Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)



  • When is my pov comin broski?

    Lol, it has the most options so far. It's a tie between go together or leaving together.

  • Need to get some things out of the way first. Can't really say yet.
    WhatTheDuck posted: »

    When is my pov comin broski?

  • 5) Let's all go

    LeeTheProfessional We were driving down the city. TWDFan86 was giving me the directions to his Apartment. We needed to get there no mat

  • Noncy 2) etitheking, jump out! You do the same and jump out too, PaulKenneth! I'll go check it out.
    CornPopper 2) We need to sneak out.

    Oh my gawd I have youngest brother :3
    WhatTheDuck posted: »

    FUCK YES FINALLY NoncyFlippledorp 1)etitheking jump out!Me and Paul Kenneth will go check it out. Gobanannas01 2)We need to sneak out.

  • edited May 2014

    5) let's all go. <<<<<<40% people choose this

    I guess I can say now everyone is screwed. :b 4) Jon, give me your keys. I'll go.

  • 5) Let's all go.

    LeeTheProfessional We were driving down the city. TWDFan86 was giving me the directions to his Apartment. We needed to get there no mat

  • edited May 2014

    I kept thinking about my family, and the huge argument I had with them earlier in the day, before the zombie apocalypse started. How I regretted the fight I had with them. I was sure they were okay, though. I was on a supply run, this was my fourth time in one day, heading into the city. I was climbing a dumpster container in an alleyway, while the walkers were distracted by the gunshots, explosions and all the other craziness going around. I stood up and jumped to reach the ladder of a fire escape, I gripped my hands on it and landed on my feet as it came down.

    "whew. First try. Nice." I said to myself as I got ready to climb up.

    Earlier in the day, I was in Mokonage's restaurant. He was good friends with my dad, and I had come down to visit him for a while and talk about what happened. Then these zombies came out of nowhere and started biting everyone. Some people thought it was a bunch of kids going around pranking others. They got too close and ended up getting killed. Soon a huge panic started and me and Mokonage had to run away. We ended up in an alleyway and I tried grabbing a fire escape ladder so we could reach his apartment and get some supplies for the road. I told him I knew about a farm where I used to visit my friend, SweetPeaClem over the summers, just outside the city. When I attempted the jump for the first time, I missed by an inch and ended up falling on my back, unto the edge of the container and slicing myself open. Mokonage was looking around and screaming for help. Soon enough a guy holding a white box, that was running in our direction stopped to look at us.

    "Holy nipples! You really fucked yourself up! I'm, WhatTheDuck. I'm a surgeon, I think I can help you guys out." He said as he leaned over to me.

    I didn't know whether we could trust this guy or not. But I was bleeding out and we needed to get into Mokonage's apartment window, since the front was blocked with a bunch of people trying to get in and out of the apartment. I was holding on to my side, thriving in pain.

    "How did this happen? Did some crazy ex stab you for not giving her enough loving?" WTD said while smiling.

    "No, man! He tried jumping up there to bring the ladder down, but he missed it and hurt himself..." Mokonage explained to him.

    "Oh! I see. Haha!" He turned to me. "Imagine if you had landed on your ass! I don't carry my butthurt potion with me. So you would've been ass raped, and I wouldn't be able to help you out. But, luckily for you, I have my first aid kit with me." He said as he started to open it.

    "Can this guy really help me?" I thought to myself. I had a problem trusting people, and I thought they needed to prove themselves first. He checked the cut and cleaned it a bit. Sewed it up and put a bandage on it in a matter of minutes. This guy seemed to know what he was doing, even though he seemed a bit crazy. I thanked him and told him about the farm and that he should come with us. He agreed and said that he would like that. It was still painful to move, so he told us that he would get the ladder down for us. Once he did, he said that he would keep a look out. Me and Mokonage went up and into his apartment room. We grabbed a bunch of things and headed out. I lead Mokonage and WhatTheDuck out of the city and into SweetPea's farm. Once we reached it, I told her about the chaos that was going on and she said she knew about it from the news. She and PowerfulStache agreed to let us stay, but I told them that I would go back into the city and grab as much supplies as I could, and bring them back. They thought it was a bad idea since I was injured, but it was what I wanted to do. I went back the first time with no problems, and then a second time, and then a third. I was getting better with my parkour skills, and was getting used to running. Plus, the pain on my side didn't hurt anymore.

