Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)



  • Aw... I didn't get accepted, welp.

    Whats your personality like? I'm a funny, will always try to make a fun situation out of anything, doesn't trust anyone with my, I will trus

  • You did. You'll show up in Ch.3. The reserved spot is just for people who made their characters, long ago. I put them up there so I don't forget to add them.

    Aw... I didn't get accepted, welp.

  • edited June 2014

    I swear if this thead had stayed on twd forums we would have started chapter 3 a couple of days ago and would maybe even be a quarter of the way through? depends how many parts lee has planned and how many he would put up a day

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    @LeeTheProfessional I think you should ask the mods if you can recruit people from TWD forums to be in the story, because it's taking a long time to continue the story.

  • YAY! ^^

    For those of you who want to catch up. Read all of Ch.1 and 2, right here!

  • Um.... sure thing.

    Azlyn posted: »

    Are we talking about my boos now? We do not talk about my boobs because boobs mean bras and i freaking hate bras, m'mkay?

  • Hey Lee! I just joined the grave of the forum! YAAAAYYYY!!!!!!! :D

  • Whats your personality like?
    Selfish, I always think about my safety first, then I will consider others. Sassy.

    Are you willing to sacrifice yourself in order to protect your family/friends?
    If I was injured badly already or something, but not if I was fine and healthy.

    If you had to do something evil to keep yourself alive, (killing a friend, stealing something, torturing someone) would you?
    Depends how bad

    What did you want to be when you were growing up?

    Do you think it's safer to be alone or with a group?

    Looking for 20 people to join for Ch.3. To create your character, answer the 5 questions below. If you were already in the story and your ch

  • It seems you forget. Woody's roundup.

    Nooo Buzz Lightyear had his own Series Woody didnt have Shiiiiit.

  • Alt text

    For Those of you making your character, can you please reply to the comment I made, that has the questions. Now I have to look for everyone's comments...

  • Whats your personality like? I hope to others that I'm at least an approachable person, I never really get angry as in red faced, grit your teeth but I usually say something which I can't control to try to mellow down. If I want something done I usually get pretty pissed at someone who doesn't work.

    Are you willing to sacrifice yourself in order to protect your family/friends?

    If you had to do something evil to keep yourself alive, (killing a friend, stealing something, torturing someone) would you? If the friend has done something that jeopardizes the group then yes. Stealing yes but only if I have a clear view of the parties' situation. And Torture........ No.

    What did you want to be when you were growing up? I wants to be Story writer or Video Game Director (something in that type of thing)

    Do you think it's safer to be alone or with a group? Group of 2 or 3

    Gender? Male

    Looking for 20 people to join for Ch.3. To create your character, answer the 5 questions below. If you were already in the story and your ch

  • This thread will never die.

    Hey Lee! I just joined the grave of the forum! YAAAAYYYY!!!!!!!

  • Hey Lee! I just joined the grave of the forum! YAAAAYYYY!!!!!!!

  • edited July 2014

    Chapter three: CONSTANT STRUGGLE


    (!) Put the gun down, SweetPea. Let's "Talk."

    I squinted my eyes, while looking at the man."Put the gun down, SweetPea. Let's "Talk." I told her.

    "Okay..." I heard her say.

    The man still had a smile on. He raised his brows."Well then, I guess now we can talk." He said to us.

    "So... who are you, and what are you doing here?" I asked.

    "The name's Gary-Oak. My friends call me Gary Motherfucking Oak, but you can just call me Gary." He said to us while smiling and looking down."Honestly... I've been here for about an hour. I wasn't expecting running into more people. I was hoping you guys wouldn't shoot me." He took his hands out of his pockets and folded his arms.

    "So why did you tell us to go ahead and shoot you, if we wanted to?" SweetPea asked.

    Gary chuckled."Heheh, I was bullshitting you guys. I was hoping that would work, and it did. If you guys really did shoot me, though. It wouldn't have been a good idea, like I mentioned before."

    I raised my eyebrow."Why is that?"

