Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • edited October 2014

    Sorry for telling you the truth have super powers only in your imagination.

    Sam has hidden super powers! He bit Clem so he can use his healing powers, but he died too early

  • It could be a bandage but it looks like a wristband to me and the zombie is wearing the same clothes as the guy in the picture.

    Based on the picture, his arm has a bandage. The picture was probably taken after he was bit.

  • Yep, happens every play through for me.

    You can actually have an extra dialogue with Ben on the train back in S1 ep 3 . If you do not select the Doug/Carley option on there until a

  • Rebecca or Luke never called the baby "Alvin JR" or "Alvie"

  • It's a fun detail that some people don't notice, what exactly more are you waiting for from it?


  • Rebecca wasn't alive when they officially named the baby, though.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    Rebecca or Luke never called the baby "Alvin JR" or "Alvie"

  • Does anyone besides Kenny call him that? Doesn't everyine call him AJ mainly?

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    Rebecca or Luke never called the baby "Alvin JR" or "Alvie"

  • I think only Kenny and Clem call him Alvin or Aj. And Jane just calls him "it"

    Nikolaj-11 posted: »

    Does anyone besides Kenny call him that? Doesn't everyine call him AJ mainly?

  • If I remember correctly, in Howe's, Reggie, Jane, Mike and the lodge group (& Shel/Becca [determinant]) are the only ones who did not have guns in episode 203. Everyone else in Howe's has a weapon. With so many people supposedly in Howe's, I'd think there'd be more prisoners shown even if you can't interact with them.

  • Aside from disappearing towns and the vanishing bullets from Clem's pockets, Arvo randomly pulls a rifle out from thin air.

    The group didn't have a rifle, which brings about three possible conclusions:

    1. There was a rifle in the bag of supplies that didn't get a mention.
    2. Arvo is a Russian magician who made the town and Clem's bullets vanish with a wave of his magic wand, and with that same wand conjured a rifle to shoot Clem so the fandom would hate him some more.
    3. It was the raccoons!

    Personally I got my bets riding on the third one XD

  • Avro could have also known where his group hid their weapons so that they are in a safe place and don't get stolen.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Aside from disappearing towns and the vanishing bullets from Clem's pockets, Arvo randomly pulls a rifle out from thin air. The group did

  • Jane calls him AJ.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I think only Kenny and Clem call him Alvin or Aj. And Jane just calls him "it"

  • Or the raccoons helped him, like that one from Guardians of the Galaxy.

    eRock92 posted: »

    Avro could have also known where his group hid their weapons so that they are in a safe place and don't get stolen.

  • Doesn't that only happen if you chose not to threaten him?

    You can actually have an extra dialogue with Ben on the train back in S1 ep 3 . If you do not select the Doug/Carley option on there until a

  • You cant talk to ben at all if you threaten him

    If you dont you always have the

    "What are you doing out here"

    However you get the other one if you havnt used the doug/carley option yet

    Doesn't that only happen if you chose not to threaten him?

  • Couldn't be raccoon because Mike would eat the shit out of it in that case

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Aside from disappearing towns and the vanishing bullets from Clem's pockets, Arvo randomly pulls a rifle out from thin air. The group did

  • If I recall correctly, unused Kenny's audio says that Rebecca wanted to name the baby Alvin.

    Dragonleaf posted: »

    Rebecca wasn't alive when they officially named the baby, though.

  • Bonnie calls him Alvie.

    Nikolaj-11 posted: »

    Does anyone besides Kenny call him that? Doesn't everyine call him AJ mainly?

  • Early versions of season two included an abandoned zoo and a tiger.

    Goddammit, make it happen in Season 3 Telltale!!! Also, it reminds me of Ezekiel and Shiva from the comics.

    quinnics posted: »

    As mentioned in another post above, Telltale did an interview with Game Informer. Here's some tidbits they released about the development of

  • It's a tattoo actually, open the image in a new tab & zoom in

    Based on the picture, his arm has a bandage. The picture was probably taken after he was bit.