    Once I got in the building I started loading my backpack up, with a bunch of supplies and food. I heard some hysterical laughter outside the window coming from the building next door. I looked out and saw two guys laughing at each other while holding guns. I saw a girl wearing bloody clothes in front of them. She spotted me and her eyes widened. She seemed scared at the moment. I overheard the two talking about crazy and sickening ways to kill her. I quietly climbed out onto the fire escape. I went all the way up onto the roof, I was only one floor down before, anyway. I looked down and I could see the two guys still laughing. Luckily, I had a brick with me. I took it out and stared at it, and then at the guys by the window. I thought about it...

    1) I'm not an asshole. But, I should leave. It's not my problem.
    2) This isn't right. I have to help her. Throw the brick at them.



    I was still at the gun shop, sitting on the floor, with two dead zombie corpses beside me. I had A guitar case full of guns and was ready to kill anyone or anything that tried to get near me. I opened the door a bit, and I looked at them, roaming outside the shop. Just waiting for their next victim. They looked disgusting, some had bullet holes all over their bodies, with limbs missing. I saw one with it's body torn in half, but somehow still crawling. I remembered earlier in the day, I was with my mariachi band playing a song for the people outside, when all of a sudden a car crashed into the front of the gun shop, but missing the door. Everyone scattered and tried to get away. A few people went over to try and see what happened and they realized that the passenger was still moving. A guy went over and opened the door. He unbuckled the seat belt and then it happened... the passenger bit the man on his arm and others tried to pull the passenger off. Another man got bitten trying help, and everyone watched as this crazy lady was ripping his throat out with her teeth. The more people tried to help the more people ended up dying. Soon a bunch of people started going crazy and breaking into all the stores around the city, trying to take everything they could, while people were distracted. My band members ran away and we got separated in the crowd. I ended up running into the gun shop with a bite victim and the owner.

    Later that night the bite victim turned and killed the owner that was tending to his care. I had to stop them both by putting a bullet in their heads. I packed my guitar case with guns and ammo, and headed into the back room. I heard people looting the store for weapons, but luckily for me, no one seemed to bother checking the back. I closed the door and was just wondering if my friends were okay. I was getting bored and hungry, but all of a sudden I heard a noise outside and someone talking.

    "Damn! There's just so many of them out there!"

    I heard a voice say. I got my handgun ready and took a peak out the door. I noticed a young man wearing a black shirt with jeans and sneakers. He still didn't know I was in here.

    1) Say nothing.
    2) Ask him who he is.
    3) Wait in the back room, like I have been doing this whole time.



    LeeTheProfessional We were driving down the city. TWDFan86 was giving me the directions to his Apartment. We needed to get there no mat

  • edited May 2014
    1)I'm an asshole.But I should leave it's not my problem. HAHA HAHA HAHA HAHA HAHA HAHA 2)Ask him who he is.

    AWESOMEO I kept thinking about my family, and the huge argument I had with them earlier in the day, before the zombie apocalypse starte

  • Oh and I see you've been usin some of my posts as ACTUAL lines,pure fucking gold.So I'm going to write down some of my quotes for you to put in ok? :P
  • 5) Let's all go.

    LeeTheProfessional We were driving down the city. TWDFan86 was giving me the directions to his Apartment. We needed to get there no mat

  • Lol, of course. Trying to get your character down a little better.
    WhatTheDuck posted: »

    Oh and I see you've been usin some of my posts as ACTUAL lines,pure fucking gold.So I'm going to write down some of my quotes for you to put in ok? :P

  • 1) I'm not an asshole. But, I should leave. It's not my problem.
    3) Wait in the back room, like I have been doing this whole time.
    WhatTheDuck posted: »

    1)I'm an asshole.But I should leave it's not my problem. HAHA HAHA HAHA HAHA HAHA HAHA 2)Ask him who he is.

  • I'm going to go with 2 on both options.

    AWESOMEO I kept thinking about my family, and the huge argument I had with them earlier in the day, before the zombie apocalypse starte

  • I noticed he has done that with some of the people. BTW do you have any extra butt hurt potions?
    WhatTheDuck posted: »

    Oh and I see you've been usin some of my posts as ACTUAL lines,pure fucking gold.So I'm going to write down some of my quotes for you to put in ok? :P

  • WhatTheDuck why?? =(

    AWESOMEO: 2) This isn't right. I have to help her. Throw the brick at them.
    tntlee2099: 3) Wait in the back room, like I have been doing this whole time.

    AWESOMEO I kept thinking about my family, and the huge argument I had with them earlier in the day, before the zombie apocalypse starte

  • NOOO! Don't throw the fucking brick at me or you are all going to FUCKING DIE!!!!
    firedog122 posted: »

    I'm going to go with 2 on both options.