    "Well..." Gary raised his hand and snapped his fingers. Out came a young girl from behind a bus that Gary was standing in front of. She had on a graphic T-shirt, with some black pants and sneakers, she was also carrying a rifle."My friend Azlyn here, would have had to shoot you two." Gary said while looking back at us.

    Me and SweetPea looked at each other. I turned my head back at them."So, it was a trap?"

    Gary put his hands back in his pockets."Somewhat... although I was really hoping we could talk things out. We're just trying to survive like you two are. I was hoping you guys were good people, if that's the case, It would suck if Azlyn had to shoot you guys." He said with his eyebrows raised.

    "Well, I like to think that we are. I'm Awesomeo, and this is SweetPea." I said to them.

    "Hey, there." SweetPea said to them and waved her hand."I like your shirt, Azlyn." She told her with a smile.

    Azlyn put her head down and smiled."Thanks."

    Gary turned his head back to us."So uh... are you two, together or something?"

    I looked away and scratched my head."Uh, no. I was with her when the apocalypse started, we had others in the group but..." I put my head down.

    "Oh... no need to explain, Awesomeo." Gary said to me."Anyway, it's pretty late. Me and Azlyn should get going."

    "Wait!" SweetPea spoke up."Where are you two going? It's dangerous out there."

    "We'll be fine." Azlyn told her.

    Gary spoke up."Well, we just checked this place, and there's barely anything left. We need to leave anyway, it's getting late and it's already dark out."

    "But... where will you go?" I asked them.

    "I'm not sure if I should say... don't worry, though. We'll be fine. You two should get out of this place while you can." Gary replied. He turned back to look at Azlyn."We should go."

    "Yeah, let's get out of here." Azlyn said to him.

    Azlyn started walking away. Gary turned to us."Well, nice meeting you guys." He took his hands out of his pockets and started walking away. He raised one hand, and without looking back he said."Smell ya later!" I could have sworn I thought I heard a theme song while he walked away.

    SweetPea turned to me."I'm worried about them."

    "They say not to worry. It'll be okay, SweetPea. We need to get going as well." I replied.

    SweetPea turned to look at them."I don't know. They were nice, after running into those bandits, I think good people should stick together."

    I turned to look at Gary and Azlyn walking away."Hmm..." I put my hand on my chin...

    1) Say nothing.

    2) We should leave, SweetPea. Let's get going.

    3) Maybe you're right. Maybe they can let us join them.


    I was finally healing up. My face and torso didn't hurt as much, and I was ready to go back out with the group. PAP was sitting beside me, getting a few of the bandages off."Almost done, Guilty."

    "So, do you think everyone is ready for an escape?" I asked.

    "Not really. We're still just working like we have been doing. Tobi and his guards have walkie-talkies now, and with the people watching the security cameras, telling him everything that's going on, it makes this much more difficult."

    I looked down and sighed."Any new people?"

    "Some guy named Shale Reeve, who came in three days ago. After Tobi killed Joe, he was found coming out of the woods, It's_That_Guy and Purugly spotted him from the roof, and Tobi and Emu went to go check. So far, Shale interrogates any new people that Tobi forces into the warehouse."

    "Hmm, why does he trust Shale already?"

    "I think he doesn't. Shale was a lawyer, he was getting paid to lie. I guess Tobi was looking for someone who Knows when others are lying or telling the truth."

    The door opened and a female guard walked in."Tobi asked me to make sure you guys hurry up and get your asses back to work."

    "Sure thing, okwhatever. I'm done here, so we'll be heading out right now." He told her.

    "Good, because Tobi doesn't like waiting." Ever said to us. She stood by the door, holding it open while me and PAP got up and walked out."Before you guys start working. Tobi wants to see you in his office, Guilty. She said to me.

    I looked up and shook my head."Great..."

    "Just shut up and go see what he wants." Ever said to me. She turned to PAP."You'll be outside, working on the greenhouse with the others again. Talimancer will be keeping watch on you guys, like always."

