but i don't know what games you have xD
  • Yosh! :D

    Lol so do i, though technically a third of my games are my brothers which i claimed for myself xD
  • Wow...sorry to say this, but the scrolling killed this thread for me.
  • I'm really sorry.

    I wish the links were back so i could talk in pms instead ._.

    Wow...sorry to say this, but the scrolling killed this thread for me.

  • I envy you :P *looks at small shelf in corner*

    Have you played Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes? it felt really short :(
  • Lol fair enough.

    It disappointed me greatly...on a speed run it can get finished in 6 mins, i just....*slams head on laptop*

    i like to imagine that there was a hardcore MGS fan out there that played the game and after it was done just sat there in silence whilst a single tear fell from his eye.
  • even for the price it's at it's rubbish.

    i mean i know it's just meant to be a bit before Phantom Pain, but you would think they could squeeze in a bit more right?
  • edited May 2014
    LOL this is hilarious!

    i forgot that Melissa voices Beauty as well as Clem so when i fist saw it i was like "huh? how did they get Mel--oh."
    i also like that most times you can't see Clem in the video because she is too small in comparison xD

    and that Kenny transformation...the beard in all it's glory.
  • Lol i love the people that makes these videos.

    No i haven't but thanks for reminding me! i'm on the case!
  • My Skype username is : serenaf129 (man i was so uncreative with names D:)

    if it's okay though can we go on it later tonight? ^^ i'm watching some stuff right now and when i'm on Skype it fucks with my audio :/ i'll send you a message though when i go on it :)
  • Thanks :D lol it feels really weird seeing my old Skype account, (i have an older pic of me too xD) it's like finding your old Myspace or something.

    btw, do you play any online games? like mmorpgs?
  • The lack of links, pics and vids screwed this forum up in general. It's just not the same anymore.
    xValkyx posted: »

    I'm really sorry. I wish the links were back so i could talk in pms instead ._.

  • Well them too i guess but i mean like, you know the games like Runescape, Perfect World, ect?

    i was just wondering since i felt like playing them again but i don't know any good ones.
  • Well on the bright side it's not permanent since apparently we are getting the options back once the site get's updated (however long that will be) so i guess we just have to wait Dx

    also, totally unrelated but i thought your avatar was Gaius and Olivia from FE the first time i saw it :o is it from Guilty Crown?

    The lack of links, pics and vids screwed this forum up in general. It's just not the same anymore.

  • I relate, no worries :P

    Really? o.o lol i used to play them all the time x3

    I think PC is really all i got ^^;
    my bro sold his Xbox and his PS4 is at his girlfriends house >_>; all i have is a 3DS :P ...i think i need to get a part time job.
  • My internet has only been nice to me lately xD

    i've never played it, it looks a bit like WOW :3
    I was thinking about playing Skyrim online but it's shit xD

    I liked that game :D i'll have to re-download it though but we can play it if you want ^_^
  • I think i will download that at some point too :3

    lol i watched AngryJoe's review of it and was happy i didn't get it.

    yay! it's updating right now and should take a few hours. Who do you usually play as? :)
  • We both watch AngryJoe! :D have you ever watched The Nostalgia Critic?

    i suck at most of them xD

    My username? ValkyrieCain123 (sorry the download is making my laptop freak out like crazy D:)
  • [removed]
    xValkyx posted: »

    We both watch AngryJoe! :D have you ever watched The Nostalgia Critic? i suck at most of them xD My username? ValkyrieCain123 (sorry the download is making my laptop freak out like crazy D:)

  • [removed]
    Rafoli posted: »


  • edited May 2014
    Did you watch his ''The Room'' review? "YOU ARE TEARING ME APART LISA!"

    lol we will see xD

    FOUND YOU! (i wonder if it's because my profile is private you couldn't see me)

    i have so much lag right now @_@
  • That charm can sure get you places, we all wish we had charm coming outta our asses.
    SaltLick305 posted: »

    I've got charm coming out of my ass bro. Sweet girls love that.

  • Can't find you :/

    (Yes, I am stalking this conversation)
    xValkyx posted: »

    Did you watch his ''The Room'' review? "YOU ARE TEARING ME APART LISA!" lol we will see xD FOUND YOU! (i wonder if it's because my profile is private you couldn't see me) i have so much lag right now @_@

  • I gave the wrong name xD i changed it to xValkyx :)
    Rafoli posted: »

    Can't find you :/ (Yes, I am stalking this conversation)

  • edited May 2014
    Well he is the Dark Knight of "Azlyn City". :3

    The Batman watches over this thread, he keeps it alive!

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