  • 1 and 2

    AWESOMEO I kept thinking about my family, and the huge argument I had with them earlier in the day, before the zombie apocalypse starte

  • Haha classic scumbag duck. :P

    WhatTheDuck why?? =( AWESOMEO: 2) This isn't right. I have to help her. Throw the brick at them. tntlee2099: 3) Wait in the back room, like I have been doing this whole time.

  • You're going to get me killed... =/
    WhatTheDuck posted: »

    Haha classic scumbag duck. :P

  • Lol, maybe if there's an option to kill WhatTheDuck, you could get some revenge. :p

    You're going to get me killed... =/

  • I'll take advantage of that idea now >:)

    Lol, maybe if there's an option to kill WhatTheDuck, you could get some revenge. :p

  • Ok whew I'm done just gotta type it now.
  • Friendships will be destroyed in this thread, lol. :P

    I'll take advantage of that idea now >:)

  • edited May 2014
    EDIT: Alright, Duck. Got them!
    WhatTheDuck posted: »

    Ok whew I'm done just gotta type it now.

  • It's all just for fun xD
    I hope I don't get killed off yet, but it's fine if I do. I won't cry about it. =P

    Friendships will be destroyed in this thread, lol. :P

  • Lol, we'll just have to wait for more people to vote! B]

    It's all just for fun xD I hope I don't get killed off yet, but it's fine if I do. I won't cry about it. =P

  • edited May 2014
    AWESOMEO: 2) This isn't right. I have to help her. Throw the brick at them. (you better help her, WTD lol)

    tntlee2099: 3) Wait in the back room, like I have been doing this whole time.

    AWESOMEO I kept thinking about my family, and the huge argument I had with them earlier in the day, before the zombie apocalypse starte

  • edited May 2014
    Quotes-Jimmy cracks corn and I just cracked your head open.I see your a woman,I like that in a man.Listen they don't call me Nag McNags for nothin'.Don't worry mam I'm a professional that's why I'm throwing people out of windows.This is very dangerous(insert character name here),you have to watch the dead,even when they're dead,because the dead become undead,and when they're undead we can shoot them and make then dead-dead,but then sometimes they become undead-dead which is undead squared and thats DANGEROUS.Sergeant Dickpants now in twelve flavors.Find me God's left testicle. Mini Quotes-A skittle in labor,cheetah administrator,Teddy Porngrumps,Incest Muffins,Surfin' Stalin,a seagull named french fries,Carame Catastrophe,Molten Chinchilla,Sneeze Bologna.There finished. :P EDIT:Whoops just refreshed and saw your post sorry bro!KISSES MWA *kisses*
  • edited May 2014
    I was surprised that WhatTheDuck voted for that, lol.
    TWDFan86 posted: »

    AWESOMEO: 2) This isn't right. I have to help her. Throw the brick at them. (you better help her, WTD lol) tntlee2099: 3) Wait in the back room, like I have been doing this whole time.

  • Thank you xD
    TWDFan86 posted: »

    AWESOMEO: 2) This isn't right. I have to help her. Throw the brick at them. (you better help her, WTD lol) tntlee2099: 3) Wait in the back room, like I have been doing this whole time.

  • Hey no problem. We look out for each other...even if we're not in the same story...yet :P

    Thank you xD

  • Like he said "classic scumbag Duck", lol.

    I was surprised that WhatTheDuck voted for that, lol.

  • Anyones you liked particularly?

    EDIT: Alright, Duck. Got them!

  • This is very dangerous(insert character name here),you have to watch the dead,even when they're dead,because the dead become undead,and when they're undead we can shoot them and make then dead-dead,but then sometimes they become undead-dead which is undead squared and thats DANGEROUS.

    I see your a woman,I like that in a man. Lol, what?

    Find me God's left testicle. Lol the fuck.
    WhatTheDuck posted: »

    Anyones you liked particularly?

  • I have done well. :P

    This is very dangerous(insert character name here),you have to watch the dead,even when they're dead,because the dead become undead,and when

  • How do you like it so far? Like I said, I would introduce you later. Since you were a SWAT guy, I wanted to think of a part for you. B]

    Yeah, cameroncr95. A rookie police officer, learned everything from you!

    Noncy 2) etitheking, jump out! You do the same and jump out too, PaulKenneth! I'll go check it out. CornPopper 2) We need to sneak out. Oh my gawd I have youngest brother :3

  • edited May 2014
    Now I feel bad. D:

    It's all just for fun xD I hope I don't get killed off yet, but it's fine if I do. I won't cry about it. =P

  • Lol. Honestly, you can change your vote while it's still open. Up to you though.
    WhatTheDuck posted: »

    Now I feel bad. D:

  • You should >:(
    WhatTheDuck posted: »

    Now I feel bad. D:

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