    "Thanks for the info, Ever." PAP told her. She looked forward and kept walking.

    I saw Emu walking up to me."Heh, if it isn't little Guilty himself. How's that eye?" He asked with a smile.

    "Even though it's not fully open, I can still see that you're an asshole." I said to him.

    "I'm surprised you're still able to talk after Tobi beat the shit outta you." He said to me."Follow me to Tobi's office."

    "I know how to get there. I don't need you to take me to him." I replied.

    Emu got angry."Well tough shit, maggot! Now c'mon, before you really piss me off." He put one hand on me and pushed me forward. I turned around and gritted my teeth, Emu aimed his gun at me."I said, get moving."

    I turned around and started walking. What the hell did Tobi want with me? I needed to go out and meet the new people, I needed to start planning our escape. When we finally reached Tobi's office, I walked in with Emu behind me. I saw a kid a few years younger than me, it must have been that "Shadow" person they've been telling me about. I saw Tobi sitting down at his desk."Guilty." He said, and then smiled."Sit down, and let's chat." He looked at Emu."Wait outside, Emu."

    I turned around and saw Emu closing the door. I turned back and crossed my arms."What the hell do you want?"

    "Heh, aren't you going to sit down first?" Tobi said, and then put his hand out in front of the chair.

    I looked at the chair and then back at him."Nah, I'd rather stand."

    Tobi leaned back and put his hands together. He smiled and turned the chair towards the window."I like you Guilty, but you can be a real pain to deal with sometimes. I've been telling Shadow about you."

    I looked at Shadow, who was sitting and looking down, next to Tobi's desk."Yeah, so?"

    "Well, I want him to go with you for a while. Teach him how to work, just show him a few things." Tobi said to me.

    "Why me? Don't you hate me? This doesn't make any sense." I told him.

    "Heh, I don't "hate" you, Guilty. I will admit that you're not my favorite person, but you're stronger than the rest of the other workers out there. I need Shadow to stay around people like you. People who aren't afraid to stand up to me, people who aren't intimidated easily. Just don't fuck this up, or I will kill you this time." Tobi said to me while looking me straight in the eyes.

    "So what if I do what you say, and show him a few things. How will this help me out? I want to rank up, Tobi. I've been here for over a month, I'm tired of that peasant work bullshit. I need to start doing other things around here."

    Tobi chuckled."That's it. THAT'S what I like about you!" He turned to Shadow."You see what I mean, Shadow! He's the type of person you need to be around with." Tobi turned to me."Not afraid to stand up for themselves." He smirked.

    I looked at Shadow, who was looking at me. I walked up to Tobi's desk and put my hands on it, I leaned forward to look Tobi in the eyes."I want to make sure I'm getting something out of this. I want you to rank Valky back up to a guard. I want to be ranked up as well."

    Tobi kept his smile."We'll see about that." He told me. He stood up and walked over to Shadow."I can't always be around, sometimes I have to go hunting for new people. I'll need Shadow to work with you, and you only."

    Shadow looked up at him."But I don't want to do hard work, Tobi..."

    Tobi looked down."I'll make sure you don't, just remember what I told you."

    "Tobi, come in." I heard one of the walkie-talkies that PAP mentioned before.

    Tobi walked over to his desk to pick it up."I'm here. What is it?"

    "Cluke_is_Dumb has returned. He said he has some good news for you."

    "Excellent. Thanks for the info, KingJuicebox. Go change shifts with Gustav_Kenny, and look after Rafoli."

    "Got it. Juice, out."

    Tobi put the walkie-talkie in his back pocket."I have some stuff and thaaaangs to do, Guilty. So I need an answer." He crossed his arms and looked at me."Are you going to look after Shadow, like I asked you to?"

    "That depends... I still want to seal the deal. Remember what I asked for?"

    Tobi looked down and chuckled."Hehe. Like I said... we'll see about that." He said with a smile. This was probably my chance to try and convince Shadow to join us, like the others had told me about, maybe our only chance. I don't know what Tobi has planned, I know he's a treacherous snake, and I don't like him one bit. There was just something odd about this, but I needed to say something...