  • edited October 2014

    Remember when the other two guys in his group magically switched guns and positions? It was clearly Russian majyyks, not raccoons.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Or the raccoons helped him, like that one from Guardians of the Galaxy.

  • Arvo is Harry Potter, come on man we all know

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Aside from disappearing towns and the vanishing bullets from Clem's pockets, Arvo randomly pulls a rifle out from thin air. The group did

  • Yeah I see what you are saying. I thought they meant his wristband was a bandage.

    CarL_J posted: »

    It's a tattoo actually, open the image in a new tab & zoom in

  • My bad.

    Based on the picture, his arm has a bandage. The picture was probably taken after he was bit.

  • edited October 2014

    Maybe Arvo put a magic spell on all the guns to do crazy things, not just that his friends swap weapons, but also so that when his group are in a shootout, they can fire their weapons as much as they want and be heard for miles, but not one walker will show up. Yet! When Clem shoots her gun once to save Kenny, a whole bunch will come stumbling out because Arvo hates Clem and wants revenge for his sister.

    That kid is a criminal mastermind.

    Remember when the other two guys in his group magically switched guns and positions? It was clearly Russian majyyks, not raccoons.

  • edited October 2014

    I guess the people who thought Arvo was a shady evil genius from the start were right all along, there's no question about it now. better throw in my Arvo loving towel and join the legions of people who rabidly hate his guts.


    ...hey look I'm already evolving.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Maybe Arvo put a magic spell on all the guns to do crazy things, not just that his friends swap weapons, but also so that when his group are

  • i know, but she never 'named' her own baby

    Dragonleaf posted: »

    Rebecca wasn't alive when they officially named the baby, though.

  • edited October 2014

    sorry this was already said. harry potter joke.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Aside from disappearing towns and the vanishing bullets from Clem's pockets, Arvo randomly pulls a rifle out from thin air. The group did

  • If you choose not to talk to Kenny in episode five during the campfire scene when Arvo starts screaming he hits him.

  • Carver's first name is William, and he ruled over Howe's hardware. Perhaps this is a reference to British General William Howe during the revolutionary war.

  • Well, I clearly noticed that zombie with a helmet (Which quite goes back to the zombie in S1E3) on my first playthrough, so I wasn't that surprised.

    Nikolaj-11 posted: »

    It's a fun detail that some people don't notice, what exactly more are you waiting for from it?

  • No shit Sherlock.

    JMOREL posted: »

    Sorry for telling you the truth have super powers only in your imagination.

  • That zombie, as well as the 3 others that still have recognizable features not completely rotted away are likenesses of winners of TTG's preorder contest for Season 1 (along with Brie).

    Biesel posted: »

    Dunno if this has been mentioned or even correct, but Stephanie looks eerily similar to the first zombie Lee kills in S1 EP5 when he was on the street trying to save Clem from stranger

  • Wow, never noticed that before, nice find!

    Remember back at the motel when Lee chopped the head off that zombie? But, of course you gotta kill the brain right? So guess what co

  • Yeah, my favorite part is the determined face Clem makes only on that option.

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    Why hit him with that when Clem can just Falcon Punch him?

  • I wonder if the name George is supposed to be a nod to George Romero.

    In season 2 when Carver comes to the house if you ask his name he will say its George (Remember that) Now skip forward a little when Luke an

  • Got me too X(

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    The last thing Luke sees before dying is Clementine. He'll either be looking up at her as she breaks the ice or as he is dragged down. Right in the feels.

  • "Strange man here! Bleedin' in your backyard!" :D

    When you arrive in Clementine's yard in 'A New Day,' if you stand still, Lee will start saying hilarious stuff every 30 or so seconds. One being this one: "This would normally get a man arrested! Again......"

  • No internet, yet you post.

  • Where did you get that? Is that a dialogue piece from the game?

    Wrong. Carver was an engineer himself.

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