    1) Hell no. I'm not looking after him for a piece of shit like you.

    2) Yeah, whatever. I'll look after him, just remember our deal.

    3) I want you to rank Valky up first, then I'll look after Shadow.

    4) Rank me up first, then I'll look after Shadow.


  • TDMshadowCPTDMshadowCP Banned
    edited June 2014

    Alt text

    2) We should leave, SweetPea. Let's get going. ( I don't want characters overshadowing others )

    2) Yeah, whatever. I'll look after him, just remember our deal. ( I think Tobi will get suspicious if Guilty or Valky want to rank up )

    Chapter three: CONSTANT STRUGGLE AWESOMEO (!) Put the gun down, SweetPea. Let's "Talk." I squinted my eyes, while looking at the m

  • edited June 2014

    3) Maybe you're right. Maybe they can let us join them.

    2) Yeah, whatever. I'll look after him, just remember our deal.

    Chapter three: CONSTANT STRUGGLE AWESOMEO (!) Put the gun down, SweetPea. Let's "Talk." I squinted my eyes, while looking at the m

  • 3) Maybe you're right. Maybe they can let us join them.

    2) Yeah, whatever. I'll look after him, just remember our deal.

    Chapter three: CONSTANT STRUGGLE AWESOMEO (!) Put the gun down, SweetPea. Let's "Talk." I squinted my eyes, while looking at the m

  • Hehehehe stuff and thaaaangs....

    AWESOMEO: 3) Maybe you're right. Maybe they can let us join them.

    GuiltyKingOumaShu: 2) Yeah, whatever. I'll look after him, just remember our deal.

    Chapter three: CONSTANT STRUGGLE AWESOMEO (!) Put the gun down, SweetPea. Let's "Talk." I squinted my eyes, while looking at the m

  • 3) Maybe you're right. Maybe they can let us join them.

    4) Rank me up first, then I'll look after Shadow.

    Chapter three: CONSTANT STRUGGLE AWESOMEO (!) Put the gun down, SweetPea. Let's "Talk." I squinted my eyes, while looking at the m

  • edited June 2014

    3) Maybe you're right. Maybe they can let us join them.

    4) Rank me up first, then I'll look after Shadow.

    Chapter three: CONSTANT STRUGGLE AWESOMEO (!) Put the gun down, SweetPea. Let's "Talk." I squinted my eyes, while looking at the m

  • edited June 2014

    It's also up on google docs. I'll be putting all the parts up there, as soon as I finish them.

    3) Maybe you're right. Maybe they can let us join them. 4) Rank me up first, then I'll look after Shadow.

  • 3) Maybe you're right.Maybe they can let us join them 4)Hell no. I'm not looking after him for a piece of shit like you.

  • 3) Maybe you're right. Maybe they can let us join them.

    2) Yeah, whatever. I'll look after him, just remember our deal.

    Chapter three: CONSTANT STRUGGLE AWESOMEO (!) Put the gun down, SweetPea. Let's "Talk." I squinted my eyes, while looking at the m

  • whispers to KingJuicebox you should reply to the story, Pro gets mad when people don't

    3) Maybe you're right.Maybe they can let us join them 4)Hell no. I'm not looking after him for a piece of shit like you.

  • edited June 2014

    whispers to Welcome_to_Woodbury I don't get mad, I just don't count their votes. :p

    whispers to KingJuicebox you should reply to the story, Pro gets mad when people don't

  • 3) Maybe you're right. Maybe they can let us join them. - Strength in numbers, bitch.

    4) Rank me up first, then I'll look after Shadow. - That's how we can both get something out of this. It should also impress Tobi by showing my ambition. If I wanted Valky to get the promotion, Tobi would probably think I am weak for thinking about others before me. If I simply do it, I risk having a spy on my back for nothing. Ranking up first seems like a reasonable deal.

    Chapter three: CONSTANT STRUGGLE AWESOMEO (!) Put the gun down, SweetPea. Let's "Talk." I squinted my eyes, while looking at the m

  • edited June 2014

    AWESOMEO: 3) Maybe you're right. Maybe they can let us join them.

    GuiltyKingOumaShu: 2) Yeah, whatever. I'll look after him, just remember our deal.

    Chapter three: CONSTANT STRUGGLE AWESOMEO (!) Put the gun down, SweetPea. Let's "Talk." I squinted my eyes, while looking at the m

  • TWDFan86 posted: »

    AWESOMEO: 3) Maybe you're right. Maybe they can let us join them. GuiltyKingOumaShu: 2) Yeah, whatever. I'll look after him, just remember our deal.

  • 3) JOIN THEM


    Chapter three: CONSTANT STRUGGLE AWESOMEO (!) Put the gun down, SweetPea. Let's "Talk." I squinted my eyes, while looking at the m

  • 3) Maybe you're right. Maybe they can let us join them.

    2) Yeah, whatever. I'll look after him, just remember our deal.

    Chapter three: CONSTANT STRUGGLE AWESOMEO (!) Put the gun down, SweetPea. Let's "Talk." I squinted my eyes, while looking at the m

    edited June 2014

    I'm on my way to catch up, but I'll vote on my character since Gary said they needed a vote :P

    3) Maybe you're right. Maybe they can let us join them.

    Chapter three: CONSTANT STRUGGLE AWESOMEO (!) Put the gun down, SweetPea. Let's "Talk." I squinted my eyes, while looking at the m

  • 3)Maybe You're right.Maybe They'll let us join them.
    4)Rank me up first.Then I'll Look after Shadow.

    Chapter three: CONSTANT STRUGGLE AWESOMEO (!) Put the gun down, SweetPea. Let's "Talk." I squinted my eyes, while looking at the m

  • Hey, look, who's that awesome gal next to Gary?

    Oh, wait, that's me. ;3

    1) Say nothing. (because it's freakin' dramatic)

    2) Yeah, whatever. I'll look after him, just remember our deal. (because yeah)

    On to the next chaptah! Full speed ahead!

    Chapter three: CONSTANT STRUGGLE AWESOMEO (!) Put the gun down, SweetPea. Let's "Talk." I squinted my eyes, while looking at the m

  • Hey, bro.

    Gary-Oak posted: »


  • 1) Say nothing. Silence is always the best option!

    4) Rank me up first, then I'll look after Shadow.

    Chapter three: CONSTANT STRUGGLE AWESOMEO (!) Put the gun down, SweetPea. Let's "Talk." I squinted my eyes, while looking at the m

  • No, because we're all undead.

    This thread will never die.

  • StayStrongandKeepFightingBack

    No more survivors...

  • 2) We should leave, SweetPea. Let's get going.

    4) Rank me up first, then I'll look after Shadow.

    Mai first vote. I iz so proud.

    Chapter three: CONSTANT STRUGGLE AWESOMEO (!) Put the gun down, SweetPea. Let's "Talk." I squinted my eyes, while looking at the m

  • AWESOMEO still trying to deny our love, lol.

    3) Maybe you're right. Maybe they can let us join them.

    2) Yeah, whatever. I'll look after him, just remember our deal.

    Chapter three: CONSTANT STRUGGLE AWESOMEO (!) Put the gun down, SweetPea. Let's "Talk." I squinted my eyes, while looking at the m

  • 2) We should leave, SweetPea. Let's get going.

    3) I want you to rank Valky up first, then I'll look after Shadow.

    Chapter three: CONSTANT STRUGGLE AWESOMEO (!) Put the gun down, SweetPea. Let's "Talk." I squinted my eyes, while looking at the m

  • 2) We should leave, SweetPea. Let's get going. and 3) I want you to rank Valky up first, then I'll look after Shadow.

    Chapter three: CONSTANT STRUGGLE AWESOMEO (!) Put the gun down, SweetPea. Let's "Talk." I squinted my eyes, while looking at the m

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